Wang Ruoxin hopes that her love is like this. She can help each other, raise her eyebrows, and be as plain as water. 13579246810 she found him in the years, relied on him, and gave his life to him. Be his wife, the mother of his children, cook for him, wash his clothes, sew a missing button. Then, together, they grow old in time.

She never thought that she would give ye zhehanhuai a child. When they were together, she always took contraceptive measures. By the way, when it comes to measures, the two of them didn't seem to take measures when they were in love yesterday. Moreover, it seems that her aunt has not taken any measures for a long time It was reported.

At the thought of this problem, Wang Ruoxin's face became pale, won't it be so easy to win the bid?

Wang Zi sneered in her heart. Just now she was still arrogant. Now she finds that her play can't go on. She looks at her and laughs, "core, why don't you say it? Why don't you go on? It's my whim? Or are you here to confuse right and wrong? "

"If you are pregnant, it's nothing new. Besides, how many women want to be pregnant with Ye Shao's child? You should be satisfied."

Forget from when, had been good friends of the two of them, gradually become tit for tat.

For a moment, the female colleagues in the magazine looked at Wang Ruoxin with extremely complicated and envious eyes. Yes, how many women in T city would like to have ye zhehan's child, let alone have ye zhehan's child. It's good to get close to him and have sex with him. However, this opportunity is not available to everyone.

The lesbians looked at Wang Ruoxin and said sarcastically, "that's right. In T City, ye Shao's name is unknown and well known. What's more, if you have ye Shao's child, you may still be the young and big grandmother of Ye family."

"Yes, yes, core core, don't be silly. If you have this kind of opportunity, you should take good advantage of it. Then, you will have endless glory and wealth."

"Core, don't forget us then."

"That's right. Don't forget that we once worked together."

For a while, people were talking about it. Qin Ze heard the noise in his office. He came out to have a look, blushed and roared, "are you here to chat? Do you want the bonus this month? Get rid of what you don't want

All of a sudden, the gossip magazine became silent. Some were just tapping the keyboard, some were just copying paper. Even Li Ye at the front desk heard the roar.

Qin took a deep breath and tried to make his voice no longer as angry as he had just been. "Xinxin, you come to my office."

Wang ruoxian nodded and followed Qin Ze to his office.

Gao Hao looked at Wang Zi. There were some complaints in his eyes and some disapproval. So when he spoke, his voice was not as soft as before, "little purple, how can you become like this now? Core core is our good friend, what happened should we help together? What are you... "

He didn't know when the relationship between them changed. Was it because of him?

Wang Zi didn't think of it. In the end, she didn't understand him. She looked at him and sneered, "ah Hao, I didn't expect that I would be such a person in your heart. Yes, yes, it's all my fault, but have you ever thought about it? Who am I doing all this for? For whom. "

Words just finished, Wang Zi's tears can't help falling down, she covered her mouth ran out, she was sad, heartache, did not expect in the most men's heart, he is a bad woman, bad bad bad, anyway, everything is for him.

Gao Hao is in some difficulties. He wants to chase him out, but he is afraid that many things will be even more unclear. But if he doesn't chase him out, what will happen to her at that time?

After hesitating for a while, Gao Hao still ran out and chased Wang Zi.


Wang Ruoxin eye Qin Ze into the office of the editor in chief, Qin Ze said to her: "core core, sit." He also went behind his desk and sat down.

His two clasps were placed on the desk and looked at Wang Ruoxin's eyes. After a long time, he hesitated and asked, "Xinxin, about your pregnancy Is it true? "

When he was just outside, he heard them all talking about her pregnancy. Now he just wanted to know whether it was true or not? To prepare him, right?

Wang Ruoxin lowered his head and looked pale, but he felt some uneasiness in his heart. "Chief editor, what do you say? How can it be possible? If it is a real thing, I will not know it myself?"

Even now she said so sure, but her heart is still some spectrum.

"I'm not asking about your gossip. I'm just thinking that if you're really pregnant, I can arrange your work, right? Now in the magazine, if you have any ideas and opinions, you can tell me that we are all our own people Qin Ze smiles, the meat on his face is piled together.Wang Ruoxin tried to make his smile on his face not so stiff. "Editor in chief, there's really nothing that they just guessed. If I really have something happy, I'll share it with you. Don't think about it. I haven't come to work for such a long time, and I've piled up a lot of work. I'll go out and do it if you have anything Call me. "

Finish saying, did not wait for Qin Ze's reply, she quickly walked out.

Pregnant? Happy?

How could it be? Even if the big aunt has not come for a long time, it can't be said that she is pregnant? It may also be that some of the functions of the body are not coordinated, so it will be delayed in the future.

Well, don't think about the ones that are not available for the time being. You'd better go to the pharmacy to buy a test paper when you get off work.

Gao Hao found Wang Zi in Shengya square. She sat on the steps and cried bitterly. She didn't pay attention to the people's eyes on the road. She only wanted to cry out the pain and hate in her heart.

Gao Hao also like her, sat on the steps above, sat beside her, first sighed, then stretched out his hand to take her shoulder, comforted said: "little purple, don't cry."

"You don't mind me, you don't care about me." Wang Zi shook her shoulder and choked.

There was no place for her in his heart. What else did he come to her for? What else is necessary to find her? Let her cry to death, anyway, he does not like her, also does not love her, why to care about her?

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt in her heart and the louder she cried.

The passers-by on the road all turned their eyes to their two bodies, exploring, wondering, wondering, what happened to this girl by this man? How else can people cry?

Looking at people's eyes, Gao Hao couldn't sit still. He held Wang Zi's shoulder tightly and put her into his arms. "Little purple, don't cry, OK? If you go on crying, I'm going to die. "

How to say that he and she are colleagues who have been together for so many years, and the relationship is still so iron. It's really sad to see her crying so loudly.

In his heart, in addition to Wang Ruoxin, there is only Wang Zi.

"Will you still suffer? In your heart, there is only Wang Ruoxin alone, will you care about my life and death? " Wang Zicai don't believe what he said. What he said now is to deceive her. Coax her to play. She won't believe it.

"Violet, can you listen to me?" Gao Hao took her shoulder, looked into her eyes, seriously said: "maybe now I say what you will not believe, but I still want to tell you, in my heart, you and Wang Ruoxin are the same important, is really as important."

The last few words, he is biting his teeth, word by word to say.

Wang Zi's tears were still in her eyes. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. When she spoke, she sucked her nose. "A Hao, are you really saying that?"

Gao Hao mercilessly nodded his head, "of course, little purple, you should understand, like like like this kind of thing, sometimes it is really difficult for you to say, just like suddenly, unconsciously, there is a person in the heart, at that time you will find that you actually like her."

He didn't know when he fell in love with Wang Ruoxin. One day, he had a cognition in his mind, that is, he liked Wang Ruoxin and wanted to be with her.

However, in his cognition, he never counted ye zhehan together. He did not expect that ye zhehan would imprison Wang Ruoxin.

"Little purple, you say you like me. You should understand my idea." Gao Hao's tone suddenly became a little sad, "Xiao Zi, maybe you're right. In the end, the core will choose to be with Ye Shao. Anyone compared with him will eventually choose Ye Shao. However, sometimes, the kind of love in my heart is not controlled by myself. If I can, I also want to stop liking her, but, heart It's always out of my control. "

The heart, always can't help but incline oneself to like that person.

Wang Zi sobbed, reached out to wipe the tears off her face, and asked carefully, "then you Can you try to like me? "

Gao Hao looked at her and didn't speak.

"Of course, I don't have to make you like me now. I just want you to try to accept me." It is not the first time that Wang Zi has this idea.

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