Rich Sex

1 Yashuharu Titania

Hello there.

How are you?

Hopefully, you're doing great, I am not so great, today I have to tell my ex-lover about the children we have together and I don't know how to break it to him.

It's been 18 years since I last saw him.

I'm nervous, I'm scared, I don't know what to expect.

I just hope he does not hate me for keeping this from him.


My name is Kang Titania or Yashuharu Titania the slut.

It's the 27th of July 2016, my birthday, (haha).

I was born on the 27th of July in 1984, I don't have a favourite colour, I have long black hair, but the colour is dull at the moment with all the hair dye.

I'm thinking of dying it blue next time but my eldest son doesn't agree.

He said I should dye it black because then I look like his mother, other times I look like a young woman (hehe).

Anyways I wanted to tell you about my story, I'm about to go meet up with my ex at his work and tell him that I the girl he once loved kept what he wished for the most but that is not the only reason why I want to meet him today.

Over the years, my children have continuously asked about him and I always used to just brush it off by saying, he died but that's not the truth.

I said that because I did not want them to hurt the way I did if I had stayed with their father, they wouldn't have been born.

This was the correct decision I made and as their mother it's my duty to protect them but I can't anymore, all three of them will be turning 18 years old in 3 months and it's time to let Yashuharu Yoshino know about his children, the 5 kids I gave birth too, are all his.

You will find out soon why I called this book, Rich Sex.

But after reading my story, I truly hope you don't think of me as a slut anymore.

I only had sex with one man, Yashuharu Yoshino is his name, yes we've had sex in the past, we did it almost every day, I allowed him to enter me because I loved him, I still do, even after 18 years of being without him, I still love that man.

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