Rich Sex

16 Hardships Part 3

The next one is about my daughter Yoshiyuki and my son Yoshino.

I never let my kids sleep out at a friends house, or went camping with the school, field trips were okay but not sleeping out.

My mother the one day wanted all her grandchildren over at her house for a sleepover during the school holidays and I let them go but that night I could not sleep, when they came back home the next day, I slept fine and I took it as a sign.

I know you think I'm boring but it is one of my rules.

My daughter begged me to let her sleep over by her friend's house whenever they had sleepovers and their damn parents would phone me and beg me but I stood by my rule and told my daughter she is not allowed.

Girls are not allowed to sleep over, this is a fear of mine, why? I don't know.

My sons lived by this rule too.

Anyways grade 7.

My daughter was struggling with mathematics, she's like me, I struggled to but luckily I had Yoshino who was helping me.

Lucky for my daughter, she had her brothers with her but Yoshino really took after his father, he had his brain. (haha)

So I made a deal with my daughter, if she could bring home an 80% on her maths exam, we will hold a tea party, invite all her friends over and I will make everything she wants, we could go all out.

She was so happy and she asked Yoshino to help her.

He did.

But Yoshino was also good at soccer and he loved it.

So he was helping his sister and he was putting his all into helping her, so the one day during the week at school, Yoshino and his team were called to a meeting and were giving slips to tell us the parents that there was a match.

Yoshino went up to his coach and said to him that he can't make it, his reason, "Because I promised to help my sister study for the exams."

The coach did not agree and was angry, Yoshino was his star player and here he was declining just to help his sister.

The coaches words pissed my son off and he told him that his sister is more important than soccer.

In front of all the other boys, the coach called my son a disrespectful bastard, hit him across the face and kicked him in his stomach.

Another male teacher stopped him and the boys took Yoshino to the office.

I was called in and that day my heart screamed my ex's name.

I wanted him to be there.

I wanted him to beat this man up.

I wanted him to kill him.

At first, I found it suspicious as to why he would hurt my child like this, because when we went to the hospital one of Yoshino's ribs was broken but then it all made sense.

My twin wanted to teach that man a lesson by having him fired and never getting a job again and also breaking his bones but Yoshino told Jin Ha and I that we should leave him; he would get his revenge once he was older and stronger, we were reluctant at first but we gave in because my son came clean about who he really was.

When we arrived home my son told Jin Ha and I that he was gay.

I couldn't believe this, it was all impossible, it can't be because my twin wasn't born gay, it's the person he met that he fell in love with, which made him gay when actually, he just loved this one person and no other male.

Yoshino told us that he was dating someone.

His coaches son.

His coach caught them together but did not do anything because of his talent but today he took everything out on him.

What I was feeling at that moment was unexplainable.

My son was telling me more than I could handle.

Jin Ha was getting angry beside me and wanted to fuck up that man.


Before Jin Ha went home he told me something else.

He told me before that when he was younger, he saw our eldest brother together in bed with the person they thought was his best friend; later on, they found out that they were lovers.

So he told me the gayness may not come from him but its already in the family.

But anyways back to the story.

So Yoshino is gay and err…

18 years later, it's still sitting heavy on my heart.

But yeah.

So Yoshino helped his sister study and my daughter, you could see that she was studying hard.

So when the test was written she came home and she told me she aced it.

She got the results a week later and I got a phone call from school.

My daughter was crying.

When I arrived, the teacher explained to me that after the test was handed out she just started crying, so I look at the test and my daughter knew 92% of the work.

I was happy.

So proud of her but why was she crying?

She said to me that she thought she would at least get 96% because there were only a few things she couldn't solve.

I took her home and when she calmed down, I told her she should write out invitations for her friends, and she looked at me and said: "Those people aren't my friends".

I was surprised but she wouldn't tell me why she said so.

When my boys got home, they told me that the girls Yuki was friends with laughed at her, called her stupid and a crybaby.

Now you must understand, my children were friends with each other's friends, and because those girls laughed at my daughter, my sons stopped being friends with them and now the boys that were originally friends with them asked for the reason why Yoshino and Yoshiro refused to hang out with them and agreed that those girls were ridiculous and chose Yuki over them.

After that incident Yuki stopped being friends with them and they confronted her, she beat them up and I was called to the office.

I was told my children are out of hand and that I needed to discipline them.

When we got home I looked at my children and realised that these kids are Yoshino's children.

That temper!!!

My middle child Yoshiro, a sweet boy that bottles his emotions up, but when he is angry and he beats you up, you might just die.

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