Rich Sex

20 Fuck! The Lie's

Because she had money that's why.

She used his money...

To pay all those people...

She used his money, to pay all those people to lie to him.

She paid my twin to lie to him.

She paid the doctors to forge documents.

She used his money, to make them all shut up.

If you're confused about all this then let me slow down and explain it to you.

After the accident, Yoshino was in a coma for a month, he was severely injured.

He had to be operated on.

So, the lies you ask?

Here they are.

They went for a consultation, with the gynaecologist.

After doing several tests on both Yoshino and ERINA~

The results came back as Yoshino being impotent.


His little brother can stand up and it can shoot but…

His semen are blanks.


It was damaged in the car accident.

Now you know, doctors don't lie to their patients, that's why we believe them.

Then Yoshino turned to alcohol and stopped going home.

Erinaaa~ paid my twin…

His accountant, to keep quiet about the payments and shouldn't question Yoshino about it, why?

Because she can, it is up to you as a person to decide whether or not, you will accept the bribe.

Why my brother accepted it?

Because the money would go towards his children.

Luckily my brother wasn't stupid and…



Thanks to that!

I live in a beautiful house.

Drive a beautiful car.

And own a building, I run my business out of.

And thanks to my twin and all his hard work, everything is paid off.

But anyways…

The reason why my brother decided to take the bribe was because…

Well according to him.

"Yoshino deserves what he was getting, no one told him to fuck with you."

I love my brother but I love Yoshino too.

Do I think Yoshino deserves this?


I love him I do, even after so many years I love him, how can I not?

My son's look just like him.

I look into my triplets eyes and I see him staring back at me.

After 15 years of lying to my children, I finally told them the truth.

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