After being reminded by Milin, he decisively surrendered to the enemy...oh no, Pahlavi, who decisively stood on the side of the winner, reacted immediately.

Since Milin would carry out a palace coup so neatly, he must have dealt with the Imperial City Defense Forces who could influence the outcome of the coup in advance.

To be precise, most of the winners of palace coups are those who can control the army.

This is why most palace coups in the empire often end in coups by the Praetorian Guards.

But what Pahlavi was very curious about was how Milin controlled the city defense forces before his eyes.

You must know that after returning to the Imperial Capital, Pahlavi spent most of his time regaining control of the Imperial Capital's defense forces.

At least half of the officers have been replaced by his direct descendants.

And most of them only follow Pahlavi's orders and will not skip Pahlavi's orders to obey Her Majesty the Queen.

In some ways, this is why Pahlavi was so decisive.

So when Milin said that the imperial capital city defense troops had been dealt with, Pahlavi's biggest feeling was panic.

Of course, he was only frightened about how Milin had hidden the city defense forces under his control. He had never thought about how Milin used force to forcibly control the city defense forces.

Similarly, Lagaia, who was almost kicked out of the palace, would not think so.

Lagaia, who thought she still had some control over the city defense forces, went to the military camp next to the Colosseum as soon as she left the palace.

Unlike other imperial cities, most of the defenders are stationed in military camps outside the city during non-war times due to area issues.

On weekdays, except for about one-third of the imperial capital's city defense troops, which are scattered on the city walls, the rest are stationed next to the Colosseum in the city.

At night, most of them stayed in the fortress that was once the garrison of the Imperial Guard.

Unfortunately, after losing the imperial guard designation, the quality of the city defense troops stationed in the imperial capital deteriorated day by day.

Many soldiers who dislike the insufficient pay earn some income in their spare time, even while on duty.

The result was that the Guards Fortress, which was originally considered an important military location, turned into a market area that was somewhat famous in the imperial capital.

It was precisely because of knowing this that Lagaia, who grabbed a horse from the carriages parked at the entrance of the palace and rushed all the way, stopped a street away from the fortress.

The Guards Fortress, which should have been bustling at this time, was extremely quiet.

You must know that because of the duty hours of these imperial guards, the market is most lively at night.

"Is it possible..." Lagaia's expression changed.

However, just when she wanted to turn the horse's head and leave here, the war horse she snatched suddenly refused to obey the control and took the initiative to rush towards the quiet Guards Fortress.

"Stop! Stop! Damn it, stop it!" Lagaia, who didn't understand what was happening, pulled the reins hard.

But even though she raised the horse's head high, she did not stop the pace of the horse under her crotch.

Seeing the Royal Guards fortress getting closer and closer, Lagaia could only let go of the reins in her hands and jumped off the horse.

There was a "clang" sound.

Even if the speed of the war horse is not yet galloping, it has already begun to run.

Coupled with the weight of the armor on her body, Lagaia was knocked unconscious this time.

After a while, Lagaia, who got up from the ground, noticed that not only was the Praetorian Guard fortress not far away completely quiet, but the surrounding streets also seemed to have been deliberately cleared of any pedestrians.

At this time, Lagaia, who was somewhat belatedly aware of the situation, knew that the only way before her now was to go to Silonia, the city where her daughter Sheila was.

Even those reports said that Silonia, as an important border city of the empire, was completely messed up by her own daughter.

It was still Lagaia's only choice after Pahlavi's rebellion.

She just didn't know how to leave the imperial capital. Lagaia, who realized that the imperial capital's defense forces had been controlled, believed that the city gate had already fallen into Milin's hands.

Lagaia, who was filled with resentment and anxiety, turned around and glanced at the palace, which was still lit with lights in the distance and was very conspicuous in the night.

The next second, a blow from the back of her head made her gaze uncontrollably towards the sky full of stars.

"He seems to be a big shot." The Nord heavy infantryman who knocked Lagaia unconscious with the square shield in his hand said after looking at the armor style on the opponent's body.

According to the tradition of the Nords, the consent of the alpha wolf is required to prescribe such a big shot.

However, the alpha wolf was taken to the palace to work by the Dragon King, so they could only ask the dragon who brought them out for instructions.

"Big shot?" Alori, who was sorting out supplies in the military camp, wondered as he watched Lagaia being dragged in front of him by the Nord adjutant Big Bob.

"Boss Long, anyone who can wear this kind of armor in the empire must be a big shot." Big Bob's naive voice came from the fully enclosed helmet.

In order to assist Alori in completing the suppression mission, Gray Wind gave Big Bob and other Nord mercenaries under Lapland a complete change of clothing.

All were dressed like riot police.

Not only is the defensive power much higher than the chain armor worn by these Nords before, but the protective area is 100% covered.

As for the added weight after replacing it, it is within the tolerance of these Nord barbarians.

"Big shot? How old?" Probably because he had a good temper with these Nord barbarians, Alori ignored the other party's strange title of "Dragon Boss".

"In short, it's big!" Big Bob said for a long time without explaining how big it was.

"...Go grab a tongue and ask." Alori said to Big Bob.

However, after seizing several prisoners, no one could recognize who Lagaia was, but like Big Bob, they all said that the person who could wear this armor must be a big noble in the imperial capital.

As for why no one knows Queen Gaia, on the one hand, La Gaia has been reclusive since her husband was assassinated. Even if she goes out, she rarely reveals her identity as the emperor.

On the other hand, the officer who knew Lagaia was taken advantage of by Alori and was being made into a drinking tool by other Nords.

"Isn't she that queen?" Alori asked Big Bob after asking for a long time and simply stopped asking.

"No way, since the Dragon King wants to be the emperor, he will definitely not let Queen Gaia go." Although he didn't know her, Big Bob could still pronounce the queen's name.

"Could he be a close aide of the Queen? Like a substitute or an attendant?" Alori thought for a moment and said.

"It's possible. Doesn't that mean that the Dragon King doesn't control the palace?" Big Bob followed Alori's thoughts and came up with more possibilities.

If the palace is not under control, then such a nobleman will come out to report the news.

"The boss overturned the car? It's impossible. How could the boss overturn the car?"

Alori felt that if he overturned, Milin would not overturn.

Even if something happened to Attila and the little she-wolf, wouldn't Gray Wind still be there?

"Is it possible that they are those people?" Big Bob also started to worry about the safety of Mr. Dragon King.

"Is it a trap?" Alori was surprised.

But before she could show all the surprise on her face, she immediately said: "Oh, I know."

Big Bob glanced at Alori who was talking to himself with some curiosity, but his expression was completely obscured by the round helmet.

"This guy is the queen of what's going on," Allori said to Big Bob.

"She escaped?" Big Bob breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Alori said.

Although he didn't know how Alori knew that the one who was knocked unconscious by his shield was Queen Gaia, but this also proved that the Dragon King's suppression of the palace was quite successful.

"The boss let her go," Alori said.


Big Bob, who didn't understand what happened, paused for a while and then said: "Then what should we do with her?"

"Wait a minute, I'll ask again." Alori said and turned around.

Seeing Alori's actions, Big Bob also turned and left the room.

An attitude of never actively wanting to know things that you shouldn't know.

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