Ella was also very embarrassed when she saw the dozens of clay pots filled with honey in the corner of the palace.

Was this the former queen who was too stupid? Or is it that the psychological knowledge she uses seems to be a bit of a dimensionality-reducing blow to the residents of the Imperial City?

"Maybe he's stupid, or he's afraid of poverty." Milin fiddled with the gold coins he found in the inner treasury.

The number of these Orio gold coins in the palace may not be as large as that in the homes of some wealthy people in the imperial capital, but the variety is quite complete.

For example, some of the large Caesar gold coins used by Milin to activate the summons of the Darahan cavalry, namely the Oriu with the image of the first emperor of the empire, can be found in this inner treasury.

Milin also found a few gold coins with Lagaia's image printed on them among the gold coins that could hold an Oriu Fair.

Sure enough, anyone who became the ruler of the empire wanted to have his or her face printed on Oriu.

It's a pity that these Oriu with Lagaia's image on them, like those from Gray Wind Village, are not recognized by Milin's recruitment system.

Until now, Milin has been curious about how his recruitment system selects the available currencies.

The counterfeit Oriou coins cannot be used, but the counterfeit coins made by locals are considered acceptable by the system.

However, this does not mean that you must have participated in transactions before it will be recognized as currency by the system.

Because in the empire, some people would directly trade with gold or silver ingots, but it was more troublesome to trade.

The recruitment system does not collect these precious metals.

In addition to currency, the recruitment system also collects grain as currency.

It doesn't need much good food, even old food that has been stored for three or four years, as long as it doesn't kill people, it will take it.

It was also allowed to use dinars instead of grain.

Because the conversion price of the recruitment system is much cheaper than food in the empire, millin is usually directly converted into dinars.

In this situation where wars break out from time to time and all kinds of bandits are everywhere in the wild.

If you want to buy a bag of wheat for 5 dinars at the price given by the system, you may not be able to receive this price even if you go directly to the grain-producing villages and towns during the harvest season.

Unfortunately, this recruitment system only allows Milin to recruit soldiers by converting dinars into food, and does not open a window for directly exchanging dinars for food.

Otherwise, Milin would have changed his business career long ago, and he would have become extremely wealthy within a year.

"Admiral, actually looting the rich households in the city is a good way." Ella, who held the crown inlaid with the Mountain of Light in her arms and didn't let go, said to Milin:

"The legendary big eater." Seeing Ella's excited look, Milin had a subtle expression on his face.

"Admiral, you don't have to look at me like that." Ella, who was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Milin's subtle eyes, said:

"Whether it is a palace coup or a new dynasty moving in, some people will be killed. On the one hand, it is to establish prestige, and on the other hand, it is to make some money and share it with everyone."

Moreover, most of this division is given to soldiers. Although Milin does not need to give it to soldiers, it will be used to recruit soldiers after all, so there is no difference in terms of results.

"So, you have already thought of a goal?" Milin asked Ella with a smile.

Since Ella, who has been working overtime for 996 hours as promised, has placed spies in the palace before, she must have also found out all the other wealthy families in the city who are worth targeting.

"How about that Pahlavi?" Ella immediately gave a target.

At this moment, Pahlavi, who was still staying in the palace and responsible for taking care of the other nobles and senators who were also "left" in the palace, shivered for no reason.

"He is quite rich." Milin nodded.

When paying the ransom before, Pahlavi's unblinking attitude made Milin feel that the money he wanted was less.

If you click more points, you might be able to summon a hero with a higher star rating.

Milin, who was thinking like this, looked at Ella with an increasingly weird look.

"Admiral, are you thinking of something very rude?"

Even without any special power of perception, Ella still felt uncomfortable looking at Milin's strange eyes.

"Nothing, I just lamented that the ransom was less." Milin put away his eyes and said.

"According to normal rules, you can't ask for more ransom. Different levels of nobles have different prices." Without thinking about it, Aila explained to Milin the ransom in the noble game and then asked:

"The ransom amount was probably proposed by Pahlavi himself, right?"

"Well, he proposed it on his own initiative." Milin recalled and acknowledged Ella's statement.

"That's right. If it's the price proposed by the Admiral, if it's too much, he'll refuse, and if it's too little, he'll even make up for it," Ella said.

"It sounds a little weird," Milin said.

"Because different levels of ransom represent different levels of status. A big man like Pahlavi will definitely not accept the same ransom as an ordinary soldier or officer."

Ella explained in more detail.

"Although it's understandable, it still feels weird," Milin said.

Fighting for face, this way of fighting for face is a bit weird.

"It's normal for you to be difficult to understand, Admiral. It's mainly due to cultural differences." Aila was not surprised that Milin had difficulty understanding this matter.

"It doesn't matter. I remember that this routine also existed during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period." Milin thought for a while and said.

"Yes, but in my eyes, the cultural atmosphere was different between that period and later." Ella glanced at Milin and said.

"Is it the influence of the Great Unification?" Milin wondered.

"Well, in general, this kind of aristocratic game will not appear in a unified country. However, this kind of aristocratic game will appear not just because of whether it is unified, but also because of the influence of factors such as humanities and religion." Aila used it casually. Milin explained in a calm tone.

"...I understand, Teacher Aila, do you need to focus on this?" Milin said.

"...So, Admiral, when are you going to take action? Based on the current intelligence, it would be enough to rob his family," Ella said.

Although I don’t know how much half-full Ella meant, it sounds like there is much more than what is in the palace.

This made Milin very curious. Isn't Pahlavi the adopted son of Lagaia?

All the rights come from his adoptive parents, why is he richer than La Gaia?

"This is what the so-called county magistrate should take care of first. Besides, Pahlavi has been working there for a while." Ella, who knew what Milin was wondering about, smiled.

"So does Lagaia know?" Milin asked.

"I thought I knew it before, but now..." Ella glanced at the warehouse around her, which was terrible for an empire, and shrugged:

"Probably I don't know."

"Well, it seems it's not a temporary idea." Milin said.

"So, Admiral, when do you plan to take action?" Ella asked.

"Don't worry, he is still useful now." Milin waved his hand and said.

"Is it still useful?" Ella looked confused.

According to the original plan, the purpose of using Pahlavi was to better control the imperial capital's defense forces.

As a result, the defense force was now taken over by Alori. If the other party hadn't stood up quickly enough, he might have been kicked out along with his adoptive mother... or beheaded.

After all, Milin only promised Cassandra to spare La Gaia's life, but did not promise to spare her son's life.

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