"A week?"

Kelsey nodded and then asked Milin:

"Is it okay for everyone?"

"Well, it's open to everyone." Milin didn't show any impatience.

After all, this kind of "drug" is something Kelsey has wanted all her life.

Unlike other medical operators, they are often eager to obtain this "medicine" for a certain person or a few people.

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Kelsey has always been looking for the possibility of curing ore disease for the sake of the entire world...this land.

This pursuit may not be truly great, but it is worthy of admiration.

Hearing Milin's answer, Kelsi showed a relieved smile, then turned around and said to Yaye: "Recall all field staff suffering from ore disease."

"Okay, Doctor Kelsi." Yaye quickly replied, taking out a notebook and jotting it down while waiting for the next order with an obedient expression.

Compared with other medical operators who were unwilling to take sides or were more inclined to side with the doctor, Yaye, who was the direct disciple of Doctor Kelsi, could only hug his master's thigh.

Unfortunately, Kelsi did not continue to issue other orders to Yaye, but instead looked away at Warfarin.

Before Kelsey could speak, this self-aware doctor who had already learned how to hoist himself to the bridge said:

"Are you going to do a physical check-up on everyone? I'll take care of it."

As the manager of the Rhode Island blood bank and the chief physician of the laboratory department, Warfarin is responsible for the regular health checkups of Rhode Island operators... which can be regarded as making the best use of everything from the species level.

"Yes, after the inspection, you sort out the information and choose some..." When Kelsi said this, she paused, glanced at Milin, and then her tone changed and said:

“Choose some volunteers.”

From the change of tone and Kelsey's original character, it can be inferred that she plans to select the first batch of trial vaccinators directly based on the physical examination report, rather than looking for volunteers.

He said this, obviously because he was concerned about Milin's feelings.

Operators like Yaye, who could only hold Kelsi's thigh when Kaibo was in conflict, were in the minority in Rhode Island. Most... or most of the operators were running towards Milin. Here comes the doctor.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing Kelsey like this, Milin finally turned his attention to the old lynx that had lived for who knows how many years and asked.

"I will use this medicine in exchange for enough resources to help maximize the use of this medicine." After Kelsi finished speaking to Milin, she glanced at Amiya, who was supporting Milin, with a calm expression. Next, a hint of endearment flashed in his eyes.

"e..." Milin was silent for a moment.

Milin knew very well what Kelsi meant. To be precise, Kelsi's answer did not deviate from the various speculations given by several staff members under Milin.

According to Ella, a large part of the reason why patients with ore disease are discriminated against in many areas in the world of Terra is that they are cheap enough and harvested without causing dissatisfaction at the entire social level.

The emergence of drugs that can cure ore disease will inevitably touch the vested interests of these rentiers.

If you want to promote drugs faster and better, you need to provide better benefits to replace the benefits of exploiting ori disease patients, or directly overthrow everything and establish a new rentier class.

The suggestions given by Ella and Gray Wind were based on the latter, because the cultural system in many parts of the Terran world was still a very backward feudal and slave-owning society.

Even after productivity has developed to this extent, this backward social system still remains because there are strong people with strong individual power in this world.

Faced with this situation, the best way is to shuffle the entire world and start over.

Kelsey would choose the former, probably because she is one of the strong ones.

It took a few seconds to analyze Kelsey's thoughts. In the eyes of others, Milin, who was thinking about the feasibility of Kelsey's statement, said in a calm tone:

"You should know that this is not actually a medicine used to treat diseases, right?"

"I know." After hearing Milin's question, Kelsey took a deep look at Milin and said with a Riddler expression: "But it's nothing, it's been like this from the beginning, and the result is already very good."

"But the problem is, the result I hope for is not this result." Seeing Kelsey and the Riddler getting up, Milin also got up with the Riddler.

"Then what are your plans? To regain the glory of the past?" Kelsey looked at Milin with light green pupils and asked.

Kelsey didn't have the Riddler this time, but judging from the puzzled expressions of the other medical operators, they didn't understand what Kelsey meant by "past glory."

"...It seems that you didn't tell them everything." Milin said, sensing the confusion of the medical operators.

Milin didn't think it was Lapland who didn't tell Gray Wind about the possibility of the origin of something like the Origin Stone.

In other words, Milin didn't think Lapland could hide these things from Kelsey, an old cat demon.

And according to the speculations of many second creations, Kelsey, an immortal like Ella, is likely to have lived from the last civilization era to the present, or may have a better understanding of the last era than others.

"There's no need to let everyone know." Kelsey said as if she didn't think there was anything wrong with her choice.

"Isn't it necessary?" Milin did not directly deny or acknowledge Kelsi's statement. Instead, after a moment of silence, he suddenly changed his tone and said:

"Compared to the so-called glory of the past and the so-called origin of ore disease, I am more concerned about one thing now."

"What's going on?" Kelsey looked at Milin and asked.

"How did you put Lapland's consciousness into another world?" Milin asked the question that had troubled Alori for many days.

No matter how hard Alori tried, he could not project a person's consciousness as quietly as the method used here.

"...After you have rested, we will go to the office to talk." Kelsey said after being silent for a while.

"Just say it here." Seeing Kelsi's attitude of "there is no need to let everyone know", Milin shook his head and said.

"Here? Not suitable." Kelsey replied while moving her gaze towards Amiya.

Amiya, who had no idea what Kelsey and Milin were talking about, tilted her head and looked confused.

Not only did she not understand, but the other medical operators present also had the same reaction. Only an "old man" like Warfarin, who had lived for hundreds of years, showed an expression of understanding after a brief hesitation.

Kelsey, who didn't understand why Milin was so insistent in a place like this, was silent for a while, then raised his hand to summon the dark green crystal that he had just put away.

After reappearing, the dark green crystal almost immediately transformed into a monster on3tr that occupied a quarter of the space in the medical room and was much scarier than the Q version in the game.

I don’t know why Kelsey summoned on3tr again, but the medical operators were shocked. Fortunately, Kelsey didn’t summon on3tr because she had a disagreement with Milin and wanted to have a fight.

She summoned on3tr just to summon something together.

Milin originally wanted to complain about on3tr's ability to be used as a backpack, but immediately, Milin's attention was attracted by what on3tr was holding... in his paws.

It was a device no bigger than a toaster. Judging from its metallic material, round body shape and a pair of short legs, it should be some kind of small walking robot.

Just like the blue civet cat robot from the 22nd century that can pull out a bunch of magical gadgets from its belly pocket.

Although the one in on3tr's hands is not a blue raccoon cat robot, Milin's inner shock is no less than when he saw Doraemon.

His eyes lingered on the little robot, which had more cat ears than the blue civet cat, for a while. Then Milin turned his head to Kelsey and asked:

"Where does this come from?"

"?" Kelsey showed a puzzled expression because of Milin's question. She felt that Milin, who could recognize what it was, shouldn't ask such a question.

Asking this question means that although Milin recognized what it was, he was surprised to see it here.

Confused, Kelsey still answered:

"This is a device that exists in Rhode Island itself, but it has never appeared before..."

After finishing speaking, he paused and then said:

"It appeared in front of us after we moved you in a coma to this infirmary."

"is that so……"

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