Seriously speaking, as the "director" of the Longmen Li Detective Agency, Lao Li is not a registered operator of Rhode Island.

However, given that he "recommended" a bunch of elite operators to the doctors in Rhode Island, no one said anything about the fact that this old carp showed up in Rhode Island from time to time.

Many operators are curious about why the doctor always calls Lao Li by weird names like Ben Bo Er Ba and Gyarados.

Lao Li himself was also very curious, but as he was always a human being, he didn't pay much attention to the strange names the doctor called him, and sometimes he would respond in a cooperative manner.

Anyway, people on the road had various nicknames for Lao Li, but the doctor's nicknames were just the same.

Because he is a visitor, there are not many places Lao Li can go in Rhode Island except for the Longmen style dormitory specially prepared for operators from Li's office.

But there is a place that even though in theory you should not enter as a visitor, Rhode Island's operators still support Lao Li from top to bottom to go there.

This place is the kitchen of the Rhode Island Canteen.

The impression left by the operators from Li's Office on other Rhode Island operators, in addition to the physical signs of all the ancestors... This ancient physical signs are often said by doctors to be Furui, the operator codenamed "Moo" The skill of the member of the team was praised by everyone.

Whether it’s roasting meat or serving soup, it’s always unforgettable. If “Moo” hadn’t always given extra meals to the operators who were carried away by “A”, an operator who also came from Li’s Office, with a durian needle, “A” I don’t know how many times I have been trapped in a sack.

According to his own words, Mo's cooking skills are far behind his master, Lao Li.

At first, some operators expressed doubts about Moo's words, thinking that Moo was just showing respect for his boss.

It wasn't until one day when Lao Li went to Rhode Island to visit his subordinates and personally cooked a table of Longmen dishes that everyone realized that Moo's praise was modest.

Even "Nian", who has always disliked spicy food and wished he could live with chili pepper water every day, would slightly adjust his taste for Lao Li's works.

From then on, the back chef of the Rhode Island restaurant opened its door to Lao Li forever, and Furong's nutritious meals changed from "filling the stomach when you really haven't eaten" to "one of the punishment measures for Rhode Island operators"

During the period when the doctor lost consciousness due to unknown reasons, Rhode Island was still able to maintain stability, unlike the chaos that fell into chaos after the end of the Kazdaele Civil War.

On the one hand, no one from the medical department, which is the core department of Rhode Island, has left, and on the other hand, Lao Li has been almost permanently stationed in the canteen of Rhode Island in the past two months.

It can be said that some operators are very curious about the fact that Lao Li left his detective agency in Longmen alone and went to Rhode Island to work as a chef.

But even Kelsey didn't say anything, and the others didn't say much either.

When the doctor woke up and the news that he had just had a positive relationship with Kelsey after waking up reached the cafeteria, Lao Li was using the money sword in his hand as an allegro to tell the story to the operators who had nothing to do.

Obviously, people care more about the doctor's situation than listening to the little stories told by Lao Li.

Looking at the empty canteen, Lao Li played with the money sword in his hand and asked Saga, the only Dongguo monk who had not left:

"Aren't you going to take a look?"

"The young monk thinks that Dr. Taji and others have their own destiny, and the young monk couldn't help much in the past." Saga said without raising his head.

Having said that, looking at Saga's non-stop behavior of grabbing rice, it makes people feel that she just said this to find a reason for herself to continue eating.

"Do good people have their own destiny?" Old Li raised his mouth slightly when he heard what Saga said. The money sword in his hand drew an arc in the air and landed on the dining table in front of Saga.

"Is this Dao Yan's Taoism?" Saga said in a surprised tone when he saw that the money sword that fell in front of him did not fall over, but stood upright on the dining table.

"There is no real Taoism, they are just deceptive tricks."

As Lao Li spoke, he ignored the no-smoking signs posted everywhere in the canteen, popped out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and then blew out a smoke ring at the money sword standing on the dining table.

Although he didn't stop Lao Li's behavior, Saga took the initiative to pick up a large bowl of vegetarian fried rice in his hand and stepped aside.

Looking at the money sword surrounded by "smoke", Lao Li took out a piece of yellow paper from his pocket and placed it on top of the peach wood sword.

With a "hoo", the yellow paper hovering above the money sword spontaneously ignited without wind, and the burning ashes fell on the dining table to form a pattern.

Looking at the pattern, the smile on Lao Li's face gradually faded, and his always lazy expression became serious.

"What happened?" Saga asked strangely with a grain of rice still stuck to the corner of his mouth.

As a monk from the Eastern Kingdom, Saga has never learned Daoyan's Taoism, but as a wandering monk, Saga also knows what Lao Li was doing just now.

It's a fortune telling... Generally speaking, when the fortune teller shows an expression like this, the next sentence is basically not good.

"It's a sign of great misfortune. It's strange. Why is it a sign of great misfortune?" Lao Li was even more strange than Saga.

"Big bad news? Are you divination for the doctor?" Saga put down the rice bowl in his hand and showed a worried expression.

If it were other operators, they might not care about Lao Li's behavior, and those who are familiar with him would even complain about Lao Li and say that the charlatan is out to cheat again.

But as a monk, Saga still believed in these things.

"It's strange. It was always a good omen before, so why did it suddenly change?" Lao Li said, acquiescing to Saga's question.

After the weird silence lasted in the cafeteria for a while, Lao Li and Saga raised their heads at the same time and looked at the cafeteria door.

With a bang, the door opened. Instead of wearing full-body protective clothing as usual, Dr. Milin, who was wearing a Great Flame scribe's uniform, walked in with a few people.

Originally, when he saw Milin, the old carp holding a cigarette in his mouth raised his hand to say hello, but when he saw Amiya walking in behind Milin, holding the big cat in her arms, .

Lao Li, who had just raised his hand, opened his mouth and swallowed the nearly burned out cigarette into his mouth. A wisp of smoke came out of Lao Li's ears that were like fish fins.

"Hey, Lao Li, Saga is here too." After saying hello to Lao Li and Saga, Milin walked directly into the kitchen.

"Mr. Li, it is forbidden in the restaurant..." Amiya, who was holding the big cat, said to Lao Li with a serious face.

"I know, I know, have you eaten? If not, I'll get you some dishes."

Before Amiya could finish speaking, Lao Li, who didn't seem to be very good at dealing with Amiya, followed him into the kitchen in a panic and even forgot to take away the money sword on the table. +

The speed of escape was so fast that Amiya could not react at all.

After a while, Saga came out from the side and wiped the paper dust on the dining table with a rag and said:

"Sit down, do you want to eat something?"

"Um, thank you. The doctor said he would get us some food." Amiya thanked her subconsciously and at the same time, she turned back and glanced at the other two people following her.

Lapland still looked confused and had not come to his senses, and the King of Rheinland Boxers, who was supposed to be heroic, also looked at a loss as he could not accept the reality.

Looking at Lapland and Seria, Amiya suddenly felt that her psychological quality was still good.

"Doctor?..." Hearing Amiya say that the doctor wanted to cook himself, Saga almost complained that the doctor wanted to cook instant noodles.

Working overtime all the year round, and making noodles with a hot water bottle during overtime work has become the doctor's fixed image among the operatives.

Because of this fixed image, Saga didn't think there was anything strange when Milin came out shortly after entering the kitchen with a few bowls of clear soup and Yangchun noodles.

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