Sniper Simon Haye, who was called the "White Death" not only by his enemies but also by his allies in the same camp, looked at the Mosin-Nagant rifle in his hand with some astonishment, which was directly broken in the middle.

As a legendary sniper with nearly four figures of dead souls under his command, Simon clearly knew that the opponent's shot was aimed at the scope.

If he hadn't relied on his intuition to move aside decisively, the opponent's bullet would have penetrated directly through the scope and then through his head.

This slightly exaggerated aiming method requires even Simon, a sharpshooter, to spend ten minutes or more preparing to have a certain chance of achieving it.

What surprised Simon was that he didn't realize that such a top sniper was staring at him before he fired the shot.

The instincts that had helped Simon escape numerous life-or-death crises on the battlefield had no effect.

In fact, Simon didn't even notice that there was another person there. Could it be that the other person was either a human or a ghost?

Thinking of this, Simon suddenly realized that he should not stay here any longer, and quickly stood up and turned towards the outside of the abandoned building.

As soon as he walked to the door, Simon noticed that the sky that was supposed to be clear suddenly started to fall with heavy snow.

"I wonder what the difference is between the snow here and the snow in my hometown." Simon said, using the same movement as Milin to pick up a snowflake from mid-air and let the snowflake melt in the palm of his hand.

After saying that, Simon walked into the heavy goose feather snow that turned the whole city into silvery white. A pure white cloak with the same color as those snowflakes appeared on Simon, and at the same time, the broken Mosin Nagant in his hand Also restored to its original state.

Not long after Simon's figure disappeared into the snow, Milin and W, also wearing white cloaks, came to the path Simon had walked.

"get down"

Milin suddenly shouted to W behind him.

W, who was lying down subconsciously, felt a bullet fly past his head.

After a while, when the two of them walked to a corner, Milin suddenly shouted to W:

"Roll to the right!"

W, whose body once again relied on instinct to carry out Mirin's orders, once again dodged the bullet fired at her chest.

Feeling the pain of his thigh being hit by the flying gravel, W suddenly felt that his habit of obeying Milin's orders had become instinctive. It was not a bad habit.

If he had hesitated just now, he must have been shot.

And at this time, there was no emergency medical team from Rhode Island to drag him down for rescue.

But having said that, why did I only see the other party shooting at me along the way, and not at Dr. Milin?

W, who was rolling in a snowdrift, asked Milin with a confused look on his face:

"Why did that guy only shoot at me?"

"Because he can't see me." Milin leaned on the half-broken brick wall, holding the lever rifle in his hand and said to W with a smile.

"??" After hearing what Milin said, W glanced doubtfully at the snowy sky with visibility less than ten meters.

Is it still possible to see this kind of weather? ? ?

"Well, if you don't have this kind of dynamic vision, then you can only play StarCraft 2." Milin said.

W, who felt that this had nothing to do with dynamic vision, asked: "Then can you see him?"

"Of course you can't see it." Milin replied simply.

"Then why can you keep up with that guy?" W asked even more puzzled.

"Just because I can't see him doesn't mean I can't keep up with him," Milin said.

"Then when can we kill that guy?" W said speechlessly.

"It's not that time." Milin said in a very enigmatic tone.

"When will the time be?" W asked.

"It may require a little cooperation from you." Milin said.

"Cooperate?" W showed a confused expression, although she initially followed with the intention of protecting Milin. After all, it was her agreement with Her Majesty Theresia to protect the doctor's safety.

But W found that he was held back all the way. If he wasn't worried about being shot by the sniper BOSS who was still in the second stage on the way back, W would have wanted to go back first.

"Well, without your cooperation, I might not be able to keep up with the hot vodka." Milin said with an enigmatic smile.

"Okay, you have to figure it out. Anyway, no matter what the order is, as long as you give it, I will execute it." W said, suddenly having a bad feeling in his heart.

More than ten minutes later, in a warehouse filled with piles of discarded glass and bricks, W, with the opened smoke bomb hanging on his body, used all his life's knowledge and tried his best to avoid the "White Death". Bullet, while mentally scolding Milin.

W felt that if he had known that his cooperation was just a bait, he would still have kept the crappy agreement! It would be true to directly blast Milin as a genius.

"Bang!" Simon, who once again missed his shot, glanced at W, which looked like a human-shaped cigarette puller, in confusion.

Although W's positioning is tricky, in Simon's eyes, it is no different from a fixed target.

But this fixed target just dodged three of his bullets in a row.

Not only Simon was wondering, but W was actually wondering why he could dodge the opponent's bullets.

According to the previous performance of this sniper, even if he was lucky enough to dodge the first bullet, he would not be able to dodge the second one.

It's like being able to dodge three shots in a row now, and that's without Milin's reminder.

However, compared to Simon who was puzzled, W immediately blamed Milin.

This blame is correct. W's ability to dodge three bullets from the White Death as if brought by destiny is indeed related to Mirin.

But it's not a direct relationship, but the sip of sanity fluid that Milin poured into W before he was "forced" to become a bait.

It was not the first time for W to drink Sanity Liquid, a nutritional supplement exclusively for doctors. It was also the first time for W to drink Sanity Liquid that was so spicy that it almost ignited her whole body from the inside out.

"It's quite useful." Milin, who was sitting among a pile of broken glass mirrors, said with a smile as if he had become one with the glass mirrors.

A demon who has gained humanity and a human who is becoming a demon are not a perfect match.

Although this Tianke performance has become a situation where W and the White Death are hostile to each other but cannot hit each other.

If W does not engage in humanoid smoke at this time, but fights back with his own grenade launcher, he will find that his bombs will also be dodged by the white god of death in an incomprehensible way.

Simon, who failed to hit W with three shots, knew clearly that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time. Although he never saw another person, he knew very well that there was still a sniper watching him.

He would take the initiative to attack W in this "narrow" workshop, also to seduce the sniper who had been hiding in the dark to expose himself.

Simon was completely unaware that the sniper he had been paying attention to had been staying in this battlefield.

Milin, who saw a change in the corner of the warehouse from the shattered mirror beside him, suddenly shouted:

"W, fire!"

Fire? At whom? Where to fire? With confused questions running through his mind, W followed his instinct and took out his bolter, shooting the last box of bullets in front of him in a strafing manner.

In the midst of the explosion, a white figure flashed past with a slightly embarrassed posture. Milin, who saw the white figure through the lenses around him, immediately leaned out from behind the bunker and pulled the trigger.

Although the White God of Death realized that he was being targeted the moment Milin raised his gun and aimed at him, his action to avoid the explosion just now made him completely unable to deal with Milin's shot.

Then the figure of the God of Death shook and fell to the ground without breath. Milin, who had only aimed and fired this one shot since entering the second stage, completed the kill of the legendary sniper.

At the same time, the heavy snow that turned the entire city into a world of ice and snow also stopped.

Arriving next to the body of the White Death, Milin lowered his head to wear the NZ military uniform on the White Death and said in an indifferent tone: "You should not appear on this battlefield."

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