After paying almost seven or eight cans of oranges, U-35 found that Rainbow Team was still quite vigilant.

No matter how she looked for a topic, she would be brushed aside by the other party.

Realizing that there were no more topics to talk about with these guys, or that they couldn't find any more topics for the time being, U-35 turned its attention to W, who had been in a state of curiosity since entering the submarine.

The Rainbow Team operator holding the orange can was just wondering how this old antique submarine sailed without a human pilot.

So this submarine is a ton of black technology for W.

Although the technology tree of the world of Terra is very high, many technologies on earth can be considered science fiction.

But because the point was too crooked, and because of some special reasons, the sea was not developed.

"Ship" or "ship" in the world of Terra mostly refers to land-ships running on the ground, while vehicles on the water are mostly called boats or boats.

Seeing W's curious look of touching this and that, U-35 deliberately showed off its operation and submerged its body underwater.

"Oh, it actually drives underwater?" W said with some surprise as he looked out the window at the process of diving underwater.

"Yes, my ship type is designed to fight underwater." U-35 said with its head held high.

"You? Noticed some strange meanings in U-35's words, W showed a confused expression.

The Rainbow Team operators who also heard U-35's words also put down the cans in their hands and looked at U-35 with doubts.

"So, there are no ship girls like me in your world?" U-35 asked in a strange tone, although she had already reached this conclusion.

"Ship Girl? Is it something similar to the Rhode Island Control Center PRTS?" W asked confused.

Because the world of Terra places a high value on artificial intelligence technology, W subconsciously regarded U-35 as the control center of the submarine.

As for why the world of Terra has adopted such advanced artificial intelligence technology without causing an omnic crisis or anything like that, I can only say that in the world of Terra, which is full of natural disasters and evil spirits, even if the artificial intelligence awakens, it must first communicate with itself. Only by hugging each other for warmth can we survive.

How can I have the energy to engage in the Omnic Crisis? Didn’t I see that the Colombian President’s robot took his duties as president seriously?

Hearing W's question, the Rainbow Team also showed a look of astonishment. There seems to be nothing wrong with a ship's control center calling itself "I am this ship."

U-35, who was a little angry at being called a "thing" by W, puffed up his cheeks and said:

"No, no, no! I am not an intelligent center or a central processor. I am this ship, or in other words, this ship is me."

"???" U-35's angry look aroused more doubts.

Seeing that these people still did not understand what he said, U-35 unfolded his ship's equipment in the narrow submarine space.

Seeing U-35 conjuring a miniature submarine model in his hand like a magic trick, Shuanghua, who had been stunned for a while, suddenly asked:

"You mean, one of your submarines turned into a human?"

"Yes, the sisters in the port area and all the ship girls are like this." Seeing that someone finally understood him, U-35 said happily.

"..." The Rainbow Team, who finally realized what it meant, looked at each other, and each could see a trace of doubt in each other's eyes: "Is this necessary?"

The animals that turn into humans in the world of Terra are easy to understand, but the ships that turn into humans... you have to know that in addition to combat, ships also shoulder transportation and other tasks. After turning into humans, they can't do this. arrive?

"Because there are deep-sea ship girls in our world, and old warships have no room to fight back against the deep-sea ship girls." U-35 explained briefly. After explaining, in order to prove that he was indeed a ship and not a person, He took out the fuel and ammunition as snacks from his own ship's installation space.

It looked like the U-35 drank a can of diesel into its stomach like a drink, and then ate a few pocket torpedoes like a chocolate bar.

Although the Rainbow Team operators felt a sense of absurdity, they finally accepted the fact that the little girl in front of them was actually a ship.


In fact, it's not that hard to accept. Anyway, in the tradition of the military, navy and sailors often refer to the ships they serve as "she"... except for Russians like tanks.

"What about the North House that the doctor mentioned?" Hui Jing suddenly remembered that Milin had been calling the Tirpitz "Bei House" before.

"That's Sister Tirpitz. She is the Admiral's secretary ship and the Admiral's first wedding ship." U-35 said with a smile.


So, the battleship Tirpitz, the final boss, is actually the doctor’s wife?

Why are we fighting like this on the battlefield?

U-35, who noticed the subtle atmosphere, wiped his mouth and said:

"Sister Tirpitz and I were cleaning the admiral's office, but we were suddenly pulled into this world."

"Were you also forcibly pulled into this world?" Ashes asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, and after being pulled into this world, we were turned into bad guys by someone unknown. Fortunately, the admiral saved us, just like he once saved us from the Deep Sea Ship Girl's organization." U-35 nodded and replied.

"Save?" Although he didn't know what U-35 meant, the gratitude expressed by U-35 was still received by others present.

In this way, those naval guns that missed the target, the bombardment that waited until Milin and his party had left, and the strange attitude shown by Milin were all perfectly explained.

Not really hostile, just forced to do these things.

The group of people who wanted to understand this gradually dissipated and became invisible as they had always been skeptical about the U-35.

"Wait a minute..." W suddenly said with some hindsight: "Which Beizhai or Tirpitz are you talking about? Is that the big ship?"

"Yes, a large ship with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons is much more powerful than a small ship of less than a thousand tons like mine." U-35 said with a smile.

"If you become humans...will you still retain the, um, characteristics of the ship?" W, belatedly, remembered what Milin had mentioned when talking about the ship with her, "We want to fight with Rhodes Island." The strange expression when the ship was facing the front.

W always thought that the enemy was the person controlling the big ship, but he didn't expect that it was the big ship itself?

"Characteristics? What characteristics?" U-35 didn't understand what W was asking.

"It's just power or something..." W wanted to ask tactfully, but her habits prevented her from being tactful at all.

"Of course I'll keep it..." To prove her words, U-35 took out a piece of plasticine that a small ship girl like her likes best from the ship's installation space.

It is said to be plasticine, but it is actually a piece of high-strength metal.

Taking out the toy, U-35 used skillful movements to shape the piece of metal into a model, and then placed the model in front of Rainbow Team and W.

After touching this model of Milin that looked like he was wearing a navy uniform, the Rainbow Team operators all showed surprised expressions. As for why they didn't pick it up and weigh it... it was because it was too heavy to lift.

Compared to the surprise on Team Rainbow's face, W's face was one of horror.

Although similar things are not impossible for some powerful races on Terra, the Vaifan operators in Rhodes Island are all female tyrannosaurs whose efforts are calculated by the ton.

But even the one with the strongest combat effectiveness cannot use this material similar to D32 steel as plasticine like the U-35.

More importantly, the "little girl" just said that she weighed less than a thousand tons, and that big ship weighed tens of thousands of tons.

The American cockroach is about to be in danger.

U-35 was very satisfied with the reaction of these people, especially U-35 who was more satisfied with W's reaction and smiled.

So, Admiral, please stop playing house with these weaklings and return to the port area as soon as possible.

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