Riding and slashing the stars of empire civilization

354 Production safety is greater than the sky

After a test of the "whole sense VR" equipment, although the trainees are not yet qualified workers, they can basically guarantee that they will not wet their pants when driving the trial SCV.

In fact, after overcoming their initial fear through the full-body VR equipment, they became familiar with this slightly sci-fi construction equipment as quickly as ordinary people living in a modern environment.

And it seems that out of a desire for comparison and to save the face of being so scared that my legs were so weak that I wet my pants, after learning these SCV operations, I tried more dangerous operations one after another.

Obviously, what these beginning workers need to learn most now is not the operation of these construction equipment, but the awareness of safe construction.

And this is much more difficult than letting them understand that these construction equipment are not little man-eating monsters.

Even though Hui Feng repeatedly emphasized the construction safety rules and directly asked the soldiers to arrest and hang them up for public display when these workers made some actions that clearly violated the safety rules, it still did not change the audacity of these people. Behavior.

Sensing what these people were thinking, how big a deal it would be even if there was danger, Milin said to Gray Feng, who had dozens of subsystems around him and could be said to be almost everywhere:

"I thought you mentioned before that you could come up with some prosthetics?"

"Yes, Commander." Gray Wind replied.

"Can you control it freely?" Milin then asked.

"The connection between perfect mechanical transmission and nerves is relatively complicated. You can use the conversion port to transmit analog signals. This is not a too complicated technology." Gray Feng answered Milin's question seriously.

To put it simply, complete prostheticization is more complicated. Although they are all electrical signals, neural transmission and mechanical transmission require different requirements. It is very costly to directly put them together for a seamless connection...including technical costs and time. cost.

But if only the limb is missing, it is a very simple technology to place a device specifically designed to interpret nerve signals at the missing location, and then convert the nerve model into electronic signals for controlling the prosthetic limb.

It can also make some very complex actions, and the latency is not high, which is enough for daily use.

"So prepare some." Milin said to Gray Wind.

"Okay, Commander." Gray Wind nodded and did not ask Milin why he prepared these prosthetic limbs... because Gray Wind also knew the reason without Milin's explanation.

The development of safe construction habits does not rely on safety rules that are accurate to every detail... Even if they are useful, it is difficult for these trained workers to fully understand what these safety rules say based on their cultural level.

Then the best solution is a safety incident... These workers will soon discover that the fear they have overcome is not false.

Once an accident occurs, these devices will take away their limbs or even their lives in ways they can't even imagine.

Someone once said that behind every sentence and even every punctuation mark in the safety regulations are bloody accidents.

Based on the current performance of these trained workers, they will soon be able to verify this statement with themselves.

I don't know whether it was because of Milin's words that they had the effect of being easy to follow, or because of Milin's words, Gray Feng no longer denounced the dangerous behavior of these workers.

Not long after, the first accident occurred. When a driver made a mistake, a trainee worker who ignored the warning and ran within the working radius was directly stuck to the wall. The entire construction site was as quiet as a needle falling. It can be heard on the ground.

Standing on the balcony of the palace, Milin, who saw this scene with his own eyes, was stunned for a moment and said:

"Can it still be saved?"

Although it was just stuck on the wall, and there was no one line here or there, there was still that intensity at this distance, and there was also the sound of being stuck on the wall.

No matter how you look at it, there is no hope.

"Yes." Gray Feng, who was standing next to Milin, answered simply.

Hui Feng was so confident because her subsystem at the scene had already come to the worker who was stuck to the wall as soon as the accident occurred, and put her hand on the other person for inspection.

The examination results were good, except for comminuted fractures throughout the body, visceral rupture, and intracranial hemorrhage.

"...Can this be saved?" Milin complained after hearing the inspection report from Gray Wind.

"As long as there is large-scale necrosis of the cranial nerves, it's okay." Gray Feng beside Milin said while Gray Feng in the training ground had already picked off the unfortunate guy stuck on the wall and carried him out.

Although Gray Wind's action did not comply with the handling guidelines for emergency treatment, Millin felt that doctors who needed to follow those guidelines would not be able to save this unfortunate guy.

"How to deal with the worker who caused this accident? Commander." Gray Wind asked.

"It's up to you how to deal with it, but it's best to serve as a warning." In Milin's field of vision, the trainee worker who had pushed his coworker into the wall stood tremblingly beside the stopped SCV, waiting for relief.

Seriously, he was quite unlucky. If the construction code violator hadn't been stuck too close to the wall, his wrong operation would have shaken him out of the cab and given him a concussion.

But no matter how Gray Wind dealt with these two unlucky men in the end, the trained workers at this construction site became much more obedient because of this accident.

After being obedient, the progress of the training also improved rapidly. According to Hui Feng's prediction, it is estimated that the construction of this construction site can officially start in a week at most.

"So the first one to be built is the Invalides?" Milin nodded.

The only construction area on the palace that can be seen visually is the mansion that will be converted into the Invalides.

"If construction is carried out at the same time, the first one to be completed will be the Invalides." Hui Feng said to Milin.

To put it bluntly, among the large number of wonders to be built at the same time, Les Invalides is the smallest in scale and the least difficult to build.

"How long will it take to complete it?" Milin asked.

"Just one month after the start of construction." Hui Feng replied. As for the decoration time, Hui Feng didn't mention it at all.

Even though most of Gray Wind's computing power and quality are now used underground, these marvelous buildings that are no more than the industrial age at best are something Gray Wind can easily come by.

It was only at Ella's strong request and Milin's permission that Gray Wind handed over the tasks of these above-ground constructions to these local residents.

As Ella said, something must be done to shape the inhabitants of this world into what is expected of them.

Let them become a civilization that can keep up with the pace of Milin, rather than a group of little cuties being raised.

While Gray Wind wouldn't mind raising some humans as subjects for observation, Ella would definitely object.

Now that he has returned like lightning, of course he will return to a Roman Empire rather than a Roman zoo.

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