Even if the information transmission speed in this world is very slow, nearly two months is enough for other countries to know about the changes in the empire and make their own responses based on this change.

In fact, less than a month later, when Milin had just returned from the world of Terra and was still sleeping, the rulers of other countries on this land, as well as the lords and lords, had already learned from the messengers Changes in Empire.

And they all also learned that the first thing the new emperor of the empire did after he ascended the throne was to declare war on them.

The rulers of the empire had varying reactions to the actions of their new emperor.

The High King of Batania, Karadog, laughed at the new emperor's stupidity, but after learning that the new emperor's daughter appeared next to him, his expression became gloomy and terrifying.

The Grand Duke Langward of Sturgia locked himself in a wooden castle and thought about it for three days and three nights, and then announced that he would summon all the boys in the principality.

They even sent a team of messengers to the frozen continent in the north, seemingly intending to seek help from the Nords, who are fellow countrymen... As for why this news was known to Milin, because this messenger happened to be found from the Wise Wolf Chamber of Commerce. .

From a certain perspective, any news related to the Nords cannot avoid a certain wise wolf.

King Desert of Vlandia was very panicked. A large part of the reason for the empire's failure in the Battle of Pandrako, also known as the Battle of Neretses Folly, was due to the betrayal of Vlandia. And this time the queen who ascended the throne as an enemy was rumored to be a descendant of His Majesty Nereitses.

Although the empire weakened a lot after that war, the people who once belonged to the empire no longer regarded the empire as an unshakable giant.

But even so, the current Kingdom of Vlandia does not have the strength to resist an angry empire.

Winged Sultan of the Aserai Sultanate entrenched in the Nahasa Desert in the south did not comment on this matter.

Rumor has it that he was still watching the dance in his palace when he heard the news.

The Sultan's only reaction to the news was to give the messenger a handful of raisins, and then drive the messenger out who wanted to ask for more benefits.

This is actually not surprising, because the Sultanate of Asele is more like a business federation than a country, and its political appearance is closer to the Venetian model.

Winged is just the leader of one of the family chambers of commerce. Even if he has any ideas, he must consult with several other chambers of commerce before he can speak out.

Munchug, the Khan of Kuset, was perhaps the last among the kings to learn of the changes in the empire, because it took the messenger several days to find the Khan's tent on the vast grassland where the autumn hunt was being held.

Although he was the last one to know, this Khan had the biggest reaction among the kings, or the only one who gave a substantive reaction.

Immediately after learning the news, Munchug Khan dispatched an army to join the army under the ousted former Queen Gaia, which was called to bring order to the chaos.

Of course, as mercenaries, this has been the relationship with the empire since the establishment of the Kuset Khanate.

"It's not surprising, my majesty, Ila's territory Silonia is located near Chaikan, the important town of the Kuset Khanate. As long as my adoptive mother is not stupid, she will definitely recruit the troops of the Kuset Khanate there. "

Pahlavi, who attended the military meeting, said that although it sounded like he was speaking to Ella who was sitting in the main seat, his eyes were on Milin who was sitting in the second seat from beginning to end.

"What is the combat effectiveness of the Quset Khanate?" Aila asked, not caring about Pahlavi's attitude.

"Although the grassland horses they are accustomed to are not as fast as the desert horses of Aserai, their flexibility and durability are commendable. In addition, they are good at riding and shooting. When fighting them, you must avoid areas that are too open." Levi replied.

"Cavalry shooting?" Ayla thought for a while and then asked Pahlavi: "What about their heavy cavalry?"

"Kuseit's heavy cavalry?" Pahlavi heard Ella's question and hesitated for a while before saying: "It is rumored that every generation of khan has an unknown number of khan's personal guards, each of them They are all carefully selected condor shooters from various tribes.”

Gu Yan

"Huh?" Ella raised her eyebrows strangely, and she noticed that Pahlavi's answer was incorrect.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty." This time Pahlavi finally moved his eyes to Ella and said: "I have never seen Kuset's heavy cavalry, because Kuset people rarely fight close to people."

"Is that so? I understand." Ella nodded, and then asked without any change in his expression: "So, does Governor Ella have any commendable troops under his command?"

"No, Your Majesty, if it were not for the blessing of my adoptive mother, that woman Ila would not be worth mentioning at all." Pahlavi said with undisguised contempt.

After saying that, Pahlavi showed an expression of asking for a fight, but before he could say the words of asking for a fight, Ella raised his hand and waved:

"I know, please step back first."

"...As you command, my Majesty." Pahlavi stood up without saying anything, bowed to Ella, then bowed to Milin and retreated.

After Pahlavi left, several other people present, including Ella, turned their attention to Milin.

Milin, who had been holding the copy of the information passed back by the reconnaissance unit in his hand since the beginning of the meeting and said nothing without raising his head, said:

"The Kuset of this world should be Mongolia, right?"

"Yes, Admiral." Aila said: "If it is really Mongolia, then their strongest strength is definitely not mounted shooting."

"Mongolian heavy cavalry?" Milin's voice did not fluctuate.

"That's right, the Mongolian army's ability to sweep across Europe and Asia has never relied on unparalleled cavalry and archery, but on its well-established heavy cavalry units."

Although the era when Aila was born, the period when the Mongols were invincible had passed, at least what Aila knew was not tampered with by various artistic processes like later generations.

"But Mongolia was able to sweep all directions at that time, right? It should be based on the technical reserves obtained after conquering the Central Plains?" Milin asked Aila.

"...There are some reasons for this, well, I should say that's it." Ella recalled the timeline and said.

Although the Southern Song Dynasty was still lingering when the Kipchak Khanate, the so-called Golden Horde, swept across Eastern Europe, the technology that should be acquired had already been obtained from the Jin Kingdom.

The military technology of the Jin Kingdom basically came from the destroyed Northern Song Dynasty.

Basically, the infantry armor of the Northern Song Dynasty was modified by the Jin people into the Iron Buddha, and then the Iron Buddha was taken back by the Mongols and modified into the Mongolian heavy cavalry.

If you think of it like a matryoshka doll, it is almost equivalent to the fact that the heavy cavalry in the invincible world of Mongolia relies on the technology of the Central Plains.

"But Mongolia in this world doesn't seem to have this source of technology." Ella thought for a moment and said, "Could it be that the Khan sent troops because Queen Gaia exchanged military technology for it?"

Ella frowned tightly as she said this. She was very unhappy with this behavior of selling her father's land, especially since this field still belonged to her.

"Yeah, but maybe it's not the empire's military technology." Milin put the military information in his hand and spread it out on the table in front of him.

Because the content of this investigation report drawn by the system scouts was a bit exciting, Gray Feng, who had obtained the information, sent it directly to Milin without letting anyone else see it.

It wasn't until Milin spread it out on the table that others saw the contents of the intelligence.

"What is this? Some kind of classical chariot?" Ella asked a little strangely after taking a look at the content in the painting.

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