Although among the operators of Rhode Island, Lapland's duty is that of a guard operator.

But Lapland knew very well that he should be a killer, a genuine Syracuse killer.

He is the kind of family killer that only a godfather of high quality would keep in a circle.

Lapland believed that the doctor who appointed him as his personal bodyguard also knew this.

After all, among the demonic operators in Rhode Island, although Lapland was outstanding in combat skills, due to the talent of his race, his combat effectiveness could only be considered above average.

Under this premise, he also selected Lapland as his personal guard, which means that Dr. Milin knows a certain Syracusean tradition very well.

The killers around the godfather will only carry out tasks directly given by the godfather and must be whispered face to face.

When a godfather whispers to the killer around him in front of others, he is also announcing the arrival of a bloody storm from some angles.

This is why Lapland's operators would directly use the word "master" to address Milin when reporting.

So from the beginning, Lapland paid great attention to his position as a family killer. Even in the parallel world, he was more or less a small warlord in this medieval period. Lapland rarely commanded those "himself" "Subordinates.

When the killer is performing his mission, he will naturally not search the city with such fanfare.

The black tuxedo, black gloves, and two corona swords modified from the durable steel swords seized from the Guardian Temple became the shadow of fear in the imperial capital after night fell.

"Interesting..." Lapland walked out of a house with a subtle expression on his face.

With a subtle expression on his face, Lapland gently closed the door behind him in a very gentlemanly manner, blocking the extremely strong smell of blood into the dark house.

Then he walked briskly towards his next destination.

The ground she stepped on left dark shoe prints until Lapland walked away.

The sticky shoe prints evaporated into clouds of blood mist, condensing into a ferocious translucent figure in the night.

Lapland, who seemed to have noticed something, turned back and glanced at the deserted street. The figure that had just condensed immediately dispersed and avoided Lapland's sight.

"Huh? Is this what the doctor mentioned?" Lapland said to himself even though he didn't see anything, but he believed in his intuition.

After that, no matter what the thing that appeared behind him was, Lapland continued to spread fear according to the pre-made plan.

As Lapland walked into room after room, the smell of blood on his body became stronger and stronger, and the shadow of blood mist following him became more and more solid.

After passing a certain critical point, the shadow of the blood mist seemed to feel that it was enough, and no longer concealed its figure.

When Lapland looked back behind him again, the shadow of the blood mist that had condensed to an almost completely opaque level pounced directly on Lapland, enveloping Lapland completely in it.

A few seconds later, the devoured Lapland Old God walked out of the shadow of blood mist that enveloped him.

Except that the smell of blood on his body became stronger, there was no change at all.

Gu Su

Several question marks also made of blood mist immediately appeared on the body of the blood mist shadow.

"That's it?" Lapland, with a mocking look on his face, waved the corona sword in his hand and cut through the blood mist in front of him. After finding that the physical attack had no effect, he put away the weapon and turned around and said:

"Haha, it's not as strong as dotr."

Seeing that Lapland obviously didn't want to talk to him anymore, the Blood Mist Shadow continued to follow after an obvious hesitation.

Then he continued to watch Lapland's torture and execution again and again.

Although every time Lapland is executed, the shadow of the blood mist will become more solid, and every time it will try to pounce on Lapland, it is still as useless to Lapland as the first time. Not the slightest influence.

To be precise, the first time, this shadow of blood mist swallowed Lapland for a few seconds, and the time became shorter and shorter the next few times.

In the end, Lapland could even walk directly through the blood mist without being affected at all.

Finally, the Shadow of the Blood Mist, who had been ignored too many times, couldn't stand it anymore and got into a room before Lapland walked into it.

As the shadow of blood mist penetrated, someone could be seen in the room counting something, and there was a scream, followed closely by the sound of chewing meat and bones.

Lapland, who was not in a hurry to go in, just waited outside the room with her hands on her hips. Anyway, the final result of her going in was not much different, and she was happy to have someone do it for her.

After the room became quiet and only the sound of breathing was so subtle that even the wolf's ears needed to be pricked up to hear it, Lapland pulled out the pair of corona long knives and walked in.

But this time, compared to the previous times, there was a faint light on the corona sword in Lapland's hand, and at the same time, two wolf-headed shadows, one black and one white, hovered around her.

"Ouch..." Shortly after Lapland walked into the room, bursts of screams that sounded like some kind of wild beast came from the quiet room.

If someone can read Monster Language, or has mastered Warp Demon Language, he will definitely be able to hear the miserable howl mixed with: "Where is the physical attack that was promised??" "You actually carried out a sneak attack??" the meaning of.

After the bursts of howling, the sound of things falling, and the sound of furniture colliding, Lapland, who was covered in blood and whose original black tuxedo had completely changed color, dragged what looked like a hyena and looked like A platypus, a little monster with bat wings around its neck, about the size of a calf, came out.

Lapland, who was dragging his little monster with air in but no air out, was walking on the deserted streets of the imperial capital, playing a country tune from Syracuse.

After Lapland, who was whistling and dragging the little monster, left, the room where the battle took place suddenly burst into flames.

But what's amazing is that even though the fire was fierce, it didn't affect the neighboring houses at all. In addition to this house, other rooms that Lapland passed by also burned.

Including the scarlet blood stains left on the ground by the little monster dragged by Lapland, they were also completely purified by the same flames.

Lapland, who was carrying the light of fire all the way, returned to the palace, threw the little monster that had become a corpse in his hand with a "pop" into Aluo, who had been waiting in the palace for a long time, and said before and after:

"I'm going to take a shower and change clothes first."

"Oh haha" Alori didn't care at all that Lapland was covered in blood and could be the boss of a horror movie set. Instead, he focused all his attention on the monster corpse that Lapland dragged in. Jing was surprised and said:

"The power of Cold Harbor?"

"No, it's not the same."

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