The weapon with the same style as the flail in Alori's hand, and the helmet that wanted to penetrate the ceiling, all revealed that the Nazgul was the Witch King.

Hearing Milin's words, Arthur stood aside and shook the flag in his hand. The flag that was originally fluttering in the wind was wrapped around the flagpole several times, so that the flagpole could play its original role as a lance.

Immediately afterwards, Arthur clamped his horse's belly between his legs, led a dozen guardsmen to leave the military formation, and rushed towards the Witch King who fell to the ground.

The Witch King from another world was obviously angry that his appearance was such a farce, and he immediately waved the flail in his hand to smash the rushing Arthur into a pulp.

However, when he seemed to see the cavalry armor on Arthur that theoretically did not exist in history, was supervised by Gray Wind, and was specially used to highlight the female figure, he immediately turned around and fled behind him in large strides.

The other two Ringwraiths seemed to have given up on circling and flew to the top of their boss's head, covering the Witch King's escape.

The neighing sound of the wyvern caused the dozens of guards' horses following Arthur to scatter uncontrollably, but it did not affect Arthur's pursuit.

Seeing that the "big fish" wearing a black cloak on the battlefield was already close at hand, Arthur leveled the lance in his hand and assumed a thrusting posture with the lance.

Seeing that the neighing of the mount under his crotch was not that useful, one of the Nazgul controlled the flying dragon to dive, hoping to directly use "physical" methods to block Arthur's pursuit.

After comparing the sizes of his own mount and the opponent's mount, Arthur knew that the big fish probably couldn't be caught. When the wyvern's claws were about to catch him, Arthur turned over and jumped on the wyvern, grabbing the snake's tail. The same dragon tail flew into the sky together with the flying dragon.

"Go away, mortal!" The Ringwraith sitting on the dragon's back noticed Arthur's approach and shouted in a high-pitched voice while waving the mace in his hand towards Arthur.

As the top gladiator who has won three consecutive championships in the Imperial City Arena, Arthur simply bent down to dodge the mace in the hand of the Nazgul, and was followed by a shot that hit the Nazgul's head.

The silver-white gun head penetrated the Nazgul's helmet without encountering any obstruction. If there was an off-site dubbing at this time, it could have been dubbed "The enemy is ashamed, I will take off her clothes."

It's a pity that there is no dubbing, but instead a burst of silver flames instantly ignited the Nazgul.

Arthur, who probably didn't expect that his shot would have such an effect, was slightly stunned. Just like that, she was thrown down by the flying dragon that was in chaos due to the "death" of its master.

The height of nearly twenty meters, coupled with the armor weighing dozens of kilograms, knocked Arthur unconscious.

Arthur, who rolled around on the ground a few times, shook his head and tried to get up. Milin, who was wearing a suit of winter-like onion-like armor, had already followed him with a large army.

"Follow up." When passing by Arthur, Milin threw the silver gun he picked up casually and threw a silver-gray reagent at the same time.

It was not the first time for Arthur to use such a rare thing. He held the silver gun in one hand and pressed the thumb of one hand against one end of the reagent.

The needle tip left in the reagent pierced Arthur's thumb and injected a drop of silver-gray liquid into Arthur's body.

The silver-gray liquid injected into the body immediately activated the nanorobots left in Arthur's body by Gray Wind.

Under the influence of nanorobots, the internal organ damage and joint contusions caused by the fall were healed in a very short period of time.

Arthur, who had regained his energy, quickly stood up, climbed onto the horse that was being led by other guards, raised the silver gun in his hand and re-opened it into a battle flag, and followed the large army.

Although I don’t know whether the fact that the Ring Spirit was killed in front of the formation affected the morale of the opponent, the deeds of killing the general directly put Milin’s side into a state of overwhelming morale.

So As the commander, Attila did not hesitate and issued the order for the advance army to attack.

Milin had no doubts about this seemingly reckless order. After all, he had already said that the command would be handed over to Attila before arriving at the destination.

Compared with incorrect orders, issuing multiple orders is the thing that should be avoided the most.

Besides, even if it were Milin, he would definitely play a wave first to see how good the opponent is.

The only difference is that if Milin directs, Milin may not necessarily go into battle himself.

But now, Milin rushed faster than anyone else and rushed directly to the fleeing Witch King.

"Angmar, you are so old, your legs and feet are quite nimble." With Milin's undisguised ridicule, the blade of the durable steel sword passed across the head of the Witch King of Angmar, cutting off the armor on his helmet. sharp corners.

If the Witch King hadn't reacted quickly and shrunk his neck, the sword would have cut off his head.

"I know your mount, it doesn't belong to you!" Looking at Milin who rushed in front of him and then turned around and rushed back, the Witch King shouted loudly.

"It doesn't matter what you say, it has the final say." Milin raised his durasteel sword and stabbed the Witch King.

Maybe the voice revealed his gender, maybe Mirin didn't bring a sense of threat to the Witch King, or maybe the Witch King, who was also one of the big guys in another world, didn't want to run away anymore like the lost dog, so he followed. He pulled out a gray-black long sword and said to Milin:

"I will tear your soul apart."

"If you can do it, then come." Milin, who didn't care, once again passed the Witch King.

The durasteel sword collided with the gray-black long sword, making a not-so-clear collision sound.

"Oh." At the moment of the confrontation, Milin noticed that at least seven or eight curses with different effects were transmitted to him along the collision position between the gray-black long sword and the durable steel sword in the opponent's hand.

"Wail, mortal, and I will cook your soul." The Witch King laughed when he realized that his little move was accepted by Milin.

However, a few seconds later, Milin did not lose strength and fall off his mount as the Witch King expected, but instead sneezed loudly.

"Ah, it's okay, it's interesting." It wasn't Milin who accepted all the Witch King's curses, but the lot of things that Alori left on Milin, who didn't know whether they were blessings or blessings.

Because the competition was so fierce, the feedback to Milin was a big sneeze.

As a top spell user who could compete with the white-robed Maiya, the Witch King quickly noticed that his curses had no effect and were being swallowed. At the same time, he also noticed the power that swallowed his own curses. To something familiar.

"It's the power of the dragon. Who are you?" the Witch King asked Milin.

"It seems that Yuan Shen who pulled you here didn't explain it clearly to you, or were you just pulled here conveniently?" After hearing the Witch King's words, Milin knew that these intruders from Middle Earth were It does not appear as a cooperative unit in the virtual world. It is probably just a daily disposable prop.

Realizing this, Milin lost interest, turned around, and rushed towards the mammoth war elephant with the troops who finally followed.

"Wait..." Before the Witch King, who was a little stunned by Milin's reaction, could speak, a red sword light passed through the Witch King's body, cutting the Witch King's body in half from the middle, and The gray-black sword in his hand was also cut in half, fell to the ground and turned into nothingness.

Attila, who cut off the Witch King smoothly, was like killing a soldier, and his expression remained unchanged as he accelerated to catch up with Milin.

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