Although most of the trophies had to be burned because they became unbelievable under the influence of the subspace power outside the curtain, there were still things that could be called trophies.

However, it is not that this trophy can resist the corruption of subspace power, but it is still unknown who will corrupt whom when this thing is placed in subspace.

The trophy was a ring, a thick ring that felt and weighed like it was made of platinum, with a slender gem like a snake's eye inlaid on it.

However, the most eye-catching thing about this ring is not the small and inconspicuous gemstone, but the twisted words on it.

This ring was discovered during the final cleanup after burning the contaminated trophies to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

After being burned all night, the ring was still unscathed and reflected an alluring light in the morning light.

You must know that when burning the trophies, Milin deliberately added some ingredients to the fire to make the flame temperature reach a high temperature of 1400c.

Milin, who had been looking at the ring for a while, suddenly thought:

"The Supreme Ring, the Ring to Control All People"

"Supreme Ring, Seek All Rings"

"The Supreme Lord of the Rings Leads the Ring"

"Imprisoning heroes in darkness"

Maybe it was because he didn't use a special language when he read it, and it didn't have any sound and light effects, but because Milin deliberately used a recital tone, Attila who was standing aside immediately showed a puzzled expression.

"Did Arthur find this ring?" Milin asked Attila.

"Yes, Master." Attila nodded and replied, taking his eyes away from the ring in Milin's hand.

"Call her over immediately." Milin said as he repeatedly played with the ring in his hand.

Attila, who heard the strange tone in Milin's tone, quickly called Arthur over who was arranging the army without any hesitation.

"What are your orders? Sir." Arthur, who still didn't know what happened, thought there were other orders.

"How did you find this ring?" Milin asked Arthur.

"Um, is this how you found it?" Arthur hesitated and gave an answer that was not an answer.

"Did you search for a long time, or did you find it all at once?" Milin wanted to know a more detailed process.

"I must have been rummaging for a while. No, I must have found it right away." Arthur, who didn't know how to answer, was also troubled.

According to Arthur's recollection, although she rummaged for a while before finding the ring, there were no repetitive actions before she found the ring.

I just turned all the way over, and then I just happened to turn over.

"Did you send it over directly after you turned it over?" Milin then asked.

"Well, I think it's quite strange, so I just handed it over to Lord Attila." Among the generals under Milin, Arthur has a style of calling everyone he meets, even the important person like Grina. Anyone who joins later than her will greet everyone by calling her "Glenina-sama".

Fortunately, during her time as a logistics officer, Galina was used to being called this.

"Don't you have any idea of ​​taking it for yourself?" Milin asked, shifting his gaze from the ring in his hand to Arthur's face.

"???!!!" Arthur paused and immediately showed an expression of defense due to suspicion, and at the same time said quickly: "Lord Inberra, how could I do such a thing? When I swore allegiance to you At that time, you will have the right to distribute all the spoils."

It is normal for Arthur to have such a big reaction, because according to the tradition of this world, when a person of her status swears allegiance to another person of status, she will add a special line in the oath that the spoils will be given to the other party. Assigned discourse.

Even if you forget it and don’t think about it, it is already the default rule of the game.

Although most of the time this trophy refers to the captured territory or city, if you look closely, a sword and a bow can also be included.

If he withholds it privately, it would be equivalent to a betrayal against his oath. Arthur, who has always been self-disciplined...or has a larger goal to achieve, will not do such a thing.

On the contrary, ordinary soldiers can secretly stuff trophies into their pockets on the battlefield. If they are found out, they will only be punished, but they will not betray their oath.

After the reaction came back, Milin asked why Arthur had such a big reaction. There was a trace of apology on his face and he said:

"Sorry, it's not that I don't trust you, I just want to know if this ring tempts you to possess it."

"Huh? Temptation?" After hearing Milin's sincere apology, Arthur, who immediately became unexcited, moved his eyes to the ring in Milin's hand and said, "Although this ring looks very expensive, it is also very expensive. Already..."

After all, Arthur is also the daughter of the former High King of Bretonnia, the legal successor of the Breton family, and the future King of Knights.

No matter how hostile the Empire is to the Bretonnians and would like to describe the Bretonnians as wild monkeys living in the mountains and forests, they must still admit that the Bretonnians have the strength to fight against the Empire.

It can be seen from many of Arthur's actions that her father raised her as the heir to the throne, not as the son-in-law of the current High King.

Even though he was forced to go into exile in the empire due to his brother-in-law's usurpation of the throne, and was so depressed that he had to earn a living as a gladiator in the Colosseum, Arthur's vision was still among the best in this land.

So for this ring, Arthur knew at first glance that it was very valuable... but it was just very valuable. This is why after finding this ring, he immediately handed it over to Arti without waiting for the rest of the inspection. Lazai asked Attila to be handed over to Milin.

"No? It's good." Milin held the ring in his palm with his backhand, keeping it out of Arthur's sight and said, "You continue to work."

"When will we set off, sir? Do we need to change the route?" Arthur, who didn't show any concern for the ring, asked before leaving.

"After breakfast, rest for half an hour and then set off. The route will be as planned." Milin said.

"Okay, my lord."

After Arthur left for a while, Attila, who had been silent for a while, raised his head and glanced at Milin and asked:

"Master, is this ring dangerous?"

"Well, it's dangerous, but it's not dangerous either," Milin replied.

"??" Attila looked confused.

"This is a very long story." Milin thought for a while and said: "To put it simply, there is a ring on top of this ring that can control it. If you are tempted by this ring and wear it, you will Controlled by whoever holds that ring.”

"Is it similar to mind control?" Attila tried to understand Milin's answer in his own way.

"It's more like a kind of slavery from the body to the soul, and you are still willing to be enslaved. Let's talk about it slowly on the way." Milin said while snapping his fingers.

A pure white bareback horse appeared next to Milin, but this time the king of horses did not wait obediently for Milin to ride. Instead, he stepped uneasily as if he had noticed something.

"An Xin, this thing is not good enough for me. If you want to seduce me, you must at least let Morgoth come in person. Sauron is a singer." Milin patted Jieying's neck to comfort him.

Under Milin's comfort, Jieying calmed down a little, but still refused to ride on Milin who was holding the ring.

"Okay, Attila, hold it for me first." Milin threw the ring in Attila's hand.

"Ah." Attila took the ring as if he had been handed a hot potato and didn't know what to do with it.

Milin, who finally rode on Jieying, said:

"Whatever you do with it, just don't put it on. Of course, it doesn't matter even if you put it on, but remember not to put it on your ring finger."

"..." Attila was stunned for a few seconds. It took her a few seconds before she remembered what it meant to wear a ring on her ring finger... Attila didn't know what it meant, but Ella often mentioned the oath. Ring, mentioning the identity of Mirin Lord of the Rings.

"Because it doesn't deserve it," said Milin, who found Attila's reaction amusing.

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