Riot Grasper

Five stories. [Sir Ludwar]

"This is how my father came to visit me. I think you could enjoy some more family-like conversation... when they treat you like this mess, Dad's gonna cry, huh?

The mansion inhabited by Tiamo Ludwar, lord of Amorphas, was at one time larger and more luxurious than the surrounding dwellings.

The mansions of the aristocracy that live in the Imperial capital are so hands-on that they are not even of a different colour.

That is reasonable for a person of young age to live in the position of lord.

But from Tiamo, who doesn't like anything very gorgeous, wouldn't it have been more beneficial to use the wealth spent building this mansion for the development of the city? I thought about it.

It was his father, Zydric Ludwar, who insisted to Tiamo, who would go on duty as lord, to forcibly build the mansion, saying it was a farewell, and none other than the person who is currently loosening his tear glands in front of his daughter.

"Wait a minute, please. I'm going to go through this paperwork, and then I'm going to ask you about your father."

"Ha. You don't have to do that. You called me 'Dad' until now. See, there's no need to shy away from each other's families."

"... Ok, so Dad can sit on the couch there too. If you were so big and royal, you couldn't help but be distracted."

Going through the paperwork piled on her desk properly before pushing her sentence, she seemed to have made her job a priority over defying her father's words.

Zydrick, called his dad and in a good mood, walks to the front of the couch with chatter and armor, sitting somewhere. Though his waist is soft against his daughter, this man with a large body is Sir Ludwar, said to be a powerful man in the southern part of the Suaven Empire.

(Phew...... at all)

Driving his grown-up father out of sight, Tiamo reached for the document "Mine Quantity Reporting and Forecast Mine Quantity Analysis".

... Again, the amount of mining is decreasing little by little.

I don't think resources will be depleted any time soon, but if we don't find a new mine line, the development of the city will stop in the future.

It's regrettable that you can't get your hands on it because of demons, even though surveys have shown that there are promising minerals in the southern tree seas.

We don't have enough troops now to crusade...... do we still have to simultaneously advance technological developments such as demonic prop making to scale up the city and develop it a little bit?

Tiamo, who pushed the verdict as he conceived, remembered what had happened the other day.

A dark-haired boy stumbled in when he asked the Adventurer Guild to help capture a group called Night Ringing.

(no...... he said he was older than me so should i call him a youth)

An adventurer who has shown so much power that he overwhelms the vicious demons that are making it difficult to pioneer the tree sea.

With his help, a little bit of southern development might also proceed.

With that in mind, Tiamo asked for help after the case was solved, but he was easily turned down.

"- Thank you for waiting. For now, we've got a separation, so I'd like to ask you about your father. Let's get you some tea."

"Who was my dad earlier..."

"So why is' Father 'suddenly here?

Now that she's done her job, she's not willing to go out with her father's self at all.

Reading the signs that he might just hate any more, Zydrick finally takes it seriously.

"Hmmm... I still don't think the exploration of the tree sea in the south is progressing. What do you say? If you like, send some good from the knights I'm raising..."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you. But if you rely too much on your father, it won't do you any good."

It is Tiamo who is entrusted with this land.

Her idea of wanting to deal with things on her own as much as possible is something we'll see.

Even so, Tiamo's head isn't that strong either.

I don't hate to ask for help if I had to, but I didn't think the situation was imminent, and as you can see, if a father who is drowning his daughter imitates only himself, it was because he once again feared that his brother would have unwanted emotions.

There is no denying the possibility that Van, Tiamo's brother, was pulling the thread behind the robbery the other day.

I didn't even want to irritate you any more.

"Well, that would be fine. That's not what we're talking about today."

…… So, what business did you come on?

"When do you have people to think about? Hmm, what do you say?

"Yes, what do you suddenly say, Dad?"

Tiamo returns to the vegan to answer his father's abrupt questions, answering them with an uphill voice.

"Tiamo would also be fifteen. It's never too early to find someone to be your partner. Of all the knights I teach, I thought I'd introduce you to something extraordinary."

"Fine. So far, I want to focus on developing this city."

"Don't say that, just meet..."

"You're persistent. You're gonna hate it."

On the final announcement from his daughter, Zydrick instantly shuts his mouth.

"Daikanya, you said if you had too much heat in your training and you let yourself bathe even one tae-knife, I'd introduce you to your daughter, right? It's nice to dress up like a man doesn't have two words, but think about your daughter's struggles that go with it."

Zydric's face caught on Tiamo smiling with a grin.

"Oh, why are you..."

So, the sound of a modest knock on the door sounds.

"Go ahead."

"- Excuse me. I see that you would like to meet Tiamo."

"Is it to me? I don't think anyone was going to visit today."

Hilariously, Tiamo saw his father.

Gaze says this person is enough, such as an unexpected visit without an appointment.

The desk still has a pile of paperwork to look through by the end of the day.

"What's your name?

"Yes, a young man named Sage Agatuma who belongs to the Adventurer Alliance"

Moments, Tiamo's face brightens up pah. It was also a convenient time to end his father's unscrupulous story.

"I'll see you. Let him through."

"Oh, but are you sure? I still need to talk to Master Zydrick..."

"That's okay. I'm done talking to you."

Forced to end his conversation with his father, Tiamo moves in front of his appearance to get familiar.

Because of the paperwork and glare, I see a little tired color on my face, but as far as she is concerned, it seems acceptable.

Zydrick looked at her daughter like that with a pocan face.


"... you didn't expect to be back so soon"

A mining district - Amorphas - that is small but uses resources from the mine effectively and is maximized by good lord rule.

The dull metallic glow that tickles the masculine mind is protected by all miners engaged in arduous labor.

I kept the city in sight that I had seen in the distance, and I was thinking about that.

"Ouilla, it would be nice to see Tiamo again."

This guy... impresses me that he's a man who doesn't brace in a way.

Tiamo was really cute and had the impression that she was a talented woman with good glasses.

Ruling a small city, she remembers all the faces of an adventurer who works hard to make a request for the city's inhabitants, and doesn't change her attitude depending on her opponent's identity.

Even if it's not Ren, most guys will get tense when they meet.

After arriving in the city, we quickly take a trip to the mansion where Tiamo lives.

You'll be busy, and I won't be able to see you right away, but I thought I'd make an appointment to see you in a few days or so.

But...... I was lucky to have been granted a quick look unexpectedly.

I wonder if you could remember your face and your name for a moment about the night chirping last time.

Tiamo is guided to the room that he is working, knocking and then entering the room.

In addition to the face-to-face members before this, including Rim and Shania and Ted, it's pretty big.

The interior is furnished with good conditioning, and there is also a sofa for relaxing.

I guess it's designed so that Tiamo can encourage the executive over time.

It's just that a magnificent knight sitting somewhere on that couch is staring at me right now, so I can't relax at all.

"Tiamo, are you saying that talking to these guys is more important than talking to me!?"

"Depends. If your father's gonna tell you something important, I'm gonna give you priority, too, right?

"Gu, no..."

"Um... what about this one?

I can't see the story, so I'll ask Tiamo to introduce me.

"Excuse me. This is Zaidrick Ludwar, my father."

Was it your father, was it?

This is Lord Ludwar.


Name: Zydrik Ludwar

Race: Human

Age: 43

Occupation: Lords


- Knight's Appraisal (Night of Night) LV4 (34/500)

- Swordsmanship LV4 (21/500)

- Light Magic LV3 (76/150)


Whoa. That's the head of the knight's prestigious Ludwire family.

I even possess rare skills. Hmm.

"Knight of Night" - Fighting for the Protector is the knight's true self. The more that number -...

"- I'm sorry, can your father leave the room until we're done talking to Mr. Sage and the others?

"No! In the first place, you're not done talking to me."

Mr. Zydrick, a big knight, gave me his gaze here with a majestic face.

Permission granted, but maybe it was still in the middle of a parent-child conversation?

Seems to have visited at a less than pleasant time.

"We must have finished talking about your father's work, right?

"I'm not leaving until you meet me!

"... Ah, you're a troubled man. You don't have a room in this mansion where your father can live, do you?

"Nooo, what a stubborn daughter. Who the hell do I look like? So that's the Martina one!?"

"Probably the stubborn part is like your father. And... I'll be sure to tell your mother what I'm saying next."

"Then, fool! They're gonna kill you! He's really scared when he gets angry!

"Then go home and keep your mother in a good mood while you can."

Hmm... it feels like a verbal fight between father and daughter, but can this be considered a total defeat of father?

Mr. Zydrick, who has been silent, still doesn't try to move.

"Already!... I'm sorry, but if my father is for such a stubborn man, may I continue to hear Mr. Sage's story, if you will?

As it is, does that mean listening to your father, Mr. Zydrick, on this occasion?

Nothing. This one's not a bad story to ask.

If thou knowest the news of the night noise, it shall be thy word.

"Nothing. It's okay. We just want to know what happened to the night noise we met."

"Of the night noise...? May I ask why?

Introduce the rims, which will be the first meeting for Tiamo, and then talk about the situation.

Though she was a prostitute, she said she couldn't admit its existence as a lord. Maybe there's a Rim acquaintance in there, I left it cloudy to some extent.

"... I see, I know what's going on. But I don't know where they are right now either. I'm sorry I can't help you."

Tiamo with a soggy face.

You don't have to look like that because you were originally visited by hopeful observations.

Looking around the empire is a story that's going to break my bones, but I don't hate traveling.

"That's right! I have a good idea."

Pom, embodying the classic flashing method of striking one fist in the other's palm, she somehow spread a map of the vicinity of Amorphas on her desk with her eyes sparkling.

"If I can grasp the news of the nightingale, I promise to teach the Sages first. I'm still a young man, but I'm a lord, so I think I can count on you a little bit."

"I honestly appreciate that, but instead... what are we supposed to do?

"Hehe. I like well-perceived people. Look at this."

Tiamo pointed on the map in a tree sea stretching to the south of Amorphas. It's not that far from where we fought the Thunderbeast Nue before this.

"The investigation team reports that there will be promising mineral veins in the mountains here. If we succeed in securing the route to this mountain and Amorphas, Amorphas will develop further."

Speaking of which, I remember being asked to help me develop an undeveloped land when I left this city.

Well, there's no way we can safely carry it out in a tree sea where demons like Nue roam.

"Is that it? I just wanted to be around here..."

"Hmm, is there something?

In the middle of the conversation, Shania shrugged as she peered through the map.

I'll ask him if he has anything, but since then, he's shut up, so I'm going back to talking to Tiamo.

"Uh, should I help you with that?

"If you've run errands in Toggle, you can invite me again, right? If you can take it, we'll put it in a proper request format through the guild."

Hmm. What's the matter?

Blah, now there's nothing else to do.

It would have been passed on to the King because the errands at Toggle ended earlier than expected and what we heard from Rik Shao has already put Kroko ahead of us.

If you want to hear directly from me, I'll think about it when Kuroko comes back.

"Of course, if you find out where the Night Ringing Horn is, you can prioritize it."

If you look at the rim next door, she's snorting ridiculously, too.

I haven't received many Alliance requests these days, and I think I'll take this opportunity to make a bash request and raise my rank.

"... If you'd listened to me in silence earlier, you seem a lot trusted by your daughter. But if you think sweetly about what you're asking for, you're going to die. Anyway, the southern sea of trees is nestled with fierce demons."

Mr. Zydrick opens his mouth.

It's harsh to say, but it's not like I looked down on this one.

I guess you're embarrassed not to waste your young life.

"Your father won't know, but Mr. Sage is an adventurer enough to overwhelm Thunderbeast Nue by himself. My people are trustworthy."

"What...? You mean you defeated that nue by yourself?!?"

"No doubt because I see it with this eye. Had it not been for Mr. Sage, I would have lost my life."

"Indeed, that thunderbolt hurt"

It's a good memory to have eaten a decent thunderbolt to protect Tiamo in the fight against Nue.

When I shook her voice and reproduced how she had been paralyzed by the thunderbolt, she leaked a tickle of laughter.

"Heh... heh. You mean... I was looking out for my daughter's future... but apparently I didn't want to."

Mr. Zydrick, who suddenly rose from the couch, has a lonely tone somewhere.

"That, Father, where are you going?

"I'm leaving for today"

The magnificent knight, who once walked to the door, shouted at me without looking back.

"But!! I didn't recognize you yet! If you have successfully accomplished this request, come to Siphon, the city where I live. You can't beat me. You can't beat a man! Because I would never do it. Ugh!"

Batang!! and the door closed with momentum, and what remained in the room was silence.

"Um... to be honest, I'm not sure."

I don't know what Tiamo was talking about with Mr. Zydrick, but I don't know what it means to compete with that guy.

I didn't say I wanted something.

"Never mind. My father is a bit of a conjectured man... because I haven't quite figured it out myself yet"


"Well, I have work to do around here. I'll put out a request for the guild soon, won't I? We won't set a deadline or anything, so take it whenever you want."

That's the last thing she said, we left the mansion behind.


- That night.

"Hey, hey, I was wondering if you could hang out with me tomorrow?

Enjoying the crisp feel of a bowel stuffed sausage, Shania, sitting across the diagonal from him, said such an invitation as she pressed white rice into her stomach as she cling.

Shania, greedy for food more than I am, usually can't have a decent conversation during a meal with her cheeks all torn up, but what a rarity.

"... hey, shopping somewhere? Then why don't we all go?

"I think we should probably go together."

... That's kind of a profound way of putting it.

"By the way, where are you going?

If you're not inviting Shania and her friendly rim, and you're inviting me, is there anything for women alone in trouble?

There's no way she's gonna need a luggage holder.

Listing candidates for places that were likely to be taken in his head, Shania's mouth told him of places he could not even predict.

"- Mm-hmm. A little down to the southern sea of trees."

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