Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 104: Fight poison with poison

Chapter 104 Fighting fire with fire

“Sir, is this really okay?” a veteran asked tentatively.

"Nonsense, if you dare to bet, I will pay for it. At worst, I can just kill a few more Japs." Tang Dao and Ma Jindao sat down and grinned.

 This is making money by taking people’s heads! Tang Dao's smile was bright, but it was so funny that it sent chills down the spine.

Of course, no one thought there was anything wrong with what he said.

 How many Japanese died at his hands?

But, sir, he is a good man! Think of ways to distribute money to everyone. Seeing Tang Dao's bright face, the smarter soldiers felt a little more enlightened.

Other than this, they could not think of any other reason for Tang Dao, a dignified lieutenant, to participate in such a game for lower-level soldiers.

"Sir, you have the final say. I, Mr. Zhu, will give you five yuan in three hours." The old soldier gritted his teeth and took out the cash that the regiment commander had distributed in front of the formation a few days ago. It should also be all the property he has with him.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the soldiers also placed their bets. Old Abacus held a big bag filled with potatoes. He was smiling brightly while putting money into the bag while holding a small notebook to record.

Although the money is not his, for a casino veteran, it is a blessing to be able to carry a big bag of money and take it out of other people's pockets.

 That kind of feeling, ordinary people will not understand it.

"Monitor Li, why don't you suppress me? They all say that the chief is giving money to everyone in different ways! I heard that the chief has a nice family and is not short of money." Erya Tiaotiao changed his mind when he came in from Tang Dao. The excitement shrank into the smoking veteran Youzi in the corner of another room, and asked loudly in his ear.

Even though the Japanese artillery fire was much sparser than before, their ears were still ringing. The soldiers were now accustomed to shouting at the top of their voices, so there was no way they could speak in a low voice.

"What are you yelling at? I can hear it." Veteran Youzi glanced at Erya, who was overflowing with curiosity, and peeked at the soldiers over there who were still betting enthusiastically in hopes of winning money from their commander, and explained to the communications soldier:

“If I go and place a bet, it won’t be the superior who pays me the money, but the superior who will cheat me! After all, you still don’t understand the superior!”

 “Huh?” Erya looked surprised.

"If you don't believe it, take a look at Chief Lei and Chief Leng who love to join in the fun. They definitely won't make big bets, they will just play for fun at most." Veteran Youzi continued to teach a platoon of communications soldiers.

“I don’t know about the casino, but on the battlefield, anyone who goes against the commander will be finished.”

 He patted his shoulder with a smile and pointed at Yang Xiaoshan and Niu Er who were sitting there. "Teach you to be a good boy and learn from the two of them. No matter what you do, just stand against Commander Tang until you die."

"Yeah! Yeah! I understand." The second girl said she understood as if she was pounding garlic.

 Looking up at the group of enthusiastic comrades over there, you were betting one piece and two pieces, and you grinned, showing your thin white teeth.

  If you don't fall for the superior's deception, you will make a profit. This is quite something to be happy about.

That is, this man didn’t even have to wear his pants when he saw a group of comrades about to be ‘cheated’ by their superiors, so how could he smile so brightly?

Niu Er and Yang Xiaoshan looked at Erya, who was smiling brightly, with doubts on their faces.

They didn't understand Erya's inexplicable happiness, but veteran Youzi deceived their lieutenant and platoon leader at least half of the time.

 Tang Dao is not here specifically to trick these **** who dare to gamble between battles.

 Yes, Tang Dao is more than 80% sure. Today the Japanese army started with almost non-stop shelling.

 The reason why they tricked these guys is, of course, needless to say, but the way they used to pass the time was not quite right. In this old era, although an army like the Royal Forest Army can be considered to have strict military discipline and can still fulfill the "military orders as high as the mountain", but some shortcomings in personal details, such as "eating, drinking, voting, gambling and drawing", let alone not having read much Soldiers who read books, even many middle- and senior-level officers enjoy it, and even think it is a good way to relieve psychological pressure. It works well but it is effective, and the atmosphere in the army is naturally messy.

For example, the Sichuan Army performed extremely well in this battle. The reason why it was previously looked down upon and called the "two-gun army" was because many soldiers carried old muffs on their shoulders and hookahs on their waists.

It is true that the Sichuan Army, which carries the spirit of "Brothers Pao, Never Shit and Show Off", has a strong fighting will and can fight to the death, but if there are no such things as smoking guns, the physical fitness can be stronger and the damage to the Japanese army can also be greater. Wouldn't it be better to be bigger?

This made Tang Dao, who came from the future and inherited the will and spirit of the red army, naturally uncomfortable. He knew better that these messy things seemed to be personal details, but if they were allowed to develop, fighting spirit would slowly be eroded, and for combat effectiveness It does a lot of harm and no good.

It's just that the atmosphere in the military is like this at the moment, and even a soldier who is as strict as a lieutenant colonel in the army still relaxes the strict control of military discipline during a battle that he thinks is fatal, and even if he sees it, he turns a blind eye. Only one eye.

But Tang Dao knew that as long as no accidents occurred and they held on for two or three days, the Japanese would completely despair of military operations and turn to other options. Most people here would have a chance to live and continue fighting against the Japanese army.

 His subordinates cannot say that they will completely eliminate them, but they cannot allow them to spread wantonly.

It's just that it's hard to get back. It would be too unkind at this time to make a bad face when you come up. Then try another way, fight fire with fire, let them feel sorry for you first, and then slowly remove these bad habits from the army. .

The third platoon was in full swing, and the other two platoons were also attracted by the lively atmosphere. They heard the old abacus talk about it, saying that it was Platoon Leader Tang who used military merit and the pen given by the beautiful reporter as collateral to open the offer.

The three major gossip elements of "chief, military merit, and beautiful reporter" have been taken over first. In addition, up to this moment, the Japanese army has been bombarding for nearly 2 hours. The intensity of the bombardment has also been greatly weakened visible to the naked eye. At least five or six shells were fired in the previous minute. , now it’s good to have two shells, and anyone who can’t bear to go to the gambling table is a fool.

Even the second platoon leader Qin Ruoyu, who was always bored, joined in the fun and invested 8 yuan, and he was considered the top high roller today.

 Looking at Leng Feng who lost a piece of the ocean in response to the scene, he was just happy, waiting for a while to make fun of his old comrade and old classmate.

Although he also believed that the Japanese army would not bombard for more than three hours, the more he saw Tang Dao, an old man with a smile on his face, the more guilty he felt, because Tang Dao had the same expression last night when he said he was not being disrespectful.

 The thief is so sinister!

I don’t know how much it hurts the Japanese. Anyway, the Japanese are shelling like crazy. Looking at the money spent this morning, he feels sorry for the Japanese.

 In fact, not only did Leng Feng feel sorry for Japan, the Japanese themselves had long been heartbroken.

 Not His Excellency Colonel Wakiitajiro.

 In the Japanese military headquarters.

His Excellency Colonel stared at the artillery squadron leader who was stammering in front of him, his eyes seemed to be on fire.

The artillery fire was so fierce that the Chinese national flag pole fell down, but it seemed very mysterious. The fallen national flag pole lay across the eaves of the warehouse roof, and the Chinese flag still hung above the warehouse and fluttered in the wind.

 It is extremely dazzling.

That seems to indicate that today’s victory will still belong to China.

 That's it, someone from Teliang came to him and asked him if he could stop the bombardment first.

 Baga, you think I’m not troublesome enough, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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