Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 12: appointment

 Chapter 12 Appointment

 A loud noise of "Boom!"

The charge of a German-made long wooden handle grenade is twice that of a Japanese-style melon grenade. Although it is black explosive rather than TNT, which will be more powerful in the future, five grenades tied together are enough to blow up the Japanese-style 89 The tracks of a medium tank.

On the battlefield of the Battle of Songhu, Chinese soldiers tied five or six grenades into the bottom of the tank, and the tactic of killing them all worked repeatedly. This not only demonstrated the determination of the Chinese soldiers to defend the country, but also proved the effectiveness of this long wooden handle grenade. Strong.

That is the heavy weapon that Chinese individual soldiers can best use at this time.

Two grenades tied together can blow up even a cow.

And the Japanese military officer’s more than one hundred kilograms was, at best, just a pig.

Japanese soldier Cao Dunshi's body was instantly thrown four to five meters by the shock wave, and he hit directly in front of two machine gunners who were covered in blood from splinters and shrapnel and were completely stunned. The Type 90 helmet was crooked and deflated. The ground was spinning like a postmodern top.

The Japanese deputy machine gunner who narrowly escaped death because there was a main shooter in front of him to block the knife was really stupid and confused.

He has never experienced such a battle, and he can still be bombed on his own position? How did the Chinese throw grenades over? Wall penetration?

 The reason is very simple. This is their position, but it is the territory of the Chinese!

Tang Dao had already laid out booby traps in the corner. No one would be interested in a pile of broken furniture, especially when they planned to rest.

However, when you dodge bullets, you don’t care whether it’s dirty or smelly.

Of course, the Japanese military sergeant who reacted astutely was definitely not the unlucky one.

The main shooter of the machine gun, who was only four meters away from him, was covered with sawdust and was beaten by shrapnel like a leather bag with holes everywhere. He could only fight for his life by thrashing on the ground. After all, we were roommates, and we shared the blessings. Isn’t it hard to believe that?

  The two grenade launchers in another room who were also leaning against the wall waiting for the fighter plane were the most unlucky.

  The blasted brick wall directly blew the two people out of the small building. They did some diving from a high platform. If they didn't die from the explosion, they would probably fall to death.

He didn't do anything, so he was dragged by his own sergeant to play mahjong at Amaterasu's place. There were exactly four of them, and they all lived together at the table.

What can be done for the only Japanese machine gun sub-shooter who still has all parts of his body intact?

There is nothing else to do but run away.

It's not that the imperial army is too cowardly, it's just that the opponent is too strong.

 There were 15 people in a small team, but in just over 20 minutes, 14 of them were killed. Why don’t we wait for the Chinese to come and break their necks like chickens?

After being stunned for a few seconds, the colleague who looked at him asking for help jumped directly from the damaged building without even looking at him, and ran wildly along the street towards the road he came from, showing enough determination.

The enemy has already demonstrated how powerful he is. Every second he stays is more dangerous. No matter how accurate his marksmanship is, in such a dim environment, his hit rate may not exceed 50%.

I have to say that this Japanese soldier has a very clear mind.

 But having a clear mind does not mean that he can escape death.

Tang Dao in the distance looked at the fireworks erupting from the small building and the two human bodies that were lifted out. He slowly stood up from the ruins, his eyes full of coldness.

 "Bang!" A gunshot rang out, and the running Japanese army fell headlong.

Although it was almost impossible to see the figures of the rushing Japanese troops in such darkness, the Japanese troops were too obsessed with escaping back to their headquarters. The location of the street was completely in Tang Dao's mind, and the Japanese troops' heavy skin The sound of heavy footsteps came from the boots, and Tang Dao fired a shot similar to a blind sniper.

 Half to half chance, but unfortunately for the Japanese army, Tang Dao's luck was obviously better than his.     So he died.

Ten minutes later, Tang Dao, who was standing in the Sixing Warehouse holding an injured puppy, was scanned by more than a dozen horrified eyes, looking calm and calm.

Veterans Youzi Li Jijin and Yang Xiaoshan did not run too far. They circled around the boss and returned to the battlefield. But by the time they returned, the battle was over.

The Tang Dao they saw then was just like now, holding an injured wild dog and standing in the shadow of the ruins with a gun on his back, waiting for their arrival.

All fifteen members of the Japanese squad have been killed. No, it should be said that one is still breathing. The four Japanese soldiers in the small building were all killed due to the explosion of two grenades, but there is still one Japanese soldier who managed to survive in the small courtyard.

The Japanese soldier who was injured by the shock wave of the booby trap under the corpse was lucky enough to explode this time. Three consecutive grenades exploded in the yard without causing any secondary damage to him.

However, when Tang Dao, who was holding the wild dog, once again led two soldiers into the small courtyard, he saw the begging look in the eyes of the Japanese soldier who could no longer move. He frowned slightly and stepped out with one foot. The necks of the Chinese and Japanese soldiers exerted force mercilessly, "Crack!" The neck bones were completely broken, and the hope in the eyes of the Japanese soldiers was dimmed.

Facing the momentary flash of intolerance in the eyes of the two soldiers, Tang Dao, who knew the cruelty of the Japanese invaders best in the future, coldly said: "Pity is for people, not for beasts."

Tang Dao, who was holding an injured wild dog, cruelly trampled to death a Japanese soldier like an ant. Undoubtedly, it was extremely contradictory.

 But it’s so cool.

Not to mention the superior soldier who had been his fan for a long time, even the old soldier Youzi Li Jiujin was looking up at him at that moment.

A Japanese squad of fifteen soldiers was wiped out by him in less than twenty minutes. Moreover, he fired a total of three shots and used three grenades during the entire process. Isn't this a killer?

Not to mention veteran Youzi, even the Army Lieutenant Colonel who had remained calm after listening to the report of the two soldiers had a look of surprise on his face.

As a commander, he knew that the key to using Tang Dao to kill these fifteen Japanese soldiers was not how good he was in cold-weapon combat or how awesome his marksmanship was. It was tactics and a cool head.

Whether Tang Dao used wild dogs as bait to lure the Japanese troops to the small courtyard, or the sound of Tang Dao's attack from the east to the west caused the Japanese army to fire flares so that he could clearly see where the Japanese troops were hiding, or Tang Dao predicted in advance and laid booby traps based on the shape of the ruins, all of them Showing that he has a mind that is superior to others or even several times better.

Although Tang Dao's commanding ability in positional warfare is not known yet, in this kind of small-scale sneak attack battle, the Army Lieutenant Colonel really can't think of anyone he has seen in his life who can compare with him.

It is unclear what the purpose of the sergeant named Tang Dao came here, but what the Army Lieutenant Colonel can determine is that he is Chinese, a Chinese soldier, and a Chinese soldier who is willing to kill Japanese pirates.

that's enough.

"Okay! From now on, you are a soldier of my 524th Regiment." The Army Lieutenant Colonel nodded. "For the heads of fifteen Japs, you can be promoted to a higher rank based on military merit. Shangguan Company Commander also wants you to join him, so you can temporarily serve as the third platoon commander of his company."

 Lei Xiong of the machine gun company on one side wanted to speak, but was stopped by a glare from the major on the side. Lei Xiong thought the same thing. For such an awesome guy, how could the deputy commander of the regiment let him shoot a machine gun in the back? He must be good at using steel on the blade, and the first company is the best place for him.

This appointment of Lieutenant Colonel of the Army is of a high standard. No matter how powerful Tang Dao is, he is an outsider after all. The second lieutenant platoon leader of the third platoon of the company was killed the day before yesterday. There are several people waiting to take the position of platoon leader. Let an outsider like Tang Dao sit directly. In that position, it is inevitable that some people will feel dissatisfied.

But the lieutenant colonel of the Army took out 15 Japs heads for military glory, but it silenced all those who wanted to object. Whoever dissatisfied, go and kill the 15 Japs! Moreover, a temporary replacement will allow those who are still dissatisfied to have some illusions.

Sure enough, no one among the lieutenants and school officials objected.

 “Yes!” Tang Dao stood at attention and saluted.

"That's it, this dog." The Army Lieutenant Colonel finally couldn't hold it back and pointed at the trembling wild dog in Tang Dao's arms, frowning slightly and asked.

 An injured wild dog was brought back with great pains. Is this going to be a dog meat hotpot?

 (End of this chapter)

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