Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 129: Naughty child (please vote for me!)

Chapter 129 Naughty Child (please vote for me!)

  With the help of 120 field artillery pieces, the Japanese army was indeed more confident.

The sandbag fortifications that could defend against heavy machine guns were like paper pulp under the bombardment of heavy artillery. After several consecutive bombardments by the Japanese army, they were reduced to a field of rubble.

 The first line of defense of Sihang Warehouse was lost before the Japanese infantry even started attacking.

Fortunately, when the Japanese heavy artillery began to test-fire on the first floor, the Army Lieutenant Colonel strictly ordered all the officers and soldiers of the first company to return to the warehouse and abandon the first line of defense. Otherwise, just those few guns would have reduced Tang Dao's third row by half. Infantry squad.

The hot sweat on the oily face of the veterans who had become the deputy platoon commander was almost flowing into streams. The 120 wild guns made the veteran who had experienced the battlefield of life and death.

All the fortifications in the first-line trenches were swept away, and the two 120-meter heavy artillery began to aim at the building and fire. After more than twenty consecutive shellings, the solid walls of the four-row warehouse were no longer as indestructible as before. More than a dozen shocking Big pits remain on the wall like scars.

Two windows that were completely sealed with sandbags were directly hit by large-caliber cannons and completely exploded. The extremely penetrating armor-piercing projectiles used kinetic energy to blow the sandbag fortifications into powder all over the sky. At the same time, they even had the energy to continue to rush forward and shoot straight into the sky. A large hole was blown out of one of the walls of the building.

 Fortunately, Tang Dao had already anticipated the terror of the large-caliber cannon. All the soldiers who were not in combat positions hid in a room with thicker walls at the corner, so there were no casualties.

By the way, Tang Dao is no longer the third platoon leader of the company. After the artillery attack on the Japanese machine gun positions laid out last night, the army lieutenant colonel issued another promotion order.

Shangguanyun, the commander of the first company, was promoted to deputy battalion commander and became the third-ranking figure in the warehouse defenders.

Lei Xiong, the most senior cannon company commander, himself refused promotion. He did not want to leave his brothers in the cannon company. His cannon company, because it needed to undertake fire support tasks, actually suffered the most casualties in the warehouse defense battle. In the company, Lei Xiong was so furious that he couldn't suppress the roar of the gunfire: If I don't get promoted, even if I die, I will die with my brothers.

Of course, if he becomes the deputy battalion commander, I am afraid that Major Lei Xiong will no longer be able to personally serve as a cannon shooter as he is now, and that should be one of the reasons.

 The other two infantry company commanders naturally didn’t have many ideas because of their junior qualifications.

Shangguan Yun was promoted, and the vacated position of commander of the first company was originally the deputy commander of the first company in terms of seniority, Leng Feng. However, Leng Feng took the initiative to find two commanders and recommended Tang Dao as the commander of the first company. Tang Dao's army was originally interested in him. The lieutenant colonel naturally followed the trend and ordered Tang Dao to be promoted to the commander of the first company.

Unintentionally, Tang Dao actually set a promotion record in the Yulin Army. In three days and four nights, he was promoted from a staff sergeant to a captain, and he also served as the captain of the main company. Moreover, he did not receive any serious treatment in the army. The loss occurred while the chief officers were still alive.

 This can only be described as a miracle.

At the same time, because of the vacancy, veteran Youzi Li Jijin, who has been promoted to second lieutenant, is appointed as the third platoon leader, and Lao Hei is appointed as the deputy platoon leader.

Yang Xiaoshan and Niu Er were transferred to the company headquarters by Tang Dao as guards, and Erya, the original platoon correspondent, naturally became the company headquarters correspondent.

 But the joy of promotion was quickly diluted by the sacrifices made during the day.

 The second platoon, which defended the first floor together with the third platoon, suffered trauma when the Japanese army came. Because of the threat of 120 field guns, all the machine gun teams were actually very careful, and often rolled into the bunker after a long burst of fire.

 But in the end, two groups were unable to hide in the bunker during a hard-fought shooting, and unfortunately encountered a terrible impact from the 120 field guns.

An evil artillery shell exploded just above the sandbag fortification. The huge shock wave directly rolled up the main and auxiliary shooters of the machine gun team three to four meters high and threw it five or six meters away.

The two soldiers, spitting out purple-black blood, stopped breathing before the medics arrived.

Although another group was shooting at the shooting hole, a field gun almost exploded less than half a meter away from the shooting hole. The air wave, high temperature generated by the explosion, and shrapnel penetrated into the shooting hole, blowing the main shooter into a sieve. A dozen first-aid kits were unable to stop the blood spurting out of his body. The massive blood loss completely took his life away in just a few minutes.

The deputy shooter was directly cut into the chest by a shrapnel. There were only medics here, no doctors. We could only watch him lying in the arms of his comrades, and died peacefully after an hour, calling his mother softly.

Sorrowful, but we can only face it. Light machine gun shooters have become the unit with the highest casualty rate on the battlefield at this time, but they must go.

Although the Japanese infantry were only feinting more than 200 meters away, they were like a group of sharks that were constantly swimming. Once they smelled the weak smell in the warehouse, they would pounce and tear everyone in the warehouse to pieces.

The power of the 120 field artillery is unparalleled.

 Seeing Jiro Wakiba who arrived in the second-line trenches in person, his face was excited.

Damn it, if he had made up his mind to call in heavy artillery earlier, perhaps his 36th Infantry Regiment would have shown the bravery of the Imperial Japanese Army. Occupying this fortress would not be as difficult as imagined.

The morale of the Japanese army, which had been extremely low for several days, seemed to have been improved at this moment. Looking at the Sixing Warehouse, which was filled with smoke and even looked a little embarrassed under the bombardment of our own heavy artillery, "Onboard! Long live His Majesty the Emperor! The Empire's military fortune is prosperous. !" Cheers came and went.

The lieutenant colonel of the army frowned deeply. Just two 120-meter heavy artillery were already so terrifying. If the Japanese army brought in a few more, they would be able to use this cannon with terrible penetrating power to knock down the thick wall bit by bit without the need for an infantry attack. By then, regardless of whether the building can withstand it, all firepower points will be completely exposed to the firepower of the Japanese army.

Then, the advantage is lost and the only option is to fight to the death.

"Tang Dao, if you can hold on until night, can you blow up the Japanese heavy artillery? This artillery poses too great a threat to us." The Army Lieutenant Colonel subconsciously asked Tang Dao first.

 Subconsciously, the Army Lieutenant Colonel believed that Tang Dao could definitely do it, even though he also knew that it was a seemingly impossible task.

"Sir! It's not a problem to blow it up, but I think it's of little significance. Since the Japanese army can mobilize two doors and blow them up, they may be able to mobilize more." Tang Dao shook his head in an extremely rare way.

“Can we still not be able to defend this place after all?” A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the Army Lieutenant Colonel.

"Whether we can defend it or not, it doesn't depend on us, but on those people!" Tang Dao's eyes showed a cold light. "Sir, with all due respect, maybe we will receive a stronger military order tonight!"

"Really? The Japanese army is just doing nothing, relying on heavy artillery to intimidate the Westerners in the concession to pressure our senior officials and force our troops to withdraw. There is nothing too new." The Army Lieutenant Colonel heard what Tang Dao meant, but he didn't Slumped, but as if his fighting spirit was aroused by the predicament, there was a chill in his eyes.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll let the Japanese take a closer look and play tricks. They may be able to do it, but they can’t attack by force, at least not here.”



“I’m ordering your machine gun battery to stop being petty and give me full firepower.

Isn’t it a feint? Then I also want you to shed more blood and tell the brothers in the machine gun company to let go of the firepower and grenadier soldiers and focus on the infantry, all the infantry in sight. "

Tang Dao sighed slightly.

 He knew that the supreme commander had made psychological preparations to evacuate.

 Because, he no longer intends to save ammunition.

When Sihang Warehouse put up a full-throated resistance, the Japanese army gave in. After paying dozens more casualties, they completely stopped and even stopped firing their 120 field artillery pieces.

This forced the Japanese army reporter Shuichi Fukuyama to quietly tear up a passionate battlefield essay he had just written.

 In fact, His Excellency Colonel is like a naughty child. After being beaten by someone, he immediately becomes honest. He can remain silent, but you can sing praises to him shamelessly.

This is really impossible!

 (End of this chapter)

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