Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1416: This time, it’s different!

Chapter 1416 This time, it’s different!

 That night, Tang Dao, who returned to the Sixings Regiment Headquarters, made a defense zone deployment.

 Chief of Staff and Commander of the 1st Battalion Leng Feng led the 1st Battalion to station in Sifang Bay, assisted by the 1st Company of the Air Defense Battalion and the 1st Platoon of the Special Agent Battalion's Tank Company, and was commanded by Leng Feng.

 The 2nd Battalion Commander Zhao Daqiang led the 2nd Battalion to garrison at Niuchangpo. He was assisted by the 2nd Company of the Air Defense Battalion and the 2nd Platoon of the Chariot Company of the Special Agent Battalion, under the command of Zhao Daqiang.

The 3rd Battalion Commander Li Jijin led the 3rd Battalion to garrison at Zhujiaping, assisted by the 3rd Company of the Air Defense Battalion and the 3rd Platoon of the Chariot Company of the Special Agent Battalion, under the command of Li Jijin.

The artillery battalion is located in a mountainous area 4,000 meters behind the Niuchangpo position. The 10th Company of the 4th Battalion and the Regiment Guard Company are responsible for ground defense. The Air Defense Battalion Commander Cheng Tieshou personally leads the 4th Company of the Air Defense Battalion to be responsible for its air defense.

4th Battalion Commander Cai Yongguan may be the most breathless of the four infantry battalion commanders this time. There are three main positions in total. The other three battalion commanders each have one, and he is the only one who does not have one.

 Because, he will lead the remaining troops of the four battalions to become the first reserve of the regiment, and the baggage battalion will be the second reserve.

No, in addition to the three main positions, the Fourth Army's defense area also had to go 20 kilometers away to intercept the Japanese troops who might come from Changyang. Battalion Commander Cai, who had not been assigned the task of defending the main positions, originally stood up and wanted to replace 4 Let’s fight for this mission.

 “Report to me, sir.”

"I know what you, Battalion Commander Cai, want to say. Then I tell you, the reserve team is not just here to fill holes, but also my elite troops. With a military order, I will tear open the enemy's holes like a tiger with your excellent skills. Defense line, kill him for me!" Unexpectedly, before he could finish speaking, Tang Tuanzuo blocked him with one sentence.

“You, Battalion Commander Cai, don’t want to do it, there are plenty of people who can do it! Li Jiujin, are you willing to do this job?”

"Sir, I am willing." Li Jiujin stood up and answered decisively.

 It was as if he didn't even notice the wink given to him by his "fair-weather friend" who often drank with him.

"Sir, aren't I worried that there will be no war? If there is a war, it will be done. On behalf of the brothers of the fourth battalion, I will express my position. I will definitely become the three-edged military thorn on your waist, sir. Whoever you say you want to kill, I promise to do it. Pierce four holes." Cai Yongguan, whose momentum suddenly weakened by half, could only try to defend himself.

"That's not right! They say three swords have six holes, and one sword can only have two holes at most. Why do you, Lao Cai, have two more holes? Are you not good at arithmetic?" Li Jijin, who had just stood up to express his stance, asked with a smile.

"You know me, this military thorn of my Fourth Battalion is specially designed to poke the waist. It has two holes in the belly and the back. If the waist is poked in two, it will also have two holes. Do the math for yourself, what is 2+2? "Cai Yongguan curled his lips and insulted the unreliable 'fair-weather friend'.

The officers of the Fourth Army Regiment, who were sitting around under a big tree and using a temporarily moved large stone as a conference table, all laughed.

Don’t tell me, this metaphor is quite apt. The so-called surprise attack means attacking someone unprepared and going straight to the critical point! Tie Ding and kidney are simply must-choices!

Seeing that Thorn Tou'er was subdued, Tang Dao didn't waste much time and continued to issue the military orders that he had already prepared.

 The defense came from the enemy in Changyang, and the Tang Sword was handed over to Gu Xishui and his mountain infantry company. This was reasonable but also unexpected by the officers present.

It makes sense that this is because the four major infantry battalions now have military orders. The only motorized infantry that the Four Lines Regiment can currently produce are the reconnaissance company, the mountain infantry company, and the cavalry battalion.

Trapped by the terrain, the cavalry battalion's martial arts were half wasted. Even if it was to be put into battle, it would probably be dismounted and used as infantry, but that would be too wasteful.

The reconnaissance company has long been accustomed to operating in small groups and squads. It would be too wasteful for it to be used as a field force at the company level. After all, it is just a mountain infantry company.

But after all, the amount of troops invested by the Japanese army this time can be regarded as heavy. What can be found now is about 70,000 people. In any direction, the amount of troops invested by the Japanese army will not be less than an infantry regiment.

  If you use a 300-man light infantry company to block an infantry regiment, even if the terrain here is particularly difficult for a mountain infantry company, it is still a bit too underestimated.

 Whoever it was, the strength comparison of nearly 10 to 1 would make his heart tremble!

 But the mountain infantry company commander Gu Xishui stood up without hesitation and received the military order.

The reconnaissance company naturally continues to do their old job, and their activity areas are all around the three main positions.

Moreover, this time with a walkie-talkie that can communicate within a straight line distance of 1,600 meters, the three-person team can notify Lu Sanjiang’s company headquarters of the reconnaissance of the enemy in less than 1 minute, and then use the company headquarters’ radio to The order was sent to regimental headquarters via radio as 'Queen Bee'.

The regiment headquarters can conduct comprehensive analysis and judgment through the information seen by dozens of pairs of eyes distributed on the battlefield, and then rationally allocate the force defense of the three main positions, and the efficiency will be at least twice as high as before.

It can be said that the performance of the reconnaissance company accounts for at least one-third of whether they can defeat the incoming Japanese troops this time.

 The regiment headquarters is located in a valley 800 meters behind Sifang Bay, where the supply camp and the special agent camp are building fortifications.

It will not only become the command center of the Fourth Army Regiment, the location of the field hospital, and the storage place for supplies, but it will also become the last line of defense on the left wing of the Shipai defense area.

"If all three of your positions are lost, then I will wait here for the Japanese to come!" This was the last sentence Tang Dao added after issuing a military order to the three infantry battalions.

The three infantry battalion commanders all had serious expressions, which was equivalent to Tang Tuanzuo having decided to fight to the death here, and all he had to do was raise the "death" flag that he had always regarded as a treasure on the top of the mountain.

Everyone knows that once the 'death' flag is raised, the whole regiment will not retreat even if they fight to the last soldier.

In the end, the cavalry battalion became the "chicken ribs" of the whole regiment. The mountains in Xiling Gorge are not mountains in the north. Many areas are almost straight up and down. The mountain roads are also extremely rugged, which is not conducive to the running of war horses at all. Moreover, if the Japanese army comes to attack, they will come from The threat from the sky is inevitable. With bombs falling from the sky like this, people can still hide in the small air-raid shelters dug in advance. What about the huge war horses?

These precious war horses were wasted in vain during the Japanese bombings. This is what no one wants to see.

Tang Dao thought about this issue again and again on the way back. Fortunately, he remembered a detail. There used to be hundreds of pack horses in the 11th Division in time and space. The division commander surnamed Hu also considered this issue and specifically ordered his military medical officer and Part of the baggage force transported the horses to Zigui.

It is located behind Shipai. The Japanese will only focus on the Shipai battlefield for the time being, and even if they want to go, it is extremely difficult to pass through the river at this time.

Not only does Shipai have six large-caliber river defense guns that can cover the entire river, but now the river surface in Shipai has begun to fully deploy mines. If the Japanese want to pass, they have to conquer Shipai.

Simply, Tang Dao ordered the cavalry battalion to serve as the third reserve of the regiment. The 389 cavalrymen in the battalion took the regiment's 800 packhorses and 300 heavy troops to retreat to Zigui. The general returned to the battlefield with 300 heavy baggage troops, becoming the last available force for the entire regiment.

The cavalry battalion commander also wanted to object, but thinking that the horses he spent time with day and night were like his comrades and relatives, but would die in vain because he did not want to retreat, he could only accept this order that made him extremely helpless.

But this comes from the limitations of the arms. Even if the Tang Sword has the power to reach the sky, it cannot allow the cavalry who can gallop freely on the North China Plain to still be able to walk on the ground in such steep mountains.

 The time it took for the Fourth Line Regiment and the three infantry regiments of the 11th Division to change defenses was nearly three days later than the division commander named Hu had imagined. It took five days for the complete change of defenses to be complete.

However, the division commander named Hu who received the news did not get angry rashly. When he asked the reason, he found out that it was not that the Four Lines Regiment was not active in changing defenses, but that their marching speed in the mountains was too slow.

 The most important reason for its slow marching speed is that it carries too much supplies.

“How much supplies can an infantry regiment have? Isn’t it just a few thousand guns and a few artillery pieces?” the major general chief of staff of the 11th Division snorted angrily.

As a result, the major general chief of staff, who had just returned from the Zigui Logistics Base, suddenly opened his eyes when a list was handed over by the staff.

Not to mention the artillery shells, bullets and grain transported by thousands of pack horses, the Fourth Army Group will not report how many of those things there are. What can be seen and recorded with the naked eye is the kind of towed by off-road jeeps. There are 12 40mm anti-aircraft guns. The lieutenant colonel's chief of staff only found out about this after consulting the director of the political department of the Fourth Army, otherwise he wouldn't even know what it was.

They are all fighting for a long time, and the role of this kind of anti-aircraft anti-aircraft gun that can shoot up to 6,000 meters is very clear. Just put this thing on the mountainside, and the Japanese 70mm infantry gun will be useless in front of it.

 Although the calibers are different, one is two tons and the other is 200 kilograms. The kinetic energy of the projectile when it is ejected from the barrel is completely different, and the power is naturally different.

 And one guy from the Four Lines Group dragged 12 doors over.

Forget it, Tang Tuan of the Si Xing Regiment is so powerful that he can even get 150mm heavy artillery from the Rockefeller Company. This is already well known to the senior generals within the Central Army. He got 12 40mm cannons. Anti-aircraft guns are still within acceptable limits.

 The key point is that the Four Lines Group actually brought dozens of iron lumps that can make people blind.

 That's right, that's the chariot company of the Si Xing Regiment's special agent battalion.

When 28 small tanks rumbled into the mountain road, the thick black smoke that rose directly confused the defenders in the 11th Division's positions along the way.

As one of the five main armies, they have seen tanks before, but this is the first time they have been able to drive a tank into such a large mountain.

Chinese soldiers will be confused by such small steel monsters struggling to advance in the mountains, but as their opponents, the Japanese army, which can only carry 75 mountain guns and 70 mm infantry guns into the mountains at most, will be beaten to tears.

 Perhaps what they wanted to scold their own military experts at that time was: Stop picking at the hair and make the little peas smaller!

 This is the real reason for the slow march of the Four Lines Regiment.

It was these 28 small tanks of the chariot company that made several officers of the Fourth Army Regiment and the engineer battalion commander Bai Shengchou turn their heads.

The mountain road is so narrow that even a jeep that can travel on bad roads can barely pass.

  In other words, the TKS is small enough, one point smaller than the Japanese Type 94 light tank Xiaodouding. Otherwise, how can we walk on a mountain road that can only allow people and pack horses to walk side by side?

 But for the follow-up battle, Tang Dao ordered that even if it was carried by people, this little iron lump No. 28 must be carried in.

All 600 engineers in the engineering battalion serve these 28 small tanks, and there are also three infantry companies to assist. If the road is not wide enough, then the mountain will be blown up to clear the way. If there is water and deep ditches, then large tree stands will be cut on site. bridge

Some large slopes cannot be climbed by tanks. They really rely on manpower and pack horses. Dozens of soldiers dragging long ropes like trackers and coupled with more than a dozen powerful horses can forcefully lift the 2.6-ton tank. Drag him up the cliff.

Really, that scene made the officers and soldiers of the 11th Division dumbfounded again. It was such a bad place. There were some areas where even monkeys couldn’t climb up. The tanks used on the plains had basic uses. They could only be used as fixed turrets. It was useless. What to do with great effort.

This time Tang Tuan was not stingy and reluctant to throw away the tank.

Tang Dao never thought that he would lead the Four Lines Regiment to a place like Shipai. The reason why he chose the 'cockroach' tank was purely to save fuel.

 Just like that, the four groups paid more than 20,000 oceans of gas money for these 28 little cars along the way.

 But it must be worth it.

 When the pure infantry of the Japanese army encountered these small lumps of steel, they understood the helplessness and pain of the Chinese soldiers on the battlefield.

 Because of the 28 "cockroach" tanks that can travel on 40-degree slopes, Tang Dao also made certain adjustments to the defensive tactics of each battalion this time.

Originally, the Chinese Theater Command had given tactical guidance to various ministries and set up defenses on various highlands in the mountainous areas along the central position of Shipai. If an infantry squad or an infantry platoon were placed on a small highland, the Japanese army would have to pull out nails if they wanted to advance. Pull down these highlands as well.

 During the Battle of Shanxi East and Southeast Shanxi, the 17th Division and the 12th Division also used this method of warfare. If the Japanese army wanted to survive, they had to sacrifice some infantry lives to pay for their passage.

  But that is also extremely unfair to the Chinese soldiers. While consuming the Japanese troops, they are also expendable.

 It consumes not only life, but also will!

Tang Dao made the decision to abandon the main positions defended by the three infantry battalions, except for the necessary highlands, and to let the Japanese troops in to fight.

Whether it's hundreds or thousands, it depends on who is tougher. The tank platoon responsible for assisting in the defense of each main position has 9 TKS tanks. Good steel is used on the blade. If you look at the right time, you can definitely knock the Japanese out. tooth.

Of course, Tang Dao made such a decision not on impulse, but on his extremely confident judgment based on the light and heavy firepower of the infantry and artillery of the Four Lines Regiment.

The Japanese army that invaded the mountains this time used 75mm mountain cannons as their largest caliber artillery. They completely lost their previous firepower advantage. Then they had to face the Four Lines Regiment, which had superior terrain and light and heavy firepower that was superior to them. What did they use to fight? ?

 Perhaps you can only rely on your head!

 Let them feel that they can still do it. Instead of being defeated in one attack, they can only continue to increase infantry attacks. This is the most poisonous part of Tang Dao's strategy of abandoning the unimportant small surrounding highlands.

Tang Dao's appetite was much greater than the teacher surnamed Hu had imagined. He was not satisfied with just defending the left-wing position.

 What he wants is the lives of thousands or even more Japanese people.

Tang Dao stood on the mountain peak in the morning and stared at the clouds and rain of Wushan Mountain that had been praised by countless poets. The mist surrounded the mountain, which was so beautiful, but what kept coming to his ears was the rustling of the leaves in the mountain wind, like countless people whispering. whimper.

The confusion of time and space made Tang Dao's vision become more determined. He wanted those young people who had fallen in the most beautiful landscapes in China to see that this time, it was the flesh and blood of Japanese people that nourished the growth of this beautiful landscape. flower.

 When spring comes, it will be more beautiful than usual!

To this end, Tang Dao would rather give up many hills with heights of more than 400 meters that seemed to be a great threat to the Japanese army. He even deliberately left a mountainous area 1,500 meters away from the main Zhujiaping position that leads directly to Sifang Bay.

By then, the Japanese troops who had been frustrated in their attacks at Niujiachang and Zhujiaping would definitely survey the terrain and look for a detour. That road was specially reserved for them by Tang Dao.

Niujiachang, Zhujiaping and Sifangwan formed an almost perfect "inverted" character. Just relying on the side formed by the two main positions to block the Japanese, due to space problems, the Japanese could only invest two to There are three infantry regiments, but with the way into this huge triangle, the Japanese who are eager for a quick victory have to add two more infantry regiments.

It not only allows the Japanese army to leave more blood in Sifang Bay, but it is also a cage similar to fishing. This road can be blocked at any time, so that the Japanese soldiers who enter this road can never get out.

The reason why Tang Dao holds the main force of the 4th Battalion in his hands and does not let it go easily is because of this.

After Tang Dao saw the sand table covering 10 kilometers around the central position of Shipai in the war room of the division commander surnamed Hu, and understood the intentions of the division commander surnamed Hu, he had already decided to turn the left-wing position into a flesh and blood mill, and put his eagerness for a quick victory The Japanese troops were all crushed in this mill.

The reason why the Japanese army seeks a quick victory has a lot to do with the mountains in the Yiling area. The Japanese have poor logistical capabilities. Once the front line is extended, they will have to go to the Chinese villages in the countryside to work as robbers to replenish supplies. Once they entered the mountains, they could still drop food and drink from the sky into the hands of the Japanese infantry!

It can be written in the battle report of the 39th Division of the Japanese Army in time and space: The mountain roads are rugged and difficult to travel. The packhorse team transporting supplies cannot keep up with the advance of the infantry, resulting in a shortage of food and fodder. The officers and soldiers gnawed raw sweet potatoes while advancing!

 It is difficult to maintain food, let alone a massive supply of ammunition.

The Japanese’s maximum tolerance period for the Battle of Shipai is between one week and ten days!

 Wanting to win quickly, but encountering a tough nut to crack, Japanese commanders who are extremely lacking in adaptability often resort to Nogi Nogi's trick: the human sea tactic, where the big and small are wrapped in white cloth strips and charged!

 For this, Tang Dao simply welcomes it!

 All his tactics on the left wing were aimed at this.

 (End of this chapter)

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