Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1419: The trump card that keeps being revealed!

 Chapter 1419 The trump card that is constantly being revealed!

Before even seeing the appearance of the Chinese position, the 232nd Infantry Regiment was forced to use its only major killer weapon.

 Four 75mm mountain guns were pulled to the front line by the Japanese artillerymen with great difficulty.

It’s just that the endless mountains and dense forests as far as the eye can see make the Japanese army’s four artillery pieces basically in a blind and domineering state.

In addition, the communication between the infantry and artillery was extremely poor. When the infantry was attacked, they had to travel all the way to notify the artillery. Then the artillerymen pushed the artillery over in a hurry. During the delay, the Chinese hidden in the mountains and forests People have long since fled.

 To be honest, the effect is actually not great.

But no matter what, four 75mm mountain cannons hit the hillside with more than a dozen 6-kilogram shells. In an instant, the hillside and dense forest were filled with smoke and mud splashed everywhere, which was still a shock.

 At least, when the fire teams of the mountain infantry companies lurking in the mountains look at this situation, they will never attack the target easily unless there is special terrain to avoid the concentrated artillery fire.

After all, if four howitzers focus their fire, they will often cover an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. No matter how well the officers and soldiers of the mountain infantry company disguise themselves, no matter how superb their shooting skills, and no matter how flexible their movements are, they are still flesh and blood, and they do not need to A cannonball, just a piece of cannonball skin, can kill an elite.

This loss-making business is not worthwhile, and the soldiers of the mountain infantry company will not do it.

With the support of the Japanese wing-level mountain artillery squadron, the forward 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 232nd Infantry Regiment was finally able to advance smoothly.

 But Saji Naoe obviously didn't realize that as the four mountain cannons fired again and again, radio waves continued to ripple in the mountains.

Just like the principle that the firepower team should attack the Japanese grenade team first, the biggest threat to the mountain positions is the Japanese mountain artillery and infantry artillery. Another purpose of Gu Xishui sending dozens of elites to continuously attack and harass the Japanese army is to Detect the Japanese heavy firepower in advance.

 Walkie-talkies have increased the efficiency of the battlefield by more than 20%. The four 150-pound guns ambushed on the anti-slope position can know the approximate location of the Japanese mountain artillery squadron in almost real time.

An artillery observation position built on the top of the mountain continuously observes and calculates the regional location provided by the lurking fire team, and finally forms specific coordinates, which are then transmitted to the artillery platoon leader in the mountainside fortifications.

To put it bluntly, Saji Naoe's biggest weapon is four mountain cannons. From the moment he ordered to move forward to provide artillery support to the vanguard infantry brigade, the four 150-meter heavy guns of the mountain infantry company were already staring at their prey. .

 And this is three points more effective than killing over a hundred Japanese infantry.

After all, the loss of an infantry squadron by a Japanese infantry regiment with a strength of 3,000 people only scratched the surface, but the destruction of these four mountain cannons with a range of up to 6,000 meters was equivalent to the cavalry losing their horses and the infantry losing their spears.

The 70mm infantry cannons and 90mm mortars equipped by each infantry brigade are not only much less powerful than mountain cannons, but due to terrain reasons, the 60mm mortars equipped by each infantry platoon have a range of only 1,300 meters. Get them.

Therefore, when the leading troops of the 3rd Infantry Group were trying their best to climb the nearly 50-degree hillside, following the order of the lieutenant platoon leader, they fired at the Chinese position that was 500 meters long on the rugged mountains. Sounds everywhere.

Even the bright winter day couldn't cover up the roaring tongues of flames from the four MG34s, which stung Major Tominaga's eyes more than 500 meters away.

That was definitely the most brilliant muzzle that Major Tominaga had ever seen in his life, but that kind of brightness often represented the deepest despair of the infantrymen.

 According to the order of the lieutenant platoon leader, the four MG42 machine guns hidden in the bushes unabashedly showed their greatest characteristics from the beginning.

The 250-round ammunition belt was completely empty within 10 seconds. Although it was already close to 0 degrees in the middle of winter, the heat from the barrel still scorched the hair on the machine gun shooter's forehead.

 The ammunition hand on the side who was responsible for holding the ammunition belt was covered with black spots, which were caused by the hot bullet casings flying around all the time.

 In addition to the four "Hitler Lawnmowers" fired at full speed, the 68 riflemen of the 1st platoon of the mountain infantry company, led by their lieutenant platoon leader, all poured out the firepower of their firearms at full speed.

According to post-war statistics, in the first 10 seconds of the battle, the 1st platoon of the mountain infantry company fired nearly 2,300 rounds of various bullets.

This is definitely an extremely terrifying firepower intensity. If calculated based on the entire battlefield width of 500 meters, it means that at this width, there are an average of 4.5 bullets traveling through space per meter.

The first Japanese infantry squadron to arrive in this area was caught off guard and fell to the ground one after another. But the strange thing was that not even a single Japanese infantryman fought back.

It's not that they are all dead, but in the face of such ferocious firepower, any infantry who dares to raise their heads will be beaten into a sieve in the next moment. It is most correct to keep their bodies close to the ground and wish they could bury their heads in the soil. s Choice.

The Japanese infantry made the right choice, but after 10 seconds, because the firepower of the Chinese officers and soldiers changed magazines and belts, the firepower was obviously weakened, and there were still very few shots that could counterattack.

That's because, in those 10 seconds of crazy firepower, a nearly full Japanese infantry squadron was shot dead on the spot with 59 people and 61 injured. The number of infantrymen who were still intact was less than half of the previous number.

"Baga! Heavy machine gun squadron, fight back! Fight back quickly! Artillery team, kill them for me!" Major Tominaga no longer cared about the dirty dirt and leaves in the mountains. He crawled in the grass and looked at the fallen trees in the telescope field of view. The large piece of "shit yellow" was issued angrily and military orders were issued.

 The incompetent Baga reappears on the battlefield.

However, the Japanese responded very quickly. The six Type 92 heavy machine guns that had occupied the high ground about 600 meters away roared wildly, causing the Chinese positions camouflaged by green plants to splash with mud.

 Two 70mm infantry cannons started firing one minute after the start of the battle. Six clouds of thick black gunpowder smoke rose up from the position, mixed with rocks and pieces of wood shattered by the shells.

"Hold your heads to me, no one is allowed to shoot me without my order!" the lieutenant platoon leader bent over and walked through the trench, shouting heartbreakingly.

To pour out firepower at all costs is to use concealment to inflict maximum damage to the Japanese army. Now that the goal has been achieved, and the Japanese army's heavy firepower is coming in retaliation, there is no need to fight the Japanese to the death.

Company Commander Gu has deliberately emphasized before the war that our mountain infantry company must use everything available to fight this battle, not only to win, but also to win beautifully.

What is beautiful? There is only one standard for Tang Tuanzuo. Unless it is a position that cannot be retreated for half a step and requires a life-and-death battle, the casualty rate will not be considered. For other battlefields, the smaller the casualty rate, the more beautiful it will be!

Under such tactical guidance, a wave of "Fighting" beat the Japanese troops at the forefront so that they could not find their way to the rear. The 1st Platoon actually acted as a "shrinking tortoise". Not to mention the MG42 machine gun that had just shown its power, even None of the riflemen opened fire, and they collectively retreated into the 1.5-meter-deep trench built against the mountain.

Despite the fact that the infantry shelling was quite effective, it actually only destroyed two trenches. The three soldiers closest to the artillery impact point had bruises on their bodies from stones picked up by the air waves, and their eardrums were damaged by the simple earplugs they wore. The huge explosion caused pain, but there was basically no external injury.

 In the first wave, when both sides basically used heavy firepower, the Chinese side won the battle with a battle loss ratio of 0 to 100.

   The reason why we say they are basically deployed is because the 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 232nd Infantry Regiment has exerted all its strength, but the 1st Platoon of the Mountain Infantry Company has not yet.

There are four 60-guns in the 1st row, less than 80 meters behind the position. There happens to be a hundred-ton boulder seven or eight meters wide. There is also a small cave behind that can hide thirty people. There are about six or seven people in the middle. An open space of ten square meters is simply the most ideal position for this kind of mortar.

After six or seven days of modification, each of the four small guns has its own independent shell storage point and a communication trench that can be evacuated to the cave. There is also a special artillery observation point built on the rock. Not to mention the camouflage fortifications, it can also be condescending and transparent. Through the telescope and artillery observer, the front of the mountain within 800 meters can be seen clearly.

“Liu Mancang, let me shoot down the Japanese heavy machine gun first, and the infantry artillery will take care of him later.” The lieutenant platoon leader’s roar on the walkie-talkie almost overwhelmed the roar of the infantry artillery shells exploding on the position.

"Platoon leader, just watch it!" an infantry sergeant shouted confidently into the walkie-talkie in his hand, then turned to the gunners behind him who were ready and shouted: "Brothers, the platoon leader has an order, Target area No. 2, please hurry up, the platoon leader is already furious. "

 Thirty seconds later, the young gunners all made the 'OK' gesture. This was not a pretense of the young gunners, it was their daily tactical gesture. The roar of guns and artillery on the battlefield is too loud. No matter how loud you shout, it may be drowned by the noise. With the help of tactical gestures, soldiers can understand the intentions of their superiors in a shorter time, which invisibly improves combat efficiency.

 “What are you waiting for? Give me a shot, 10 rounds of rapid fire for each gun!” The Army sergeant’s face turned red and he waved the small red flag in his hand.

  "咻~~~咻~~~" The unique sharp scream of the mortar pierced the sky.

Major Tominaga’s eyes suddenly froze!

**** it! The Chinese army facing him was actually equipped with troublesome mortars.

The Japanese Army Major, who has more than a year of experience fighting the Chinese army, is most afraid of Chinese equipment, nothing more than mortars that can shoot in curves.

This kind of artillery has a small caliber and is not very lethal, but it is a real nightmare for solid fortifications and armor, and for infantry staying in the wilderness.

 Because no one can guarantee that no artillery shell will fall within a few square meters of where they are lying. The only tactic that can survive under such an artillery attack is the blessing of Amaterasu.

Amaterasu, bless you! The Chinese mortars hit the forward infantry. Three seconds before the shell fell, Major Tominaga couldn't help but express his ambition!

This is not because the Japanese Army Major is so ruthless and doesn't care about the casualties of frontline officers and soldiers, but because he chooses the lesser of two evils and loses heavy firepower, which is absolutely catastrophic for the infantry brigade that wants to attack from the bottom up.

 But obviously, Amaterasu missed work today and didn't pay attention to himself, a devout believer.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of explosions kept ringing in Major Wishing's ears!

Tominaga looked to one side and saw gunpowder smoke rising from the hill less than 200 meters away from his area. His eyes were full of pain!

The Chinese are so ruthless that their heavy machine gun squadron was struck in the first round.

Because of the rush, all the heavy machine guns occupying the commanding heights will not take more than 15 minutes to reach the fighting position. It would be good to fix the heavy machine guns, adjust the shooting range and prepare ammunition. The bunkers are all natural, either tree trunks or Stone.

 It may be difficult to block a bullet, let alone a cannonball falling from the sky.

Without his "clear and confused" eyes looking through the thick smoke, Tominaga could imagine what kind of heavy blows the eight heavy machine guns he placed on it would suffer.

Especially, the Chinese artillery shells seemed to be endless, and the continuous shelling lasted for 30 seconds at a time, a saturation attack of dozens of artillery shells.

The Japanese Army Major's face seemed to be filled with bitterness. He did not wait for his subordinates to report the battle damage of the heavy machine gun squadron to him. After calming down, he quickly ordered: "Ask for help from the commander of the regiment and request fire support from the mountain artillery squadron. If there is any Maybe, please ask your Excellency, the division commander, for air support. Our unit is facing the Chinese elite now!”

It can only be said that the reaction of the Japanese Army Major was indeed first-class, and his self-esteem threshold was also low. He didn't care that he had already asked for help once before. Only two minutes into the war, he shamelessly asked for help again, and even took the initiative. Raise the level of assistance.

 Such an opponent, even Gu Xishui, must be treated with caution.

It’s just that the quick-responsive army major can’t become a master. There is an even more proud noble captain above him.

Saji Naoe's biggest shortcoming is that he is too proud. When he received the "request for help" message from Tominaga himself, the first thought that came out of his heart was not to trust the judgment of his close subordinates, but to feel deep shame.

 What are the Chinese elites? Is the Thirty-third Army an elite Chinese force, or did it lose its army commander under the siege of the division's two elite infantry regiments? The fifth Golden Medal awarded to the George family was still shining brightly on his chest. As a result, the most elite infantry group under his command actually asked the division commander and the navy for air support as soon as the war started. This was not an insult to him as the commander of the regiment. Face?

"Baga! Tell Major Tominaga that the artillery squadron of the Wing Headquarters will provide him with artillery support in 5 minutes! Order him to lead the Imperial Warriors to overcome the difficulties and defeat the current enemy. I hope to see the Imperial flag flying before sunset over the Chinese The top of the mountain.”

"Your Excellency, the captain, underestimated the Chinese on the other side. They came well prepared and well-equipped with weapons and equipment. At least that kind of high-speed machine gun was something our division had never seen on the Chinese battlefield. I even doubted them. It is the most elite unit in the Eighteenth Army of China." Holding the message from Saji Naoe, Tominaga's face was full of bitterness.

How arrogant are the Chinese on the front lines? After successfully killing 6 heavy machine guns with mortar attacks, they continued to use rifles to shoot at the imperial officers and soldiers who were advancing on the hillside or dragging wounded soldiers in an attempt to evacuate there.

They seem to know that, except for heavy machine guns, only two infantry guns can hardly pose a substantial threat to a position that is hundreds of meters wide!

And this is also true. After the Chinese side took out the mortars, the two infantry artillery had to be cautious and drag them away immediately after every two shots were fired. Not to mention killing a large number of enemies on the ground, they could not be suppressed even by simple suppression.

The Chinese soldiers lying deep in the trenches almost recklessly shot at the imperial soldiers 130 meters away on the hillside.

No matter living or dead, we will not let go!

Tominaga even watched through the telescope as a **** corpse of an imperial officer and soldier splashed with blood. It was the Chinese who fired at the imperial soldier who lay motionless on the ground.

 They don’t want anyone to leave that position alive.

 Not only are they well-equipped, but they are also ruthless, which has highlighted the characteristics of an elite force.

The only two 90mm mortars used were tried to attack it, but they were unable to defeat a pack of wolves with both hands. The Chinese had obviously more mortars. When they were shot down, the 90mm mortars were still there. However, eight gunners were killed in the battle, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

This kind of mountain is simply a paradise for mortars. The 70mm infantry cannon equipped by the empire for the infantry brigade is really difficult to use.

 This is another conclusion reached by Major Tominaga!

If it weren’t for the grenade launcher hidden more than 300 meters away, which could still pose a threat to the Chinese in the position below the top of the mountain, no one in Cangtai’s squadron, which was suppressed by the Chinese on the hillside with bullets, would have left there alive.

But the six grenade groups distributed in the mountains are also difficult. After the Chinese destroyed the heavy machine guns, they targeted these firepower groups that can launch grenades.

Due to the problem of range, the grenades pose no threat to the Chinese mortars hidden in the mountains and forests further away, but the other side can shell them at will. It is a completely asymmetric operation.

For five minutes, the Japanese Army Major could only watch his side being passively beaten, but he was helpless. Before the mountain artillery destroyed the opponent's terrifying machine guns, he knew that no matter how many infantry were thrown in, he would only give the opponent heads.

 This may also be the most helpless moment the Japanese Army Major has felt since he entered China to fight!

 But soon, someone more sad than him appeared.

Four Type 41 mountain guns have been lined up in a valley 2,200 meters away. The black muzzles of the guns are looking up to the sky. The gunners have already picked up the shells and filled them into the barrels, and then squatted behind the guns, waiting for the artillery squadron. When the small flag in the deputy captain's hand is waved, the main gunner of each gun will pull the breech hard.

 Four high-speed rotating artillery shells will rush out of the barrel with a muzzle velocity of 360 meters/second, and hit the mountain ridge in the distance 5 seconds later.

 In the absence of permanent fortifications, the high-speed flying 6-kg explosive grenade is the most invincible presence in this area.

 With one shot, everything within a radius of a hundred meters was reduced to powder!

 Just, the sharp howl resounded through the sky again!

This time, its sound and movement are much louder than a 60mm mortar.

Major Tominaga’s face instantly turned as pale as paper!

  The Chinese’s trump cards are being revealed one by one!

Every time it is opened, it means that an imperial soldier is going to meet Amaterasu!

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