Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1439: ugly undercurrent

 “Our side won a complete victory in the battle to defend the stone plate!”

“Our 150,000 soldiers in the third and fifth theaters fought bravely to repel the enemy invaders!”

“Our three armed forces, land, sea and air force, will work together to defeat the Japanese invaders!”

With the Chinese and foreign press conference eagerly held by the Ministry of Military Affairs on the evening of the 24th, newspapers in major cities in China publicized the victory of the Shipai defense battle on their front pages in the early morning of the 25th.

He praised that person with extremely flattering words, which made that person's reputation reach another peak since the victory in the defense of Taierzhuang, just as he expected.

The man was naturally in a very good mood, and specifically called the Minister of Military Affairs to his residence, and decided to award the Medal of the Blue Sky to the chief officers above the division level of the ministries who participated in the battle to defend Shipai.

This is a big deal, even when the Wanjialing annihilated the 106th Division during the Battle of Central China, it had never been done before.

"Tang Dao of the Si Xing Regiment is still only a colonel, but his military exploits are outstanding." Minister He thought that Tang Dao's handsome face appeared in his mind. Although he felt that it would displease him, he still put aside this disturbing question. out.

In terms of military exploits, the Si Xing Regiment firmly held the left wing of the Shipai central position as a group, allowing the 11th Division to devote all its forces to the frontal battlefield. This was also the main factor in winning the victory, and the enemies blocked by the Si Xing Regiment were Two detachments plus the main force of a division bear greater pressure than the 18th Division.

More importantly, the Si Xing Regiment also successfully completed the counterattack, catching the main force of the 39th Division when the main force of the Japanese army began to retreat, and is now encircling and annihilating the Japanese army.

  Being able to defend and counterattack and kill thousands of Japanese troops is something that has rarely been achieved in countless battles. Once successful, it will definitely boost the morale of the country's military and civilians. At this critical moment, Minister He also felt that it was a bit unjust not to give Commander Tang a Blue Sky Medal.

"Captain Tang of the Four Elements Regiment! He is still a little too young. He is very good, but he is a young boy who is only 25 years old. Let him be among a group of old men. You let those who fight for the country... What do veterans of more than ten years think?

Our ancestors have a saying that goes like this: If a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it! It is a good thing to become famous at a young age, but becoming famous at a young age may be the biggest obstacle to his future progress. It is better to let him polish his current position. When the time is right, let him return to the mountain city to be the military secretary of the minister, or my attendant. official. "The man rubbed his smooth scalp and replied with a slightly feminine accent from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

The man's eyes were staring out the window. Minister He sitting nearby couldn't see the flash in his eyes, but he sighed slightly in his heart. He knew his boss and opponent too well.

Tang Dao fought side by side with the 80th Army in the north and cooperated closely with him, which really hit his bottom line. He hurriedly transferred the Four Lines Regiment away from the North China battlefield. On the surface, it seemed to be because of the request of the commander surnamed Li of the Fifth Theater. , but in fact the main reason is related to the 80th Army.

Even when the Four Troops marched to the mountain city, that man even considered leaving the Four Troops as a garrison outside the mountain city. If the Japanese army's intention to attack Shipai Fortress had not been obvious, the two commanders Li and Chen had Requesting to send more elite troops to Shipai to participate in the battle, Tang Dao and the Four Elements Regiment are probably still waiting for military orders in the mountain city.

He is so afraid of Tang Dao. How can he be willing to award Tang Dao the Medal of Blue Sky?

Of course, the reason why he is so stingy and stingy with even a medal actually has a lot to do with Tang Dao itself being too good.

The war has entered its fourth year. Tang Dao led his four-line regiment to fight in the north and south. They have gone through dozens of battlefields, large and small. He already has two Blue Sky Medals and an unknown number of Baoding Medals. If there is another one, that will He is the first soldier in the entire Chinese military to have such an honor, and he has served as an army colonel for three years. Just pick any of his military achievements and he will be able to enter the ranks of generals.

The promotion to Tang Dao is just for one person. A major general is not a very important figure in the entire Chinese military system. But the key is that today's Si Xing Regiment has long been a special regiment. On the surface, the establishment is better than the ordinary 2 regiment. The infantry brigade must be large, and those who are not on the roster are added to it, and then transformed into a brigade, how powerful is it?

A disobedient tiger leads a pack of wolves. In addition, he has friends with ruthless characters such as the Northeast Army, Northwest Army, Sichuan Army, Yunnan Army, and the 80th Group Army who have different political opinions. Whoever sits in this position would probably not be able to do it. Raising tigers will cause trouble!

 However, if it were peacetime, Minister He would agree with this choice without hesitation, but what time is it now? It is a moment of survival for the entire country and nation. As the number one person in the Chinese military and government at this time, what he should do most is to unite all the forces that can be united to drive away foreign enemies with a common hatred!

"In this case, I also know that Tang Dao and the Four Elements Regiment contributed a lot in this battle. If they don't give rewards, you, the military and political minister, will not look good on your face.

Let me tell you to the Fifth War Zone that the pensions for the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Army Regiment who died in this battle can be increased by 20%; captains with military merits can enjoy the salary of army majors. Majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels will all be treated accordingly; In addition, officers of the Four-Hong Regiment who have achieved military exploits, such as majors or above, can return to the mountain city to participate in higher education classes organized by the Central Military Academy according to their personal wishes! "The feminine accent from Jiangsu and Zhejiang continued to sound.

"Okay! I will convey your message to Commander Li." Minister He nodded.

  . . . . . . . . .

"Ha! That guy is very good at planning! Is this the beginning of the internal disintegration of the Four Elements Regiment? I don't think it's as easy as he thought." General Li, who received the telegram from the Ministry of Military Affairs, smiled lightly. He threw the message on his desk with disdain in his eyes.

“Sir, do you mean the higher education class?” An army lieutenant general sitting beside him was thoughtful.

“The so-called higher education classes are just under the guise of training mid- to high-level officers, but they are actually used to win over the hearts and minds of various ministries and enrich their own faction’s army!” Commander Li said calmly.

"It's useless to just be loyal to the country and the army. You have to be loyal to him. Otherwise, this higher education class may not be able to be promoted quickly. If Tang Dao is really willing to let his closest confidants go, would you believe it? , several major battalion commanders will be parachuted in soon to grab this position."

"Tang Dao is just younger, but he is not stupid. How could he do such a stupid thing? That..." the Army Lieutenant General's eyes flashed.

"How is it that someone who can defeat many elders and reach this position is so easy to deal with? He is just killing two birds with one stone. Tang Dao is unwilling to send people, which means that he just wants to support his troops and respect himself. He has other intentions. There is nothing special about that. The reward is his punishment; and if he sends people, it will be exactly what he wants. He sends his own generals into the Four Lines Group. Even if he cannot control the Four Lines Group, he can at least grasp the movements of the Four Lines Group and know the movements of the Four Lines Group. What exactly are they going to do, and the unknown secrets of Tang Dao?" General Li's eyes were deep.

"After all, Tang Dao was too young and didn't know how to restrain his talents. He got too close to the 80th Army in North China, which eventually caused trouble. Hey! I originally thought that we would have an elite soldier like the Si Xing Regiment. I have another helping hand in the fifth theater, and now I am here." The Army Lieutenant General sighed slightly.

As a backbone of the Guangxi faction, he also knew how powerful that person was. Even Li and Bai couldn't defeat him. If he was targeted by such a person, Tang Dao would have three heads and six arms, and he would probably only be able to reach the rank of Army Colonel. His whole life, he didn't even know that he was caught by the all-pervasive military commander and thrown into prison that day.

"That's all, for the sake of the Four Troops coming all the way to avenge me in the Fifth War Zone and waiting for me, I will help him once." General Li shook his head slightly. "In the name of the Theater Staff Headquarters, I sent a telegram to the Ministry of Military Affairs, saying that there are still more than 6,000 Japanese invaders who are resisting in the Battle of Shipai. The Fourth Army Regiment, as the main force besieging the Japanese invaders, cannot spare manpower for the time being. When the war slows down in the future, The theater staff will then notify them to select outstanding officers to return to the mountain city for training."

 “This” Army Lieutenant General hesitated after a slight attack.

This means that the theater headquarters blocked Tang Dao's shot, especially since the leader of the Gui faction he followed had a rift with that person. In this case, that person would have to have an opinion even more.

"Haishan, just do what I want." General Li had already made up his mind. "There is a saying that if you have too many lice, you are not afraid of being bitten. He has long disliked me. How can I be afraid of getting one more? Moreover, he suddenly fell in love with me that day. How can he separate the 71st Army, the 74th Army, and the 18th Army? Return to my war zone?

By the way, remember to forward the original text of the telegram from the Ministry of Military Affairs to Tang Dao, and call him again an hour later, telling him that these little devils have been killed in peace, and that all other matters will be coordinated by the war zone with the Ministry of Military Affairs. "

“Yes!” The Army Lieutenant General instantly understood what his big boss meant.

 Instead of trying to please a boss who will never like him, it is better to focus on the immediate situation and capture a younger brother who can fight and kill.

 Si Xing Tuan has proved with their strength that their reputation on the battlefield in North China is definitely well-deserved, and even more so.

This time the battle to defend Shipai mainly focused on the third theater, and the fifth theater only provided support. Together with the four-line regiment that went directly from the mountain city to the battlefield, the number of troops was only 40,000, which was just a side drum.

There were two infantry divisions on the periphery whose defense lines were breached by the Japanese army, which made the Fifth Theater District a little disgraced. They could only pin their hopes on the Four Lines Regiment, which was directly under the jurisdiction of the theater.

As a result, the battle report came, and even the lieutenant general and chief of staff, who had been in the army for twenty years, couldn't help but take several breaths of cold air.

 Si Xing Regiment has only 5,000 personnel as a special forces regiment. As a result, the Japanese army came up with a detachment plus more than half of the 39th Division. The 39th Division was the main sufferer of the Fifth Theater, and the commander of the 33rd Army died under their siege. That was an enemy that even five divisions could not stop. Can the Four Lines retreat unscathed from their attack?

What's even more terrible is that the Four Lines Regiment cannot retreat. Once it retreats, the 11th Division in the central position of Shipai will be surrounded by the Japanese army from several sides. Even if it has preserved its strength, the loss of the Shipai Fortress and the annihilation of the entire 11th Division are enough to blame. Killed the heads of several officers of the Four Elements Regiment.

In those days, the lights at the Fifth Theater Headquarters were almost never extinguished, just waiting for the battle report from the Fourth Army Regiment Headquarters. He, the lieutenant general and chief of staff, only slept on a simple camp bed with his clothes on for several days in a row. For three hours, most of the time I was in a state of extreme anxiety, even though the daily battle reports of the Four Troops seemed quite gratifying, as they all repelled the Japanese attack.

Not only are the Four Lines Regiment an elite force whose commander uses various connections and talents to come to the war zone, but also because they are the face of the entire fifth war zone.

They need to win to save the face they lost due to the defeat in the Zaoyi battle last year.

Unexpectedly, on the 21st, the battle situation suddenly changed. A needle valley detachment with a total of 7,000 people bypassed the defense line and reached Sifang Bay, where the headquarters of the Si Xing Regiment, which had only one battalion, was located. The battle report came, let alone Lieutenant General The chief of staff, even General Li, who had always been serious, had anxious expressions on his face.

If the theater headquarters were not 400 kilometers away from Shipai, the lieutenant general and chief of staff had reason to believe that his general commander, who smoked five or six cigarettes in a row, could even send the theater headquarters' security division to provide support.

 But the Four Lines Regiment gave everyone a huge surprise. In just one day, they defeated the frantically attacking Needle Valley detachment and completed the encirclement.

On the night of the 22nd, General Li, who had never had a good appetite, actually showed off two large bowls of rice, which was indeed excessive for an old man in his fifties who was about to enter his twilight years.

However, this also shows his uncontrollable joy.

The surprise was not over yet. After the main force of the Japanese army on the frontal battlefield began to withdraw on the 24th, the Fourth Army actually made another almost epic attempt to cut off the retreat, using an infantry company lurking in the mountains to resolutely block the 39th Army. On the only mountain pass where the main remnants of the division retreated.

When the Fourth Army Regiment sent the tactical plan to the theater staff headquarters, the lieutenant general and chief of staff felt that his hair was about to stand on end.

There was both fear like a stormy wave, joy that came like a tide, and even more admiration for Tang Dao's determination and madness.

What is shocking is that a reinforced infantry company with no more than 200 troops actually had to withstand the crazy attack of more than 4,000 Japanese troops for 6 hours. This is a decision that any commander can hardly imagine and would not make.

That almost sent more than 200 Chinese soldiers to die. Will anyone carry out this military order like a moth to a flame?

What is gratifying is that the 39th Division, a designation that the 5th Theater Command hates, is still alive today. If they are really trapped in the mountains and it is completed by the 5th Theater Command, then the 200,000-strong army of the entire 5th Theater Command will be defeated. The grievances endured for half a year, especially by the 33rd Army whose commander was killed in the battle, will boost their morale.

Tang Dao could not take such a risk and wait for the Japanese troops to withdraw and enjoy the fruits of victory in the Shipai defense battle, but he still did so just to keep the main force of the 39th Division in the beautiful mountains of China. .

"Our unit has joined forces with the 18th Army and has successfully completed the encirclement of the Japanese Infantry Regiment 231!" When the telegram from the Fourth Army Regiment came a few hours later, the excited Lieutenant General Chief of Staff picked up the telegram and rushed to the headquarters, even He even forgot to wipe away the tears that were shining from the corners of his eyes due to extreme excitement, and was teased by General Li because of this.

Tell me, is such an elite infantry regiment worth fighting to offend the one who protects it in the war zone? It is definitely worth it.

Even when the lieutenant general chief of staff walked out of the headquarters, he had already thought of suggesting that the commander transfer Tang Dao to be the deputy director of the operations department of his staff. Of course, it would be a part-time job. Since the officer who would not be promoted to Tang Dao would come to the war zone. .

  Deputy Director of the Operations Division of the Theater Staff Headquarters, does he have the right to participate in making tactical suggestions in the theater? Although his military rank is not high, his real power is not small. Even the division commanders have to smile when they meet.

  . . . . . . . . . .

"Haha! That person is really guarding against us. Now he doesn't even bother to do superficial things. He even uses rudimentary tricks like drawing money from the bottom of the cauldron." Tang Dao threw the message transferred from the theater headquarters to Ye Chenghuan looked contemptuous.

“Although Chief Li has his little one, our group still has to accept this favor.” Ye Chenghuan picked up the message and read it for a long time, his eyes full of solemnity.

 “As a favor from Chief Li, the 4,000 heads of the 231st Regiment in this encirclement is almost enough.” Tang Dao pointed to the depths of the mountain in front of him, but his eyes were full of resentment and regret.

"I thought that no matter how he was the leader of a country, he was somewhat tolerable, but now I find that I still think too highly of him. I and my thousands of brothers in the Four Corps are willing to sacrifice their lives for this country and nation. His head is full of blood, but he still ignores the overall situation and focuses on factional disputes. How can such a person be undefeated? "

“Captain, you mean...” Ye Chenghuan’s expression suddenly changed.

Although Ye Chenghuan, who was born in the 80th Army Group, didn't like that person, as a Chinese, the Japanese invaders were currently the biggest enemy. When he heard Tang Dao say that he was defeated, he was naturally shocked.

“It was not the Japanese who lost, but the Chinese people.” Tang Dao looked at his deputy and said meaningfully.

"Brother Ye, I can guarantee you that as long as we Chinese don't give up on ourselves, we will definitely be able to realize the country we dream of. Although it still has many shortcomings and regrets, our sons and grandsons don't have to live in the flames of war every day. Instead of worrying about filling their stomachs, they will no longer have to worry about what will happen tomorrow. They will be happy."

"Of course I believe it! Isn't that what our generation has to fight for them even if we lose our body?" Ye Chenghuan put down his worries and grinned, showing his white teeth.

 “It’s just you, the leader.”

As a comrade who has worked with Tang Dao for nearly three years, he can clearly see the anger and unwillingness in Tang Dao's eyes. He understands the anger, but why is this unwillingness?

"Chief Li has good intentions, but it has inadvertently increased his fear of our regiment. Our regiment may have to keep a low profile in the past two years, and it will be difficult to make any big achievements." Tang Dao sighed softly, Turn your head south.

He originally wanted to participate in the first overseas battle for Chinese soldiers in nearly a century, but now it seems that the possibility is slim.

That man would never allow an elite infantry regiment that had something to do with the Eightyth Army and that his old rival wanted to protect at the risk of offending him to grow in strength again.

His telegram was not so much a test of Tang Dao as it was a test of the Four Elements Group's position in General Li's heart.

 As for Chief Li, he may not have noticed that person's intention, but from his perspective, this way of handling it was more in his interests.

 Up to now, the Four Lines Group is just a small boat in the turbulent river. Whether it can successfully reach the other shore depends on God's will.

But, so what?

Since he has come to this era and is as ferocious as the Japanese invaders, he has killed tens of thousands of them! Tang Dao put away the regret and unwillingness in his eyes and regained his fighting spirit.

If someone makes him unhappy, then he should kill some Japanese to relieve his hatred! (End of chapter)

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