Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1441: Lucky Soldier (Part 1)

Chapter 1441 Lucky Soldier (Part 1)

Shi Dakuan was actually not impulsive. He had already targeted a small hill 600 meters away from the front line blockade position.

There is about a small detachment of Japanese garrisoned there!

The Japanese dug two trenches on the top of this hill. In order to avoid being annihilated by a single saturation bombardment, the two trenches were separated by nearly 80 meters, and a shallow communication trench was dug between the two trenches.

 These were actually all carried out under the noses of the Chinese side. Shi Dakuan had already observed several times through the telescope handed to him by the regiment leader.

If it hadn't been for the order of Commander Tang of the Sixings Regiment that the entire army was only responsible for siege and not expending troops to attack, just this small high ground could be captured by an infantry company in less than 2 hours.

Since Commander Tang issued the "cold gun and cold attack" order to all ministries, the 31st Regiment also organized at least 10 elite groups to attack Japanese positions within the 1,000-meter defense line, but they all focused on those Japanese positions with more troops. superior.

When there are more people, it is easier to make mistakes, and it is easier to find targets and gain military exploits. There is actually nothing wrong with this underlying logic.

But what Shi Dakuan was thinking was that if the Japanese had fewer troops, wouldn't it be easier to carry out attacks? Suffer less attacks? Anyway, Commander Tang's military order requires that they be Japanese, and there are no military ranks.

Today is the New Year's Eve. The Japanese soldiers estimate that the Chinese soldiers are celebrating their New Year, and they will relax even if they have been in a state of mental exhaustion. This relaxation is an opportunity for Shi Dakuan, who has been planning for two days.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Japanese army's thinking. Although the departments responsible for encircling the Japanese army are still on the battlefield, considering that today is New Year's Eve and each department has just experienced a **** battle, in order to boost morale, they still took a holiday in disguise.

Except for the officers and soldiers who are on duty, the rest of the officers and soldiers can gamble and drink in the trenches, but their firearms cannot be left behind to prevent the Japanese army from taking advantage of the Chinese New Year to make a desperate breakthrough when the Chinese side relaxes their vigilance.

Of course, Tang Dao and the several army colonels who came to the front line to supervise the battle were all trained in **** battlefields. Mistakes like capsizing in the gutter would be made there. The infantry should relax a little, and the artillery and heavy firepower should be ready. , if the Japanese don't charge, they will be beaten to a pulp if they dare to charge.

In fact, these few people were eager for the Japanese to come and make a desperate charge. The 10th Army specially sent a baggage unit to deliver 1,300 landmines to the Shipai defense zone. In the past two days, all the units buried them in front of their positions and used them at night. The Japanese infantrymen who wanted to carry out a sneak attack were killed and maimed nearly a hundred people. Starting from last night, Yamada Masakichi gave up this behavior of actively giving away people's lives and honestly retreated into his simple turtle shell.

Now the Chinese soldiers and the Japanese in the two war zones know Tang Tuanzuo's plan. He wants to strand these thousands of Japanese troops alive and dead. No matter how hard they dig trenches and anti-gun holes on the mountain tops, you have to eat and drink!

Maybe there is no shortage of water in Wushan, and one can survive for a few days by chewing tree bark and grass roots, but human life is very long, and even Chinese soldiers can afford to wait a few days.

Tang Tuanzuo This was an upright and clear plan. Even if everyone in the Japanese army knew about it, they could only do nothing about it.

Even, someone at the China Expeditionary Forces Headquarters as far away as Jinling has proposed the idea of ​​surrendering the 231 Infantry Regiment in the encirclement.

However, this extremely insulting idea was rejected before it even reached the formal meeting. Since the establishment of the Imperial Japanese Army, there has never been a case of collective surrender of infantry regiment-level troops, even in full combat. Death and shame are much better than this.

 To put it bluntly, face is greater than heaven.

However, surrender was just the wishful thinking of some senior officials within the Japanese China Expeditionary Force, and the Chinese did not think so.

 China can accept a smaller number of people, but if thousands of Japanese surrender at once, we need money to build a prisoner-of-war camp! Food must be provided!

Even the man who was so happy about his success never thought of forcing all the Japanese in the two encirclements to surrender.

poverty! It limits China’s imagination of being proud.

   . . . . . . . . . . .

Shi Dakuan was certainly not stupid and would not rush over alone to cause trouble for 15 Japanese soldiers.

As the future acting company commander of the 9th company, and now the regiment commander's personal soldier, Shi Dakuan is also a well-known figure in the remnants of the 31st regiment these days. He went directly to the guard squad to find two men who were no more than two years older than him. They were also soldiers who had a **** feud with the Japanese army. After some persuasion from him and the endorsement of Tang Tuanzuo's military order, the two soldiers put their submachine guns on their backs and set off with Shi DaDa at night.

3 people, equipped with 2 submachine guns, a 20-shot rifle and 9 grenades. The other three people have bayonets inserted from the captured Japanese Type 38 rifles on their waists. Jubilee is an elite infantry group in terms of equipment alone. It's almost fun to shoot cold shots from a distance.

  After all, the maximum effective range of these three firearms does not exceed 150 meters, and the attack distance of grenades does not exceed 60 meters.

That's because Shi Dakuan's tactical plan was not about long-range cold-gun sniping. He wanted to sneak into the Japanese trenches and attack them while it was dark.

As long as the three of them can get into the first trench while the Japanese are asleep, he will have the confidence to kill a few of the Japanese in the first trench and then sneak away while the chaos is darkened.

Shi Dakuan had already observed carefully in the afternoon. The Japanese army on the hilltop had at least 10 people on the second-line trench higher up. This meant that the second-line trench had a maximum of 5 people, a battery of two submachine guns and a box gun. The firepower was enough to kill these five Japanese soldiers. By the time the ten Japanese soldiers above them reacted, the three of them had already fled into the bushes.

  5 little devils! Those were 5 boxes of cigarettes, 10 kilograms of polished rice and 10 cans of beef. No one would be so greedy that they would drool. Shi Dakuan also used this to make the two guardsmen give up their hesitation.

The three soldiers were all bold and bold. At about 10:30 p.m., the three men quietly reached a position less than 30 meters away from their target position.

Shi Dakuan could even hear clearly the conversations of the Japanese soldiers in the trenches. Although they were all in low-pitched Japanese and could not understand the content of the conversation, he could also tell that the Japanese soldiers did not dare to sleep at all and were still very awake at the moment.

 The three of them simply lay down in front of the position to take a nap, replenishing their energy and preparing to go up to kill the Japanese at midnight.

The moonlight and starlight that day were actually quite bright. It was not a blinding weather, but the visibility was not more than 3 meters.

 But none of the three Chinese soldiers, including Shi Dakuan, noticed that there was a pair of eyes looking at their direction more than 200 meters away.

"These three guys, I don't know if they are brave or stupid, they are ready to rush directly to the trenches to fight the Japanese." Cao Yingchong widened his eyes, looked at the figure that could not be seen clearly in the dark, lowered his voice to express his Marvel.

Although he has had the experience of shooting alone with more than a dozen Japs, he was forced out by desperate situations. He took the initiative to find a Japs team to challenge him. Thinking about it carefully, he really didn't have the courage. But just now The three Chinese soldiers who crawled past him less than 3 meters away from where he was lurking did what he, a second lieutenant in reconnaissance, did not dare to do.

That's right, when Shi Dakuan and the other three crawled through the grass, their attention was focused on the front, but they didn't notice that a man holding a Czech semi-automatic rifle lay quietly under the wild grass a few meters away.

In fact, if Shi Dakuan and the others knew that there was more than one Chinese Army second lieutenant and even a Chinese Army colonel in this area, they would be no less frightened than if they ran into a dozen Japanese soldiers they wanted to kill.

"Haha! Isn't that what you, Deputy Platoon Commander Cao, want to do! If you call someone stupid, you're also scolding yourself!" A deep metallic voice chuckled from two meters away.

Pang Zilong on the other side couldn't help but grin. To be honest, this is really not Second Lieutenant Cao's idea, but what Tang Tuanzuo is planning to do, okay? As originally promised with Director Ye, Tuanzuo Tang was just going to take the two of them to meet with the commanders of the 18th Army to say hello and to inspect various defense lines.

The result was good. After meeting with Commander Lu of the 31st Regiment, Tang Tuanzuo came over and said, "Do you two want to drink and eat meat and bring some cigarettes back to give to the brothers?"

 With such a good thing, what else is there to say? Moreover, it was the commander who spoke, so the two officers, who were considered junior leaders in the reconnaissance company, naturally nodded without hesitation.

This nod does not matter, it is not that the chief wants to give everyone private benefits, but that he has to earn them himself.

Tang Dao had a general understanding of the Japanese defense terrain and troop strength through the simple sand table at the 31st Regiment Headquarters and the introduction of the 31st Regiment Commander. Like Shi Dakuan, he fell in love with the small high ground where only one Japanese infantry detachment was stationed.

During the Chinese New Year, Commander Lu of the 31st Regiment thought of dumplings, tobacco and alcohol as offerings to commemorate his fallen soldiers, but Tang Tuanzuo, who was framed by the two bosses and wanted to vent his negative emotions, was thinking of Japanese heads at the moment. .

Fresh heads!

Therefore, the guard squad was ordered to stand by, and the two officers were 'coerced' into the battlefield by Tang Tuanzuo. According to the tactical plan, Pang Zilong was responsible for sniper cover from a distance, Cao Yingchong used semi-automatic rifle fire cover, and Tang Tuanzuo had to go into the trenches. Assassinate the devils.

If it were another regiment commander, the two officers of the reconnaissance company were not stupid. It would be a fool's errand to let the commander take risks in the tiger's mouth. No matter how much Tang Tuanzuo could "cover the sky with one hand", they would not do such a stupid thing, but Tang Tuanzuo Who is the seat?

 That is the number one expert in the group.

And this number one expert is not praised by everyone just because he is the leader of the regiment. He is the result of actual battles and training grounds. Even Ming Xin, a ruthless man who killed more than 30 Japanese soldiers with a big sword, admitted that when he met Tang Tuanzuo on the battlefield, he had almost no chance of saving anything.

Moreover, it was not the first time that Tang Tuanzuo had done this to touch the Japanese trenches. He had done it in the Battle of Sihang Warehouse, he had done it in the Battle of Jindong, and he had done it in the Battle of Zishan. The accumulated blood of the Japanese who had been spared with that three-edged military thorn could probably make the seedlings of an acre of rice fields grow vigorously.

 Besides, 15 little devils can exchange for so many cans of beef and cigarettes. The brothers in the reconnaissance company must be very happy. The officers of the two reconnaissance companies also couldn't resist this temptation.

 No, the three of them sneaked more than 200 meters in front of the Japanese army's position, waiting for them to sneak into the Japanese army's position after midnight and harvest the heads. Unexpectedly, this piece of "sweet pastry" was also taken into consideration.

The three stupid young men just crawled past their hiding place and lurked to an area less than 30 meters away from the Japanese position. They looked so bold that even Cao Yingchong was worried about them.

“Sir, what’s going on?” Cao Yingchong asked in a low voice, dumbfounded.

"Since the brothers of the 31st Regiment want to grab food, as the master, we can't be too stingy, right?" Tang Dao looked at the dark opposite side, with a rare flash of appreciation in his eyes. "Let's take advantage of these three little brothers!"

There are many such battles in the Four Lines Regiment. That is because he, the future little butterfly, has provided guidance based on countless successful battles in the past hundred years, especially the large amount of experience during the ten-year war in the southwest. For these three 11 For the soldiers of the division, this method of warfare is almost a completely new model.

But these three Chinese soldiers actually started this innovation with courage without any guidance, which made Tang Dao appreciate it very much.

Cao Yingchong was extremely envious of the three unknown Chinese soldiers. He was able to take away the Tang regiment's job and also allowed him to personally raid the formation for them to ensure their safety. This was probably rare in the Si Xing regiment.

Few members of the four -way group's own officers and soldiers can enjoy the treatment, but they were hit by the three soldiers of the 11th Division. The green smoke of this ancestor's grave was afraid that it would be clear to be clear!

Shi Dakuan would have known that there was an army colonel behind him who was silently paying attention to him. He was now silently waiting in the grass for the Japanese army to fall asleep.

Although the young soldier is very young, the gradually bulging biceps and the green hair on his lips all show that he is approaching the peak of his physical fitness. The battle at Gaojialing on the 23rd made his fighting will and spirit completely enter. A new realm.

Blood and death are no longer a fear that makes the young soldier's hair stand on end. It can even make him enter an extremely excited state. Just like now, although his man is lying in the grass like a hunting wolf, Every cell in his body seemed to be cheering for the **** battlefield that followed, and his eyes were filled with the desire to kill that could not be concealed.

The dumplings given to one's brothers who died in battle by the regiment leader in repayment are false, but the hope of using more Japanese lives to commemorate one's brothers who died in battle is true.

At that moment, Shi Dakuan even forgot about his mother and sister who were still waiting for him to return home in the mountain city. He forgot that if he died, the whole family would lose their only livelihood.

He just wants to pay with blood!

 For the rest of his life, he would never forget the scene where the squad leader knelt down and screamed at him with a Japanese soldier's knife that had penetrated his chest.


Shi Dakuan buried his head in the grass. He could hear a pin drop quietly on the entire hillside, but the roar in his heart that only he could hear was deafening.

At midnight, the Japanese soldiers who were still talking in low voices finally fell asleep. Shi Dakuan and the two soldiers were like turtles waking up from hibernation, and began to slowly crawl up in the grass.

The three of them moved very slowly. It took them half an hour to crawl 30 meters, only one step away from the Japanese trenches.

"Check the gun, get ready!" Shi Dakuan gestured to the other two companions, but he turned off the safety of the shell gun.

The shell gun was a relic left by the company commander, and was personally given to him by the regiment commander for safekeeping. In the past few days, Shi Dakuan used two magazines for live ammunition training. The regiment commander also specially assigned a guard squad leader to be his instructor, although there was no guarantee that The shots from 20 meters away were always successful. In this trench environment, he was still confident that a round of bullets would hit an enemy more than ten meters away.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Dakuan was ready to issue the order to enter the trench.

 At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

 “Boom! Boom! Boom!”

 The loud noises resounded continuously throughout the sky.

 The fiery red light illuminated half of the sky, and the dumbfounded faces of the three soldiers who had been preparing for murder for a long time were extremely conspicuous in the firelight.

“Those three unlucky guys!” Cao Yingchong, who was 200 meters away, looked at Shi Dakuan’s open mouth with a telescope and could only give this comment.

However, Cao Yingchong wanted to know how these three people would react if the secret attack failed.

 (End of this chapter)

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