Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1443: Lucky Soldier (Part 2)

Chapter 1443 The Lucky Soldier (Part 2)

  Japanese infantrymen are only 21 years old, which is the period when men's physical strength is at its peak. Especially after rigorous military training and more than a year of battlefield baptism, this Japanese first-class soldier is even more powerful.

Even with bare hands, it is probably no problem to deal with three or four ordinary adults.

I felt a hand cover my mouth quietly. Under the huge fear, adrenaline was secreted rapidly, and it even exploded with strength far beyond my usual strength.

At that moment, the Japanese infantry didn't want much. They just wanted to strike hard. Even if they couldn't break away from the enemy's restraints, they could still alert their companions more than ten meters away with the sound.

However, the Japanese infantry's muscles only tightened and bulged due to nerve conduction. Before they had time to exert force, a huge force came from the head, and the entire head was rotated more than 150 degrees, and finally remained in the Japanese infantry's suddenly enlarged pupils. Except for his back, which he had never seen before in his life, it was all dark blue.

The spine, through which the neurons that command the muscles of the body must pass, was severed. Naturally, it was impossible for the Japanese infantry to carry out a powerful blow.

The big hands held him and he lay half-lying in the trench. The still conscious Japanese infantryman wanted to open his mouth and shout, but found that he didn't even have the strength to open his mouth, and could only make a whirring sound with a slight trembling of his little tongue.

If everything was sound a few minutes ago, this sound would have been like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, causing the entire Japanese army to jump up in shock. But now, covered by the violent gunfire and explosions, it was like the waves rolling in the sea. The white foam that formed quickly disappeared.

Black Shadow was obviously used to this kind of killing. He didn't even check whether the prey he had just killed in half a second had actually died. After stabilizing its conscious body, he headed towards the location of another Japanese soldier. Fang bent down and walked quickly.

 Obviously, Sergeant Aoi, who was still fighting fiercely with three Chinese soldiers on the front line of the Japanese army, never thought that the "crystal" was being stolen.

Now, with the help of more melon grenades, Aoi is forcing the Chinese in the trenches towards the penultimate 'tic' corner. It won't take long before the Chinese, who have no way to retreat, will have to Exit the trenches.

Then his riflemen and machine gunners above the trenches will kill them one by one.

 “Dong! Dong!” There were two more muffled sounds.

Two flares appeared above the high ground more than 400 meters away. Under the bright light of the flares, about 20 dark blue people were running bent over in the bushes.

“Lie down! Avoid the bullet!” The two squad leaders who led the team shouted loudly when they saw that the flares were lighting up in the area above their heads and did not bother to move forward in stealth.

The soldiers of the two guard squads were obviously veterans of the battle. They rushed forward and fell down, and immediately rolled over into the mountains behind the natural bunker that they had observed at that moment.

Sure enough, within 3 seconds, on a Japanese highland hundreds of meters away, two Type 92 machine guns roared and rained down a hail of bullets.

“Boom, boom, boom!” Several mortar shells also exploded on the hilltop of the Japanese army.

"Yo Xi! Chinese, you are dead!" Aoi's eyes showed joy.

The flanking squadron stationed on the high ground finally began to provide them with fire support. Although the crossfire consisting of two heavy machine guns and several light machine guns may not be enough to kill all the Chinese who were trying to support them, it was completely necessary to slow down their advance. It can be done.

As for the Chinese mortars, no matter how fierce they were, in such a dark night, they could not locate the position of the heavy machine gun at all, and they could only rely on good luck.

 Unless they also have enough flares to hit the high ground, but the question is, do they?

There is indeed no 31st regiment. If the 4th regiment had been here, the Japanese position would have been illuminated by daylight.

 And the artillery shells were definitely not 82-caliber mortars weighing two or three kilograms. They might have been 150-caliber heavy artillery, which had long ago blown the ambitions of the Japanese Army sergeant back to the main island.

 But at least for now, Aoi is confident. It is very likely that he has killed all the Chinese who invaded the front-line trenches. The Chinese who came to help are still at least 200 meters away from the trenches.

 The Chinese people have to pay the price for their **** madness.

 However, the joy was still in his eyes, and an earth-yellow figure covered in blood fell on his back in the trench.

Even though the young man’s face was covered with blood and mud, Aoi still recognized him at a glance as Private Matsuoka Tsu, the youngest in the squad. Sadness welled up in Aoi’s eyes.

Although Matsuoka Jin was a new recruit who joined the squad after the Zaoyi War last year, as a high school graduate who joined the army, he was humble and polite, and he often helped some illiterate veterans in the squad write letters home, which was very impressive. Loved by veterans.

And Matsuoka Tsu admired him even more, the pacesetter sergeant in the brigade and even the regiment, and often brought him water to wash his feet, just to have the opportunity to ask him for advice on how to shoot the enemy at a distance of 300 meters. .

The 19-year-old young man from Fukuoka also has a dream. He hopes to be a model like Daio Aoi, and in the future he can be promoted to sergeant and become second lieutenant or lieutenant. Then he can return to his hometown to marry the girl he likes.

The girl also likes him very much. For him, she would fight against her father, who started out as a tofu shop, and win. However, she must become an Imperial Army officer before she can marry him.

 But now, he is dead, died in a despicable sneak attack by the Chinese, and all his dreams are in vain.

The Japanese infantrymen died, but the grenades and bullet boxes on the corpses were still there. Perhaps because of the fierce fighting, they did not have time to collect trophies, or perhaps the calibers of the guns on both sides were different, and the 6.5-caliber Arisaka bullets were of no use to them.

"Take off all the grenades and ammunition boxes from Matsuoka-kun's remains. In addition, carry him on your back and use his body to resist the Chinese shooting if necessary." Aoi quickly hid the sadness in his eyes, calmly and coldly. Ordered.

 The battlefield is never a place for sadness. The only way to relieve sadness is to kill the enemy! When the war is fierce, even if the remains of one's own officers and soldiers are used as bunkers, there are still some.

 At this point, the Chinese and Japanese soldiers remained consistent.

Several Japanese soldiers used corpses and simple sandbags as temporary fortifications to withstand the rain of bullets that might come at any time, and used grenades as an attack method. They continued to advance in the trenches, gradually compressing the space between Shi Dakuan and the three of them.

Soon, they saw the body of another Japanese infantryman shot by Pang Zilong on the edge of the trench.

This time, there was no need to wait for Aoi's order. The Japanese troops in the front did not hesitate to drag the corpses crawling on the edge of the trenches with their heads hanging down in the trenches into the trenches.

Aoi Dao instinctively felt something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on what was wrong.

 After all, that soft sound of ‘hiss~~’ had long been drowned in the fiery gunshots coming not far away.

 But fortunately, there was still the light of the flares. This made the Japanese army sergeant, who instinctively felt that something was wrong, looked carefully and saw a plume of green smoke rising from the chest of the remains of his colleagues who were pulled into the trench.

 “Baga!” Aoi roared angrily, turned around and knocked down the three Japanese soldiers following him.

 There was a loud "Boom!" and a thick plume of gunpowder smoke rose from the trench.

Looking from a distance, under the white light, the smoke that should have been pure black was actually filled with a thick blood color.

The power of two grenades tied together was enough to blow up a human body into several pieces. The corpse that had just died was still full of blood. If you add the Japanese infantry who was caught off guard and had no time to evade, it would be torn apart by shrapnel and air waves. If the blood spilled from the broken human body is contained in a basin, it can be filled with a large foot basin.

Perhaps that’s how the nickname of Foot Pot Chicken came about!

 Nothing else, just relying on a large amount of blood.

   . . . . . . . . . . .

"This kid in the trench can do it! He is a self-taught special operations soldier!" Cao Yingchong looked at the smoke rising into the sky from a distance and wanted to give a thumbs up to the friendly soldiers who were still fighting in the trench.

Others didn't see it, but from his perspective, he could clearly see that 2 minutes ago, when the two sides were still fighting fiercely, when the light of the flare fell, a thin body climbed into the trench and stayed next to the Japanese corpse. More than ten seconds pass.

 However, the ensuing darkness prevented him from seeing clearly what the soldier had done.

Now it seems that the soldiers used the Japanese corpse to make their favorite booby trap.

 Obviously, although this is an enemy-killing technique forced by the cruel battlefield, in order to eliminate the threat in front of him, Shi Dakuan evolved it on the battlefield.

This is actually in line with the laws of the battlefield. Most people who can survive on the battlefield may not be the strongest type of soldiers, nor are they the ones who rely solely on luck. Most of them are people who are good at using their brains. .

As Shi Dakuan continued to retreat, he knew that if he kept fighting with six or seven Japanese soldiers like this, sooner or later the submachine gun bullets would be empty. Once the advantage of continuous firepower was lost, their death would come.

 Their only way to survive is to find a way to deal with more Japanese troops, at least to maintain a balance in strength between the two sides, so that they can persist until reinforcements arrive.

Therefore, Shi Dakuan did not hesitate to spend two of the five grenades on the chest of the Japanese corpse hidden on the edge of the trench. Whenever someone moved the corpse, the grenade string he designed would pull. Shi Dakuan specifically gave up the first corpse that the Japanese army would inevitably pass by on their way forward, just to create a kind of thinking inertia in the Japanese army.

 Now, his goal has been basically achieved.

Two grenades killed one person on the spot and seriously injured another Japanese soldier who was advancing step by step in the trench.

If it weren't for Aoi's keen battlefield intuition, Shi Dakuan's results might have been greater. The destructive power of the projectile fragments made of pig iron from the explosion of two grenades could even reach 15 meters away.

 “Aoi-kun, save me!” A wounded Japanese infantryman covered in blood in the trench shouted weakly.

That was Aoi's fellow countryman. Even if Aoi knew that if he was given three more minutes, he could kill several Chinese soldiers dozens of meters away, but facing his fellow countrymen who were covered in blood, this Japanese soldier After all, Cao couldn't bear to watch him die in front of him due to excessive blood loss.

"Set up fortifications in the trenches. You two, Oguri Shun, stay here and closely monitor the **** Chinese. Don't let them escape. The rest of the people follow me and retreat first." Because of the friendship between his fellow countrymen, Aoi Dao made a decision. Extremely wrong decision.

 He ​​didn’t know that in order to block the Japanese offensive, the two guardsmen had emptied 4 magazines just now. The two of them combined had only 20 rounds of ammunition, and Shi Dakuan only had the last magazine left.

As long as the remaining five of them are more determined, the three Chinese soldiers will run out of ammunition and food in two minutes at most.

 But Aoi, who was eager to save his fellow villagers, missed this opportunity.

Of course, from the perspective of Aoi, who has sufficient superior strength, he is not wrong. The Chinese reinforcements are still a few hundred meters away and are suppressed by their own heavy machine guns and cannot come quickly. He has enough time. After rescuing the fellow villagers, kill the few Chinese soldiers who entered the battlefield alone.

If Aoi Daio knew that from the moment he lifted up his compatriots and retreated, he no longer had a complete advantage in military strength. The only ones who could still fight on the entire highland were him and the people around him. There are 4 Japanese infantrymen in total, but there are 4 Chinese infantrymen. The Japanese army sergeant may make a completely different choice.

 It’s just that there is never if in this world.

The hemostatic bag carried by the Japanese infantry soldier was pressed on the wounded soldier's wound for free, temporarily causing the blood flow of the Japanese infantry to not be as violent as before, the color on the face was not as terrible as when he was injured, and the breathing gradually became slower. Smoother.

 “Aoi, am I going to die? Why do I feel like the sky is getting brighter?” The Japanese superior soldier with some vague consciousness asked his friend.

"That's the light of a flare, it's not dawn. Shenmu, you'll be fine. Don't fall asleep. Try your best to stay awake. I'll kill those Chinese before sending you to the joint medical team." Relaxed. After taking a breath, Aoi murmured to comfort his friends from the same hometown. "Just wait, I'll be back soon."

Aoi gently leaned the fellow countryman's body against the trench wall, keeping him in a sitting position. Although it would take some effort and the pain might get worse, at least it would not make him fall asleep. With such a serious injury, once he enters a coma, he will basically be Xanadu quickly fell into death and could not reach the united medical team.

 Then, under the leadership of Nobita Aoi, several Japanese soldiers advanced again and committed themselves to the attack. The gunfire that had just stopped became fierce again.

If the Japanese sergeant had turned around a little more tenderly at this moment, he might have had a chance to see a black shadow rushing towards this side from the other side of the trench.

 After all, except for lightning, no one in this world is really as fast as lightning.

Seeing that the Chinese had retreated to the last corner, with only the last stretch of trench less than 30 meters left for movement, Aoi's eyes flashed with cruel light.

For Matsuoka Jin and Kamiki Kenichi, he decided to let these Chinese suffer the most cruel death. Even if they had been killed by grenades and bullets, he would stick their bodies on the bayonets and treat them as such. Victory flag.

A scream of "Ah!" came from dozens of meters away, and the scream of extreme pain even reached 200 meters away.

That is the sound that can only be made when the pain is extreme, for example, someone takes an iron bar and pokes it into the original wound again and 'stirs' it.

Aoi Dao and several Japanese soldiers turned around suddenly. It was the voice of Kamiki Kenichi who had just stopped bleeding and had a short period of worry-free life.

 There is only one possibility for howling like this. There is an enemy behind them.

“Follow me!” Aoi made a decisive decision and immediately led two Japanese infantrymen to the rear.

Whether Kamiki Kenichi is dead or alive is no longer that important. What is important is that they must not be attacked from both sides in this trench.

Soon, a prostrate corpse came into view of the three Japanese soldiers.

Although he was fully prepared in his heart, Aoi was still heartbroken. Kenichi Kamiki was not an ordinary fellow countryman, but his brother who liked women. Kenichi Kamiki had promised him to marry his sister when he returned to his hometown. Give it to him without any gift.

 But now, it’s time to wake up from the dream.

 “Shenmu-kun!” A Japanese soldier carefully opened the body of his colleague under the watchful eye of another Japanese soldier.

After the lesson that the Chinese hid grenades under the remains, this Japanese soldier has obviously grown and improved a lot.

What the Japanese soldier didn’t expect was that instead of a grenade, he got a spur.

Only this Japanese soldier knew that the corpse he opened was not Kenichi Kamiki, but a completely unfamiliar oriental face.

However, before he could utter a word to warn his two companions, he felt a sudden chill in his heart. Looking down, he saw a black thing stuck in his chest. The penetrating power of that thing was so strong. Not seeing how the corpse exerted its force, it penetrated more than ten centimeters into the body and went straight into the atrium.

“Ah!” The Japanese soldiers howled involuntarily.

 Then, the Japanese infantrymen felt as if they had overcome the gravity of the earth and soared into the sky.

From the perspective of Nobita Aoi and another Japanese soldier, it was clear that they were their colleagues who were lifted up.

 The two Japanese soldiers reacted very quickly. At that moment, they all aimed and fired.

It's just that after the attacker lifted up his colleague and threw it, he followed the human body and used the thrown human body as a shield.

 Both bullets hit the human body that was thrown away!

The khaki figure that advanced at least six meters in just two seconds had already approached the Japanese infantryman. The Japanese instinctively stabbed forward with his bayonet, but the figure only flashed and inserted an iron bar into the Japanese soldier. throat and grabbed the rifle from his hand.

Aoi Dao is worthy of being the pacesetter of the 231st Infantry Regiment. In a flash of lightning, he knew that waiting for him to pull the bolt of the gun, load the bullet and then shoot, it would be faster for him to use assassination techniques.

 “Hey!” A shout broke out from his mouth, and the Japanese sergeant took a few steps forward, using both arms to make a fierce forward sprint.

Under the crisis of life and death, this forward sprint really allowed the Japanese army sergeant to unleash all his potential. With the power of his arms driven by his waist and abdomen, he stabbed out a knife. Even if it was a tank here, Aoi Dao The subconscious mind can also be pierced with a knife.

Although this is just a feeling, the forward momentum alone makes this forward sprint reach an extremely high level.

 Even the Tang sword would not be able to block the Japanese army sergeant's pinnacle stab that would bring death to the enemy.

 So, he hid!

The cold bayonet grazed Tang Dao's chest, and there was even a piece of cloth on the tip of the knife. It was only a few centimeters away from hitting the target.

 Then, the Japanese army sergeant, who had already exerted his strength and speed beyond his level, could only watch as the enemy who had dodged his sword swung his elbow.

  Hit him hard in the face!

The Japanese army sergeant's eyes were filled with darkness, and he never saw light again.

That is a collection of two people’s opposing forces! The combined strength exceeds 500 kilograms.

Not to mention that the human facial bones cannot withstand this huge force, the fragile neck cannot enjoy such a powerful "massage".

 The so-called elite soldiers here in Tang Tuanzuo are just instant kills!

   . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: My daughter was taking the exam in the examination room. I coded in the hotel room and then went to pick her up outside the examination room. I was a little hasty and still a little uneasy. Please forgive me.

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