Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1450: It's so steel

 Chapter 1450 It’s so steel

On April 30, 1941, the 25th day after the Battle of Shipai came to an end, important officials from the Military and Political Department arrived at the headquarters of the two theaters participating in the war.

All the ministries involved in the Battle of Shipai will be rewarded based on their merits.

The 18th Army of the Third Theater Zone, which defended the central position of Shipai, became the biggest winner.

All generals of the 18th Army major general level and above have been awarded medals. There are 6 Blue Sky Medals alone, and the lowest level is the second-class Baoding Medal.

Among all the colonel commanders of the 11th Division and the 18th Division, three of them were awarded the Medal of the Blue Sky, and the rest were all awarded the highest-level Medal of Baoding that a colonel can obtain.

Even the 6th Temporary Division, which is a reserve force, has received more than 50 medals of various kinds!

This is the glory fought by the 18th Army. It is a victory gained by the lives of over 10,000 officers and soldiers. No praise can be exaggerated.

However, as another unit that made great achievements in this battle, the Four Troops Regiment not only held on to the flanks under the violent attack of nearly 20,000 Japanese troops, but also completed the encirclement of more than 6,000 Japanese troops and completed the "Hunger" that was humiliating to all of Japan. Fighting to the death, even if this military achievement is not as good as the first achievement of the Eighteenth Army, it must be second after all!

However, the military merit awards awarded by the Ministry of Military Affairs to the Si Xing Regiment were simply shocking. In addition to the special allocation of 200,000 French currency as a reward and a pension for the sacrificed officers and soldiers, a large number of medals of loyalty and bravery were awarded to grassroots officers and soldiers.

In addition to receiving the painless fifth-level Baoding Medal, those above the rank of school officer also received a pre-admission notice for the advanced education class of the Central Military Academy.

The notice also attached a statement that enrollment was entirely voluntary, and those who were willing to enroll would be promoted to one rank. After passing the one-year study and graduating, they would enter the main infantry army and be awarded practical positions corresponding to their ranks, including Tang Dao himself. Within, that means that as long as Tang Dao gives up control of the Four Elements Group, he will immediately step into the ranks of generals.

As for lieutenant colonel-level officers like Leng Feng, as long as they stay in the education class for a year, they will be the leader of a regiment.

It is extremely difficult to be promoted after entering a school officer, even in this kind of wartime. Going to an education class like this for one year to be promoted to one level is still very tempting for many people. .

As for the middle and senior officers of the Four Lines Regiment, they only need to leave the Four Lines Regiment and they will have a bright enough future.

It’s just that word ‘voluntary’ that is particularly dazzling!

That is obviously what the Ministry of Military Affairs or that person wants to see. If someone 'voluntarily', then the purpose of disintegrating this powerful army from within has been achieved. If no one 'voluntarily', it obviously means that Tang Dao has already defeated the four The Xingtuan is run like a monolith, which means that the Ministry of Military Affairs has lost control of the Four Xingtuan, and the Four Xingtuan has become a small independent kingdom.

In peacetime, the Si Xing Regiment would have been greeted by military orders for the immediate relocation of the officers. However, in this kind of wartime, this is obviously not in the interests of the military, so the possibility of becoming cannon fodder has become inevitable.

Especially at this moment when the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs is handing out various medals to reward military achievements, to actually do such a trick to the Four Elements Group, it is obvious that someone in the mountain city has finally been unable to bear it any longer.

"Hey! That boy Tang Dao is in trouble! He just made it clear. He would rather completely abolish the elite soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment than let them escape his control. His desire for power is really too strong. "The Lieutenant General Chief of Staff of the Fifth War Zone looked at Tang Dao's somewhat forlorn figure walking out of the headquarters gate from a distance and sighed slightly.

Veteran warlords like them know how clever that man is. Even the cunning and cunning King of Gui Province has been suppressed by him and dared not make any changes for more than ten years. Tang Dao was still too young, and it was too young to just rely on his patriotic passion and the astonishing achievements accumulated through **** battles on the battlefield to escape from his control.

You know, all acts of war serve politics!

Do you think that the Japanese launched an all-out war of aggression against China just because they coveted China's huge resources and territory and attempted to turn China into a colony to satisfy their expansion ambitions?

Then you are totally wrong. Japan's domestic social conflicts and economic crisis are also one of the main reasons why Japan decided to brazenly launch a "Snake Swallowing Elephant" war of aggression after seeing that the elephant in China was extremely weak.

Before launching the war of aggression against China, Japan carried out a large amount of propaganda and agitation work at home to incite nationalist sentiments, which gradually worsened the Japanese people's view of China. Only in this way can all the people be tied to the chariot and no longer Just focus on whether you can have rice **** to eat.

The man in China also used war to integrate internally and eliminate dissidents. For example, the man in Lu Province was shot to death because of his reputation for righteousness! But some people lost Jinling and lost the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians. How can they still live happily?

Bravery and sacrifice belong to the little people, but for the big people sitting in high positions, if the chess pieces are useful, then use them several times; if the chess pieces are useless, then abandon them ruthlessly.

This is true for both China and Japan!

Now, it is finally the turn of Tang Dao, an outstanding young soldier who emerged from the Battle of Songhu. How can this middle-aged soldier who has seen ugliness with his own eyes sigh?

"Not necessarily!" General Li, who had just personally encouraged Tang Dao and promised to give the Four Elements a two-month rest period, shook his head.

"This son of Tang Dao, I met him once in Xuzhou. From that time, I knew that this son was an extremely pure soldier. If he was placed as a general under my command, he would definitely be a rare general. It's a pity that he was then As a member of the Sichuan Army, there is no way I can take someone’s love away from General Guo. Facts have proved that my vision is not wrong.”

"But sir, you know, the more pure a soldier is, the less able he is to resist arrows from the dark." The lieutenant general and chief of staff were obviously confused about his boss's confidence in a small army colonel to deal with such stormy waves.

Are there too few pure soldiers who died in history? For example, Yue Wumu, who was called back to the capital by twelve gold medals but died in Fengbo Pavilion, was the deputy military commander of the Song Dynasty. If he touched the emperor's interests, would he have to die?

"Haha, I said he was a pure soldier, but I never said that he only focused on marching and fighting." General Li picked up the tea cup and took a sip, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"I have seen too many people in my life. Some are brave and tenacious, some are cunning and cunning, some are swinging from one end to the other, or some are ruthless and ruthless. Regardless of their loyalty, Evil, evil and good, including you and me, all want to gain something in this world by themselves, whether it is ideals, benefits or rights.

But Tang Dao is a very strange person, you know? In my conference room, I actually had the feeling that everything this young man did in this world was just to kill more Japanese.

It was precisely because of this feeling that I believed in him, and that led to the great victory in Taierzhuang! "

"Sir, the Taierzhuang victory was accomplished under your careful planning. What does this have to do with his Tang Dao? At that time, he had already led the Four Corps to North China!" He had just been transferred to the Chief of Staff of the Fifth Theater for more than a year. Bit was suddenly startled.

"Yes, with Taierzhuang as the center, we would use one to two divisions to attract the Japanese invaders, and then gather our hundreds of thousands of soldiers from Xuzhou to encircle and annihilate them. This was my initial idea before the war.

But do you think the 20th Legion will listen to me? Will they follow my orders like my brother Gui Jun?

That's why I chose to trust him and reused the 67th Army and the 59th Army. These two infantry armies that had been marginalized by someone also lived up to my expectations, and this was the reason for the great victory in Taierzhuang.

Without the concerted efforts of a hundred thousand troops, how could they have annihilated the 20,000 Japanese invaders in one fell swoop? Without the two men Wu and Zhang who led their troops to a **** battlefield at the drop of a hat, the battle at Taierzhuang would have been a draw at best. "General Li sighed slightly.

"This young man seems to have a keen eye that can see through everything."

"Tang Dao, a small regiment leader, has such a wide circle of friends. Even you, the commander, look at him differently. This shows that he is already extremely experienced in dealing with people. But he is the only one who does not bow to that person. This is really puzzling. "The lieutenant general's chief of staff frowned, and for the first time he did not agree with his immediate superior's evaluation of Tang Dao.

Not to mention whether he can see through everything, his current attitude towards that person shows that he cannot see the general trend clearly. That person now has millions of soldiers, especially as the Great Patriotic War continues, China has changed from the previous two years. The one-sided losing streak gradually formed the current protracted tug-of-war. The man's reputation was growing both domestically and internationally, and no one else could threaten him. Tang Dao still firmly chose to get close to the man he hated so much. Faction, it’s weird that he doesn’t use any means.

"Of course he has his reasons for doing this. This young man not only has a sword in his name, he himself is the sharpest sword in the world.

A knife can kill people if used well, but if it is not used well, it can cut yourself. "General Li picked up the tea cup again and took a sip, but the look on his face was extremely indifferent.

"Sir, you mean..." The lieutenant general's chief of staff was suddenly startled, but the words stuck in his throat and he couldn't say anything no matter what. Because, that is simply too shocking.

Sure enough, Tang Dao made his own counterattack.

"Due to the Japanese army's pressing advance, our regiment suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Shipai. All ministers and ministers have to train their troops to cope with the next round of Japanese attacks. Therefore, they cannot participate in the education class of the Central Military Academy. I hope that the officers of the Military and Political Department will choose other talents. "The message sent by the Fourth Army Regiment Headquarters to the Theater Command was simple and direct.

The lieutenant general and chief of staff took a breath!

In his mind, even if the Four Corps regiment stationed in the Jingshan area of ​​Nanzhang, Xiangyang was undergoing training and recuperation at this time, even if they did not give face to that person, they would at least send several officers from the logistics department to participate in the education class, so that the theater headquarters would also I can have a face-to-face explanation with the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The Tang Dao is so good, just don't give it to anyone, this is a clear sign that you don't save any face!

"He wants face. If he wants face, he won't offer such outrageous 'rewards'!" This is what Tang Dao coldly told several of his confidants at the regiment headquarters. "Don't worry that he will use rough means to deal with me, a thorn in his side. The Japanese and Americans are actually watching him. For the so-called overall situation in his mind, he has to hold back his breath first, and then slowly use his own methods. He wants to settle accounts with me, but he doesn’t know that it’s already 1941.”

No one knows what Tang Dao means by focusing on 1941 at this time. Ye Chenghuan and others only know that their regimental commander is a hero who would rather break than bend. Even in the face of the suppression of Chi Guoguo, the number one man in China, he is just He yelled 'Get out of here!'

1941 was the most important turning point in World War II!

This year, the Japanese finally couldn't restrain their ambitions. In order to gain control of the vast Pacific Ocean, they stabbed the Americans in the butt.

The radio wave code-named "Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!" flew over the Pacific Ocean, and the largest naval base in the Pacific Ocean was bombed into a mess.

It was precisely because of this crazy move by the Japanese that the world's largest military factory entered full power operation mode. Tens of thousands of aircraft and tanks came out of the production line and were transported to the battlefield. The largest war in mankind has officially begun.

This year, the chariots of the German Empire were speeding across the vast plains of Eastern Europe. The Mao Bears, who had the largest land area and largest army in the world, were about to be crushed to pieces by the German chariots!

But perhaps only Tang Dao knows that with the arrival of winter, the extremely cold weather of tens of degrees below zero and the ridiculously long supply lines will make the Germans know what it means to be invincible.

And when the Mao Bear Man, who has a complex mind and well-developed limbs, starts to defend city after city, the Germanic crazy chariot will eventually get stuck in the ice and snow mud, and it will be difficult to maintain the previous lightning speed.

The chariot is stuck in a swamp. A grenade may be able to kill everyone on the chariot, not to mention the Woolly Bears, who have an army of nearly ten million and can even invest an additional twenty million troops.

Starting from this year, the war will enter a new stage!

Of course, more importantly, as the wind in 1941 gradually became hotter, Tang Dao, the little butterfly of the future, knew one thing more clearly.

The war will end in four years!

That hand can't cover the sky now, and it couldn't cover the sky at that time. The 80th Army really had the strength of 30 armies.

"Just forward the message from the Si Xing Regiment intact." General Li seemed to have expected that Tang Dao would do this. As he spoke, he wrote four words on the paper in one breath without raising his head.

Peace and joy!

"Come, let's see how I write these four words. I didn't catch up with Tang Dao and Tantai reporter's wedding. I heard that his son Tang Shanhe will be one year old in a few months, and there is nothing else to give him. , give them a couple of words."

"Sir, what are you doing?" the lieutenant general's chief of staff said with a wry smile.

He didn't expect that his parents would still be in the mood to congratulate Tang Dao, that fat boy who was still far away in North China, on his anniversary.

If he guessed correctly, as soon as this telegram reaches that person's hands, that person might smash something to vent his anger, or even vent his anger on the Fifth War Zone.

"It doesn't matter. It was clearly written in the notice. Participate voluntarily. The Four Lines Regiment did not participate because of their busy military affairs, and they did not violate military orders. What is there to be afraid of!" Commander Li should be quite satisfied with the four words he wrote. Satisfied, he called the orderly in and asked him to frame it.

He looked at his chief of staff and smiled gently: "If you are still worried, please attach another telegram, saying that the Japanese 11th Army wants to retaliate against our theater due to the Battle of Beidou Mountain. The 11th Army is located north of the Han River. The 40th Division is ready to move, and our theater has deployed the 67th Army and the Fourth Army to actively respond."

"Yes!" The lieutenant general's chief of staff's face became even more bitter.

He didn't expect that his immediate boss not only failed to mediate, but also had the faint intention of putting himself into this powder keg.

It's okay to say that Tang Dao is just a small regiment leader with 5,000 people. Even if he wants to make a big splash, he can't make any waves. But this Guangxi clan leader with hundreds of thousands of troops is deeply jealous of him. His involvement And, doesn’t it make that person think more?

Looking at the back of the lieutenant general and chief of staff leaving after the order, General Li's expression was dull, but his eyes became profound.

No one knows what this person is thinking.

Maybe just his old rival.

"Mother Xipi! He, Mr. Li, is making a fuss. He wants that reckless man from Tang Dao to jump out and confront me and let me slap him in the face. He is watching the fun from the side. He is really heartbroken!"

In a quiet small hall in a mountain city, the thick wool carpet was covered with pieces of porcelain, which shows the anger of the person who threw the tea cup.

Perhaps Tang Dao's reply message had been expected by him, but the intervention of the Fifth Theater Command was beyond his expectation.

Tang Dao, the heroic leader and the Four Elements Regiment, was personally promoted by him, but he also had a hundred ways to make Tang Dao and the Four Elements Regiment disappear on a battlefield where hundreds of thousands of troops were frequently deployed, but the Fifth War Zone Once plugged in, it's completely different.

No matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to bypass the Fifth War Zone to kill Tang Dao and the Four Elements Group, and this will even fall into the hands of his political opponents.

Standing next to him was Major General Dai from the Military Investigation Bureau, but he remained silent.

He knew that those people were finally unwilling to be suppressed like this, and took advantage of this incident to show their teeth.

The general named Li is different from a certain old man who just wants to be wise and protect himself. Regardless of his ambition or strength, he is enough to pose a threat to the man in front of him.

"Go! Someone informs the Ministry of Military Affairs and agrees to the military deployment of the fifth theater! I hope they will make new achievements!" The feminine Jiangsu and Zhejiang accent finally calmed down after venting his anger.

But perhaps only this confidant who has followed him for many years knows how much rage is suppressed under the calm.

(End of chapter)

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