Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1489: Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

Chapter 1489: Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

Yuelu Mountain in Tanzhou!

At the moment when the Chinese troops in Hengyang were desperately trying to earn a chance for themselves, Hengshan Yongya was looking at the vast map of Hengyang in trance.

Colonel Shimanuki Takeshi walked in from the door, holding the intelligence just sent from the intelligence department.

"According to intelligence, the Chinese garrison in Hengyang this time consists of the 10th Army, the Four Lines Regiment, and a guard regiment in Hengyang City. The strength of the troops is currently unknown." Takeshi Shimanuki looked at the map with excitement. Yokoyama Yongdao.

Hengshan Yong was not a general named Xue. After conquering Tanzhou and directing his troops towards Hengyang, he immediately asked the intelligence department to find out the numbers of the Chinese defenders and the names of the commanders before the war. Knowing yourself and the enemy is a basic skill.

The intelligence department of the Japanese army worked hard enough. It took only three days to conduct a clear investigation of the Chinese troop sequence in Hengyang City. In other words, the strength of the 10th Army and the Fourth Army Regiment were not even the 9th Theater Command and the Military and Political Department. It is clear that this kind of mistake that should not have occurred made the Japanese confused at this time.

"The Four Elements Group is actually there too?" Hengshan Yong turned around suddenly, but the surprise in his eyes was ready to come out.

Shimanuki Takeshi was also stunned. He did not expect that his Excellency, the commander, was not concerned about the vague issue of the opponent's strength, but actually the number of an infantry regiment.

Moreover, based on his understanding of Yokoyama Isamu during this period, he actually felt that this army lieutenant general who was famous for his "bravery" was afraid.

Afraid of an infantry regiment?

Shimanuki Takeshi doesn’t understand!

"Yes, the Four Lines Regiment was originally an engineering regiment. It was built in the Hengshan area under the orders of the Chinese 9th Theater Command. This time, Hengyang should have insufficient troops, so they were transferred to Hengyang City to serve as defenders." Takeshi Shimanuki was still there. He answered, suppressing the doubts in his heart.

"If the Four Elements Group is there, Shimanuki-kun, I'm afraid our plan for the main attack direction of Hengyang will have to be reworked." Yokoyama Isamu took a deep breath and turned his attention to the map of Hengyang on the wall again.

"Re-formulate? But that was carefully planned by the General Staff, and was also guided and approved by the General Staff of the Dispatch Army. Your Excellency, Company Commander, you said two days ago that this plan is the most suitable for our 11th Army to launch a decisive battle with China in Hengyang?" Guan Wuzhi was shocked.

When a large army is fighting, the most taboo thing is to change orders day by day. Not to mention that this battle plan was carefully planned by my own leadership. Yesterday, the battle plan was transmitted to all divisions, and each division was already marching to Hengyang from three directions according to the battle plan. How could this be changed? ?

"Shimanuki-kun, have you seen the performance report of the Four Elements Regiment?" Yokoyama Isamu suddenly asked.

"I have heard a little bit about the achievements of the Four Corps Regiment, but that was a few years ago. In the past few years, the regiment became an engineering corps for some unknown reason, and it has long been unknown and not a problem." Takeshi Shimanuki thought for a while, but still Very honest answer.

The glory of the past does not mean that it is now. No matter how powerful the army is, as long as it is abandoned for a few months, its combat effectiveness will be lost. What's more, it has been several years since the last time the Four Lines Regiment participated in a war.

"Yes! Time flies so fast. It has been more than three years since the Battle of Shipai." Isamu Yokoyama suddenly sighed.

Takeshi Shimanuki wisely did not answer this time. Of course he knew that the Battle of Shipai was the biggest Waterloo in the military career of the Army Lieutenant General in front of him. If it were not for the defeat in the Battle of Shipai, he might have been promoted long ago. An army general is at least a higher-level front army commander.

"Shimanuki-kun, sit down!" Isamu Yokoyama suddenly stretched out his hand to ask his chief of staff, who had experience in large corps operations, to sit down.

He made the tea himself, sat cross-legged opposite the Japanese army colonel who had already prepared it, took a sip of hot tea, and then said slowly: "Shimanuki-kun should also know that I, Yokoyama Isamu, have rarely been defeated in my life, even though I was in Tan. Tanzhou City also lost two games in a row, but that was all because of my assessment of the situation, and I thought that Tanzhou City would be captured by the empire sooner or later, and it was not worth the heavy casualties!

But in the battle of Shipai, I was determined to win, and that was also the biggest defeat in my life! "

Listening to his boss's heartfelt words, Shimanuki Takeshi was a little embarrassed. He knew that for soldiers, defeat was a lifelong shame. The biggest trauma in their hearts could not be healed by comfort alone.

The only way to heal this scar is to defeat the opponent who has defeated you before.

"Many people say that the Battle of Shipai was the masterpiece of the 18th Army of China's five elite infantry armies. Even when the headquarters of the dispatched army reported to the base camp, they specifically wrote about how fearless the 30,000-strong Chinese 18th Army were. Death, his Lieutenant General Hu became famous because of this battle, and became famous in one battle!

hehe! But it is true that history is always written by the victors. The Chinese newspapers are full of praise for the 18th Army and Lieutenant General Hu, but they don’t know that in my heart, Yokoyama Yong, the 18th Army is at best a difficult opponent, but it is far from defeating our 11th Army. There is still a long way to go.

What really caused the defeat of our 11th Army in Shipai was not the 18th Army, but the Si Xing Regiment that quietly entered the battlefield to set up defenses before the war, and their leader Tang Dao. "When it comes to this, Yokoyama Isamu's voice is actually not loud.

But Takeshi Shimanuki clearly heard the sound of teeth clashing.

It was a real gnashing of teeth when the name Tang Dao came up.

"It was not that the Four Lines Regiment was holding on to the left-wing battlefield of Shipai. Our 11th Army had already broken through the area. No matter how brave the 18th Army was, under our two-pronged attack, more than 12,000 Chinese people in the main position of Shipai were defeated. All of them had to die on the spot, and Shipai would become the bridgehead for the imperial army to conquer the mountain city.

If it was just a block, Tang Dao was extremely insidious and vicious. He actually took advantage of our army's unfavorable attack and camera to evacuate, and took advantage of his familiarity with the terrain to chase after us and surround more than 6,000 officers and soldiers of our 11th Army in the mountains.

Not to mention obstructing our military's negotiations, they also used the Americans to publicize the war in an attempt to undermine the morale of our Chinese dispatched troops. Fortunately, the 6,000 officers and soldiers of our 11th Army did not disgrace the empire and fought until the last moment. " Yokoyama Isamu lowered his eyelids and his deep voice echoed in the small room.

Shimanuki Takeshi felt as if his hair stood on end.

He had studied the Battle of Shipai, but the Imperial Headquarters seemed to have concealed the battle. The information available to him at this level only stated that the Chinese used a large number of troops to surround the 6,000 Imperial officers and soldiers who were unable to evacuate. The 11th Army The rescue failed, and they could only watch 6,000 imperial officers and soldiers being surrounded in the mountains for more than 40 days, and the entire army was destroyed.

The so-called fighting to the last moment is better to say that they were hungry for more than 40 days, and finally they all starved to death in the mountains of China.

Who would have thought that the cause of all this was actually the Four Elements Regiment and their leader who was called the 'devil' by the imperial officers and soldiers on the battlefield in North China.

No wonder, Mr. Yokoyama Yong looked strange when he heard the name of the Four Elements Group!

"If, as you said, Commander, the defeat in the Battle of Shipai was all caused by the Four Elements Regiment, then this time they are in Hengyang, our 11th Army must wipe them all out to wash away the shame of the defeat!" Shimanuki Wu Zhi raised his head and said forcefully.

"If possible, our army will kill all the four-line regiment from Colonel Tang Dao down, leaving only this one person, and send him to the Jinling Expedition Army Headquarters for trial, and then imprison him in Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum for war crimes. , and ordered all the Chinese people in Jinling to go and watch the whole process of Fa-rectification."

Shimanuki Takeshi's move can be described as extremely vicious. It can not only avenge the 11th Army, but also severely damage China's anti-war morale. In his words, he has already regarded Hengyang as his treasure.

Of course, Shimanuki Takeshi who said this has enough confidence. The 11th Army has more than 100,000 troops this time and has captured Tanzhou, the capital of Hunan Province. An army of more than 100,000 people is marching towards Hengyang with victory. What they are considering It is no longer about conquering Hengyang, a small and small place, but about besieging the city and recruiting reinforcements. We are seeking a decisive battle with the main Chinese force in Hengyang. One battle can decide the war in Hunan and Guangxi provinces.

To put it bluntly, the capture of Hengyang was only a small point in this round of war, and it cannot even be said to be very important. The 11th Army did not pay much attention to Hengyang from the beginning. Shimanuki Takeshi only focused on the main Chinese force that was approaching Hengyang. .

For example, the 74th Army, an elite Chinese division that came from Guangxi Province, was the "Iron Army" that once withdrew tens of thousands of imperial troops in the Battle of Changde to withstand the attacks of tens of thousands of imperial troops on the 16th. Not only was China awarded it the Flying Tiger flag, it was also The Chinese Expeditionary Forces Headquarters are also extremely wary of it. It is generally believed that it will take at least two divisions to completely annihilate it in order to fight with this army.

But Yu Hengshan was obviously not as confident as his 'talented and strategic' chief of staff. He shook his head slightly and said: "The equipment of the Si Xing Regiment is very different from that of the ordinary Chinese army. It even appeared in the Battle of Shipai. There are light tanks and large-caliber heavy artillery. According to the investigation of the imperial intelligence department, it can only be found that these weapons and equipment are imported from Europe. Many of them are even purchased from a famous German arms company. But how did they be transported from Europe to China and finally arrived? In North China, the intelligence department can no longer find it. "Baga! Damn it! If you check the German Empire arms company, everything will come to light." Shimanuki Takeshi's reaction was very fast and he was caught quickly. We have reached the crux of the matter.

But soon, the Japanese Army Colonel also took the initiative to keep silent. The arms company that even Yokoyama Isamu didn't want to name must undoubtedly occupy an extremely important position in the military-industrial system of the German Empire.

The alliance between the Empire and the German Empire was based on the needs of global grand strategy. If a rift occurred because of an arms company, it would be too much of a loss.

"No matter how well-equipped the Si Xing Regiment is, it's just an infantry regiment. If a brigade can't deal with them, then we can take one division. If one division doesn't work, then we can take two." Yokoyama Isamu said again.

"But Tang Dao, the leader of the Four Elements Regiment, is indeed a difficult figure. I wonder if Shimanuki-kun still remembers the Jiangxia City assassination in June 1942?"

"Is it the murder of Major General Moritake Tanabe? Didn't I hear that in the end, the entire city was searched and more than 400 Chinese intelligence officers were arrested or killed to resolve the case?" Takeshi Shimanuki was slightly surprised.

Takeshi Shimanuki has been working in the Japanese military department for a long time. In the past two years, he even went to the European battlefield. He does not have a special understanding of the Chinese battlefield. He only learned a lot of information after working hard before coming to China.

But he had seen the battle report of the famous assassination case in Jiangxia. Major General Moritake Tanabe, who was the deputy chief of staff of the China Expeditionary Force at the time, was killed with a single shot from a distance of more than a mile under heavy protection. It was simply... Unbelievable.

“So, what you see from the data will never be the truth.

The truth is, those Chinese intelligence officers are just little shrimps of the Chinese military. If they can be caught by us, what ability do they have to kill a general in the room with one shot from 700 meters away, and also be able to intercept them while being chased by thousands of people? He escaped smoothly and swaggered into the Jiangxia Security Headquarters that night and strangled an army lieutenant general to death with his bare hands! "Yongshan Yong's voice was faint.

"It wasn't until much later that a senior lurking intelligence agent in China reported that the killer might be none other than Tang Dao, the leader of the Four Lines Regiment. His purpose was just to retaliate against the Empire for dispatching the Eagle Commando to assassinate him. , resulting in the death of 13 guardsmen.

It is said that he once told people that if it was not too late, he would go to Jinling. The head of Chief of Staff Shiro Itagaki is what he wants most. "

"This" Takeshi Shimanuki was speechless, unable to express his overly frightened emotions at this time.

This was really a bit beyond his acceptance range. It was really hard for him to imagine that a commander-level soldier with a similar military rank to him could actually be a super assassin. He would risk breaking into the city and attack a senior general for the sake of more than a dozen ordinary guards. , How crazy a person is this?

"Do you think he is crazy?" Yokoyama Isamu took another sip of tea.

“Perhaps the first reaction of people who heard the truth about this incident would be to think that this person is a lunatic, but if you carefully study this person and the political whirlpool that the Four Elements Group encountered at that time, you will find that he sat down to such crazy things. The deep meaning behind the matter.

Facts have proved that Tang Dao's crazy move directly intimidated China and Japan, and no one dared to attack his troops easily. He is like a sleeping tiger, showing his sharp fangs to warn anyone who dares to covet him in the dark forest. He will kill anyone who dares to aim his gun at him. He has this ability. "

"This is indeed a very scary person. I understand what your Excellency Commander means." Takeshi Shimanuki nodded.

The fact that Tang Dao was able to sneak into Jiangxia City to assassinate and escape successfully proved that he had enough wisdom and super strong manpower. A person with enough brains and a madman would naturally not play according to common sense.

If the 11th Army followed the previous expectations and followed the south of the city as the main attack direction, I am afraid that it would have fallen into the opponent's plan. Shimanuki Takeshi's little mind was spinning very fast.

Therefore, two days later, the divisions marching towards Hengyang received the revised battle plan.

Several division commanders stared at the Hengyang map again and again, all looking confused!

If they hadn't repeatedly sent messages to the military staff to inquire, they would have thought Commander Yokoyama Isamu was having fun.

Otherwise, who could come up with such a bizarre tactical plan?

Are there any mistakes in the three main directions of attack?

Yes, in Shimanuki Takeshi's tactical plan, except for the Xiangjiang Moat east of Hengyang as the feint attack direction, the south, west and north of the city were all the main attacks.

For this reason, the original plan of 3 divisions encircling Hengyang and two divisions to attack was changed to 4 divisions to encircle and 3 divisions to attack, with one division each in the west, south and north directions, with a total strength of 70,000. The remaining people.

This is nearly 20,000 more than the initial 55,000 siege of Hengyang City in space and time, all caused by the Four Elements Group entering Hengyang City.

Shimanuki Takeshi is not only good at military affairs, but also has a good understanding of people's hearts. After clearly hearing the sound of His Excellency Isamu Yokoyama wanting to smash his molars, he just followed the plan of the dispatched army headquarters to find people in the periphery. The Chinese army drew out a main division from the 100,000-strong army that fought decisively to surround Hengyang.

I wonder if Tang Dao and the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment will all laugh when they find out.

Really, given the scale of the murderous fortifications currently being built crazily, it’s a bit unsatisfying if there are too few little devils coming!

Tang Dao had informed the entire regiment when mobilizing before the war that the size of the Japanese army besieging Hengyang this time was even larger than the 100,000 Japanese army that besieged Songjiang City.

There are only 100,000 Japanese soldiers. Didn’t the battalion, company, and platoon leaders of the Fourth Army Regiment come out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood?

The veterans who participated in the Battle of Songjiang and are still alive are now at least third-class sergeants or second lieutenants. How many life and death have they witnessed in the past seven years of war?

Regarding life and death, there has long been a saying: "Look down on life and death, if you don't accept it, do it!" ’, when you are alive, you can offer incense and wine to your old friends and comrades, and continue to live for them; if you are dead, you can wait underground together for the brothers who are not dead yet to come down and renew your friendship as comrades.

Life is only a few decades, and we will all meet again in the end!

Just like Captain Gu Xishui who lost his lover, now he will silently feel sad for a while while looking at the belongings left by Yao Meier, and smile the rest of the time.

‘We will meet eventually! ’, this is what Gu Xishui often talks about.

However, the young and handsome army captain rejected at least five advances from beautiful female nurses in the medical company!

His smile never meant that he had forgotten that woman whose smile was like a crescent moon!

He had never wanted to live as much as he did now. He was not afraid of death, but wanted to return to the Si Xing Tuan Martyrs Cemetery and tell her the news about the victory.

The Four Elements Group has long made plans to live or die with Hengyang City!

What's more, now it's not just the Japanese who are secretly trying to increase their troops, Hengyang City is also facing a countercurrent army.

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