Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1494: Killing Trench (Part 2)

Chapter 1494: Killing Trench (Part 2)

What does it mean to have blood and flesh flying everywhere? This time, Salt Barn Kong Kong truly experienced it.

The airwaves from the grenade explosion kept sweeping over his body, which he tried to keep low, and the sand and gravel brought up hurt his body, but it was nothing.

Hot liquid kept hitting his body and face, mixed with lumps of heavy but not hard objects. That was the real fear in his heart.

Even the dullest person knows what that is!

Many human ladders under the cliff were destroyed in an instant, and screams and continuous explosions became the main theme under the cliff.

Fortunately, the rain of grenades from the Chinese did not last long. The hundreds of Japanese soldiers who survived the grenade explosion were looking for hiding places in private. If there was another wave of grenades, they would really have no place to cry.

Soon, the deep trench they had just climbed below the cliff became the first choice for the salt barn emptyers.

But no one expected that a 'ta-da-da!' suddenly came from this long and deep trench! ' With the muffled roar of machine gun fire, the protruding section of the deep trench turned out to be a concealed bunker. At this time, it was like a porcupine with exploding quills, spitting out several tongues of flame visible to the naked eye to the left and right.

The Japanese troops fell into the deep trenches one after another like harvested rice!

The empty salt barn was extremely lucky at the moment. Several Japanese soldiers standing in front of him were spinning and falling. They were obviously used as temporary human shields for him. Not only were the temporary human shields beaten into sieves, but also The dumbfounded salt barn was knocked to the ground, allowing the Japanese private to escape the ensuing rain of bullets.

Qian Dazhu, who saw this scene through the lookout hole, shouted coldly: "Target, murder trench! Throw the grenades for me!" and then more than 100 grenades were thrown towards the deep trench where many Japanese soldiers were crowded.

The distance from the trench above the cliff to this deep trench is only more than 30 meters. When building the fortifications, the officers and soldiers of the first battalion personally tested how hard they should throw the grenade to the bottom of the cliff. Or in a deep trench dug by one’s own hands.

Eighty percent of the grenades were accurately thrown into the trenches. In order to avoid the sudden machine gun fire in the trenches, the unprotected Japanese infantry basically lay on the ground, wishing they could bury their heads in them.

At this moment, he was watching the grenades with blue smoke from their tails falling in front of him in various ways and even hitting him. The only thing left in his eyes was deep despair.

It's not that there were no Japanese soldiers who wanted to fight to the death. He just tried hard to throw the unexploded grenade in front of his head, but sadly found that another one fell at his feet. Years of training had made his nervous reaction worse. He was keen enough that as soon as he stretched out his foot to kick it away, several bullets instantly penetrated his body.

Then, the grenade exploded, blowing up the extremely thick Japanese soldier more than two meters high. When it fell, the man had already died.

All this fell in the eyes of the Japanese private less than 10 meters away!

Then, smoke and dust obscured his vision.

However, the salt granary Kong Kong, who had two "human shields", survived in this **** that was a disaster scene for the Japanese army.

Not only was he alive, but he also witnessed his comrades rushing over "foolishly" and then being hunted down in this deep trench by the Chinese with machine guns and grenades just like their dead comrades.

This situation lasted almost the entire afternoon, and at least more than 500 imperial troops died in the trenches, not including those who fell under the cliff and on the way to the charge.

The Japanese privates were filled with fear. It turned out that this deep trench was specially prepared for them by the Chinese, a professional killing trench.

In fact, from the time when the Japanese army started attacking at 3:40 to when Kurose Ippei finally reluctantly announced that the attack had failed and temporarily retreated, the 133rd Infantry Regiment launched a total of 4 rounds of attacks, investing 9 infantry squadrons with a total of more than 1,800 people and 24 heavy machine guns. There are 10 infantry guns and 36 grenade groups, which can be said to be 70% of the strength invested.

But the final result was that 894 people were killed and missing on the spot, and 413 people were injured. The so-called missing means that people were blown into pieces and could not be identified. This kind of uniform is called missing.

The infantry squadron where Yangang Kong was located was even more miserable. In the end, only 4 of the 191-man squadron, including Yangang Kong, returned to the formation intact and alive. The rest died under the cliff or in the killing trench. He fell on the road of attack, and all officers above the sergeant died in battle.

As soon as the "killing trench" took action, it almost crippled an infantry regiment of the 116th Division.

Not only did the Japanese army not expect this, but also the Chinese side did not expect this.

Fang Xianjue, who had always been very concerned about the war in the south of the city, received the battle report from Huangcha Ridge. He stayed there for a while before excitedly slapping the table and wanting to record the battle achievements of the entire First Battalion of the Sixing Regiment.

Sun Minyu was very calm and immediately sent staff members to Huangchaling overnight to verify the military exploits. This was not only related to the authenticity of the military exploits, but also the need to use realistic numbers of enemy kills to motivate the entire Hengyang army.

Several officers from the staff just counted the corpses lying scattered under the cliff under the light of torches. They even entered the bunker and jumped into the deep trench, enduring the strange smell emitted by the large number of dead corpses in the high summer temperature. Japanese corpses were counted.

Even if it is not so detailed, the number of enemies killed above 800 is certain. Fang Xianjue reported the number of enemies wiped out by the 190th Division in the defense battle of Hengyang Airport to the Ministry of Military Affairs overnight.

Late at night, there was still no peace on the Huangchaling position.

Under the instruction of Colonel Kurose Hei, the 133rd Infantry Regiment sent a team of five people to an area 300 meters from the forward position of Huangcha Ridge.

It was the Japanese army who took the initiative to fire the flares, leaving the four Japanese and one Chinese exposed to the white light of the flares.

However, the Chinese on the position did not fire this time. Regardless of the distance of 300 meters, these five people had already been locked up by more than a dozen bolt-fire rifles. In just a few breaths, these five people would be killed. .

But the Japanese stood there holding the small white flag high, and their determined appearance stunned the three infantry squads on the forward position.

What, are the Japanese surrendering or something? This is unscientific! The officers and soldiers of the Si Xing Regiment had fought with the Japanese for several years. They had seen all kinds of Japanese, but they had never seen one who came over holding a small white flag just after fighting for an afternoon.

"Listen, Chinese people across the way. This is Captain Hashiguchi. He came to talk to your army on orders from Daisaku Kurose." In the light of the flare, the man in a yellow military uniform with parted hair held a pure Chinese The words were shouted hoarsely.

There was no way, once the flares were fired, they were all exposed to the sight of the Chinese position. Although the position was dark and nothing could be seen clearly, everyone knew that there were countless guns in the darkness. Aim at them.

With the firepower they unleashed during the day, it would not take more than ten seconds to kill several of them!

Not to mention the unlucky boy who was temporarily pulled in to translate, so scared that he tightened his crotch, even Captain Hashiguchi, who was known as a tough guy in the 133rd Infantry Regiment, had his calves trembling.

"You're a traitor, you have such a loud mouth. You open your mouth to talk about the Chinese but shut up about the Chinese. Why are you so willing to be a dog of the Japanese? What do you want to talk about with me? You're going to kill the traitor." An infantry sergeant glared and said Aiming the gun at the wretched traitor with a separate head. The Japanese have a somewhat strange taste in speaking Chinese. Anyone who can speak Chinese so proficiently can only be a traitor.

"Lao Zhang, don't worry, we can't make the decision. We still have to make the decision, Company Commander Leng and Battalion Commander Qian. I guess they are motivated by the smelly minced meat in the ditch." Another Army sergeant stretched out his hand to press the button. Holding his comrade's gun, he shook his head slightly.

"That won't work. Let the Japs come in for a visit and then deploy the machine gun bunker in the ditch to the Japs commander to take back. You won't be fooled in the future." The deputy squad leader of the infantry shook his head repeatedly, with a look of distress on his face.

"However, the weather has been too hot these days. It has only been a while now, and the corpses already smell. If we don't clean them up in another two days, this place will be unbearable. The stench can kill people to death."

Indeed, it had only been less than eight hours since the battle started at four in the afternoon. Under the blowing of the mountain wind, the already extremely unpleasant smell of blood began to gradually change.

What do you mean by that taste? It's like a slaughterhouse that hasn't had time to process the sewage. The smell of blood and fishy smell plus the smell of organs penetrates the nostrils, making it difficult not to feel disgusted.

Even though these soldiers of the Four-Hong Regiment have experienced war, there are still some veterans and the recruits recruited by the gang in Hunan Province last spring who can't eat dinner, especially when there is still a big piece of fat in everyone's bowl. .

The Four Elements Regiment is now getting stronger and stronger in terms of logistical support. They can eat instant dry food for breakfast and lunch, but as long as there is no fighting at night, dinner is basically freshly cooked hot meals.

The cooking squad leader of the 1st company is from the Northeast. He thinks that the most satisfying meal is cabbage, fat, pork and vermicelli noodles. If there is a shortage of vermicelli, then he will serve big fat pork, three fingers thick fat with a little lean meat. In the past few days, the officers and soldiers of the 1st Company had been eating with their mouths full of oil and giving thumbs up to the kitchen squad leader. However, when eating at this time, their nostrils were still filled with that disgusting smell. My stomach will be churning desperately.

At that time, some people suggested that we might as well get some gasoline and throw it in to burn all the corpses in the trench.

"Don't talk about whether there is that much oil, even if there is, do you think the smell of roasted meat is really better than this one?" Qian Dazhu glanced sideways at his subordinate who had not fully thought through his words.

Nowadays, Qian Dazhu is no longer the 20-year-old infantry company commander who was still a few years ago. The 26-year-old Qian Dazhu has a dark face and a scar on his cheek.

It was a samurai sword left by a Japanese major during a fierce battle between Shipai and the Japanese army three years ago. The sharp blade swiped across his cheek, missing half of the commander of the main company of the Four Lines Regiment by just a few centimeters. The face was cut off at the cost of the Japanese major's life. Qian Dazhu used his own military thorn to penetrate from his jaw to Tianling Gai.

Captain Qian, who is decisive in killing and killing, is not ranked first among the infantry company commanders of the Four Lines Regiment, but he is still in the top three. In addition, he has a calm personality and rarely speaks proactively, giving him a feeling of not being angry. And Wei feels that many soldiers in the first battalion may not be afraid of the cold-faced "cold-faced King of Hell" Commander Leng, who is hot-hearted, but they are very afraid of Captain Qian.

"The Japanese are so eager to negotiate and recover the bodies. I think they have other motives!" Qian Dazhu, who was discussing tomorrow's battle with Leng Feng, tank company commander Deng Guihai and three other company commanders in the tunnel behind Huangcha Ridge, frowned. He frowned slightly and said decisively.

"Captain Qian is right, the little devil is starting to have his own evil intentions because our position is strong." A handsome-looking army captain also agreed.

This man looked bookish, but he was the artillery company commander of the 1st Battalion and a college student at Jinling University. After joining the army, he did not engage in technology or propaganda, but he actually learned artillery, and finally succeeded in it. Ordinary gunners were promoted to squad leaders, platoon leaders, and later to mountain gun platoon leaders of artillery battalions. They once had a record of four mountain guns hitting a target 8,000 meters away with 5 rapid fire rounds. Two years ago, Leng Feng recruited him from the artillery battalion and was promoted to company commander. Pang Panghai didn't even look at Leng Feng for a month.

In his words, how can he be promoted to company commander in your first battalion? I can also use the Artillery Battalion! Later, Tang Dao personally worked for Pang Panghai. The first battalion must have sufficient independent combat capabilities. It cannot rely on the regiment artillery battalion for all fire support. Giving a capable artillery company commander is not also a support for the first battalion. ? He also promised that if there were good college students who wanted to be artillerymen, they would be given priority in the artillery battalion, so Pang Panghai gave up.

However, the artillery company of the first battalion did not participate in the battle during the day. The three 80mm howitzers, four 82mm mortars and two 20mm machine guns under its command did not fire a single shot. They all attacked the Japanese heavy machine gun positions or infantry. The mortars are all 60mm mortars from three infantry companies.

‘The battle is still going on for a long time. How can we take out all the money in one go? ’ Leng Feng’s command style is becoming more and more similar to Tang Tuanzuo’s.

Although the Japanese came up with 105 howitzers and poison gas bombs, Leng Feng believed that the Japanese army on the opposite side also did not use their full strength. Although the Japanese army invested a lot of infantry in the afternoon, they were still in the testing stage, that is, to observe the yellow tea. The trump card of the Chinese army on the Ridge position in order to destroy it in one fell swoop.

"No matter what evil intentions the Japanese have, they are just coming to cover up the water and the soil. Now that they are here, we can't keep them out, can we?" Leng Feng lit a cigarette and said calmly.

"The negotiation location was chosen 150 meters in front of our positions. They sent a captain, so we will send a second lieutenant to tell the Japanese for me. If you feel there is an imbalance, if you have the ability, send Isamu Yokoyama to negotiate. I will prepare the 10th Division I promise to let Mr. Ge meet with him. It doesn’t matter if he’s not happy yet. Just let the horses fight. I’ll wait for them in advance.”

"Battal Commander, you're a bad learner! If Commander Ge knew that you were pretending to be his subordinate without changing your face or heart, would you blow your beard and stare?" Jia Shushen, the artillery company commander, was dumbfounded.

"Aren't the little devils just here to fool you? What, is it possible that I still want to treat them sincerely?" Leng Feng calmly threw away the cigarette **** in his hand. "Ignore them and continue with the meeting."

Sure enough, when the Japanese Army captain who came to negotiate with a small white flag saw that the visitor was just a Chinese Army second lieutenant, he couldn't help but feel humiliated. He was so angry that he took the people away without even telling him the purpose of coming here.

The leader of the second platoon of Qian Dazhu Company was in charge of the negotiation. He was responsible for bringing Leng Feng’s words to him. Seeing that the Japanese were about to leave, he was naturally happy and effortless. He waved goodbye with a smile: "Captain Qiaokou, please go slowly and don’t see me off tomorrow." See you on the battlefield. Remember not to stand too high. My brothers’ bullets have holes in them. Don’t kill you. I’ll use the Major next time.”

As the captain of the infantry squadron directly under the 133rd Infantry Regiment, Hashiguchi Yumitsu was almost **** off when he heard the traitor's specially blurred translation. He had never seen such an arrogant Chinese soldier, but thinking about His Excellency Hei Daisaku Kurose After asking for help, I finally endured this and came back.

It turned out that, as the Chinese thought, the Japanese army meant that although the two sides were hostile, the dead were already dead. In order to show respect for the soldiers who died in the battle, they hoped that the Chinese would allow them to move back the bodies of the imperial officers and soldiers who died in front of the Chinese position. , and it will also be convenient for the two armies to fight again tomorrow.

The Japanese side promised that the 200 people sent would not carry any weapons and would only bring ropes to tie up the bodies and drag them back. The Chinese side promised not to shoot. This negotiation record would be signed and sealed by the negotiating officers sent by the two sides. Any party that violates the contract will be punished. Make it public.

"Wait a minute, what are the benefits of this kind of negotiation to our army?" The Chinese second lieutenant who came to negotiate was full of surprise after hearing this.

"This is respect for the soldiers who died on both sides!" Captain Hashiguchi emphasized again.

"That's not right! There are only the corpses of your Japanese over there, not ours. There are no two sides. In this way, if you give money or things, we will respect you. This is equal!" The Army Second Lieutenant grinned. .


Are the legendary 'Taishan Army' so shameless?

The two sides argued for an hour over how much and in what currency to pay.

The Chinese side is not picky. Chinese silver, gold bars, gold and silver jewelry and even Japanese currency are all accepted, but legal tender is not accepted.

In the end, the deal was made with 10 kilograms of gold and silver jewelry, which the 133rd Infantry Regiment had snatched from Chinese people along the way. However, it turned out that they passed the Taoists and were robbed by the "Taishan Army".

"That is to say, let the Chinese help preserve it!" Colonel Kurose Hei, with veins pulsing on his forehead, comforted himself in the darkness.

Salt Barn Sora was lying on the ground in the dark and almost fell asleep!

Beside him and behind him, there were more than 1,500 infantrymen lying in darkness!

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