Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 16: Strength under his command

Chapter 16 The strength of his subordinates

 The three infantry squad leaders expressed their attitudes one after another, and the soldiers were naturally speechless.

Stand up one by one to tell Tang Dao his name, age, and military experience. This can be regarded as a process of getting to know each other before the war. Tang Dao wrote it down carefully.

Even if the time is short, Tang Dao must memorize almost everything. Otherwise, if a battle breaks out, he, a platoon leader, can't even call out the names or nicknames of his subordinates, so how can he make tactical arrangements?

As for each person’s personality traits or specialties, they can only be discovered in battle.

Shangguanyun also introduced Tang Dao selectively, such as the three squad leaders.

Lao Hei of the second squad, formerly known as Yuan Erhei, was the most powerful bombardier in the third platoon. He once broke the regiment's bomb throwing record by throwing a wooden long-handled grenade over 70 meters away. He also dropped grenades in trenches on the battlefield. Records that have passed at least 50 meters away.

Relying on this unique skill, he became a squad leader within three years of being a soldier. If Liu Datou, the squad leader, had not been a soldier for a long time, he would also be a strong competitor for the third platoon leader.

 As the squad leader, Liu Datou is a typical veteran.

The 88th Division was reorganized from the original National Guard Division in the 20th year of the Republic of China. At that time, Liu Datou's military age was more than three years, and now it is almost ten years.

  From the National Guard Division to the 88th Division, I have been in such an elite force for nearly ten years. Just such training can make even the dullest knife extremely sharp.

Apart from anything else, as a grassroots commander at the squad level, looking at the entire third platoon, he probably deserves to be number one. No wonder he complained about Tang Dao taking the position that was about to belong to him.

Compared to the two squad leaders who had just met, Tang Dao's old acquaintance Lao Youzi surprised him even more.

Although the veteran oil man Li Jiujin is a bit smoother, to be able to be the squad leader of a combat squad, especially in a company that usually has sharp knives, he must have the ability to use it.

Tang Dao really didn't expect that Li Jijin, an old man, was actually a cold gun master in the company.

He has been on the Songhu front line for two months. Needless to say, he has been able to save his life. In addition, he is also very lucky. So far, he has not even broken a skin on his body.

But this man not only lived longer than others, he was also a man of great military merit.

With cold shots, he killed nearly 10 Japanese soldiers. The nine scratches on his rifle record his achievements.

And he is also the only one among the three infantry squad leaders who is equipped with both a rifle and a shell gun. Although in his own words, he would feel more at ease if he is equipped with more weapons, but Tang Dao knows that the more equipment, the stronger his physical condition. , Li Jijin, a veteran, is much stronger than his superficial laziness.

Another acquaintance, Yang Xiaoshan, a superior soldier, surprised Tang Dao even more. Not only was he a good young man with a passionate heart, he also performed well on the battlefield.

As a recruit who was transferred from the local army to the first company, he participated in a brutal hand-to-hand combat and was lucky enough to survive. He actually killed two Japanese soldiers with a bayonet. This is an achievement that many veterans have never achieved.

 Anyone who has been on the battlefield knows that compared to the artillery fire and fierce exchanges between the two sides, the most brutal battle is the hand-to-hand combat between the two sides.

Facing the bright bayonet, a person's mind is just blank, and you can't recall any of those extremely familiar tactical moves on the training ground.

The only thing you can do is to thrust your bayonet into the enemy's chest before it pierces into your chest. If the enemy doesn't die, you will die.

 There is no third option.

What is needed is physical strength and stabbing skills, but more importantly, courage and the courage to face death.

This is easier said than done, especially when facing the Japanese army, which is extremely demanding in stabbing training. Many soldiers were frozen in fear at that moment, which also led to the fact that it often took two or three soldiers to face one Japanese army. Chinese soldiers fight against them, and even then they may not win.

How confident the Japanese army was in bayonet hand-to-hand combat was reflected in many battle reports that were gradually disclosed in the future. When the attack is blocked, they will use this move; when launching the final attack, they will still use this move. It is their most common tactic to show their bravery.

 The fact is that their winning rate using this move is over 70%.

Of course, hand-to-hand combat is a double-edged sword.

When they encounter the desperate Chinese army, such as the red troops who have moved thousands of miles carrying red tassel guns, or encounter the Chinese elites who have no retreat, they will also be killed in rivers of blood, which becomes their nightmare.

However, a new soldier who is new to the battlefield can kill two Japanese soldiers in hand-to-hand combat, which is definitely strong enough.

 And he seemed to be the only supplementary soldier who survived the battle a month ago, otherwise Shangguan Yun would not have introduced him specifically.

There are several other soldiers, some who are good at digging fortifications, some who are good at machine gun shooting and suppression, and some who are good at carrying heavy ammunition.

From Shangguan Yun's somewhat proud and sad expression, it was not difficult for Tang Dao to understand that those should be the more outstanding soldiers from the third platoon, but such outstanding soldiers, after two months of **** battles, there were no more left. Running out.

There are not many veterans left, so naturally the only ones left are the new recruits. Among the more than 30 people left in the entire third row, less than half of the original veterans are already there, and the rest are leftover after several rounds of replenishment.

Recruits who have experienced a lot will become veterans, but there are also recruits who have only been here for five or six days and only fought one battle. Fortunately, there is only one.

This is the timid recruit who will never be over 20 years old. He saluted Tang Dao and then retreated into the crowd.

Such recruits should have been recruited recently. Even the squad leaders were not very familiar with them. Naturally, there was no special introduction. Tang Dao remembered his name in a hurry - Niu Er. That was because he saw Niu Er carefully placing his rations in front of the ‘hammer’, and also helping the poor little guy bandage the wound on his hind leg.

Maybe nothing else can explain it, but I definitely like dogs.

However, this can also show the strength of the original veterans. After two months of fierce fighting on the flesh-and-blood battlefield, their survival rate was much higher than that of the new recruits who were added later.

 No wonder that in the Battle of Sihang Warehouse in space and time, the Japanese army used an infantry regiment of more than 2,000 people to attack for three days and failed to capture this strong fortress.

It’s not enough that the four-row warehouse can carry 75-caliber field artillery. The main thing is what kind of soldiers are guarding the fortress.

There is no doubt that the more than 400 people left in the 1st Battalion of the 524th Regiment, after going through **** battles and being eliminated, are already considered the elite among the millions of troops in Songhu, China and Japan.

Tang Dao is now more confident than before, not just because he knows the true trajectory of the giant ship of history.

God knows what kind of chain reaction the flapping wings of this little butterfly that has crossed the barrier of time and space will have?

 As for the future, Tang Dao is also uncertain.

But what he can be sure of is that, just like before, with such a group of comrades beside him, his heart is stable and his hand holding the gun is steadier.

"Okay, we all know each other. Brothers in the third platoon, please return to your fighting positions. Platoon Commander Tang, you and I will go to the headquarters for a meeting." Shangguan Yun took out a pocket watch to check the time, and took it with him A somewhat rude and shouted order.

“Platoon Leader Tang, if you have any plans, tell them immediately and tell them to get out of here!”

 The officers and soldiers present could not help but be stunned, and veteran Liu Datou, who had been in the army for nearly ten years, couldn't help but feel a hint of joy in his eyes.

As a veteran, he understood very well what it meant that a small platoon leader like Tang Dao could participate in a meeting that could only be attended by commanders above the company level. This meant that the top commander admired his new platoon leader very much. If that company commander was fighting It's nothing new for him to go directly to become the company commander after being defeated.

Thinking of this, Liu Datou couldn't help but glared at Lao Lao Youzi angrily.

No wonder this guy hugged his thighs and called the commander directly. He must have known about this matter in advance. If he didn't tell him, he probably wanted to see him, the oldest squad leader, make a fool of himself!

Faced with Liu Datou's anger, veteran veteran Li Jiujin rolled his eyes in response. "Who told you to always look down on me, a cold-blooded guy? Today I'm going to show you the depths of someone's heart." More sufficient.

Tang Dao pretended not to notice the affectionate looks at his two squad leaders and smiled slightly:

"I'm not here, so Class 2 and Class 3 will listen to Squad Leader Liu first. Everyone should be careful in the fortifications outside the warehouse. If my guess is correct, the Japanese already know that we are here, and it won't take long for the vanguard to arrive. Will come."

"Platoon leader, I..." Liu Datou probably didn't expect that Tang Dao would come up with such an arrangement regardless of previous suspicions, and he was so moved that he was speechless for a moment.

Tang Dao's approach almost confirmed his position as deputy platoon leader. Although he had been like this before, after all, he was once an emperor and a courtier, wasn't he?

“Squad Leader Liu, I believe you!” Tang Dao smiled slightly and took the initiative to reach out and shake the veteran’s rough, rock-like hand.

That not only shows his recognition, but also respect for a veteran.

After listening to Shangguan Yun's introduction, Tang Dao had already decided at that time that if he was away, Liu Datou would be the first choice to take command of the third platoon in his place.

On the way to the headquarters on the third floor, Shangguan Yun looked at Tang Dao with a strange look. When Tang Dao wanted to ask, Shangguan Yun couldn't help but sigh:

“I don’t understand how the commanders of your 26th Division are willing to leave a treasure like you on the battlefield. If you were in our 88th Division, even if you only had one breath, the commanders would probably have to **** you back.”

It would have been fine if the Tang Dao was ordinary or slightly excellent. However, both in terms of personal strength and leadership ability, he was almost brilliant but was still left on the battlefield. After all, the captain of the national army still had some murmurs in his heart.

Tang Dao grinned slightly: "Sir, that's ridiculous, but maybe my commander is also looking for people from the field hospital in the war zone right now, right?"

 "Haha! That's right! Fortunately, fortunately!" Shangguan Yun was amused by Tang Dao's explanation and somewhat playful answer.

“I’ll decide later and have the communications troops send a telegram to the 26th Division saying you’re here.”

The case of Tang Dao, who was stunned by artillery shells for several days and couldn't see anything alive, but later came back to life again, is actually not an exception on the battlefield. Being able to send Tang Dao to the field hospital in the war zone is enough to show that the 26th Division attaches great importance to him.

 At this point, the last remaining doubts about Tang Dao are gone.

  . . . . . . . . .

ps: Today is just one chapter. The big chapter is 3,000 words. Fengyue can’t update too fast, otherwise it will be put on the shelves before the round of recommendations is completed, which will be a hit. If there is a big update, there will definitely be it after it is put on the shelves.

 (End of this chapter)

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