Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 167 Another person takes the blame

But even though they knew the outcome, none of the 20,000 Chinese people left.

Including the middle-aged man in a suit who wanted to leave, he didn't really leave.

The rickshaw driver pulled the rickshaw at a snail's pace, and he didn't urge him.

The two people's ears were always focused on the sound from behind.

They were all looking forward to the miracle.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. As time went by, the hearts of the Chinese people gradually slid into the abyss.

The Japanese army had entered the warehouse for five or six minutes, and there was no gunfire.

Until a Japanese sergeant ran out of the warehouse building excitedly, desperately waving the sun flag hanging on his rifle: "Victory, victory! The Chinese ran away!".

The Chinese were too far away to hear what the ecstatic Japanese soldiers were shouting, but their eyes were not blind.

In less than a minute, Japanese infantrymen gradually appeared on the roof of the Sihang Warehouse. More than one infantry squad of Japanese soldiers climbed onto the roof. After a brief search, they faced the concession, waving their rifles vigorously, showing their bravery. The roar of "Long live the empire" made the concession silent.

Then, hundreds of Japanese soldiers on standby in the distance could not suppress their excitement. They jumped out of the trenches, raised their guns and shouted to their colleagues on the roof, "Long live the empire!"

The cheers of the Japanese army resounded throughout the battlefield.

Jiro Wakiban's eyes moistened involuntarily.

Finally, the bad guys won. It was really too difficult.

Kimura Shaoxiong grinned with disbelief. Could it be that Amaterasu appeared and saved the unlucky Jiro Wakiban in such an incredible way.

But what about the Chinese? Where did the Chinese go?

"Colonel, woo woo! We won." Makino Shun, who usually likes to silently complain about his boss, hugged his boss's arm and couldn't help crying.

Absolutely true feelings, without a trace of affectation.

Today's situation is like buying a lottery ticket. You have been investing without seeing any output, and suddenly there is a super big surprise, which has brought down the emotions of the calm academic school.

If the Japanese colonel still had some reason left, he would quickly order: "Where did the Chinese escape to? Find out the reason quickly. Also, the Chinese have explosives. The infantry withdraws and the engineering unit is ordered to follow up and search the entire warehouse to avoid unnecessary losses."

Otherwise, the scene of the two Japanese lieutenants hugging each other and crying loudly is really too eye-catching.

Anyway, whether it is Kimura Shaoxiong or the two Japanese lieutenants with tears soaking their clothes, they are extremely tacitly not to mention the Chinese running away and their anger about how to avenge their hatred.

Baka can run away, it's already very face-saving, what else do you want?

On the south bank of Suzhou River, tens of thousands of Chinese people watching the Japanese army celebrate their victory burst into tears.

The last position of Songhu, which had been held for five days and six nights, was lost quietly.

"How did this happen? How could the warehouse be lost so easily? It can't be!" The rickshaw driver who had been dawdling and didn't want to leave stood there, muttering to himself with a gray face.

"Lao Zhou! Fighting is a soldier's job. Don't think too much. Just pull your rickshaw to support your family!" The middle-aged man in a suit also looked unhappy. He stayed for a long time and patted the rickshaw driver on the shoulder to comfort him.

This kind of comfort is actually more like comforting himself.

Let's go back to the previous life! Even if the foreign boss slapped the document on his face, he still had to stand respectfully, waiting for the boss to leave after he was exhausted before picking up the scattered papers.

Who made him black hair and black eyes? Who made him born in China? His country is so weak, his army didn't fire a shot, and just lost the position.

However, even though he wanted to accept his fate, why was his heart still so blocked? He just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible. Only by leaving here could he put an end to the ambitions that had once arisen in his heart.

But the rickshaw was put down heavily. The rickshaw driver who had always been respectful to him lowered his head and said in a muffled voice: "Mr. Zhang, I will return your money to you, and I will not rent the rickshaw anymore."

"Lao Zhou, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I don't want to rent it anymore." The rickshaw driver still lowered his head.

"Did I say something wrong? They lost their position without firing a single shot. Why can't I say anything about them?" The middle-aged man in a suit also became excited.

"Those Guojun brothers didn't fight today, but they fought a few days ago! Didn't you see that they killed the Japanese and made a river of blood a few days ago? They also lost many people themselves." The rickshaw driver raised his head, which had been lowered all the time, and objected angrily with red eyes. "Anyway, I don't allow you to say anything about them."

Looking at the emotional rickshaw driver, the middle-aged man in a suit was speechless for a while. A thought suddenly came to his mind, and his face changed: "No!"

"What's wrong? I said no, then no." The rickshaw driver's face was full of anger.

This might be the first time he got angry at a "superior" whose status far exceeded his own in the ten years since he came to this city. Before this, he had even forgotten what anger felt like.

"Hey, Lao Zhou, don't be angry. I mean, those Guojun brothers didn't shoot, and the Japanese didn't find them. Does that mean they quietly retreated last night?" The middle-aged man in a suit thought of this key point.

"Hey! Mr. Zhang, you are still smart!" The rickshaw driver also turned around and clapped his hands. "It's good to retreat! It shows that our Guojun brothers are very strong. They can fight when they want to fight and leave when they want to leave. The Japanese devils are only worthy of following behind and eating farts!"

"Okay, Lao Zhou, you said some words with some level. It seems that I didn't watch the war in vain these days!" The middle-aged man in a suit couldn't help laughing.

Because, he thought so too.

The Japanese occupied the building, but they didn't find a single hair. Does it count as a vain attack?

"Of course! I have seen it these days. The Japanese used the same tricks over and over again. After the cannons were fired, the machine guns were fired. After the machine guns were fired, the infantry attacked, and then, a large number of people died." The rickshaw driver's mood improved, and he began to brag in the Central Plains style. "Now give me a gun, I dare to fight the Japanese."

"Haha! Kill his grandson!" The middle-aged man in a suit was amused by the honest fellow villager.

His mood was no longer depressed.

In war, it is not necessarily that you will win by fighting hard. Who wouldn't feel uncomfortable watching their own people die under their noses? Being able to escape safely under such a heavy siege is definitely a victory. This truth is not difficult to understand for a middle-aged man in a suit with some experience.

The duo came back to their senses, and many Chinese people also changed their minds.

The silent scene became noisy again.

While laughing at the Japanese who occupied an empty warehouse, they speculated where the Chinese soldiers who were still in the warehouse yesterday ran from.

Most people obviously prefer to dive away. Although the searchlights placed by the Japanese on both sides of the warehouse are shining brightly, they are very capable. If they dive dozens of meters at a time, the concession pretends not to know, won’t they escape?

In fact, not only the Chinese think so, the Japanese also come to roughly the same conclusion, especially after seeing two canals dug through the Suzhou River in the warehouse. The lieutenant squadron leader of its engineering corps has already come to this conclusion.

The Chinese have long prepared a retreat for themselves, not only to ensure that there is no shortage of water in the warehouse, but also to sneak to the other side without being discovered by the searchlight.

After all, the Suzhou River is tens of meters wide, and the searchlight needs to sweep over it bit by bit, so it is normal to have dark corners.

The Westerners in the concession had long wanted the Chinese to escape, so it was understandable that they helped to cover up.

As for why the Chinese were so good at swimming, they might be the Marines!

Damn yellow-haired guys, the Japanese officers cursed the shameless Westerners and secretly rejoiced.

It's better to run away.

Brigadier General Smallett, the scapegoat, was confused.

Could it be that the old man Asu heard the prayer before going to bed last night?

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