Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 179 I lied to you

The whole violent killing process lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour.

Kill all the Japanese invaders who resisted fiercely;

Kill those who fled;

Kill those who raised their hands and surrendered;

Li Jiujin personally led his second platoon and an infantry squad to clean up the battlefield after the war was completely over. They did not look for supplies, but counted heads. There was no time to check whether they were dead or alive. The quickest way was to finish off the bodies. No matter whether they were dead or alive, they were all stabbed three times.

Then all the bodies were dragged into two slightly hidden rooms in the building, and Tang Dao asked Lei Xiong to take all the remaining people to cover the blood and traces of killing with sand and dust, and count the spoils.

That was mainly to prevent the Japanese army one kilometer away from gathering troops to search here. Once such a situation occurred, Tang Dao had to make a choice.

Whether to directly disguise as a Japanese baggage team and deal with it, or to drive the car and run away, it must be decided according to the actual situation.

But before making a decision, Tang Dao must know the origin of this baggage team and where the baggage will be transported, including important information such as night passwords.

Fortunately, he left two tongues before the battle, and when he heard the gunshot, he deliberately left two people alive who could not escape.

One of them was a sergeant, who was considered one of the core members of this baggage team.

The Japanese soldiers who were tied up like dumplings before have woken up, and Li Jiujin's two pairs of sauce-flavored socks were pulled out of the mouths of the two Japanese soldiers who were smoked and rolled their eyes with a bayonet by Erya, who was holding back her nausea.

The two Japanese soldiers were quite sensible. Since they woke up and saw the situation clearly, they did not shout and scream. They were exhausted on the ground until several soldiers escorted the other two Japanese soldiers to the entrance of the tunnel.

The two tied Japanese soldiers had no autonomy and could only let the Chinese soldiers manipulate them. They knelt down if they were told to kneel down, but the two Japanese soldiers with bayonets pointed at them wanted to pierce the bayonets. Not only did they grumble, but they also had fierce eyes and wanted to resist.

Leng Feng's way of dealing with it was simple and rough. He held the butt of the gun and hit the knees. If he didn't want to bend, he would bend him.

All the fierceness disappeared, leaving only painful wails.

Tang Dao didn't care about these. He turned around and explained the affairs to several soldiers. Then he turned around and looked coldly at the two Japanese soldiers kneeling in front of him and the two Japanese soldiers who were beaten down because they "would rather die than surrender".

The cold eyes made the four Japanese soldiers shudder.

"Your number, mission, transported items, night password! I need an answer!" Tang Dao asked in fluent Japanese.

He was greeted by a silence.

Although the Japanese sergeant with a face full of flesh and fierce eyes didn't speak, his eyes were full of mockery.

"So, they are a bunch of deaf people!" Tang Dao sighed.

The next moment, Tang Dao's hand had already touched his leggings, where a bloody Type 38 bayonet was inserted.

The moment when the pupils of several Japanese soldiers could not help shrinking, the knife flashed, and the bayonet in Tang Dao's hand had pierced into the slightly opened mouth of a Japanese soldier who was tied up and kneeling.

The bayonet went out through the brain.

However, he could not die for a while. The injured Japanese soldier twisted desperately on the ground in pain, and the humming sound of the cold blade in his mouth was like a ghost crying, like a chicken with a broken neck.

The other three Japanese soldiers were scared.

It was not because of the tragic death of their colleagues, but because the young Chinese officer in front of them killed people like killing chickens.

This is not the way to interrogate! If you can't get the answer in one time, shouldn't you threaten him with a few words and wait for him to think about it? Who would kill people right away?

"You devil, my Great Japanese Army will not let you go. We will kill all of you Chinese, all of you." The Japanese sergeant half-lying on the ground, gritting his teeth and threatening.

"Kill all of my Chinese people?" Tang Dao smiled strangely, squatted down, stared into the eyes of the Japanese sergeant, and answered in Japanese.

"Okay, just because you are so tough, I, Tang Dao, can order today that from now on, all of my Tang Dao troops will not keep any prisoners of war from your division. Come on, if you have the guts, tell me which division you belong to."

"I won't tell you the answer you want." Listening to Tang Dao's understated words, the Japanese sergeant's eyes showed fear.

It's not that he doesn't want to disclose military secrets, but his subconscious tells him that the Chinese officer in front of him is not just talking verbally, he will really do it.

Of course, the Japanese sergeant doesn't know that no matter he says it or not, all the Japanese divisions that invaded Nanjing are on Tang Dao's must-kill list. Whenever they meet, they must fight to the death.

Prisoners of war only belong to human beings, how can they be called human beings?

"Really? But anyway, it seems that you are not deaf and dumb, which is good!" Tang Dao smiled lightly, but stretched out three fingers and said softly in Japanese: "Only one of you will have three such opportunities."

That is three opportunities to see your companions being coldly and ruthlessly wiped out.

Leng Feng, who was standing aside, had his hair standing up and imagined what would happen if he encountered such a situation, but he had to find out sadly that he would be particularly conflicted. He didn't want to be the last one, nor did he want to be the one who was slaughtered like a chicken in front.

No matter which choice, it was extremely painful.

"And, I swear on the honor of my National Revolutionary Army that whoever can give me the answer I want, I can make an exception and let him live." Tang Dao continued. "Think about your hometown and your kind mother! The sushi made by your mother is very fragrant!"

The psychological defense line that had been shaken by the cold shock completely collapsed under the temptation of home.

"Don't believe him!" the Japanese sergeant yelled crazily, but could not stop the other two superior soldiers whose psychological defenses had completely collapsed from nodding eagerly, for fear that they would be the ones in front because they were too slow to agree.

"Okay, if two of them are willing to say it, let's kill them!" Tang Dao's face remained calm.

"Devil, devil, you are a devil!" Japanese Army Commander Cao continued to curse Tang Dao.

But when he saw the soldiers carrying two other companions and walking away, and Leng Feng walking over with a bayonet in one hand, all his will to resist collapsed.

"I said, I said, don't kill me!" Japanese Army Commander Cao burst into tears.

The so-called secret, if someone is willing to tell it, it is no longer a secret. All his persistence seems to be particularly ridiculous to him.

The three people were taken in three directions and gave their answers to Tang Dao's questions. After verification, it was found that the Japanese soldiers who had given up their glory were actually honest children.

The question password was "Shenzhou" and the answer password was "Co-prosperity". This made Leng Feng very angry at first when he got the answer. He felt that this was deliberately fabricated by the Japanese soldiers. Does China have a relationship with Japan?

He went up and hit several Japanese soldiers with their rifle butts, crying for their fathers and mothers.

But Tang Dao knew that this was Japan.

Because since the Sino-Japanese War, Japan, which covets China, has begun to carry out domestic education that China is a vassal state of Japan. Education starts from childhood. The Japanese are definitely at the forefront of the world in this regard.

For example, in school classes, such a situation often occurs.

During the kindergarten class, the teacher would hold an apple and ask the children: "Do you like eating apples?" The children said in unison: "Yes!"

The teacher will say: "Apples are produced in China and used to belong to our Empire of Japan!"

When the children grow up, the question changes again, and the teacher will ask: "Where are the most beautiful girls in the world?"


"Well, that place used to belong to our Japanese Empire."

Don't talk about it, the Japanese even concocted the slogan "Fight back home in North China". Now it's a joke to use "China" and "co-prosperity" as the slogan!

Comparing the answers given by the three Japanese soldiers one by one, especially the Japanese sergeant's, the reason why Tang Dao never killed this stubborn guy was because he obviously knew more.

Finally, 10 minutes later, Tang Dao obtained all the information he needed.

"You said that you promised not to kill us with the honor of your Chinese Army." Japanese Army Commander Cao waved his hand as he looked at Tang Dao. Several soldiers raised their bayonets with understanding, their eyes wide open.

He thought that Chinese officers would break their promises, but Tang Dao didn't even try to cover up, and still exceeded his bottom line.

Aren’t all Chinese people supposed to be gentlemen?

"Yes, I lied to you." Tang Dao responded calmly. "But I don't want to say I'm sorry."

Then, a knife stabbed him in the heart.

When the Japanese Army Commander Cao was dying, he heard Tang Dao tell him in Japanese: "Unfortunately, the "Desert Eagle" brigade of the Chinese Army Frontier Military Region to which I belong does not belong to the National Revolutionary Army, so you know."

What kind of army is that? I do not understand!

That was the last thought that came to the mind of the Japanese commander Cao, but no one gave him the answer anymore.

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