Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 182 Get up from where you fell!

Ten minutes later, the depressed Major Toyota Hide saw the sunny-faced Army Second Lieutenant coming up to him.

Damn, what's there to be happy about? A nameless fire rose up.

"Which division did the baggage convoy in front come from? From which direction?" Toyota Hide asked in a formal way with a dark face.

"They belong to the 16th Division." Seeing that the Army Major was in a bad mood, the Army Second Lieutenant quickly restrained his smile and answered respectfully.

As for the direction from which the baggage convoy came, the Army Second Lieutenant subconsciously glanced at the direction of the Sihang Warehouse, which was the nightmare place of the entire infantry regiment, and no one was willing to mention its name anymore.

"Got it." Toyota Hide saw the look of his subordinates, and naturally understood it in seconds, and instinctively avoided the name of the nightmare place.

However, just after walking two steps into the checkpoint, Toyota Hide stopped, turned his head suddenly, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes: "Wait, what did you say, Second Lieutenant Takeda?"

"The subordinate said they belong to the 16th Division." The Army Second Lieutenant was slightly stunned.

"No, I asked them where they came from?"

"To the direction of Sihang Warehouse..."

"Hiss..." Toyota Hide suddenly took a breath.

He suddenly understood why he had been uneasy since he crossed paths with the convoy.

Because that convoy always made him feel something was wrong, or rather, it was not because of the convoy, but because of the officer who was accompanying him at a glance.

It was not because he rarely saw that handsome face in the Imperial Army sequence, but because he inexplicably felt familiar, as if he had seen it there.

However, he dared to guarantee that he had been serving in the 3rd Division since he joined the army and had never had any contact with the 16th Division.

And now, when the nightmare name of Sihang Warehouse was linked to the handsome face of the second lieutenant, it seemed that he had found a slightly vague memory line.

He should have seen a face very similar to that of the second lieutenant in the Battle of Sihang Warehouse.

But that was a Chinese face, which he had seen clearly in the telescope.

What was the most thrilling battle of the 36th Infantry Regiment in Sihang Warehouse?

It was not a war of attrition with more than 700 casualties in one day, nor was it a battle of assault after the 120 heavy artillery was brought in, but a hand-to-hand combat in front of the warehouse that could not be any smaller on any battlefield.

Ever since the battle in which the twenty-odd soldiers in dark blue uniforms holding long spears went upstream against the more than 30 imperial soldiers who were "charging for the long live charge" and killed them one by one, and even withdrew to the warehouse with the bodies on their backs, Toyota Show, who had been watching the battle in the second-line trenches, knew that the 36th Infantry Regiment had been defeated.

Regardless of whether the Sihang Warehouse could be captured or not, this battle was a great defeat.

The Chinese defeated the elite of the 36th Infantry Regiment in the way that the imperial infantry was best at. From then on, hand-to-hand combat could no longer be the magic weapon for the 36th Infantry Regiment to decide the war. Regardless of whether they were facing this unit or not, the infantry of the 36th Infantry Regiment no longer had the confidence that they would win as they did in the past.

The most dazzling figure on the battlefield of hand-to-hand combat was the tall and burly Tang Dao. The Chinese people could not see his face clearly from more than 200 meters away, and could only see that he killed a soul with one strike of the sword.

But for Toyota Hide, who had been chasing the figure of the Tang Dao with a four-fold telescope, he might never forget the face of such a terrible Chinese man who gave him nightmares.

In his vision, he recorded very clearly how the Chinese man could miraculously avoid the stabs of several bayonets, how he killed his opponent with a quick and effective sword, and how he ferociously used a big wooden stick to swat his opponent like a fly.

Although he was hundreds of meters away, he could subconsciously imagine the crisp fracture sound of the Imperial Army and the miserable howl before death.

Such a Chinese man, anyone who faced him would probably be killed by him like killing a chicken! Toyota Hide came to such a conclusion, and at that moment he was even very glad that he was given up by the idiot Jiro Wakiita. Otherwise, he might have to face the terrible Chinese man in person.

You say, the Japanese Army Major, who had such a deep memory of the face of Tang Dao that he wished he could engrave it into his bones, suddenly saw a similar shadow on his "colleague", how could he not be scared?

"The 35th Infantry Regiment has thoroughly checked the Sihang Warehouse, and all the Chinese fleeing soldiers in the ruins have been killed, there is no danger." The Army Second Lieutenant did not understand where the Army Major's terrified expression came from.

"The fleeing soldiers were killed, so what about the group of Chinese who disappeared from the Sihang Warehouse?" Toyota Hide muttered to himself.

That was an answer that no one knew, so the Army Second Lieutenant naturally could not answer him.

"Call the No. 4 checkpoint and ask them to stop the convoy first. I want to verify it myself." Toyota Hide, who had regained consciousness, quickly ordered.

"Hi!" Although the Army Second Lieutenant felt that the Major was a little too neurotic, his body was very honest.

He stood at attention and bowed his head to receive the order reflexively.

Then, within a minute, the Second Lieutenant ran out of the checkpoint with a slightly panicked look: "Major, the phone is not connected!"

Like falling into an ice cellar.

At that moment, Toyota Hide felt a chill all over his body, much colder than standing naked in the snow and ice in the north of his country without his woolen military coat. A chill went straight up from the soles of his feet to his head, as if it was freezing all the blood in his body.

That was not a resemblance, but that face.

Toyota Hide finally concluded at this moment.

The telephone line may be disconnected for various reasons, but it should not be such a coincidence.

The Chinese did not dive into any concession at all. They actually stayed in a secret place in the Sihang Warehouse and waited for several days before they came out again.

Moreover, they also ambushed a baggage team, disguised themselves as them and drove their trucks, and swaggered towards their positions.

Toyota Hide was an old soldier after all. After being shocked and angry, he quickly determined how Tang Dao and others escaped and what they were going to do.

"Lieutenant Takeda, take your people and chase them with me. It's them, the Chinese who disappeared before." Toyota Hide forced himself to calm down and issued orders continuously.

The Japanese lieutenant was completely stunned.

It was not because of the fact that the lieutenant who chatted with him in his hometown dialect was actually a Chinese in disguise, but because the major was crazy.

What to chase? Chase with two legs? Besides, even if we catch up, what can we do? More than 3,000 of us have been beaten to death and are facing the miserable fate of returning home. Now, you want me to lead an infantry squad to chase them. Are you crazy?

He didn't understand his boss's broken heart.

As a major in the army, he is already a middle-level cadre in the army. Two steps up, he can be a colonel in charge of an infantry regiment.

Now the war against China is going smoothly, and after continuous victories, these two steps may be achieved in less than a year.

But unexpectedly, because of the stupidity of Jiro Wakiita, all these hopes are gone. How can Toyota Hide be willing?

In his view, killing this group of Chinese who had defeated them is the last chance to turn the tables against the will of heaven, and he will not let it go no matter what.

"Baga, bastard, send someone to the No. 2 checkpoint and let them call the No. 6 and No. 8 checkpoints ahead. That is a convoy disguised by the Chinese. No matter what method is used, hold them back." Toyota Hide looked at his dazed subordinates and roared.

"Wait for me to lead the main force to come, surround them, and make it impossible for them to escape."


"Chinese, I wonder how you can escape this time." Toyota Hide, who sat on the three-wheeled motorcycle again, looked at the vast night sky and clenched his fists. "This time, you don't have the fortress of Sihang Warehouse to rely on."

If you fall from there, you get up from there.

The Japanese major felt that he seemed to be able to do it again.

It must be possible.

The Chinese originally had more than a hundred people. After a bloody battle, they were still strong if they could still have dozens of people.

And this time, Toyota Hide had a checkpoint with a terrain advantage, heavy machine guns covered by field fortifications, and more importantly, there were more than 400 imperial officers and soldiers in his barracks who were ready to fight at any time, and they were under the protection of the 200,000-strong imperial army. If he couldn't win again, Toyota Hide would simply crash into the Chinese earth wall and die, and he wouldn't have to wait for the military to order him back home.

. . . . . .

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