Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 193 The bad news finally arrived

According to the telegram from the front line.

The Japanese army had more than 5,000 people just to set up positions on the beach by landing ships, and there was no telling how many giant transport ships were parked on the sea in the distance.

However, the troops ordered to garrison the Jinshanwei seashore that day were only two pitiful artillery companies and a security regiment because of the poor transmission of military orders.

Not to mention the generals, even a random serviceman in the headquarters knew that Jinshanwei could not be defended.

The faces of the army generals who hurried into the headquarters were all frosty.

The Japanese army once again increased its troops to land in Jinshanwei, which not only meant the complete defeat of the Songhu Battle, but also made them feel the chill of the Japanese army from the flanks and rear wings, although they had not yet revealed their hideousness.

The Japanese wanted to attack from both sides and wrap up the hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the front line of the western Shanghai. They really had a big appetite.

However, they had to admit that the more than 200,000 Japanese troops in front of them were already too much for them to resist. If two or three more divisions suddenly came from the flank, the current balance that they had worked so hard to maintain would be completely broken.

The oath that the top Chinese figure had flown to the front line a few days ago to encourage all the soldiers to fight the enemy tenaciously was still fresh in our ears, but in the face of the current reality of the Japanese landing in Jinshanwei, it seemed extremely ridiculous.

The entire army should retreat immediately, before the Japanese army still needed time to deploy troops from the sea to the left wing of Shanghai West. The Chinese army generals who entered the theater headquarters rarely argued and almost unanimously put forward this suggestion.

Even before someone entered the meeting room, he had already ordered his adjutant to take his handwritten order to notify his subordinates to pack up supplies and prepare for retreat.

There was only one road from Shanghai West to Jinling, and 500,000 or 600,000 troops were all crowded on it. There would be Japanese planes bombing overhead. How tragic it would be, these generals knew better than anyone else.

But no one wanted to be the last one to go, which was also human nature.

The headquarters in Jinling was also brightly lit, but surprisingly quiet.

Several big men who could shake half of China with a stomp of their feet stood in front of a large map of the Songhu War Zone.

Compared to the panic of the frontline generals, these more sophisticated ones were obviously more calm.

However, their mood was much worse than the seemingly calm surface.

For the soldiers, the defeat on the front line meant the loss of a life, but for them, at least half of their wealth that they had built up for half a lifetime was gone.

For this Songhu Battle, the Guangdong Army, the Yunnan Army, the Hunan Army, the Sichuan Army, the Guangxi Army, the Central Army..., except for the northern part of China that started the war early, almost all provinces in the eastern and southern parts of China sent out their elite troops. Under the boiling public opinion, which of the big men didn't bite his back teeth and show his trump card?

It's not that they are all heroes, the key is that they dare to hide at this critical moment. The leader is not happy with you and gives you a big hat of "ineffective resistance to the war, afraid of war and not moving forward" to arouse public anger. No matter how big your head is, you can't bear it!

But if these trump cards that they gritted their teeth and took out were lost in a battle, what else can they use to be the boss in their own territory?

If the leader hadn't also invested his most direct elite central army in this battle, from the teaching corps to the three divisions of the imperial guards and then to more than a dozen reorganized divisions, it is estimated that these people would have jumped up and cursed.

Even so, the atmosphere in the conference room was almost frozen, and the school officer who was responsible for recording the meeting didn't even dare to breathe.

The leader also had a solemn face and stared at the map for a long time without speaking.

At this time, he no longer cared about the heartache, but finally realized that he was wrong and made a huge mistake.

The Japanese did not take the International Joint Conference, on which he placed all his hopes, seriously at all. The weakness shown at the Joint Conference in the past few days was just a delay, a typical strategic deception.

Yes, in contrast to the Chinese military's thundering reaction, the Japanese Songhu Expeditionary Force Headquarters in Songhu City was already jubilant after receiving the news that the 10th Army had begun landing.

The Chinese were not only deceived by the headquarters' diplomatic weakness in terms of strategy, but also completely deceived in terms of tactics.

Landing in Jinshanwei was actually an adventure for the headquarters.

The wide mudflats of Jinshanwei were not suitable for large-scale landing battles, and the shallow coast made it impossible for large ships to approach the shore. A 2,000-ton destroyer could only stay on the water three kilometers away from the sea.

If troops could not be deployed quickly and positions that put pressure on the defenders could not be built on the mudflats, a large-scale landing battle would most likely be turned into a suicide battle. The defenders with fortifications could easily use machine guns to shoot the infantry walking heavily on the mudflats.

Therefore, starting from October, the Songhu Expeditionary Force deliberately ignored the Songjiang area, and placed all offensive directions to the west of Songhu, suppressing the main Chinese forces that had gradually withdrawn from the urban area in the western part of Shanghai.

Even, no reconnaissance aircraft were sent to investigate the Jinshanwei area, but only some intelligence personnel who had lived in China for a long time were sent to investigate.

Now it seems that they succeeded.

The Chinese ignored this coastline that was originally not suitable for large-scale landings, and the scale of the troops stationed there would never exceed one battalion.

Perhaps, due to the terrain, they could only use the refueling tactic to invest troops and suffer considerable casualties, but it is almost certain that this landing battle will be successful.

For General Matsui Iwane, the commander of the Songhu Expeditionary Force, the number of casualties is not important. What is important is that the success of the Jinshanwei landing battle can destroy hundreds of thousands of China's most elite troops in one battle.

That is no longer a battle-level victory, but a strategic victory that almost determines the war between the two countries.

Does China, a giant that has been weakened to the extreme, have the opportunity to train such an elite army of hundreds of thousands again? Obviously, the Imperial Japanese Army, which has already invested 500,000 troops from the north and southeast fronts, will not give them this opportunity again.

The opportunity to expand territory and make achievements is right in front of him. How can this Japanese Army general not smile?

This morning, for both China and Japan, who have very different mentalities, is undoubtedly tormenting.

One side must make a decision whether to fight or retreat, and the other side hopes that the left hook he quietly throws can knock the opponent unconscious in one go, and then he can slaughter him at will.

Only the little butterfly Tang Dao knows that China has finally decided to retreat, and the Japanese side is just a little bit away from success.

In fact, regardless of success or failure here, their goal was finally achieved.

Although the hundreds of thousands of Chinese elites who participated in this battle did not die in Songhu, they were squeezed dry in the Battle of Nanjing one month later under the stupid manipulation of some upper-class figures.

However, Matsui Iwane's ambitions have not been realized. Without elites, the second-line soldiers will be used. If the second-line soldiers are gone, the able-bodied men will be used.

China has been defeated repeatedly, but it has been defeated and fought again. A China that does not surrender is invincible.

Of course, that is still a matter of the future. At present, Tang Dao has to face the choice of whether to follow the 26th Division to Songjiang in the south.

'The Songhu War Zone Command ordered that the 26th Division of the 43rd Army will immediately enter Songjiang County and defend it for three days and nights! Those who talk about retreat will be killed! 'The military order of the theater headquarters was on the extremely simple desk in front of Lieutenant General Guo, the commander of the 43rd Army.

The joy of learning that the famous commander of the Sixing Battalion was actually his subordinate and that Tang Dao gave him a truck of canned beef had long since disappeared.

Lieutenant General Guo turned away from the telegram and cast his eyes on Tang Dao standing in front of him, frowning.

He was not waiting for Tang Dao to lead the Sixing Battalion of only 100 people to follow him south to Songjiang, but was trying to persuade Tang Dao to leave.

"Captain Tang, you and the Sixing Battalion go! From here to Baihe Port, leave through the bridge, and I will leave more than 200 wounded soldiers of the 43rd Army to you." Lieutenant General Guo sighed.

The Japanese army that was about to attack was more than 50,000, and he had only 700. The outcome could be calculated with his toes.

The 26th Division was already doomed, so why put these 100 iron-blooded soldiers to death? I think this should be the simplest idea of ​​the lieutenant general of the army at the moment.

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