Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 201: New position again (1st update, please subscribe!)

Of course, people have their limits of endurance.

It is impossible that life will end after this battle.

The Commissioner is not always rude.

The right way is to use both soft and hard tactics.

Songjiang itself is a rich place in the south of the Yangtze River, and the county government has a lot of money and grain. This person probably knows that once the Japanese army comes, no matter how good these things are, they are left there for the Japanese. Not only did he take them all out, but he also went directly to the richest people in the city to collect money and grain.

It’s okay if you don’t want to pay. Just make up a reason to leave the city last. Seeing the common people leaving in groups with their families, the rich people are also panicking.

This is the herd effect. At first, everyone stayed in the city and didn’t leave. It was nothing. When others left, they couldn’t leave. There were all kinds of rumors around them that the Japanese had already landed more than 100,000 troops in Jinshanwei and would arrive in Songjiang in one or two days at the latest.

If you don’t panic, you will see a ghost.

Life is more important than money after all.

In just over an hour, with the existing ones in the county government warehouse and the county government yard, not counting the big and small yellow croakers, 400,000 yuan in cash and 300,000 kilograms of grain were raised, which made Lao Wang and other poor Sichuan soldiers almost pop their eyes out.

This Jiangnan is really rich! No wonder the Japanese started here first!

It's easy to get things done with money and grain. From noon to tomorrow morning, men aged 18 to 45 who are willing to stay in the city to help the army will be identified and hired. Each person will be given 5 yuan and 10 kilograms of grain, and it will be distributed on the spot, and the family can take it away first.

Families with surplus wealth may not care much about this, but most of them are ordinary families. Especially in this chaotic time, food is an extremely tempting reward. What's more, no one wants their home to be occupied by the Japanese. Ordinary people still fantasize about winning this battle and returning home as soon as possible!

People who sign up are endless.

As for whether there are people who want to take advantage of the situation and run away without working, of course there are, but they have to take the huge risk of being shot on the spot if they are caught.

In wartime, there is no time to talk so much with you. Even a fool knows that the decree issued by the county government will not joke with you.

The heads of several scoundrels who took advantage of the chaos to rob money and things are now hanging on several city gates with blood as a warning to others!

Commissioner Wang’s emotional intelligence is not low. Anyway, the money is put wherever it is. In front of the Sichuan Army, the Four-line Camp and all the members of his own security group, he announced that everyone who participated in the Songjiang Defense War, regardless of military rank, would be given ten dollars each.

Morale instantly rose. Even though many veterans knew that they might not be able to spend the ten dollars, they went to the battlefield with silver dollars in their pockets. What can I say! I always feel at ease.

When the remaining few hundred men of the 43rd Army arrived under the leadership of two lieutenant generals on horseback, the whole city had entered the climax of evacuation. The young and strong men were gathering, while Tang Dao, Lao Wang, Wang Gongyu and others were discussing how to build fortifications.

During the hours of waiting for the arrival of the 43rd Army, Tang Dao did not just wait. He had ridden a motorcycle all over Songjiang City and basically understood the structure inside and outside the city.

It can be said that he also knew how the 67th Army relied on more than 30,000 people to resist the tens of thousands of Japanese Tenth Army for three days and nights.

Songjiang had a city wall and a moat, which was considered a strong city in ancient times, but it was not good enough in the era of hot weapons. The Japanese army with heavy artillery concentrated its firepower and bombarded it, which was enough to raze all the buildings in the city to the ground. The earthquake alone could kill a lot of people.

It has to be said that Commissioner Wang has a unique vision. In Songjiang, an inconspicuous small town, they actually started building air-raid shelters four years ago. There is an underground air-raid shelter that can accommodate 3,000 people in each of the four sides of the city, and there are even two in the two places in the southeast where residents are concentrated.

When Commissioner Wang took out the air-raid shelter drawings like a treasure, even Tang Dao, who was usually calm and calm in the face of major events, couldn't help but open his eyes wide at that moment.

Tang Dao really doubted whether Commissioner Wang was also a time traveler. Otherwise, how could he be so smart and invest in such a large project in this small place a few years in advance?

In his memory, it seems that only a few big cities have this.

According to Commissioner Wang's slightly arrogant statement when he met Tang Dao's inquiry, it was because the Japanese planes bombed Songjiang during the "January 28th Songhu War" five years ago, resulting in more than 100 casualties among soldiers and civilians. As the ruler of Songjiang, he personally led the construction of air-raid shelters as soon as he arrived.

It's just that Songjiang has limited financial resources, and now it seems that the investment is still not enough. If five or six bombs are built under each wall, what's there to fear about the Japanese heavy artillery?

Excessive modesty is just pretentiousness, but surprisingly, Tang Dao doesn't hate it at all.

Even Lao Wang, who has extremely rich social experience, muttered in a low voice: "This has already put a lot of money in his pocket!"

It doesn't matter what the truth is. What's important is that there are air-raid shelters on all sides of the city wall that can resist heavy artillery.

In the past, the 67th Army may have relied on this to survive three days and nights. Otherwise, Tang Dao really couldn't imagine how they relied on these dilapidated walls to fight tens of thousands of Japanese troops.

With this, the construction of field fortifications in the city has more targets.

"The most important thing for our army now is to build a defensive position with the air-raid shelter near the city wall as the core. If the Japanese army uses artillery, the main force of the entire army will retreat into the air-raid shelter. Once they start to attack, we will enter the position set up around the city wall through the trenches." After Tang Dao greeted Wang Gongyu and several generals of the 43rd Army, he directly reported to several leaders of the 43rd Army using the fortification construction map he drew.

"How many meters is the air-raid shelter from the city wall?" Liu Yuqing asked with a frown.

"About 200 meters!"

"Isn't that a bit too time-consuming? The Japanese army will arrive at any time. I don't think we need to waste our energy on digging trenches." Liu Gongdu, who was already very familiar with Tang Dao, glanced at several other generals who had been staring at the map and expressed his objection.

"Haha! It seems that Tang Dao's two cannons and several heavy machine guns are quite valuable! Let Gongdu help him secretly!" Lieutenant General Guo glanced at his important generals with a smile and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Commander Tang has already become famous for his battle in Sihang. Xie Zhongmin strongly recommended him when he heard that his beloved general was going to accompany me to Songjiang. How dare General Wu and I not use such talents?"

Looking at the generals standing in a circle, Lieutenant General Guo's face gradually became solemn: "Before coming to Songjiang, the theater command had called our army to set up the Songjiang front-line command. Lieutenant General Wu Keren, commander of the 67th Army, will serve as the commander of the joint command. I will serve as the deputy commander, and the rest will perform their duties.

I intend to suggest to Lieutenant General Wu that the Songjiang front-line supervision camp be established with the Sihang Camp as the core, and Lieutenant Colonel Tang Dao will serve as the commander of the supervision camp and deputy director of the staff department."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Gongyu, who had previously attached great importance to Tang Dao, took a deep breath and looked at Tang Dao with a new look.

With his shrewdness, how could he not hear that the reason why the major general of the 26th Division's chief of staff spoke out against it was actually a kind of protection for Tang Dao? If Lieutenant General Guo was not satisfied with Tang Dao's opinion, he would have eliminated the mistake without waiting for him to speak out in person.

It would have been fine if a major general of the army had quietly protected him, but the lieutenant general of the 43rd Army simply did not hide it and directly arranged a position for Tang Dao before the commander-in-chief came. Although it was only a draft, Wang Gongyu believed that the commander who had not yet arrived would not give face to this lieutenant general.

The former can supervise the entire army, and Tang Dao, as the commander of the inspection battalion, can completely deal with those who avoid fighting and retreat below the level of school officers. The latter is even more awesome, and he can even participate in the military meeting of senior generals where major generals like him are the last to sit, and give advice to a group of bigwigs.

This also means that Tang Dao can freely outline his intention to build fortifications for the entire city of Songjiang without having to care whether the bigwigs adopt it, because that is within his authority.

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