Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 203 I can only risk it (3rd update, please subscribe!)

Fortunately, in addition to Tang Dao, who dug a big hole for himself and buried himself halfway, Songjiang also has ruthless people.

It was none other than Commissioner Wang.

Although he was frightened by Tang Dao's determination to put everyone in the hole and die with the enemy, he was a big man who had experienced many scenes. He knew that no matter what the lieutenant generals decided, he, the number one in Songjiang, would have to sacrifice his life to accompany them.

The ending was already determined, and no matter how scared he was, it would be useless, so he might as well take a chance.

I don't want to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle, it's just that the damn Japanese want to kill me, so I will bite off two taels of your meat no matter what.

The Jiangnan scholar seems to be gentle and not as bandit-like as the northern man, but once he is ready, he is definitely a ruthless man.

"If there are no materials, we will demolish them. We will start with my Wang Gongyu family. The beams used in my Wang family are all top-quality hundred-year-old nanmu. If my family doesn't have enough, we will demolish other families. I will write a list. Anyone who dares to stop us will be executed on the spot." The white-faced commissioner had murderous intent in his eyes.

"If there are not enough people, then we will force them to be recruited. I will now order the security team to recruit all ironworkers, house builders and related industries, regardless of age, as civilian laborers. The remuneration will remain unchanged. Those who refuse will be executed on the spot! Damn it! Songjiang is not my Songjiang alone, but the Songjiang of the Songjiang people. The Songjiang people will fight the little Japanese dog-days."

What else can I say? Looking at the Songjiang County Magistrate with red eyes, Tang Dao and the generals of the 43rd Army all felt that such a Songjiang was at least not in vain.

Yes, no matter how arrogant his order was, what he said was right. Songjiang is not someone's Songjiang, and China is not someone's China. If you want to live, you have to fight together.

A few gunshots made the former wealthy people realize that war was really coming.

The white-faced Commissioner Wang, who was usually on good terms with them, was like a wolf that had taken medicine. He was not only ruthless, but also extremely cruel. He personally waved a pistol and killed his own cousin. The unlucky guy who ate his cousin was just because he stopped the soldiers from demolishing the Wang Family Ancestral Hall.

The Wang Family Ancestral Hall, which had been passed down for three hundred years, turned into a pile of rubble amid the wailing of the Wang family and the murderous gaze of the white-faced County Magistrate Wang. The nanmu beams as thick as an adult's waist were cut into several pieces and carried away by the saw...

Although there were not many scarce materials such as steel plates in Songjiang City, they could still gather some by demolishing the whole city. Even if it was not enough to demolish all the steel plates, they would use iron sheets. The usage rate of foreign iron sheets was still very high in Songjiang City, a small town in the south of the Yangtze River with a relatively developed economy.

What's more, there were a group of blacksmiths who were forced to stay.

In such a short time, it may be an impossible task for them to make iron tools, but it is possible to melt the iron and turn it into pieces of iron plates, even if the appearance is not so regular.

The requirements of Tang Dao are very simple. These iron plates are not required to have the defense power of large-caliber artillery like the super-hard steel plates of tanks. They can be sandwiched between sandbags and logs to block one or two direct artillery shots.

Even with the most rudimentary defense, as long as they can survive for a while, they can have one more chance to shoot outward, and there will be more possibilities to kill the opponent.

This is not the survival mode of the weak, but the claws of the weak to the strong. If you want to eat me, it’s okay, but I have to scratch you blood anyway.

It’s a bit sad, but it’s the extreme that the soldiers and civilians in the small town can do at present.

Under the strong order of the mayor of Songjiang County, the small town of Songjiang started like a fully wound machine.

Young and strong, or rather, they were no longer just young and strong, because of Wang Gongyu's harsh and inhumane order, all the fourteen-year-old apprentices and fifty-year-old masters in each workshop were left behind to participate in the construction of various fortifications.

Of course, the previously promised compensation of five yuan and ten kilograms of food would not be less. Those with families would take them away first, and those without families would also be given money and food to individuals.

Those women who wanted to wait for their husbands or sons to leave together were also organized by the crazy but rational County Magistrate Wang.

Boil water and cook! All the meat that could be found in the entire Songjiang was collected, and almost all the live chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs were slaughtered on the spot. In the afternoon of the same day, the soldiers and civilians who had already started the excavation had a full meal.


Fortunately, I have a military rank!

During the construction of fortifications, each person had four taels of rice and two taels of meat per meal, and even four taels of wine, which were contributed by several wine shop owners. A line of carts carrying large wine jars that could hold five or six hundred kilograms of wine were transported here, a full 100,000 kilograms.

According to them, they had planned to smash it together when they left, but now it is better to give it to the army to relax their muscles and bones and keep warm at night.

Jiangnan brews more yellow wine and less white wine, which is the most suitable for this moment. A small amount of alcohol can stimulate the brain center to make it excited, but it will not make people drunk and can quench thirst. It is definitely a good wine for working people.

As for staple food, Jiangnan people eat both rice and flour, but in order to facilitate food supply during the war, under the suggestion of Tang Dao, nearly a thousand women worked together to make cakes.

Pancakes in the northwest.

Pancakes are easy to carry. Just put the baked cakes in your arms. It is already November, and pancakes are not easy to deteriorate and damage. Moreover, a pancake weighs two taels. Even if you swallow it with cold water, it can guarantee the energy consumed by the soldiers for half a day.

If there was any extra meat, it was cooked with salt water. Each infantry platoon was given a large piece, and a special person was responsible for carrying it. When it was time to eat, they could just use their bayonets to cut a piece to satisfy their cravings.

The poor Sichuan soldiers who had finally eaten rice and were choked and rolled their eyes heard that there was a big piece of meat. I don’t know how many of them were excited and tears welled up in their eyes.

In war, it’s either you or I live, but there are no such things. The 26th Division of the 43rd Army fought bloody battles in Dachang Town for seven days. I don’t know how many soldiers were killed by Japanese artillery before they could even eat a bite of food.

Even among the hundreds of people who survived in the end, I’m afraid that less than half of them had a few full meals in seven days, let alone meat.

Now, even if they die, they will die of fullness.

Of course, these trivial matters of eating and drinking water are all handled by Commissioner Wang.

The soldiers went to do their own professional things. The five infantry companies of the 43rd Army, 600 men, were just assigned to the four city walls. One infantry company was responsible for the city, leading more than 6,000 Songjiang civilians to dig trenches and build firepower fortifications. It was led by Major General Liu Gongdu, Chief of Staff of the 26th Division, and assisted by two major general brigadiers and four colonels.

Although the 43rd Army was tenacious in fighting, there was still a big gap between it and the German-equipped division trained by the Germans in terms of fortification construction.

Therefore, Lei Xiong, Leng Feng, Cheng Tieshou, Li Jiujin and others also divided the four infantry squads and two firepower squads of the Fourth Camp into five groups to join them, both to work and to guide.

Tang Dao took his communications soldier Erya and two lieutenant generals to patrol the city, observing and discussing the positions inside and outside the city where troops could be stationed to attack the Japanese army, while looking for places in the city that could be used as headquarters.

The Japanese heavy artillery is terrible. If the headquarters is not strong enough, a barrage of artillery will kill all the senior officials in the headquarters, and the war will be impossible to fight.

The two lieutenant generals did not ride horses, and even sent their personal guards to the construction site. Tang Dao, the commander of the joint command battalion, was their staff officer and part-time guard.

In the face of the upcoming war, everyone seemed very small, but everyone was like a screw, fighting hard in their own position.

If you don't fight hard, you will die. The officers and soldiers of the 43rd Army and the Four-Line Camp who have dealt with the Japanese army know this well.

When the afterglow of the setting sun was about to withdraw the last ray of light from the ancient city wall of the Jiangnan town, smoke and dust rolled outside the city.

The 67th Army, after a ten-hour march, arrived!

A full 24 hours earlier than in the past time and space.

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