Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 210 It’s not enough to give some stimulation

It's a radio.

It's not the cheap crystal radio that you have to put your ear to the earphone to hear a little sound.

It's a tube radio. Although the text on it shows that it is not imported from the West, but imitated by a small electronics factory like Songhu, it is definitely a rare item for a group of rough guys.

This is to help everyone listen to music to relieve fatigue! While working, the officers and soldiers are looking forward to what the communication soldiers who are debugging the equipment can bring them.

Yes, Songjiang City actually has a small radio station. Although the power is not large, only 50 watts, it is no problem to cover the entire Songjiang City.

One of Tan Tai Mingyue's wishes to find Tang Dao is to use this small radio station to broadcast to the whole city, but there is no use having a radio without a radio.

No matter how powerful Tang Dao is, he can't turn it into a radio, right?

Fortunately, this is Songjiang, not a wilderness. Other places may not have this condition, but the former Songjiang Prefecture City definitely has it.

Since the radio entered China more than ten years ago, it has become a necessity for urban residents to entertain.

Especially in Jiangnan, the people were originally rich, and with Songhu, a metropolis that was one of the best in the entire Far East, it was naturally the leader of the entire Chinese fashion trend.

However, this time, Tang Dao's "black hand" did not reach out to those rich families, but directly found those businesses that sold such products.

When the whole people were required to evacuate during the day, in order to avoid congestion and chaos caused by carrying too much supplies, everyone could only bring clothes, bedding, money and food, and other necessities of life. Naturally, the goods were of the kind that could not be taken away.

Sure enough, in the warehouse of a business dealing in electronic products, twenty radios that were considered electronic garbage in Tang Dao's eyes were found.

Tang Dao, who adhered to the principle of not taking a needle or thread from the masses for nothing, did not forget to leave an IOU to the owner of the business when he ordered Niu Er and others to drag away the radios.

This puzzled a group of soldiers. Even if they did not take them, these stocks would either be destroyed in the war or fall into the hands of the Japanese army.

"This is the bottom line, and it is also a belief! From now on, whenever I need to requisition civilian supplies for military reasons, I must follow this. If I have money, I will pay. If I don't have money, I will leave an IOU and sign the names of the highest commander and the executor." Tang Dao said to Erya.

Erya looked respectful.

Commander Tang was different from any commander he had ever met. He was a man of faith.

That is, he didn't write the amount correctly.

"Commander, such a precious thing costs 80 dollars in Jinling." Erya carefully reminded Commander Tang who wrote down the debt of 100 dollars.

"That's it." Tang Dao's little hand trembled slightly, and he felt that he might have jumped into a big pit.

First give a small gift, then invite offline meeting, and then go for a drink and talk about the dialectical philosophy of life and living people, and then start to doubt life when paying the bill. Did this routine exist in the Republic of China?

Tang Dao, who re-wrote the amount of 1,600 dollars, wrote the names of Lieutenant Generals Wu and Guo in the signature with a solemn face.

Those two names are big, and anyone with eyes that are not blind can definitely see them.

I don’t know what kind of complicated feelings those two will have when the boss who may get this IOU comes to them one day.

Anyway, to use Tang Dao’s words to Erya who admires him more: those two big guys, a monthly salary of several hundred dollars, this is just a small amount of money.

“Little hammer, why didn’t you say that I have a big family to support you?” It seems that many years later, a white-haired old man sprayed a middle-aged man like this.

In any case, with Tang Dao’s efforts, Tan Tai Mingyue’s wish was fulfilled.

The radio station was being debugged, and 20 high-end imitation electronic radios were also placed in the fortifications of 18 infantry battalions throughout Songjiang by the officers and soldiers of the communication company.

There is another one in Cangcheng, and one in the equally noisy residential area outside the east gate, which is the position of the Songjiang Security Corps.

It is already 11 o’clock in the evening, and the progress of the fortifications is still advancing intensively, but the soldiers and civilians who have been working for several hours have already shown obvious fatigue.

Even though everyone knew that if they didn't work harder, the Japanese planes and artillery would come tomorrow and blood and flesh would fly everywhere, the body that entered the fatigue period inevitably slowed down.

It's like a football game. You know that you have to run hard and pull a wider range to win, but your body keeps sending signals: it's tired. So, your pace can't help but slow down.

No one can stop this kind of fatigue that spreads from the body to the nerves and gradually accumulates. If you want to break through, you can only get mental stimulation.

For example, take enough money to smash? Or reward girls?

These Tang Dao tried to seduce their subordinates who were also mentally exhausted. These rough guys did have bright eyes and thicker breaths, which had a certain effect, but unfortunately, none of them worked.

Compared with this group of tired regular troops, the security group outside the east of the city was more active.

First, it may be that they didn't travel long distances, so their physical energy consumption was not that great. Second, the most important reason may be that their lives were under great threat.

They are not like the regular armies like the 67th Army and the 43rd Army, which are living on the edge of a knife. From the day they joined the security corps, they never thought about the day they would go to the front line and die in battle. Most of them just wanted to have a good salary and wear tiger skins to scare the common people. Although they could not become rich, they could definitely live a good life.

Just like Zhuang Shisan, who led his bosses to 'loot' his rich brother-in-law's home and was now shirtless and building fortifications at the window, his brother-in-law spent a lot of money to recruit him into the security team and promoted him to a senior security officer. What does the security battalion commander picture? Isn't it because someone has a gun and can provide convenience for him?

But the Japanese came in such a mighty manner, and the security team was also sent to the Dongmen residential area to set up defenses. Now, it's great. They don't even have basic protection like a moat and a city wall. If they don't seize the time to build more fortifications, When the Japanese come, won't all 2,000 people in the regiment die here?

Some people say that the security team is just a bunch of scum anyway. Since they are all scum, why should they be shameless? They can just run away to save their lives.

Regarding this statement, Major Zhuang Shisan could only sneer at him: "Run the peat, run! My whole family is here! I ran away and left them to be killed by the Japanese! I'm still alive!" What does it mean?"

Of course, this is just one of the reasons why a bunch of senior soldiers in the security group can only bite the bullet and do it even though they know it is a dead end.

The real reason is that those who can join the security corps and have such a good job have to rely on connections. The battalion commander pulls the company commander, and the company commander pulls the platoon commander. As time goes by, it’s either your brother, my brother, or his brother. It’s all nepotism. , that is simply better than the Sichuan Army, which has a strong sense of loyalty.

Everyone is registered. How many people in the family live, where and what their surnames are are clearly recorded in the file. If one person escapes, a large number of people will be implicated. Jiangnan people have a very strong sense of family. Who dares to escape? Who can run?

In addition, Wang Gongyu usually works very hard for the security group, and the officers and soldiers of the security group also support him very much. If he doesn't run away, they will have no choice but to stay.

Based on a combination of several factors, the Songjiang Security Group had no choice but to carry on. Facing the Japanese army that is about to attack, and with no solid fortifications to rely on, doesn't the full potential of the security group have to be unleashed?

Therefore, these guys are the hardest working people in Songjiang.

Even though the expensive radios and loudspeakers were installed in place, few people had the leisure to wait for some music to be played on them. They were all busy.

On the positions in the city, although most of them have entered the paddling state, there are exceptions, a group of soldiers who are half dead from exhaustion, but are still being urged by the officers and are as busy as dogs.

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