Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 230 Cavalry Pursuit

The two horses galloped at full speed at the urging of the soldiers.

The rumbling sound of horse hooves instantly spread throughout the field.

Although they were nearly 800 meters apart, they also alarmed the Japanese cavalrymen who were in formation.

Looking around, two small black dots were running at high speed in the distance.

"Damn it, it's the Chinese observation post!" The Japanese cavalrymen reacted instantly.

A Japanese major riding on a tall horse picked up the telescope hanging around his neck, and it was clear in his field of vision that two Chinese cavalrymen were fleeing frantically.

"Chase them and kill them. We must not let them take back the coordinates of our landing site across the river." The major put down the telescope and gave an order very straightforwardly.

"Deputy commander, the task given to us by the division commander is just to find out if there are any hidden artillery positions of the enemy within a five-kilometer range. There are none." A cavalry captain urged his horse and came over to suggest.

"Suzuki-kun, tell me, what is the purpose of the Chinese keeping cavalry as sentinels here?" The major glanced at his subordinates with a gloomy look.

"Observe the movements of our army and report to its commander." The captain hurriedly replied respectfully.

The expression of the major showed that he was very unhappy.

Not to mention that this Major Fujiwara Ichi was his direct superior, his family background was not comparable to that of a small noble family like his who lived in Kyoto.

"Suzuki-kun, the Chinese we are about to meet have proved their artillery sharpness with the blood of the Imperial Army warriors, and their commander has deployed fast horse sentinels on the riverside more than ten kilometers away from the city. Isn't his purpose obvious enough?" Seeing his subordinates respectful, the major's eyes softened slightly and said coldly.

"That means they must have hidden artillery positions nearby. The sentinels' panicked escape is just the right time to take us there?" The major ordered while slowly urging the horses.

"Pass on my military order. The whole army should keep the horse speed and not chase too close. I want the Chinese artillery to expose themselves. Also, the whole army should remain vigilant. Once they are bombarded, the whole army should disperse into the fields. Without my order, they shall not attack without authorization."

"Hi! The deputy commander is wise!" The Japanese captain bowed his head and accepted the order. At the end, he did not forget to flatter to make up for his mistake of talking too much.

In fact, as the deputy commander of the cavalry squadron, it was his duty to suggest just now. Otherwise, if there were losses on the battlefield, this second-generation nobleman who came from a noble family in Kyoto to gild himself might be fine, but he, the deputy commander who was actually responsible for commanding the battle, would be in trouble.

This point was not only understood by him, but also understood by the arrogant deputy commander of the 18th Cavalry Regiment and the commander of the first cavalry squadron.

However, it was not his official position and background that made him agree to this decision.

As early as when he left North China and boarded the ship to head to southeast China, the lieutenant colonel had told him in private that military affairs should be the priority. If the second generation of the gilded nobles was right, he would naturally be in charge, but if he was reckless, he would have to obey the commander's direct orders.

And now he nodded in agreement because the analysis was correct and the arrangement was fine, which was a happy thing for everyone!

Watching his deputy squadron leader make arrangements according to his orders, the young major showed a trace of imperceptible anger in his eyes.

As a direct descendant of the Fujiwara family, if he wanted to move to a higher position, he must have military experience. In order to ensure safety, the family arranged for him to come to the 114th Division, a Type B division, for training, and he chose the cavalry regiment, the noblest branch of the army.

Riding a tall horse and holding a shining saber, he was much better than those infantry bumpkins.

Unexpectedly, as the deputy commander, the second in command of the cavalry regiment, and with a prominent background, he was still constrained in a Type B division.

Just like the deputy squadron leader, who showed great respect for him, but in fact he could feel that he, like the cavalrymen of noble origin, did not particularly look up to him, who would be promoted after a year at most.

Although he rarely contradicted him head-on, the respect shown on the surface was an insult to the young Japanese nobles.

He needed to serve in the front-line troops for a year, but it did not mean that the proud young lieutenant had to waste his time like this.

Qualifications, military exploits, the respectful eyes of his subordinates from the bottom of their hearts, and the satisfied praise of his superiors

As an adult, he did not make choices, and he wanted everything he should have.

Perhaps the battle in Songjiang was an opportunity.

Of course, the young lieutenant, who was eager to show himself, had received the top education and the most rigorous training since childhood. He would never be greedy for merit and rush forward just because he wanted everything, so he could still make tactical arrangements very calmly.

Chasing the opponent's cavalry sentry, finding the real target, and then calling on his own artillery group or even fighter planes to destroy the target was the right way.

Even if the cavalry was just fleeing to Songjiang City, it didn't matter. He just searched the five-kilometer area according to the military order and successfully completed the task.

It was precisely based on this point that the deputy squadron leader who was hugging the thigh of the lieutenant colonel who was not here obeyed the order neatly.

The rumbling sound of horse hooves sounded, and as the Japanese cavalry urged the horses to speed up, the ground trembled slightly.

This was just the might of nearly a hundred war horses moving together. If it was replaced by thousands or even tens of thousands, what would the devastating momentum be like?

It is probably difficult for soldiers who have entered the era of modern firearms to see it again.

Cavalry is still the most expensive branch of the military besides mechanized troops in this era. If you don't have money, you can only watch.

Even in the Japanese army, there are only a small number of them. One division has a cavalry regiment.

Although the cavalry regiment directly under the Japanese division is a regiment, it is different from the infantry regiment with thousands of people, and it is also different from the independent cavalry regiment. Its organization is roughly 4 cavalry squadrons and one machine gun squadron, with 452 personnel, more than 500 horses, and equipped with six heavy machine guns, 24 light machine guns and 24 grenade launchers.

Although there is no infantry artillery, this firepower can basically deal with an ordinary infantry regiment of the Chinese. And because it is equipped with horses, its mobility is far superior to ordinary infantry. In the field, unless the infantry regiment holds its position, it will be constantly attacked and bitten by such a cavalry regiment, and eventually collapse.

It is a Japanese tactical branch that the Chinese army is extremely reluctant to encounter.

A single cavalry squadron has 98 personnel and is the most core combat unit of the cavalry regiment.

The 114th Division where Major Fujimoto was stationed was a Type B division, and the cavalry regiment was a terrible money-eating beast. The cost was even comparable to that of an artillery regiment, so the inherent stinginess of the Japanese was naturally revealed.

A cavalry regiment has two cavalry squadrons and a machine gun squadron, and the staff establishment is almost cut in half. Otherwise, Major Fujimoto, the second in the 18th Cavalry Regiment, would have to command at least two cavalry squadrons, instead of leading less than a hundred cavalrymen to chase the backs of two Chinese cavalrymen galloping into the wilderness.

If it is only used as forward reconnaissance, it is not a small number, but if it encounters the enemy, it is definitely not a lot.

Songjiang City is the largest commodity distribution center around Songhu. All commodities shipped to Songhu by water from all over the country are first concentrated here and then transported by land to Songhu City, dozens of kilometers away.

In other words, this is a city dominated by commerce. Not only is the waterway transportation well developed, but there are also various small roads outside Songjiang City that crisscross each other. In addition, after the beginning of autumn, the crops in the fields have been harvested and the fields are dry. Even if the cavalry goes down to the fields, the horseshoes will not sink deeply.

It is very suitable for cavalry to gallop.

Of course, the Jiangnan Water Village is not the endless North China Plain. Looking around, lush small hills can be seen everywhere in the fields. They are not high or dangerous, but they are in the open wilderness. There are more traces of spiritual beauty.

This is also the main reason why Fujihara concluded that the Chinese would have hidden artillery positions after observing with a telescope.

If it were all endless plains, it would be a death to put the artillery anywhere! Hills and woods are the best cover.

But this proud cavalry major probably didn't expect that his opponent had no intention of playing half-crossing and attacking from the beginning. The mobile artillery returned to the city early after a round of big sticks, leaving only purely mobile cavalry in the wild.

The cavalry of the Northeast Army was the only Chinese cavalry that was not inferior to the Japanese cavalry at the beginning of the war.

Moreover, because of Tang Dao's judgment, as the leader of the cavalry battalion, Gong Shaoxun left two cavalry companies at this ferry, plus a cavalry company to escort the artillery back, about 200 cavalry.

The cavalry of the Northeast Army decided to play a game with the Japanese cavalry before the city attack and defense on the land of Jiangnan.

Hunting and anti-hunting game.

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