Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 24: We are not to blame! (Please recommend and give monthly tickets for rewards!)

 Chapter 24 We are not to blame! (Please recommend and give monthly tickets for rewards!)

What really made them despair was that two flares suddenly hit the sky above two infantry teams under Kurokawa Orizo who began to set up guns and grenade launchers, preparing to kill the crazy Chinese.

At that moment, when snow-white light suddenly shone on the Japanese lieutenant's face like the light of falling stars, he fell into chaos again.

 What's the situation?

It seems that I didn’t give the order to shoot a flare on top of my head!

 “He’s one of ours!”

 “It’s the Guo army who is fighting the Japanese!”

 “Come and see!”

  . . . . . . .

Before the Japanese lieutenant could figure out what was going on, a huge noise came from the concession opposite.

Many people probably haven’t figured out what’s going on in the concession.

The concession was a land that the Western world used to force lease from the then weak and incompetent Qing government when the Chinese giant was weak. It was basically used to house businessmen from dozens of powerful Western countries who came to China to do business and make money, as well as some diplomats and their families.

 It is equivalent to a country within a country. It is one of the evidences of the weakness and incompetence of the government of that era and is also a shame for the entire nation.

 However, in this sudden war, Songhu, a concession established by several Western countries, became the only refuge for Chinese refugees.

Due to the outbreak of war in northern China, many northern refugees fled to Songhu, and countless people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang also fled to Songhu. Unexpectedly, a war broke out in Songhu on August 13.

 More than a million refugees can only continue to flee.

 Under the fire of the Japanese army, countless refugees had nowhere to go and could only pour into the concession on a large scale.

 Records show that during the war, more than 400,000 refugees poured into this concession, which was just a line away from the battlefield.

 The refugees who had lost all their means of production were deprived of food and clothing in the next four years. Unknown how many people died of hunger and cold on busy street corners in the concession, which became the most unbearable scene of that era.

 But at least for this moment, they escaped the Japanese artillery fire and bullets.

The movement on the north bank of the Suzhou River has already alarmed the people sleeping on the street corner. They tried their best to look to the other side, but they could only see pitch black and the scarlet trajectory of bullets, and occasionally shuddering howls.

This has become numb to ordinary people who have been listening to the war progress on the radio but always hearing news of defeat.

 A middle-aged man, wrapped in thin clothes and huddled in the corner, closed his eyes in pain, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

  The woman who crowded around him quietly covered the ears of the child who opened his eyes. She was afraid that the child would hear the unwilling roar of her own soldiers before they died.

They knew that this must be the Japanese hunting down lone or disorganized troops of their own side. This situation had happened several times before their eyes.

I don’t know how many of our defeated troops were picked out from the ruins by the ferocious Japanese, and then shot one by one in front of countless people.

Those young soldiers, they failed, but they are also children, husbands and fathers!

 Now, are the Japanese eager to show their cruelty again? Even the night has become so restless.

Judging from the noise, at least dozens or hundreds of people were shooting! I don’t know how many Chinese good men will die at the hands of Japanese pirates.

 In fact, just before the flares were lit, there were countless pairs of eyes on the north bank of the Suzhou River peeking at the battlefield, and no one knew how many people were praying silently.

 However, when the three flares slowly fell, illuminating the battlefield more than 300 meters away, everyone was stunned for a moment.

The shit-yellow military uniform that was suppressed in the battlefield and could not lift its head was.


The dark blue military uniform holding a submachine gun and spitting out tongues of fire in the ruins of the fortification is.

 One of my own people?

The battlefield was completely different from what they imagined. The refugees who were sleeping wrapped in their clothes in the corners of the high-rise buildings in the Suzhou River Concession were stunned for at least two minutes until they rubbed their eyes desperately and finally confirmed that they were not dreaming.

They cheered and jumped for joy, throwing away the thin clothes and quilts that could protect them from the autumn wind, and stood up from the corner. Some people even rushed to the river bank regardless of the danger of stray bullets.

 They want to watch and fight the Japanese.

Then, two more flares were fired farther into the sky, and the sight of two groups of black shit-yellow men on the left and right gearing up to set up machine guns and grenade launchers made the excited Chinese on the river bank suddenly feel cold.

"Young men, run away! It's not that you can't do it, it's because there are too many Japanese pirates!" The middle-aged man wearing a shabby gown and a pale face stood up from the corner with tears rolling down his face, and shouted desperately at the other side.

“Run, we don’t blame you!” Young people in student uniforms shouted together.

 Really, they are not surprised.

 Songhu fought for almost three months. Nearly 700,000 Chinese Army elites filled this huge flesh and blood mill, with more than 300,000 casualties;

The few ships of the navy sank in the Yangtze River to block the Japanese navy from going up the Yangtze River;

The weak air force was almost completely lost in the sky over Songhu. It was not that they were not brave enough, but that the strength gap was too big. They had 300 aircraft, while the Japanese army had more than 2,000 aircraft.

All this happened right under the eyes of the people. In the month before the war started, almost every day, fighter planes were turned into a ball of fire in the sky, and almost every day, fighter planes emitted black smoke and crashed into the Japanese positions.

 You guys are brave enough, but you still can’t win.

 That is really impossible to win! Although the Japanese army dispatched only 300,000 troops, they also dispatched three fleets with two aircraft carriers, several cruisers, and more than 2,000 fighter planes. The number of various types of artillery they possessed was more than ten times that of the Chinese army.

Often a 200-caliber naval gun falls, and a vigorous infantry company of more than 100 young men is reduced to powder.

 They have really tried their best!

At that time, although China had a huge population base of 50 million, it was more than eight times the population of Japan's main island of 60 million, and it also had a land area dozens of times more than that of Japan's main island.

 However, at that time, China had neither caught up with the first industrial revolution nor caught the last train of the second industrial revolution. There was basically no decent industry in the country.

However, Japan has already embarked on the road to becoming an industrial power decades ago. It was a war between industry and agriculture. To put it more futuristically, it was not a one-dimensional war.

 But, they were wrong, at least on this night, in the battle of Sihang Warehouse, they were wrong.

When the two flares appeared brightly on the top of Kurokawa Orizo's head, the Japanese lieutenant's eyes suddenly tightened at that moment when he realized that he had not ordered one to be fired on his head, as if someone It's like taking a 38-style bayonet and pointing it there.

That is purely a warrior’s instinctive reaction and battlefield intuition.

 Unfortunately, his battlefield instincts were very keen this time.

As the light of the flare shines, the beast that seems to have been sleeping in Sihang Warehouse wakes up.

The expression of its awakening is the roar of more than four heavy machine guns and nearly fifteen light machine guns.

  Under the night, the fiery red tracer bullets were like twenty fiery red whips, fiercely sweeping towards two Japanese squads more than 200 meters away.

From the machine gun bunkers on the third and fourth floors, you can clearly see the Japanese troops under the illumination bombs. And what about the Japanese army? Nothing could be seen except the flames erupting from the muzzle that could blind the eyes.

The once-proud individual grenade launcher was like a legendary tickle against the machine gun in a solid fortress more than 200 meters away.

 In the face of absolute firepower, everything is false.

What nonsense warrior spirit, tactical proficiency, and shooting accuracy were all crushed to pieces by the torrent of bullets.

Only held out for less than a minute, and without Kurokawa Orizo giving the order to retreat, the two infantry squads dispersed.

Flares rose into the sky again, and the shit-yellow silhouette looked like a wolf running around under the whip of the flaming red bullet chain. Suddenly, it was so cute.

All the noise on the other side of the Suzhou River fell silent at that moment, and a few seconds later, like a volcano, it suddenly erupted.

 Cheers, roaring mountains and tsunami.

 Even the still fierce gunshots on the battlefield were suppressed.

  . . . . . . . .

ps: Today is Monday, Feng Yue is asking for monthly votes and rewards. If you like the stories written by Feng Yue, please give Feng Yue a reward! The new book period needs everyone’s care and growth.

 (End of this chapter)

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