Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 243: Inner Demon

Finally, a sergeant was dug out by a dozen soldiers in the shortest time.

But, he died.

Not only was he buried and suffocated by the collapsed fortifications, but the blood still flowing from the corners of his mouth showed that his internal organs were also damaged by the terrible shock wave.

Without time to be sad, they patted the shoulders of the young deputy squad leader of the Sichuan Army who was still squatting in the ruins to express their gratitude, and the officers and soldiers of the 67th Army entered their battle positions one after another.

Only the young deputy squad leader with annoyance was left.

Then, he saw his squad leader walking towards him.

The young soldier with a face full of sweat and panting could not help but have crystal eyes again.

At this moment, he was no longer the deputy squad leader who calmly analyzed the battlefield for the two signal soldiers, nor was he a warrior who braved the possible artillery fire of the Japanese army to rescue his comrades. Instead, he was like a child who was wronged in front of his parents.

He wanted to save him, but he came out too slowly after all, causing the Northeast Army sergeant to die.

"Dongguo! I'm not dead, I'm fine!" The young deputy squad leader tried to stay calm and smiled, but his voice with a strong cry still exposed his vulnerability at the moment.

"You did a good job, go and rest first." The old soldier looked at his deputy who he had raised with one hand, and pity flashed in his eyes.

"But the Japanese are coming up." The young deputy squad leader shook his head.

"The Japanese are coming up, and naturally someone will fight. This is the order given by the battalion commander specifically for the three of you. In the future, all observation posts will have this treatment. Just go if you are asked to go." The old soldier glared.

The soldier wanted to say more, but he saw that the old squad leader had a sharp look in his eyes, and he didn't dare to resist anymore. He was dragged by the two signal soldiers who followed him into the bomb shelter more than two meters deep underground belonging to their infantry platoon.

The Japanese infantry didn't come up so quickly, and the position seemed a little quiet for a while.

In the bomb shelter, in addition to the three observation posts, there were two medical soldiers sorting stretchers and their small medicine boxes.

Having just experienced a tsunami-like bombardment, the three of them seemed to be fine like normal people, but in fact, their nerves had been in a state of high tension. When they suddenly relaxed, the fatigue sequelae of continuous work for a day and a night also appeared. Fatigue surged like a tide, drowning the three soldiers who were less than 20 years old.

Just when the war was about to begin, the three soldiers leaning against the still very wet wall of the cave actually fell asleep.

When the young soldier woke up from his sleep, he didn't know when it happened.

The two communication soldiers who relied on him were gone. There were only corpses all over the ground, seriously injured soldiers groaning constantly, and two busy medical soldiers, which made him mistakenly think that Cangcheng had fallen.

When he asked the two medical soldiers anxiously, he knew that it was about half an hour later.

The battle entered a white-hot stage from the beginning. The Japanese army actually directly deployed more than 500 Japanese soldiers under the leadership of 4 89 tanks to attack from the three walls.

Not only was there enough manpower, but what was even more terrifying was that the Japanese army used more than 16 heavy machine guns, 6 infantry guns, and 4 rapid-fire guns for cover.

That was definitely not the equipment a battalion could have.

Yes, because the main infantry battalion under his command had to serve as the vanguard under the anger of the lieutenant general division commander, in order to avoid heavy losses under his command, the colonel commander of the 115th Regiment, who arrived with the main force of the division, directly assigned the regiment's infantry artillery squadron and rapid-fire artillery squadron to them, and felt that it was still not safe, so he additionally transferred another infantry battalion's heavy machine gun squadron to join.

In terms of heavy firepower alone, this is definitely a reinforced infantry battalion.

Otherwise, Junichi Watanabe would not have the courage to send three infantry squadrons to attack a fortress with a five-meter-high wall after the first round of shelling.

Not only that, the crazy Japanese army even concentrated dozens of grenade launchers to suppress the firepower on the top of the city.

But obviously, the biggest threat to the city wall fortifications is still the Type 89 tank. Due to the lack of flat-fire guns to suppress tanks, many heavy firepower points on the top of the city suffered heavy losses.

Now there is basically no reserve in Cangcheng. Except for the medical soldiers of each infantry company who need to stay to take care of the seriously injured, all those who can hold rifles have already gone to the battlefield.

He fell into a complete coma like a dead body. No one noticed him, and the two communication soldiers who woke up from their sleep couldn't bear to disturb him, so he could sleep until now.

The young deputy squad leader, who was very upset, picked up the rifle that had been placed beside him and rushed to the ground through the slope without hesitation.

Climbing back to the ground one minute earlier, the chance of death will increase countless times. This is a truth that even fools understand. But the young soldier has never wanted to live and die with his comrades as much as he does now.

Even at this moment, for the first time, he didn't think about his mother far away in his hometown. He just wanted to stay with his comrades, even if he died in the terrible tank guns of the Japanese army the next moment.

Yes, in Dachang Town, his comrades died like this.

Why did he want to dig out the Northeast Army soldiers buried in the ruins so urgently? Because he was afraid before, and that was something he could never face.

On the third to last day of the Battle of Dachang Town, the Japanese artillery fire destroyed a light machine gun fortification built against a residential building.

He was less than 20 meters away from the fortification. He saw with his own eyes that the house collapsed like a building block after being hit by a 70mm infantry gun, and the light machine gun inside that could provide fire cover for the infantry could no longer fire a single bullet.

Of course he knew the light machine gunner. He was the veteran sergeant Ma Lian, who was second only to the veteran squad leader in the squad. When the light machine gunners in the company were exhausted, he took the initiative to ask to be a light machine gunner.

Everyone knew that the firepower points that were taken care of by the Japanese artillery and grenade launchers were the type of soldiers with the highest mortality rate on this battlefield, so that no one was willing to be a shooter at several heavy machine gun firepower points, but Ma Lian, who had been in the army for more than 8 years, took the initiative to go.

Then, the light machine gun firepower point that only fired two magazines was destroyed by the Japanese army's accurate infantry artillery.

But the young soldier knew that Ma Lian might not die. The infantry artillery did not hit his shooting area directly. The whole house collapsed because of the explosion. If he went to dig now, there was a great hope to dig him out.

However, he was afraid that when he climbed up the ruins, he would be targeted by the Japanese infantry who were still 400 meters away. Their shooting skills were ridiculously accurate.

So, he waited until the Japanese army stopped attacking before he ran over to move the bricks and beams. It was a small house with not so many buildings. Soon, the person he was looking for showed a hand.

However, he only took a glance and knew that he was late after all.

It was Ma Lian's hand. There was a heavy brass ring on the pale and burnt finger. He bought it when he passed Jiangxia on the march to Songhu. Last night, when he was talking in the trenches, he proudly said that he would keep it as a dowry for his fifteen-year-old daughter.

The hand with the brass ring stretched upward in vain, showing that before he died, he had tried to save himself and wanted to find a way out by pushing away the heavy bricks and tiles of the house.

However, his comrades disappointed him. No one came to help him. Even his little brother, who usually cared for him, chose to wait for him because he was afraid of death, and waited until he died.

The old soldier Ma Lian died, but the young soldier had a demon in his heart.

No one blamed him, and he himself did not say it, but when he desperately dug out his Northeast Army comrades buried on the top of the city, he knew that he could not forget his past cowardice.

This time, he was not cowardly. The Japanese artillery was still bombarding. He tried hard, but still failed.

His squad leader also understood, so he strictly ordered his deputy squad leader to go down and rest, otherwise, he was worried that this young man who had actually grown up very well would collapse because of the pressure in his heart.

The moment the young deputy squad leader with many inner demons rushed out of the bullet shelter with a gun, his mind was extremely open-minded. If he couldn't go back, he would be buried with his comrades!

Right here.

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