Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 245 The little hoe didn't dance well

The young deputy squad leader couldn't help but clench his hands tightly.

Even when he was an observation post in the precarious fortifications and felt the waves of Japanese artillery fire, he may have never been so nervous.

Although he was not familiar with Tang Dao, he knew that he was the highest commander in Cangcheng. This was just the first head-on confrontation with the Japanese. If the highest commander was killed in battle, what would happen to the defenders in Cangcheng? Morale is undoubtedly fatal.

Anyone can die, but he cannot die.

But this wasn't something he, a soldier, could worry about. What really made him nervous was that he didn't want to see a similar situation happen before his eyes again.

Yes, it is not the first time that the young deputy squad leader has seen the supreme commander personally fight on the front line.

In a daze, he seemed to see his colonel leader again, holding a pistol and personally leading two infantry companies to counterattack the position, until his figure disappeared in a sudden cloud of gunpowder smoke.

That was definitely the most tragic moment the young soldier had ever seen. The regiment leader was missing, the entire infantry regiment went crazy, and the roar of 'avenge the regiment leader' resounded across the entire position.

They jumped out of the bunker one after another, not afraid of death, just to shoot the bullet in the gun chamber before dying, even if the bullet could not hit the enemy, as long as the bullet flew in the direction of the Japanese army.

There is no need to draw lots to get under a tank and blow it up. If you can't blow up an infantry group, then use an infantry squad. If you can't blow up an infantry squad, then use an infantry platoon.

It is not unusual at all for a tank to be surrounded by more than forty infantrymen.

The Japanese army with tanks could only retreat in the face of madness.

In the end, they regained the previously lost position, and a full 600 people remained on that position. Half of the regiment was gone, but their regiment leader disappeared.

An infantry company wept in tears and searched through the dust within a hundred meters, but only found a few fragments of bones.

He didn't want to see such a scene again.

Fortunately, Tang Dao was not only determined, but also had better luck than he imagined.

Shrapnel and splashing masonry flew around him, but didn't touch him.

Tang Dao's luck was good, but his opponent's luck was bad.

The last four shells of the 20-round bullet hit the crazy maneuvering Type 89 tank. One of them probably hit the edge of the turret steel plate. The shell that bounced off the edge changed direction and hit a man not far away. The grenadier who was shooting at Tang Dao like crazy could see a cloud of blood mist erupting from his body.

From a distance, the bright and thick blood-colored mist still has a sad beauty on the blazing battlefield, but for the Japanese infantry at close range, it is definitely not a good experience.

The Japanese grenadier, with almost half of his body shattered, was still alive for a while. Not only was his body still squirming hard, he was still mumbling: "Yamamoto-san, save me, I don't want to die!"

However, the medical soldier who rushed over knew that the sergeant in front of him was dead. The shell had punched a big hole the size of a volleyball in his shoulder blade, and he could vaguely see that his lungs were still contracting with difficulty, even though they were covered with dust. .

A huge amount of blood spurted out, as if the whole person was soaked in blood. Maybe within a minute, he would die.

But the health soldier never expected that Sergeant Fujita, who used to be so cold-blooded as to hold a Chinese infant on the tip of a bayonet to show off his prowess, would be so fragile. His eyes were full of prayers, praying that he could use a first-aid kit to block the unbearable witness. With a wound, his intact right hand tightly grabbed the health soldier's ankle to prevent him from leaving.

How could a seriously injured and dying person be so strong?

The health soldier's thoughts came to an abrupt end.

A loud bang of "Boom!" caused all the surrounding Japanese soldiers to look in the direction of the loud bang.

The Type 89 tank that deflected a shell used up the last lucky light given by Amaterasu, and the other three shells all accurately hit its flank.

However, the 17mm steel plate was penetrated by the terrifying kinetic energy of the 20mm machine gun, leaving three shocking bullet holes.

Of course, these were only superficial scars. The bloodbath caused by the three warheads that broke into the tank was terrifying.

Inside the tank, where everyone's eyes were blocked, three warheads that had ricocheted directly tore three tank soldiers into gourds of blood. The high temperature caused by violent metal friction caused the blood splashed on the metal surface to turn directly into burnt black.

The outcome brought about by the high temperature was the explosion of the shells. When the last five shells stored in the tank exploded, a violent explosion attracted the Japanese infantry around the tank. What they saw was the once majestic Type 89 tank coming from the inside. A tongue of flame more than two meters high was sprayed outside, until the turret was blown away by the accumulated explosive energy and flew high into the air.

Then, like a giant fly swatter, it swatted at the horrified health soldier, as well as the sergeant-level grenadier who was still holding him tightly.

All the pleading and surprise disappeared.

All that was left on the scene was a smoking turret and a twisted barrel.

As this "heavy" tank was destroyed, the Japanese infantry, which was still suppressed 130 meters in front of the position, finally stopped and hesitantly hid in the broken wall and fired at the Chinese position until the iron sentry ordered them to retreat. The sound sounded.

The tide of Japanese troops receded.

It wasn't until the Japanese troops withdrew more than 300 meters that the young deputy squad leader lay flat on his back holding his gun and gasping for breath behind the sandbag fortification.

This short battle seemed to have exhausted all his strength, but he still tried to pull out the bayonet hanging on his waist and solemnly drew another line on the butt of the gun. This was the third Japanese soldier he had killed since he joined the army.

In terms of personal value, he made a fortune, but if it was compared with the whole class, it was not enough. In the battle of Dachang Town, only he and the old squad leader survived among the 12 people in his infantry squad. If he wanted to get the whole class back, he had to kill another 7 Japanese soldiers.

This was not easy.

A cigarette was thrown into his arms.

"Soldiers under Captain Liu? Well done." A voice sounded in the ears of the young deputy squad leader.

He looked back and saw the highest commander who had just proudly killed a Japanese tank to relieve the pressure on the position, with a cigarette in his mouth, squatting in the fortifications and looking at him with a smile.

"Hello, sir!" Instinctively, the young deputy squad leader wanted to stand up and salute him.

"Ouch! Damn it, you idiot, are you going to kill me?" Tang Dao, who was still smoking comfortably, shuddered in fear, pounced over like a tiger, and pressed the young soldier's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, sir, I..." The young deputy squad leader realized that they were now in a front-line trench, and the Japanese army's cold gunmen might be aiming at this side, and his face suddenly turned red.

"Boy, you have to be careful in the future." Tang Dao wiped the hot sweat on his forehead, patted the young soldier who had just performed well, and saw the shame on his face, and smiled: "However, if you don't like that commander, you can salute him on the battlefield."

"This" The young soldier didn't expect that the commander who had just been so cold to him would joke with him like a friend. In his excitement, he didn't know where his usual cleverness went.

"You are good. If we are all alive after this battle, as long as you are willing, I will talk to your Captain Wang and Captain Liu and transfer you to my Fourth Battalion. I will promote you to be a sergeant deputy squad leader." Tang Dao patted the young soldier's shoulder and recruited him for the first time.

The Fourth Battalion now has only 100 people, which is really too unworthy of the name. It is imperative to replenish the troops. As the battalion commander of the Fourth Battalion, Tang Dao must perform his duties.

The Sichuan Army's senior private in front of him is a good seedling, which is very suitable for Tang Dao's personnel selection for the special team to be established after the war.

As for whether Uncle Wang will scold him for poaching, Tang Dao feels that scolding will not kill him. Not only the Sichuan Army, but also the 67th Army is also thinking about him!

The crying child gets the milk. This trick is not uncommon in the special brigade. Guo and Wu are now his most solid support. It is necessary to help the younger brother after the war.

"Sorry, sir, I am the deputy squad leader now!" The young deputy squad leader could only answer honestly.

"Then I'll give you the squad leader." Tang Dao also invested.

The Sihang Battalion wanted to expand its troops, and the 100 people following him were basically the backbone. It was the limit for Tang Dao to give this corporal a sergeant squad leader.

"Sir, I'll go to our company position first." The young soldier did not give Tang Dao an accurate answer.

It was obvious that Tang Dao failed to dig Lao Wang's corner with his small hoe for the first time.

However, looking at the back of the young soldier who left in a hurry, Tang Dao was not disappointed.

On the contrary, he appreciated it more. Such soldiers were what he needed most.

However, no matter how much he appreciated it, the young soldier had to survive the war first.

The smile on his face faded, and Tang Dao's eyes swept towards the Japanese position hundreds of meters away with a cold look.

In this first wave of tentative attacks, the Japanese were more determined than he thought.

The battle of Cangcheng was more difficult than the battle of Sihang Warehouse.

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