Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 253 I'm afraid of seeing you die

Although Suematsu Shigeharu looks like a cook, he is definitely thoughtful enough.

I don't need Isoda Saburo to explain too clearly, I know his intention.

Your Kunisaki Detachment is under the command of my 114th Division, so the Chinese positions faced by the 114th Division are naturally yours.

As the vanguard, my unit has been fighting for a day and needs to rest. Now let you replace us, is there anything wrong with it?

There must be nothing wrong with it.

It's not that Suematsu Shigeharu is really afraid of the hard bone that he has been chewing for a long time but has not chewed it. It's that he lets the guys in the Fifth Division who don't take him seriously fight desperately, and he, as the nominal supreme commander, can get the credit without him doing anything. Isn't it a matter of killing two birds with one stone!

In other words, when thinking of this idiom again, Suematsu Shigeharu couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead. This time, it's those stupid birds in the Fifth Division who are fighting for their lives. He won't bump into a bump again!

No matter how difficult the Chinese were, it was still Kunisaki Shige that had to worry about it. He only needed to provide some artillery support, which was the greatest help as a superior.

Without even saying whether this was a bit embarrassing, the Japanese Army Lieutenant General, who had already lost two and a half infantry battalions, directly sent a telegram to the 10th Army Headquarters, which had already arrived at the south bank of the Huangpu River, hoping to send the Kunisaki Detachment as the main attack on Songjiang East City.

Yanagawa Heisuke thought about it for a while and approved Suematsu Shigeharu's request.

The Kunisaki Detachment had always followed his 10th Army Headquarters. Originally, if Suematsu Shigeharu didn't mention it, he would have forgotten that the Kunisaki Detachment was under the command of the 114th Division, but people clearly mentioned it, and he, the commander of the 10th Army, still pretended to be stupid, which offended people.

Although Yanagawa Heisuke is now the commander of three divisions with nearly 100,000 troops, he is actually only a lieutenant general in the army, and is not really much more powerful than the three division commanders. The 10th Army is only a temporary organization. It is very likely that the 10th Army will be disbanded as soon as the Battle of Songhu ends, and the three divisions will go back to where they should go.

In a sense, he, the lieutenant general commander, is actually not as good as the three lieutenant generals of Suematsu Shigeharu, Tani Hisao, and Ushijima Mitsuru, who at least have 30,000 troops in their hands.

As for the fact that Suematsu Shigeharu's telegram did not mention the battle situation in front of Songjiang City this evening and night, Yanagawa Heisuke did not ask. As the commander of the 10th Army, he does not need to know how much damage the three divisions suffered, but only needs to know whether the tactical goals set can be achieved.

For example, in his previous tactical plan, Songjiang must be captured before tomorrow evening.

The Sixth Division has been resting on the south bank of the Huangpu River, and will cross the Huangpu River tomorrow morning. By then, the army stationed in front of the small town of Songjiang will be as high as two divisions with more than 50,000 people.

With such a large force in one day, even if Songjiang City is cast in steel and iron, it can be melted.

After receiving the telegram from Commander Yanagawa Heisuke, I don’t know how its commander Kunizaki Zheng complained about the shameless Suematsu Shigeharu in his heart, but the reply telegram was concise and to the point, "Respect the Commander's Order!"

Its connotation is nothing more than two layers of meaning, one is to obey the military order of the headquarters; the other is, of course, I listen to the commander's order, you Suematsu Shigeharu is a ball! What qualifications do you have to command me.

There are many factions in the Chinese Army. The big guys are smiling on the surface, but secretly MMP. In fact, the Japanese Army is not much better. The lieutenant generals and division commanders all have their own thighs. To put it bluntly, they all stand on their own side.

The Second Division and the Third Division, the Imperial Guard Divisions that guard Kyoto, naturally cling to the Emperor's thighs. The other divisions that cannot make it naturally cling to the big guys who have a say in the Army Headquarters. Otherwise, a small lieutenant general will be transferred to be the chief of logistics in a minute. If you are not convinced, there are reserves waiting for you.

There is a saying in China: Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

If the Japanese are the magic, then the Japanese Army and the Japanese Navy are the two major schools of the magic, and these army divisions are nothing more than the left and right Holy Fire Envoys, the Four Dharma Kings, and the Five Scattered People.

Like the Itagaki Division, which is known as the "Steel Army", when it led the army to attack Shanxi with 300,000 troops, it dared to send a detachment to support the southeast battlefield, and it actually won. Naturally, it is one of the top Japanese Army divisions.

Its Major General Brigade Commander Kunisaki Zheng can look down on the Lieutenant General Division Commander of the Special Division, such as Suematsu Shigeharu, and even obey his orders. That's a ghost.

So, he was cheated.

Shigeharu Suematsu, who looked like a cook, sent the Kunisaki Detachment of more than 10,000 people to the thorny Songjiang City with a telegram that he could not refuse.

In the past, the 114th Division, the unlucky child, fought bloody battles with the 67th Army in front of Songjiang City for three days and nights with the idea of ​​losing his life but not losing face, and almost beat the unlucky child into a cripple.

However, the Kunisaki Detachment took a detour from Songjiang and rushed directly to the Jiashan national defense line, and finally detoured to the rear of Nanjing, completing the encirclement of the Chinese capital and receiving commendations from the Japanese Army Headquarters.

But now, the 114th Division, which had been beaten several times by the Tang sword along the Huangpu River, has learned its lesson. It doesn't want to be beaten anymore, so it pulled the Kunisaki Detachment out to take the blame.

The long river of history took a small turn here, and the Kunisaki Detachment of more than 10,000 people, who could have rushed to the city of Nanjing with all their strength, were swept into the meat grinder of Songjiang.

But, after being beaten, the 114th Division wanted to withdraw perfectly like this?

It couldn’t.

Because, his opponent is Tang Dao.

A strongest special forces soldier with special training for the next ninety years.

His greatest ability, so far, is not the so-called command. His accurate prediction is based on his familiarity with the direction of this period of history.

He is the soldier with the strongest individual skills in this era, but he has not really grown into a top commander.

The night is his best stage.

At one o'clock in the morning, watching the soldiers carrying the remains of the dead and the seriously injured, carefully under the faint moonlight, like a speechless little ant, silently transporting them back to Songjiang City.

Standing in the warehouse city, Tang Dao is like a sculpture.

After a battle, nearly half of his soldiers died in the battle.

This is the first experience for Tang Dao.

Although the battle of the four lines was fierce, due to the existence of the warehouse as a strong shield and the concession as a scapegoat, not many soldiers died in the battle.

The soldiers who stood solemnly in front of him yesterday have become cold corpses today. Even though Tang Dao had experienced countless separations and deaths, he couldn't help but feel sad.

Qian Dazhu's heart was broken.

This battle in the evening was even more brutal than the one in the evening.

Although only one person in his infantry squad died this time, the other infantry squads suffered heavy losses.

The veterans who were still arranging the dragon gate formation in the afternoon were all dead.

Veteran Hai Luo died.

As the deputy squad leader, he still took on the responsibility of the observation post.

But perhaps the luck of encountering a dud in the evening had exhausted his luck, and a 105 howitzer hit the observation post where he was.

This time, he really couldn't find anyone.

The veteran Xigua, who he "worried" about taking his money home to marry a wife and have children, also died. After learning that Hai Luo died in the battle, Bald Head didn't cry, but he never spoke again.

He lost an arm and a leg by a grenade, but he did not wait to be carried off the battlefield. Instead, at the most critical moment of the battle, he used his only intact arm to hold seven or eight grenades and rolled down the wall, blowing the Japanese soldiers who were attacking along the gentle slope of the gap into a bloody mess.

The final ending of these two old brothers was the same. They both died without a trace, not to mention sharing the happiness of marrying a wife.

That is, Qian Dazhu, who was missing them, cried loudly and couldn't even find a finger. Where can I burn paper money for them in the future!

Brother, you walked too fast, I can't find you!

One of the young signalmen died, which was not so tragic. However, he didn't even kill a single devil. The new recruit who was eager to make merit raised his body a little higher, and the heavy machine gun bullet swept by the Japanese hit his chest.

The 7.7mm bullet left a baby fist-sized wound on his chest.

The medical soldier couldn't save him. He gradually bled dry and died in the arms of Qian Dazhu who rushed to visit him in the bullet hole after the war.

Before he died, the young signalman no longer cried out in pain, but only called for his mother in a low voice.

Just like when he was still a one-year-old baby.

Perhaps, in the last moment of his life, he really saw his mother!

Even the strongest soldiers could not help crying when they saw this scene.

I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of seeing you die, die in my arms.

This is the separation of life and death.

If you are not a comrade-in-arms, you will not understand!

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