Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 299 Here comes a tiger (double monthly votes requested at the beginning of the month!)

"There is only one person trapped on the Xilin Temple pagoda. He is surrounded by a Japanese infantry squad. According to Zhao Daqiang's observation, he shot and killed nearly 10 Japanese soldiers."

Liu Yuqing's face became solemn after hearing the report of the security soldiers who rushed over regardless of the risk.

His eyes turned from the direction of Cangcheng, which was still under heavy gunfire, to the two officers of the security regiment who looked extremely excited: "If he is the crow you are talking about, then I can say now that he is the leader of my entire Songjiang army, a model of the Songhu war zone, and a hero of all China."

"Thank you for the compliment, officer! All the brothers of the Songjiang Security Regiment will be proud of him!" Zhuang Shisan stood at attention and straightened his back, with pride and grief. "But I would rather my second lieutenant platoon leader be alive."

"It's hard to live!" Liu Yuqing's eyes flashed with grief. "You have just heard that the Japanese army, which has been unable to capture the enemy for a long time, has come up with the idea of ​​using poison gas bombs."

"He is located in the area controlled by the Japanese army. And the Japanese army also has poison gas bombs." Wang Gongyu's face showed grief, and he shook his head slowly and said: "It's impossible to save him, it's impossible to save him, even if all my brothers in the security group are pulled over to fight the devils, he can't be saved. Commander Liu, I know you have tried your best, let that brother withdraw! Don't sacrifice him for him, it's not worth it!"

"No, he can still be saved." Liu Yuqing took a deep breath, his face showed determination, turned his head and looked at the security group soldier who ran more than 400 meters in one breath with all his strength, and then collapsed in the fortifications and gasped for breath after reporting.

"Soldier, let me ask you, since you started running without covering your traces, did the Japanese soldiers shoot at you?"

"This, there shouldn't be, I didn't hear any gunshots." The soldier thought carefully and answered with certainty.

"That's it. The Japanese are planning to set a trap for us with crows, waiting for us to get into it!" Liu Yuqing said firmly.

"Liu Division Commander, you can't go there. The Japanese are ready." Wang Gongyu quickly advised.

"No, this is our only chance." Liu Yuqing shook his head and denied it. He glanced at the confused commander of the security group and could only explain briefly: "The Japanese want to set a trap. Naturally, the commanders in the block hope to gain results to make up for the previous consecutive defeats. Commander Wang, don't you think this is the truth?"

"That's right. I would do the same if I were in their place." Wang Gongyu nodded in agreement.

"Everyone is ambitious. Officials want to be the highest officials. The biggest dream of soldiers is to become generals. Only in this way can they return home with honor. The Chinese are like this, and the Japanese are naturally no exception." Liu Yuqing continued to analyze.

"I just carefully observed the block. The Japanese learned their lesson after being bombarded by us. The search force they put in would never exceed 300 people.

The Japanese are always arrogant. For example, in the Songhu war zone, they often used an infantry regiment to fight against an infantry division of our army. If they had 300 troops, the Japanese commander thought they could resist a battalion of our army.

So, he was confident that he could annihilate them when our army sent a small force to rescue them. Even if there were more troops than he expected, he could at least block them and wait for reinforcements outside the block."

"Then this time, I will let him know that the reason why they can confront our Chinese army with a force of one to three is not because of how strong their infantry is, but because of the difference in heavy firepower between the two sides. Without heavy firepower, they are just like that." Liu Yuqing snorted lightly, and looked fiercely at Zhuang Shisan, who was standing straight.

"Captain Zhuang, if I allow you, do you dare to lead people into the block again to rescue your brothers?"

"There is nothing we dare not to do to save our own brothers. Please give the order, sir. The first battalion of the Songjiang Security Corps will return to the battlefield." Zhuang Shisan stood at attention, his chest held higher than before.

"Good, you have the courage to not fear death, very good!

I order the 1st Battalion of the Songjiang Security Corps to give up rest and all the brothers who are not injured to join the battle. In order to strengthen the firepower, the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Security Corps will hand over all the Mauser pistols, light machine guns, submachine guns and other firearms to your battalion for use.

At the same time, the infantry regiment where Xicheng is located will withdraw an infantry company and carry its equipment to support your battalion on both wings.

Also, Battalion Commander Zhuang, please tell all officers and soldiers of the 1st Battalion that this is not the military order of the Songjiang Command Headquarters, but the order of Liu Yuqing, the commander of Xicheng. They are not under my direct jurisdiction, and they can completely refuse this risky military action.

However, please let them believe that if they fall into such a dangerous situation because of fighting the Japanese invaders one day, I, Liu Yuqing, will also issue such a military order. I, Liu Yuqing, will not abandon any brother who fights against Japan, that's it." Liu Yuqing ordered.

"Yes!" Zhuang Shisan took the order, turned around and strode away.

The security regiment soldiers who had gained physical strength after a short rest saluted the two men, turned around and ran away.

"Liu, this is too risky, too risky. How can my Songjiang Security Corps do this?" Wang Gongyu's tears welled up in his eyes, but he didn't know how to refuse Liu Yuqing's kindness, so he could only stomp his feet and mutter to himself.

He believed that the first battalion of the security corps that had just withdrawn from the block would accept this military order.

As a former politician, he might not understand, but after being in the military camp for two days and experiencing the war personally, the thinking consciousness of this commissioner has been constantly moving closer to his other identity - the commander of the Songjiang Security Corps.

There may be sacrifices, but the significance of this battle is actually far greater than the result itself.

Because, from this moment on, those soldiers of the security group will really believe that they will not be abandoned by anyone. They are soldiers of the militia and also soldiers of China, as long as they fight against the Japanese invaders.

Perhaps, not only the security group, but also the officers and soldiers of the 67th Army in Xicheng will feel the same.

Soldiers can fight the enemy on the battlefield without fear of death. They can be fearless of gunfire and rain of bullets, and even forget life and death, but they are also afraid of being abandoned after being injured.

They met many such wounded soldiers on the way to Songjiang.

Lying on the side of the road, their eyes were numb, quietly waiting for death to come.

Their fate is doomed.

Either die of wound infection or die at the hands of the enemy, even if they still have some clean water and food at hand.

And now, their lieutenant commander will not even give up a second lieutenant of the militia who is surrounded by the enemy, so how can he give up them?

Although they re-entered the street battlefield that could be covered by Japanese artillery fire at any time, no one was worried about being in danger again, and morale was unprecedentedly high.

This is the role of the commander. He must not only be proficient in tactics, but also understand the soldiers' hearts. Only when officers and soldiers are united can they win this seemingly impossible blocking battle.

Liu Yuqing certainly would not rashly throw four or five hundred people into the battlefield for the sake of military morale. Soldiers are fighters, not tools.

He actually made sufficient preparations. The two mortar positions responsible for supporting Xicheng District have listened to his orders and readjusted the muzzles to the edge of the block. If the Japanese infantry is defeated and asks for help, a total of 16 150 heavy mortars will block the edge of the block.

Of course, at this time, Cangcheng is still the time for the Japanese artillery to show off its power, and all the artillery positions in Songjiang City have not received military orders from the Songjiang Command.

Strengthening the short-range continuous-fire firearms for the Security Battalion 1 is also to make a quick decision and quickly defeat the group of self-righteous Japanese infantry.

As for how to use the terrain advantage to attack the Japanese infantry, that was Zhuang Shisan's responsibility. Liu Yuqing also believed that the Security Battalion 1, which had experienced several street battles, had enough ways to deal with it.

In addition to the close-range "hand-to-hand" combat that the Security Battalion 1 was accustomed to, Liu Yuqing also added a special insurance. The infantry company of the 67th Army, which was responsible for the two wings and mainly equipped with rifles, light machine guns, and grenade launchers, mainly played the role of robbing them and attacking from a distance.

Nakamura Suketoshi, who was still dreaming of promotion, waited for the Chinese reinforcements, but he didn't expect that the Chinese, whom he thought he knew well, gave him such a big surprise and sent more than 440 people at once.

What is even more "surprising" is that among the officers and soldiers of the First Battalion of the Security Regiment, who concentrated all the continuous firepower of the Security Regiment, there are as many as 150 people holding Mauser pistols, 40 submachine guns, and 20 light machine guns alone. This firepower intensity within a distance of 100 meters is incomparable to a Japanese infantry squadron, even the most elite guard company of the 644th Regiment next to Tang Dao.

That's not even counting the infantry company that followed the First Battalion of the Security Regiment into the battlefield.

What is needed is to gather the most fierce firepower in the shortest time to confuse the Japanese, so that they don't even have time to release poison gas bombs.

All the soldiers naturally made full defense in this regard, and they were all covered with towels soaked in white wine, just like masked heroes.

Of course, hundreds of people could not enter the block from the city gate in a mighty manner, otherwise they would be discovered by the Japanese observation post immediately.

The security battalion was an old hand in this area. They knew that the moat was shallow and had many houses, so they sent an infantry company to enter the block through Zhongshan Street from the city gate to attract the attention of the Japanese army. The rest of the troops waded through the water one squad at a time and sneaked into the block.

When Nakamura Suketoshi happily prepared a big bag and waited for the Chinese to enter, he tragically found that he didn't seem to wait for the pheasant he imagined, but a tiger came

This fucked-up feeling is really indescribable.

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