Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 302 Don't mess with me, I'll splash blood all over your face

Zhao Daqiang was not angry that the tough guy who was originally strong suddenly became a softie.

Rather, he was angry at his own judgment.

The tough guy was not defeated by the Japanese bullets, but was defeated by the power of the poison gas bombs. Zhao Daqiang could even understand these.

Although he didn't know what kind of harm the poison gas bombs would cause to the human body, he followed Liu Yuqing and heard Tang Dao talk about the power of poison gas bombs. Even if the stuff didn't kill you on the spot because of the small intake, it could cause permanent fibrosis of the internal organs. Those who survived by chance would suffer from the sequelae caused by the poison gas for a long time and eventually die in endless torture.

Just thinking about the scene that the stuff could turn your heart, liver and lungs into rotten wood is enough to make people feel cold all over, not to mention the inhuman pain that the people in it suffered because of poisoning.

He could understand that the soldier chose to surrender because of this terrible chemical weapon and became a softie, but he asked the division commander to send troops to save the softie.

Others didn't understand Liu Yuqing, but how could the guard squad leader who had followed him for almost five years not understand? Zhao Daqiang believed that he would definitely send someone to rescue.

However, how could he explain to the division commander and those who risked their lives to come here that he had spent dozens or even hundreds of lives to save a weakling?

He couldn't explain.

At that moment, the guard squad leader, who was almost killed by his own misjudgment, had quietly picked up the Type 38 rifle. He wanted to kill that bastard.

It was not because he was weak in the end, but because he had to save the later soldiers who were about to leave the city. For this, he would even rather lose his life in this block.

Zhao Daqiang knew that when he fired this shot, the Japanese soldiers who were only 20 meters away from him would chase him frantically. No matter how strong he was, he would not be the opponent of dozens of Japanese soldiers.

However, he would still choose to do so.

Everyone had to pay for their own wrong choices. On the battlefield, there was nothing else except one life.

Zhao Daqiang's crosshairs locked the head of the man who was standing on the eaves with his back against the pagoda.

With his marksmanship, let alone the mere tens of meters, even if the distance was four or five times longer, he could still shoot the young man's face into pieces.

However, he didn't pull the trigger after all.

It wasn't because Zhao Daqiang was afraid of death, but because he found that he seemed to have missed something.

The division commander once taught him: Sometimes, what you see is not necessarily true. If you want to know the truth, calm down a little and wait a while, maybe you will find something else.

That is not only the experience of a lieutenant general in the army for decades, but also the life wisdom of a middle-aged man who has experienced ups and downs.

Zhao Daqiang took out the telescope he borrowed from the security regiment before leaving. The four-fold telescope was clear enough to show the face of the young lieutenant of the security regiment who was smoked black by gunpowder in front of him.

The thick gunpowder color on his face proved that he had just tried his best at the top of the tower. Two or three hundred bullets were fired by three different guns in a short period of time. It was also a big burden for elite infantry, not to mention a militia officer who was absolutely insufficient in training.

But apart from those, the scary blisters on his face, as big as eggs, were the most frightening. Zhao Daqiang knew that it was a sign that the poison had entered his body. His face, which was trying to remain calm, was twitching slightly, proving that he was enduring great pain in his body.

A surrendered soldier, a soft egg, is it necessary to maintain this calmness?

No need, he could just rush into the tower now, rush out of the upper level of the pagoda still filled with poisonous gas, and ask the Japanese to wash his body with clean water to reduce the pain.

Zhao Daqiang also believed that the Japanese who chose to capture a living surrendered soldier would do so, and even give him some drug treatment, if the Japanese here were not so short-sighted.

The Japanese commander who ordered to stop shooting and accept surrender had shown enough vision.

Zhao Daqiang, who found the clue, chose to continue observing until he saw the eyes of the second lieutenant of the security regiment.

He knew what he had missed, not the teachings of the division commander.

The eyes of the second lieutenant of the security regiment.

Eyes are the windows of the human soul. Most of the emotions surging in the heart will be reflected from the eyes.

Even a wild beast will have a fierce light in its eyes before it hurts people.

If the lieutenant wanted to survive, he would be filled with fear at this time, because he didn't know how the Japanese would arrange his future fate.

Just like when humans are afraid of death, what is behind death? No one has the answer.

The greatest fear of mankind actually comes from the unknown.

However, the man at this moment, his eyes are too calm.

At such a time, there is only one kind of person who can keep such a calm look.

People who don't care much about the unknown fate.

Even Zhao Daqiang, who trembled suddenly in his heart, saw a trace of joy in his extremely calm eyes.

That was when he saw two Japanese soldiers and the timid translator walking under the tower to prepare to surrender.

What was he happy about? Was it because he could finally leave this poisonous pagoda?

Then, Zhao Daqiang's thoughts paused here, and the guard squad leader lying in the ruins was like a sculpture, solidified!

He didn't hear a word of what the Japanese were shouting in the distance, because all his mind was occupied by the target he had planned to kill to make up for his mistake.

Kumura Kumaichi, who had already walked to the area 30 meters in front of the pagoda, looked up at the man who was still standing tall on the pagoda. Seeing his calm and upright body, his heart was suddenly trembling for no reason.

That was a soldier who could resist dozens of his own people. Was he really defeated by the poison gas?

Wait, why is there smoke behind him? The poison gas has not been used for a while, why is it still so active?

"Everyone stop approaching, let the Chinese walk down the pagoda by themselves, and take off their military uniforms for inspection before they can surrender!" Komura Kumaichi stopped and shouted loudly.

At the same time, out of trust in his intuition, the Japanese sergeant hid behind a broken wall.

The Japanese veteran was cautious enough.

However, out of the excitement of being able to capture a Chinese prisoner with their own hands, two grenade throwers and two Japanese infantrymen relied on their protective clothing and were not afraid of the large amount of sinking poison gas, and strode towards the bottom of the pagoda.

There is a Chinese saying: If you take too big a step, you will easily get hurt.

But at this time, it might not be as simple as a joke.

"Does the son of a bitch down there know what I will say to them if someone is causing trouble for me?" Crow shouted at the translator who was already very close.

The translator looked up very sensibly, probably because he was used to being called that by the Chinese. Son of a bitch is almost his byword.

"Don't mess with me, my life is cheap, if you piss me off, I'll splash your face with blood." A strange smile appeared on Crow's face.

The translator was stunned.

The person who could say that, isn't he just a young thug?

Then, the translator who looked up blankly saw that the man who was just chatting with him calmly, jumped up.

He was determined, like a sharp arrow rushing down, and resolutely smashed down at him and several Japanese soldiers.

Yes, in Zhao Daqiang's almost frozen pupils, the soldier in the black lieutenant uniform of the security regiment was like an arrow, shooting from more than 20 meters high to the ground.

Unprecedented determination.

The Japanese soldiers who were striding in were stunned!

All the Japanese soldiers in the distance were stunned!

The Chinese soldiers lying in the ruins stood still!

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

No one knew, and no one would know again, why this man who used his body as an arrow would say goodbye to the world in such a decisive way.

If Zhao Daqiang were to choose, even if he was poisoned to death, he would continue to fight the Japanese invaders based on the pagoda until the moment before he died, and then pull the grenade.

He would not leave his life to the Japanese, not even his body.

However, Crow chose such an incomprehensible way, turning himself into an arrow and shooting at the Japanese under the pagoda.

It was not until the moment before he was about to fall to the ground that the four grenades inserted in his waist exploded, and his human body was instantly turned into ashes. Zhao Daqiang might have understood his approach.

This may not be the most powerful arrow in the world, but it is definitely the most tragic arrow.

He used explosives as a bow, and his own flesh and bones as arrows, and flower arrows.

Blood rain filled the sky!

However, that was the blood rain that took the initiative to walk into death and brought death.

Several Japanese soldiers and translators who were still seven or eight meters away from him were injured one after another by such an unexpected arrow of a warrior with flesh and blood as arrows.

The protective clothing that could block poison gas was hit with small holes under the flesh and bone fragments driven by the kinetic energy of the explosives.

Perhaps because of the distance, although they were not killed, the cries of several Japanese soldiers could pierce the sky.

Zhao Daqiang didn't understand what they were shouting, but he knew why they were so scared.

Because there, the poison gas was being soaked down by the mist and rain of Jiangnan.

The radius of 20 meters centered on the pagoda is the forbidden zone of life.

The blood rain splashed by the explosion was drifting in the mist and rain of Jiangnan.

The Japanese soldiers dozens of meters away made tactical evasive actions at the moment when the blood rain splashed, and even Komura Xiongyi, who had already hidden his body, touched his face unconsciously.

It was as if the blood of the Chinese people had passed through tens of meters of void and splashed on his face.

Just as he said, Crow used his blood to spit on the faces of all the Japanese present.

An ordinary militia officer, who would not be wanted by the regular army, used his body as a carrier to become the most brilliant fireworks outside Songjiang City on this rainy noon.

Behind the telescope, a teardrop rolled down, leaving a clear tear mark on the dirty and almost solidified face...

PS: Brothers, another 3,000-word chapter has been delivered. I hope some book friends will not be disappointed. Crow Fengyue used a lot of words. He represents the thousands of little people who participated in the war, the most ordinary group of people who joined the war for various reasons, but they once fought bravely for this country and sacrificed. This is what Fengyue wanted to express.

Fengyue also wanted to use this to tell the book friends that the main reason why the great war could last until the end was sacrifice.

Millions of sacrifices were exchanged for victory. It was cruel, but it was the truth.

Thank you for liking Fengyue’s story, really, thank you very much!

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