Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 310 Farewell

The drizzle was still falling.

The Japanese troops outside the city basically stopped and hid in the trenches, as if they would not launch an attack without absolute certainty.

The defenders in the city were also happy about this. The Japanese wanted to delay time, which was a natural thing for them. They could use this time to continue to strengthen the fortifications or allow the soldiers to repair them.

The power of the Japanese 105 howitzer and 127 naval gun has been witnessed by many people. Except for the original air raid shelter built in Songjiang, which can guarantee absolute defense, the rest, whether they are newly dug bomb shelters or fortifications built with sandbags and logs, are under its violent The air waves in front of them are all weak and scum.

But the terrible thing is that not everyone can hide in the air raid shelter. There must be enough manpower to stay on the position even when the shells are flying.

Otherwise, when the artillery stops, the Japanese infantry who run over from the air raid shelter a few hundred meters away and start attacking immediately following the artillery fire will almost arrive.

Once the Japanese army reaches the 50-meter charging position, the battle will be much more difficult.

If you want to survive such artillery fire, you can only continue to strengthen the fortifications and not skimp on your physical strength.

But since the Japanese army was about to arrive, most of the 6,000 young men who had stayed behind had left. Only a small number of less than 1,000 people chose to stay. That was because they had nowhere to go and even food was a problem, so it might as well be It's safer to come with the army.

Now they are basically sent to transport supplies, and all the work of building fortifications can only fall on the soldiers themselves.

Taking advantage of the idle period when the Japanese army stopped attacking, the various regiments and positions in the city continued to be busy building stronger fortifications. After finishing their meal, the Cangcheng defenders, no, it should be said that the security battalion directly under the Songjiang Command held a burial ceremony for the fallen soldiers. ceremony.

However, in addition to the bodies transported back under darkness last night, more than 300 people were buried underground in Cangcheng, which the Japanese army had occupied. Only another 300 could be buried in the city.

White smoke rose from the Japanese positions outside the city and lasted for more than ten miles in the autumn rain. It was because they were burning the bodies of their dead soldiers in large numbers to facilitate the transportation of the ashes back to the country.

But what the Chinese value is to rest in peace in the grave, in a corner of Songjiang City near the north city, in a vegetable garden.

Tang Dao personally led the remaining 200 people from the guard camp and spent an hour digging a large pit several meters deep and nearly 30 meters in diameter, which was larger than a basketball court.

The 200 people were already crawling around in the Cangcheng position, covered in mud and water, like clay figures. Now that they had dug a pit, their faces were covered in mud. In addition, their uniforms were full of holes in the flames. , very embarrassed.

But no one complained. Compared with their dead comrades, they were all lucky.

The remains of 300 people who were brought back last night, washed and wrapped in white cloth, were placed in the open space outside the pit. There was no coffin to protect them from the wind and rain. The white cloth was the best courtesy the Songjiang garrison could give to these dead comrades. .

The two army colonels Wang Xirui and Lao Wang, the commander of the 644th Regiment, attended the burial ceremony in the guard camp. The dead soldier here turned out to be their subordinates, so they both had to attend due to circumstances.

Apart from them, Tang Dao did not invite any higher-ups, because despite the fact that the Japanese have temporarily suspended the war, it is wartime after all. If too many people gather, if there is a bombardment by the Japanese army, it is not necessary to give up all the farewells. Send it away!

However, when the big pit was dug and the two army colonels personally accompanied Tang Dao and others to neatly arrange the 300 remains at the bottom of the pit, and then stood at attention waiting for people to seal the large burial mound, there was a sudden sound outside the vegetable garden. Shout: "Salute!"

Then, two hundred soldiers covered in mud and water saw the two top commanders of Songjiang City walking up to the two army colonels in the front row, straightening their backs, and standing still in the drizzle.

"Seal the land!" Liu Zhenshan, who temporarily acted as the etiquette officer, roared loudly.

The soldiers around the pit covered the remains with soil.

Originally, Qian Dazhu, who had accepted the separation and thought he could be a good platoon leader, thought he would not shed tears so easily again. But when he saw his once very familiar face gradually disappearing into the soil, especially when he stood beside him, When the private soldier Taozi beside him began to sob softly, his nose was still sore.

After all, I couldn’t help it!

Two lines of hot tears flowed freely on his cheeks. Those who once squeezed into a big street with him would never see him again.

Farewell at this moment is forever.

The gentle rainwater floated on the face of each soldier who stood upright, but it seemed to become thicker in an instant, and even washed away traces on the muddy cheeks.

However, apart from the uncontrollable sobs of a few recruits, there was more of a sound of shovels slapping dirt.

The rain washed everyone's face clean and covered the veterans' sadness.

Like the commanders who stood before them, they stood until the hole was completely filled with earth.

However, they were not piled into a mound like the Chinese custom. This was to prevent the Japanese army from finding a place to bury the soldiers together after the city was broken.

Tang Dao has considered this very carefully.

Then, Tang Dao, who was standing behind the general and colonel, roared: "Take off your hat!"

All soldiers, from generals to privates, took off their helmets.


Everyone, raise your right hands and salute!

Until a minute later, Tang Dao roared loudly: "The ceremony is over!"

Everyone, wait and put down your right hands.

"Please give me a lecture, sir!" Tang Dao strode forward and stood at attention to salute the two generals who turned around.

Lieutenant General Wu's sharp eyes passed over the faces and bodies of the clay soldiers who were lined up neatly but were in tatters and whose faces were washed away by rain and tears until they had big painted faces.

Colonel Wang Xirui on the side was busy explaining to the soldiers: "The Japanese threw sulfur bombs. Many brothers' clothes were burned. They just participated in the excavation, so the military appearance is not good and the military power is low. Please forgive me, sir."

Lieutenant General Wu waved his hand and strode forward, walking into the queue of soldiers. His gaze solemnly rested on the soldiers' tattered uniforms that had been burned into holes.

The top general of Songjiang City walked slowly past each soldier with tears in his eyes.

"Salute!" Lao Wang, who was deeply shocked, shouted sharply.

All the soldiers faced their general and raised their right hands in unison.

Lieutenant General Wu returned the salute until he walked out of the queue of soldiers.

"Your regimental commander just said that your military uniforms are in tatters and your military appearance is not in good shape, which has led to a lack of military prestige." Lieutenant General Wu looked at the soldiers under his command who were in tattered and extremely dirty clothes, with their heads covered with mud and rain. "But I want to say, no, this is the neatest military uniform and the most magnificent military power I have ever seen."

The soldiers stood in the rain holding their breath, their chests involuntarily raised.

Pointing to the newly sealed tomb of more than 300 officers and soldiers, his voice was high-pitched: "They, together with you, created a miracle in the Songhu Battle. With less than a thousand soldiers, they resisted the Japanese army with more than an infantry regiment carrying dozens of soldiers." The artillery bombarded them wildly for more than ten hours and killed more than 2,000 Japanese troops.

You not only defended your position, but also severely damaged the Japanese invaders, so much so that the Japanese invaders now do not dare to launch another attack.

With such an army, who dares to say that your army is not powerful?

You Cangcheng frontline defenders, to be precise, our Songjiang Garrison Battalion, are the sharpest swords among my tens of thousands of troops. When you choose to step into that battlefield, you already are. "

"Deputy Commander Guo and I came here not at the invitation of your Battalion Commander Tang, but on our own initiative." Lieutenant General Wu continued. "Firstly, I want to see these young people off, they are all good people; secondly, I just want to see you, see what you, the sharpest swordsmen, look like, and more importantly, see if you will rest on your merits. Resting on one’s laurels.

It seems like you are fine now.

But I still hope you will tell me personally, if there is still a tough battle in Songjiang, if I give the military order, do you dare to fight with the little devil again? "




Under the shouts of Tang Daozhen's arm, 200 officers and soldiers collectively waved their arms and shouted together with their commanders.

The roar was deafening and soared into the sky.

That was not only an answer to his supreme commander, but also the best farewell to Paoze who had just been buried in the soil.

The morale of the security battalion reached its peak at this moment...

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