Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 343 Come, take a gamble!

"Don't hurt your Excellency, Captain, Chinese, what do you want? We can talk!" The Japanese Army Captain was so frightened that he trembled all over.

It's not that he didn't expect his opponent to be so bold and ruthless, using his gun as air to slice raw meat, but the opponent's determination that he didn't dare to shoot made him even more convinced of the news that just seemed like fantasy. .

More importantly, the opponent is right about one thing. The brigade headquarters located one mile away has really had fewer orders since the evening, or there is only one: the existing defense line must be consolidated!

It seemed nothing unusual before, but now it seems a bit strange when I think about it. Yesterday, the 6th Infantry Brigade was so angry that nearly the entire army was broken into pieces. The division commander who personally went to the brigade headquarters to direct the operation in the early morning would never be willing to accept this. That's the record.

This order was more like the tone of the always cautious brigade commander.

To put it bluntly, that is not the temperament of a division leader, nor is it the temperament that "the strongest division on the surface" should have.

In this case, the captain cannot die, at least not here.

"It seems that Mr. Captain is a sensible person." Tang Dao grinned, revealing his red teeth. "Then we can talk."

"But don't worry, I don't want much, and I won't make it too difficult for you. Bring me all the combat maps carried by your wing headquarters, as well as the minutes of all military meetings you went south, by the way. It's best to have your alliance flag. If you are here, you can use it to clean my leather boots. Then if I am happy, I might let your captain go now." Tang Dao made the offer with a calm expression.


The person held by Tang Dao like a cabbage and the one standing three meters away from Tang Dao all let out a loud roar!

The first and second requests were easy to say. When Tang Dao said that he wanted to use the regiment flag to polish his shoes, Hashimoto Kingoro, who had been "lying flat", suddenly widened his eyes, and the face of the Japanese captain opposite turned red.

Everyone has a bottom line, even the Japanese who are so beastly when they land on the battlefield, they also have it.

Their bottom line is honor, the honor of the Imperial Army.

You can kill him, trample on him, insult him, but if you trample under your feet what he once swore to protect for the rest of his life, then he can give up his life.

This is no different from the Chinese soldiers who would rather lose their lives to defend their homeland.

Tang Dao's last request was extremely excessive.

As for the Japanese captain who was almost crippled by Tang Dao, not to mention that it was impossible to carry the regiment flag with him to the battlefield, even now, he would not be able to do so. If someone shines his shoes, not only will he die and his entire family suffer, but the entire Imperial Army will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

"Then why don't you kill the captain right now! Then I will kill you again, and finally insert the knife you used to kill the captain into my chest." The Japanese captain took a few deep breaths to calm down his anger. After paying attention, his eyes suddenly became firm.

"Doing business! Isn't it all about asking for a high price and then paying back the money! I'm just offering my price. You don't have to agree, but there's no need to turn the table over!" Tang Dao seemed to have expected this outcome. . "After all, we actually have a common goal. I want to take what I want alive, and Mr. Captain, you also want to save your captain alive, don't you?"

"You can take away the map! But the minutes of the military meeting are in the rear wing headquarters. I can't give them to you. But the important thing is, how do I believe you will return the wing leader?" The Japanese Army Captain gradually regained his composure, his eyes sharp.

"Soldiers are deceitful! The battlefield is the same as love. The so-called oaths are the most unreliable." Tang Dao's expression remained unchanged. "So, Mr. Captain, you can only bet, not only on whether I can keep my promise, but also on whether I dare to enter the battlefield under the sight of more than 20 machine guns and rifles of yours. After all, my original intention is to take away what I want." Taken away.”

The Japanese army captain was caught in a battle between heaven and man.

He had to consider the pros and cons of this matter. Although his opponent was very open-minded, what he could take away in the end was just an insignificant map. He could ask the Songhu Dispatch Army Headquarters to print another set at any time, because the war was fierce. The fact that the headquarters was attacked and lost was enough to fool him. As long as the wing leader didn't tell anyone, no one would know.

As for whether the captain will live or die, that is exactly what his opponent said. He can only bet that his opponent will not dare to kill the hostages easily. Moreover, when it comes to the battlefield, it will not be his own gun aimed at him. More than 20 guns.

Moreover, those who can be selected into the wing guard squadron and eventually stay at the front-line headquarters for defense must have accurate marksmanship.

He might have a better chance of rescuing the captain.

"Okay, just as you said. However, you are 30 meters away from us. You must let go of our captain, otherwise our army will open fire. If you can keep your promise, I, Ishibashi Xinyi, swear on the honor of the Imperial Army to let you Your Excellency will not notify the entire army until you are 50 meters away." The Japanese Army Captain said with a solemn look in his eyes.

"Then, I have to bet on this fate just like Mr. Captain." Tang Dao showed a faint smile on his face and nodded. "That's it, it's a deal!"

As the Army Captain turned around and went out, soon, a backpack was picked up by the Army Captain and prepared to throw it from a distance to Tang Dao, who was still standing in the headquarters.

However, Tang Dao shook his head to stop him. Tang Dao, whose hands were not idle, signaled the captain to take them out one by one and show them, and the captain had no choice but to obey.

Until the bag is empty.

The army captain did not play any tricks in the cloth bag.

Tang Dao frowned, but the Japanese captain did not realize what he did wrong.

Tang Dao had to remind: "There are still some on the table, please put them away, Captain! I think your commander will not be able to use them."

"Country bumpkin!" The Japanese army captain could only express his contempt for Tang Dao's behavior of taking bread and taking bread crumbs with him.

How miserable are the Chinese? Fighting on the land of their own country, but still snatching the opponent's map.

The Japanese army captain's contempt is really right. Compared with Japan, which has been on China's attention for more than ten years or even decades ago, the Chinese government is really not as good as the Japanese in map drawing.

Not to mention important towns like Songhu and rich places like Jiangnan, even dense forests and high mountains like Wangwu and Taihang, Japanese spies can clearly record a stream there.

The maps of the 67th Army and the 43rd Army are far inferior to the precision of the Japanese army's combat map.

Even Tang Dao saw the map of Nanjing in his backpack.

How can we not lose when we are so deliberate against the muddleheaded?

However, China will not lose if we keep fighting and fighting.

Tang Dao carried the thin Japanese colonel out of the command center and walked towards the battlefield under the gaze of more than 20 astonished Japanese soldiers.

But this time, the thin Japanese colonel became his shield. His limp body was held in front of Tang Dao's chest, and he tried his best to hide his body behind the shield.

Facing more than 20 elite Japanese soldiers, even Tang Dao did not dare to expose his vitals easily. If he was shot in the head by a precise shooter, Tang Dao could not guarantee that he could still use the Japanese colonel as a scapegoat.

The more than 20 Japanese soldiers who suddenly encountered such a big change were indeed elite. After a brief commotion, they aimed their rifles at Tang Dao from the various fortifications around the command center.

Tang Dao got goose bumps all over his body.

His intuition told him that he was being targeted by more than 20 guns.

This was truly dancing on the edge of a knife, and he could be shot into a honeycomb at any time.

Fortunately, he still had an important hostage.

Slowly retreating to about 20 meters away from the Japanese soldiers who were staring at him, the moonlight in the sky was surprisingly bright, enough to clearly place Tang Dao's figure in the Japanese army's field of vision.

But the Japanese captain was still worried, and regardless of the risk, he fired a flare, illuminating the area around Tang Dao.

The original houses in this area had long been destroyed by the Japanese heavy artillery, and then they were ravaged by the Japanese 75 mountain artillery and 105 howitzer. Basically, there were only some broken walls left. It was okay to crawl in them to hide from bullets, but it was only a beautiful imagination to hide from grenades.

Moreover, at this distance, there was no need for a grenade launcher at all. Just throwing a wave of grenades could blow anyone who dared to hide into pieces.

The Japanese captain was not worried at all that Tang Dao could kill the hostages here and escape.

What he was worried about was that the distance of 30 meters after ten meters was too long.

But he could only gamble, betting that the opponent didn't want to die.

But Tang Dao never played by the rules.

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