Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 35: What a ‘hot-blooded’ young man

Chapter 35 What a ‘hot-blooded’ young man

However, Leng Feng is not a newcomer to the battlefield.

After discovering that Niu Er seemed to be just firing five shots in a rhythmic manner, Tang Dao, the platoon leader and instructor, didn't seem to care at all, so he turned five shots into ten shots even if it was a bit shameless.

 He quickly checked to see if he had any misunderstandings.

 Fortunately, he had a four-fold telescope. After careful observation, he finally found Niu Er's target, a Japanese invader hiding behind a low wall.

Niu Er’s five shots seemed to have little accuracy, but in fact they all hit the Japanese soldier hiding behind the low wall.

So, do you want to force him out?

 Leng Feng couldn't help but feel a little funny.

  New recruits are afraid of cannons, while veterans are afraid of guns. If it were him, if he felt that he was being targeted by a cold gunman, he would definitely rather be killed by a cannonball than be beaten to death without showing his head.

If Niu Er continues this strategy, even if he is given fifty bullets, let alone the last five bullets, there is probably nothing he can do against the target he is targeting.

 Sure enough, the recruit, who was breathing a little heavily due to nervousness, paused for ten seconds before firing again.

But this time, he gave up his previous target and shot at another Japanese soldier hiding behind a rough stone pillar.

 The stone pillars are strong enough to withstand shrapnel and bullets, but they are not thick enough to completely cover an adult.

 It is clearly visible in the four-fold telescope that the Japanese soldier's feet and very little part of his body are exposed.

It's just that it's all in vain. From a distance of 350 meters, you can't even see the stone pillars clearly with the naked eye, let alone the little exposed human torso.

 Being able to hit a stone pillar is already extremely accurate.

Niu Er's first shot was at least three or four meters away from the pillar, but it was rare. It was much stronger than he expected, at least it didn't deviate too far.

“Li Jiujin, you are a master of cold guns. Come on, come on, let’s see if you can kill that guy?” Leng Feng handed the binoculars to the veteran Youzi who was lying next to him and looking over there intently.

  The veteran Youzi picked up the telescope and carefully held the perforated baffle in front of the telescope, causing everyone to burst into laughter. This guy is famous for being afraid of death, and he learned this life-saving job faster than anyone else.

"Why are you laughing? Have you forgotten what the commander just said? If you want to kill the enemy, you must first learn to protect yourself to the maximum extent." Veteran Youzi glanced at his laughing colleagues with disdain, and spoke plausibly.

“Think about it carefully, have I killed more Japanese than you who are not afraid of death?”

There is quite a kind of pride that what I did before turned out to be in line with the ideals of military strategists.

The laughing soldiers were embarrassed to realize that it seemed that there were really few people with higher military merits than this veteran who liked to hide and play cold shots.

  Could it be that dawdling in the past was just a low-key way of being a veteran?

 This can’t be done! When this guy gets paid, he either goes to eat and drink or goes to a brothel to find an old lover. The word "low-key" cannot be applied to anyone else!

When everyone looked at each other in shock, veteran Youzi looked into the distance with pride and found the pillar Leng Feng mentioned and the Japanese army behind it.

He stared for a while, then shook his head helplessly, "If it were closer than 70 or 80 meters, I might be able to kill him, but now, it's impossible, unless I install a telescope on my rifle."

"Okay! As long as you have this confidence, when you are free, I will modify this telescope and put one on each of you and Niu Er's guns." Tang Dao, who was smoking leisurely, smiled slightly.

I almost believed this pretender. Leng Feng on the side couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

 What about teasing others? Even in the 88th Division, there are not many of these high-end four-power telescopes imported from Germany. One battalion can only have two. They were specially approved by the division headquarters before leaving. I heard that one was transferred from the 523rd Regiment. You, with your red lips and white teeth, dismantled this telescope with just one opening of your mouth. Do you believe that the battalion commander can eat you alive?

Leng Feng didn't believe it, but veteran Youzi believed it. He returned the telescope to Leng Feng with a smile and answered Tang Dao's words, "Sir, I'll be waiting. With this thing helping me aim, I can kill him at this distance." Several devils."

 “Have a good time!” Tang Dao shook his head. "With this, there is no record of sniper kills above 500 meters, so you'd better just sit back and shoot your cold guns!"

"Huh?" Leng Feng, who ignored Tang Dao and Veteran Youzi's nonsense and looked at the target again, was slightly startled. A cloud of smoke rose from the stone pillar, which was obviously caused by Niu Er's hit.

This is just a coincidence! Leng Feng muttered secretly. If he had hit it with aim, Niu Er would have become one of the sharpshooters of the first battalion with just one shot.

 Then, Leng Feng’s gaze froze, and smoke rose from the stone pillars again.

Niu Er’s third shot hit the stone pillar again.

 Shoot again, hit again.

The Japanese army behind the stone pillar tried to shrink back. Leng Feng could already imagine the despair of the Japanese army behind the stone pillar. If he could hit the stone pillar, he would naturally be able to hit him, right? If Niu Er was to shoot like this one after another, sooner or later, he would hit his exposed body.

 The Japanese army was desperate, but Leng Feng knew that he had won the bet after all.

Niu Er only had the last bullet. No matter how accurate he was, he could hit the Japanese soldier with the last shot. He could only wound but not kill the Japanese soldier.

At this moment, the Japanese infantry artillery began to counterattack.

The direct-firing 92 infantry cannon fired completely flatly, and several rounds of fire exploded more than 30 meters in front of the warehouse building.

All the soldiers in the fighting positions in front of the warehouse involuntarily shrank their bodies behind the fortifications. Many even left the sandbag fortifications piled up by the windows and hid behind the walls under the loud orders of the squad platoon leaders.

Everyone knows that this is just a test firing of the 92 infantry gun. Soon, the Japanese army will calibrate the coordinates and pour the shells onto the warehouse building.

A 0.6-meter-thick concrete wall may be able to block the bombardment of a 70-caliber direct-fire cannon, but the sandbag fortifications that can block heavy machine gun bullets cannot. During the two-month war, their heavy machine gun fortifications were somehow overwhelmed by such small, flat ballistics. How much caliber artillery was destroyed.

 Although the wall area is larger, there is still a certain probability of hitting the window, right?

 It is not a battle between two armies now, so there is no need to stay at the window.

As the infantry artillery fire began to bloom on the building, heart-rending hand-cranked sirens also sounded on the battlefield. The Japanese army began to retreat one by one under the cover of their own artillery.

“Platoon Leader Tang, why don’t we evacuate first and save our bet for next time.” Leng Feng glanced at Niu Er who was still lying on the fighting position and suggested.

"It is important to live, but as a soldier, how can you hide when enemy fire comes? When two armies confront each other, the brave one wins!" Tang Dao unexpectedly shook his head and said something that seemed contradictory to before.

 Leng Feng’s eyes shone slightly.

 Contradiction? It seems contradictory to understand it from the literal meaning, but when you think about it carefully, you find that the two can be combined into one. Preserving yourself and not being afraid of sacrifice are both for victory. It depends on how you make the choice based on the battle situation.

Niu Er’s gun rang out.

 Leng Feng raised the telescope in his hand again.

Stay dumbfounded!

 He lost.

 In the field of vision of the telescope, a Japanese soldier was struggling painfully in a pool of blood, and was struggling to climb toward a stone pillar less than four meters away from him.

 It seems that the stone pillar can give him enough shelter.

But obviously, there is already a stone pillar that the Japanese army is hiding, and we cannot hide another one. What's more, the Japanese army who has been hit in the back obviously has a short life, just from the long blood mark left behind him. see.

That was definitely a passionate young man. Otherwise, how would the blood flow so surgingly?

 (End of this chapter)

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