Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 37: Unprecedented troops

Chapter 37: Unprecedented Situation

The one who was hit by Niu Er was not the Japanese soldier behind the stone pillar, but the Japanese sergeant who he gave up.

 Yes, from the beginning to the end, Niu Er’s goal has not changed.

What made Leng Feng almost sluggish was not how accurate the recruit's marksmanship was. From the fact that he could hit a stone pillar 350 meters away, he already knew where Tang Dao's confidence came from.

That was a talented shooter, but he had not overcome the psychological barrier before, and his cowardly performance covered up his brilliance.

Now, a recruit who personally killed the Japanese invaders has been discovered by Tang Dao. As long as he survives this battle, he will definitely grow into an excellent marksman in the future.

To be honest, Leng Feng even wished he had lost at that moment. He did not want to dampen the enthusiasm of this talented recruit because of a bet.

As a soldier-turned-officer, Leng Feng knew very well what the most important quality of a soldier was. It was not talent, but perseverance, but that was not something innate.

Just like making a knife, the material of the blade is important, but more importantly, it must be tempered in the fire and beaten countless times on the iron plate to make a fast and good knife.

 The battlefield is the fire and the iron plate, and the soldiers are the iron materials.

 He was afraid that the nerves of the new recruits were not that strong yet. They had just overcome the fear of the battlefield and were defeated by setbacks.

 However, the new recruit Niu Er really gave him a big scare.

  The recruit is like a hunting wolf, tolerant enough and even cunning.

Leng Feng now understands that the recruit who used five rounds of bullets to continuously shoot around the Japanese sergeant was actually telling the Japanese sergeant how much he wanted to kill him, but unfortunately he was unable to do so.

 Then he changed the target very wisely and shot another Japanese soldier who exposed a small part of his body. That at least had a certain possibility.

 All this shows that this is a cold-blooded gunman who is eager to achieve success.

 But this is all just a cover-up.

 Everything he had done before was just waiting, waiting for the previously ‘abandoned’ target to relax its vigilance.

Finally, when the Japanese artillery unleashed its power, the Japanese infantry also sounded the siren to signal a retreat. The Japanese sergeant watched his own artillery explode around the building in the distance, and estimated that the Chinese cold-blooded gunman was just staring at him even if he did not dodge. companion.

 Finally, he jumped out of his bunker at the fastest speed in his life.

With his skillful technical and tactical movements and strong body, it only takes 2 seconds to get back into another bunker. Repeat this and run out to 50 meters away. You can basically guarantee safety. No one can hit 400 meters away. Moving objects, that kind of super marksman are extremely rare in the Imperial Japanese Army, let alone the Chinese who they look down upon?

 Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​the Japanese military sergeant. Not only is his mind well-organized, but his body is also strong and agile enough. If he were to run back 400 meters away, there would never be more than two people who could snipe him in the Sixings Warehouse.

However, the only thing he didn't expect was that the cold gunman who was born as an Orion never gave up on him from the beginning. Even if the fire from the infantry cannon continued to explode on the thick wall of the Sixing Warehouse, Niu Er's hand kept Very stable.

The recruits who have shot down cunning and ferocious wild wolves with shotguns may not know much about tactics, but the recruits know that if they want to shoot the cunning wolf, they must be more cunning than it, otherwise, the wolf's fangs will Tear open your neck, and the claws will dig into your chest.

 All his bullets, whether they were deflected or hit the bunker, were actually just tests. He was waiting for his prey to lose vigilance.

Sure enough, when he had the opportunity, the Japanese artillery began to counterattack and the infantry began to retreat.

 His target also appeared.

The Japanese sergeant is very strong. He can roll forward four to five meters, and it may take less than 1.5 seconds to roll into the next bunker.

 Unfortunately, he is not as fast as bullets. More importantly, the shooting position chosen by the recruit is the route he must pass.

As soon as the shit-yellow figure flashed out, Niu Er swung the muzzle of his gun slightly and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

  The bullet with a muzzle velocity of 800 meters covered a distance of 350 meters in just 0.4 seconds and accurately hit the Japanese sergeant in the back. The bullet hole was actually not big, but no one knew that the specially modified warhead quickly flipped and deformed, creating a large hole in the Japanese sergeant's broad and strong back muscles, and a large amount of blood spurted out in an instant.

 This is also the real reason why Leng Feng lamented that the Japanese military sergeant was a passionate young man.

 At that moment, Leng Feng simply admired Tang Dao.

No wonder he would personally coach this new recruit who was called a coward before last night. It turns out that this is really a big piece of diamond.

 That sinister man’s thoughts are more popular than his shooting skills. He doesn’t even have to wait until the war, the battle in the warehouse, the new recruits can make the Japanese cry.

Leng Feng, who wanted to understand, looked at the recruit who had just fired the last shot and had not yet had time to leave the fighting position. He looked at him as if he were looking at gold.

Even though he is not in his platoon, he is still a soldier in the same company, right? Deputy Company Commander Leng's situation is not that small.

If Niu Er saw the way the lieutenant commander looked at him, he would probably flinch. The man looked at the man with such hot eyes, there was no surprise, just horror.

"Is the fight over?" Tang Dao seemed to already know the result. He raised his head and glanced into the distance, and asked lazily.

“Yes, sir, the fight is over, I’ll kill him.” Niu Er held the gun and retreated into the bunker. His face, which was darkened by gunpowder smoke, was flushed, showing his excitement.

 Obviously, killing the target with all his heart is by no means an easy task for him. Naturally, it also gives him a great sense of accomplishment.

"Hey! Is this the end of the fight? I mean, waiter! You disappoint me so much." Tang Dao sighed, with a look of disgust on his face.

This means that there is no such thing as pretense in this era. Otherwise, the big-headed soldiers who had just cast a look of admiration at the recruit Danzi would definitely put the label of pretentious dealer on Second Lieutenant Tang's head.

 Really, you can really pretend.

Ten bullets killed a Japanese veteran 350 meters away. What else do you want? Is it possible to use cold guns to keep the Japanese team that was retreating like crazy? Then you are not disappointed?

 Leng Feng was also dumbfounded. Was it because he didn't admit defeat immediately? You must have chilled me on purpose!

"The so-called bet is just an encouragement from the commander. The battlefield is the battlefield, so what can't be completed? The battle is not over yet, you should pick up your gun and kill all the enemies you can kill."

Tang Dao's face turned cold and he pointed into the distance. "Aren't the Japanese soldiers behind the stone pillar still waiting for a chance to escape? Why, why don't you kill him now and keep him for the New Year?"

 “That guy is so afraid of death that he keeps hiding behind the pillars.” Niu Er’s face turned even redder.

The Japanese soldier hiding behind the stone pillar was a different kind of person, especially since the Japanese military sergeant was shot dead a few meters in front of him. He refused to retreat and huddled behind the stone pillar motionless.

 With his current shooting level, there is really nothing he can do.

Unless you use mortars to bombard the other side to force out the frightened Japanese army, but that is obviously too wasteful.

"Is there nothing you can do if you don't come out?" Tang Dao snorted coldly, "Where did your patience go?"

“Remember, water has no shape, and soldiers have no shape.” Tang Dao said as he asked Niu Er for the gun in his hand.

Then, he took out a dark thing from his side and carefully tied it tightly with a bandage.

 I’m sorry! Leng Feng almost spit out his blood.

 If he read it correctly, it seems to be something like that!

 (End of this chapter)

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