Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 387 The battle will not stop until the enemy is dead!

The huge horse head of the ‘big guy’ could no longer be raised proudly.

Although its strong body blocked its brothers, its will could not be turned into steel, and its flesh and blood body could not stop the crazy flying bullets.

More than a dozen bullets left more than a dozen holes as big as baby fists on the strong horse body, and also swept the most deadly chest and abdomen of the human body.

Almost without struggling, the old soldier lost all his vitality and lay in a pool of blood with his beloved partner.

The vitality of the ‘big guy’ was obviously more tenacious. It had not died yet, but it was no longer able to move its once vigorous and powerful body.

The sinful bullet broke its once strong and powerful back. It could only helplessly twist its long horse neck to bring its huge horse head closer, and then fell on its human partner who had been with it day and night.

It smelled the familiar smell of smoke and the strong smell of death.

The temperature was rapidly disappearing on its partner's body.

So, it chose to put its head on its partner, hoping to save him with its own body temperature.

Just like the dark night full of wind and snow, a man and a horse slept in each other's arms, warming each other with their body temperature.

This is exactly what Lv Sanjiang saw when he rushed there on his horse.

He stood there blankly, watching the old soldier brother who took him away from his hometown lying quietly in a large pool of blood, watching his brother's "big guy" put the horse's head on his bloody chest, watching his companion trying to use his head to save his companion...

Tan Tai Mingyue, Niu Er and Yang Xiaoshan also arrived.

However, the three of them stopped twenty meters in front of the sculpture of a man standing still.

The soldier standing blankly with his head down exuded a strong sadness, although he did not even make a sound of grief.

The horse that was anxiously circling around the bloody warhorse neighed to the sky, that was the cry of losing its companion.

The horse lying on the ground was not dead yet, but it did not struggle at all, just put the huge horse head on the chest of the quiet soldier, and blood foam spurted out of its mouth and nose, blending with the blood on the soldier's chest and flowing into the earth.

Yang Xiaoshan and Niu Er silently took off their helmets and bowed their heads to salute the unknown cavalryman and warhorse!

This was not the most heroic soldier they had ever seen. In the meat grinder of Songhu, there was never a lack of bravery. There were warriors who rushed towards the Japanese tanks with grenades wrapped around them, and there were also soldiers who pulled the fuse of the grenades even though they were surrounded by several Japanese soldiers and vowed not to surrender. But they were sure that this was the most fearless combination they had ever seen.

One man and one horse, facing a galloping fighter plane, still bravely chose to become the shield of their comrades, even if they were heading for death, they still did not leave!

Perhaps, it was because he found that his partner's body was still getting colder, and finally realized that he could no longer give him warmth in the ice and snow like before. Big tears rolled down the huge eyes of the bay horse, and the horse's head was slightly raised. The horse's mane stained with blood fluttered in the wind, and it neighed shrilly!

That was its farewell to its partner!

But why did it look at the soldier standing still with deep pleading in its eyes?

Yes, the meticulous Tan Tai Ming Yue was sure that it was begging.

"Is it begging him to save its companion? But doesn't he want to? If he can, perhaps, he would rather exchange his life for it!"

Tan Tai Ming Yue wrote this in his private diary.

Yes, Tan Tai Ming Yue did not write this scene in his battlefield diary that could be published publicly.

It's not that it needs to be kept secret, but Tan Tai Ming Yue doesn't want these words to appear in the eyes of the young cavalryman who lowered his head and looked a little hunched. That would hurt him again.

Perhaps he didn't want his comrades to become heroes.

Watching his comrades take the crazy bullets of the Japanese planes for him is cruel in itself.

But what's even more cruel is that the horse is still begging him, begging him to make an extremely cruel decision.

Yes, when the soldier drew out the lance from the holster, approached the horse somewhat woodenly, knelt down and reached out to touch the horse's head and trembled to point the lance at the horse's head, Tan Tai Ming Yue finally understood what the horse was begging for.

It wanted to die with dignity, it wanted to accompany its companions earlier!

The brave Mongolian warhorse not only dared to accompany its comrades when death came, but also dared to accept death calmly.

"No!" Tan Tai Ming Yue cried out in shock.

Even though she knew that the horse could not be saved anyway, it was really strong enough to hold on until now.

The blood on the ground was shocking.

"Bang!" The soldier fired.

His gunmanship was extremely accurate. With just one shot, the horse's huge head fell heavily and snuggled with its comrades again.

This time, man and horse will never be separated again.

The cavalryman who fired the gun knelt in front of the remains of a man and a horse, looking up at the sky!

Tears rolled down Lv Sanjiang's dusty face, from his lips, from his ears...

But, still silent.

"How heart-wrenching is it to kill a seriously injured and dying comrade with your own hands? I have no way of knowing. Even if the grieving cavalryman was kneeling there, I would not be able to empathize with him.

But I know that his heart was in great pain. Otherwise, if his close comrades were wailing and licking his face, he would be like a clay sculpture!

He kept looking up at the sky. Fighter planes roared in the sky, and the sound of machine guns broke through the sky, but I knew that he just didn't want us to see his face, even though it was already raining heavily!"

With the sound of horse hooves, more than 30 cavalrymen arrived one after another. Like Tan Tai Ming Yue, they looked at the scene in front of them. No one stepped forward, pulled the reins, and stood still on their horses.

Until the kneeling Lv Sanjiang picked up the fallen veteran, staggered to his feet, and walked into the woods with the veteran's body in his arms.

No one helped, no one followed, everyone just stood there quietly, watching him walk slowly forward.

Following behind him, only his horse, which was full of sorrow in its eyes and no longer neighed.

"Salute!" A broken roar came from the cavalrymen.


The cavalrymen drew out their sabers!

The sharp sabers stood upright on everyone's chest.

The salute of the cavalrymen!

"Fight!" Another roar came from the cavalrymen!

The sabers were raised, the sharp blades facing the sky, like a forest!

"Fight!" The roars of more than 30 cavalrymen shook the sky.

"Huier!" The warhorse felt the mood of its comrades on its back and neighed loudly!

At that moment, even the thunder in the sky was blocked!

That was the cavalry's farewell to their comrades, and also the promise they made to them.

The Chinese cavalry will fight until the last moment of this war.

The enemy is not dead, the war will not stop!

"Fight!" At that moment, Tan Tai Mingyue felt like a torch that was suddenly lit, and she couldn't help but raise the Browning in her hand and roared like the cavalry.

"Fight!" The two most outstanding recruits of the Fourth Battalion standing beside her also raised their rifles high.

"Fight!" In the distant woods, the infantry raised their guns and responded loudly.

"Fight!" The response of the Chinese soldiers resounded throughout the wilderness.

The blood of the Chinese soldiers on the ground was boiling, and the fierce battle in the sky continued.

From the overall number of Japanese planes shot down and damaged, China had the upper hand. At the beginning, the ground firepower network killed 4 Japanese planes, and Le Yiqing killed another one with unexpected tactics. The Japanese side was destined to suffer heavy losses from the beginning.

But when the 10V13 air battle entered the stalemate stage, the Chinese Air Force fell into a disadvantage.

The six flight trainees who had not yet graduated learned from their predecessors' bravery, but air combat was not only based on bravery.

The control of the fighter and the performance of the fighter itself are the main factors that determine whether the air battle is won.

At an altitude of nearly 3,000 meters, the fighter that was severely damaged and accelerated away finally disintegrated completely in the air just as the two chasing Japanese planes thought.

One of the other two was shot down directly, and the plane and the pilot turned into bright fireworks in the sky. Only one was left with thick smoke and was chased by several Japanese planes in the sky. It was only a matter of time before it was shot down.

At an altitude of 1,500 meters, although Le Yiqing joined in and attacked 7V6, it did not have an overwhelming advantage.

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