Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 395 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey?

"As a soldier, you must obey military orders!"

"You know the consequences of disobeying orders during wartime."

Tang Dao looked at the young sergeant with tears on his face, his face full of frost.

"Yes! I know, as long as I don't eat the big guy, I am willing to accept all military punishments!" Lu Sanjiang stood up with his neck stubborn.

The baggage soldiers and cavalrymen on the side were shocked.

Of course they knew the consequences of disobeying orders during wartime, especially when Tang Dao, the highest commander, said so, the consequences...

As the highest cavalry commander present, Gong Shaoxun, all the cavalrymen naturally looked at him for help, hoping that he would stand up and plead for his comrades who disobeyed orders.

The sweat on the forehead of the cavalry major fell down.

He had fought with Tang Dao for a day, but apart from knowing that this deputy director Tang never followed the rules in combat, was cunning and decisive, he knew basically nothing about his personality.

Not knowing, this is the most fatal thing.

He couldn't tell whether Tang Dao was sincere or false in his intention to attack the elite cavalry who disobeyed orders.

Gong Shaoxun had already joined the ranks of mid-level officers, so he would naturally look at things differently from his group of soldiers.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the army is no exception.

Except for the Four-line Camp and the Guard Camp, which were the direct descendants of Deputy Director Tang, the rest of the advance group basically came from the direct subordinates of the military headquarters and the division headquarters. The troops named elite naturally had the arrogance of elite troops. How could they easily obey an outsider like Tang Dao?

It was easy to say in wartime. If everyone didn't work together, they would not survive, and Tang Dao's military orders would naturally be unimpeded.

But what if there was no war?

This time, Lu Sanjiang disobeyed orders to guard the remains of the "big guy". Wasn't it because of this psychological factor?

The warhorse was my comrade-in-arms of the cavalry. Who dared to eat my comrade-in-arms? The military order of the highest commander was not allowed.

As the highest commander, would Tang Dao use the cavalry, the most elite and fiercest unit in the army, as a pretext to kill the chicken and scare the monkey?

If so, he might have stood out and said something that would have played into the hands of Deputy Director Tang, who was standing in the middle of the field and looked cold.

After all, Lv Sanjiang was just a small sergeant, and he, the cavalry major, was more important.

It must be said that this cavalry major was a talent. He thought so much in a short moment, but he saw through some unspoken rules in the officialdom.

However, there were some things that he had to do even if he saw them clearly and thought clearly.

In addition to his cavalry, the Chinese soldiers present also had a group of baggage soldiers.

The second lieutenant who led the baggage soldiers looked at the cavalry major with a look of pleading, which was no less than that of the cavalry.

Lv Sanjiang, the cavalry, was a comrade-in-arms of the baggage soldiers, so there was naturally some affection, but more importantly, the baggage soldiers did not want to offend the cavalry.

As the most flexible and mobile unit among the infantry, the cavalry may be the first to rescue the baggage soldiers if they are unlucky enough to die.

If the supreme commander orders the cavalry sergeants who disobey the order to be executed on the spot, the cavalry may not be able to do anything to the supreme commander, but there is nothing wrong with transferring their anger to the baggage soldiers. There is no need to disobey the military order, just a little slower, that is something no one can do.

Therefore, from the heart, the baggage soldiers want to save this stupid cavalryman no less than the cavalry.

Facing his subordinates and a group of baggage soldiers who don't want to be blamed, of course, more importantly, they don't want to lose the elite sergeants who have just grown up. Even if the cavalry major has thought through the key, he has to bite the bullet and stand up.

"Pah!" The cavalry major stood at attention and saluted.

"Sir, Lu Sanjiang made two military achievements in the Songjiang battle. One was to lure the enemy deep into our territory, which enabled our cavalry to completely wipe out a Japanese cavalry squadron and kill its major squadron leader; the other was to kill an important Japanese officer during reconnaissance, but because the Japanese kept it secret, his rank and position are still unknown. I hope you will spare him this time for his continuous military achievements."

"Oh? From what Captain Gong said, he wants to offset his merits and demerits?" Tang Dao looked at the cavalry major who stood in front of him with a gritted scalp, with a blank expression on his face. "If his military exploits are not enough, will you, Captain Gong, still bring up today's battle? After all, the cavalry battalion made a great sacrifice for the entire advance regiment today. It should be enough to exchange this merit for the life of a small sergeant."

"Report to the commander, Gong Shaoxun has no intention of being proud of his merits. I just ask the commander to allow him to make new merits while at the same time as this bastard Lu Sanjiang was once a hero who killed bandits. Even if he died on the battlefield fighting against Japan, it would be better than dying under our own guns." After being told by Tang Dao, the cavalry major's face was covered with sweat, but he could only hold on to the end.

"Oh? Really? Captain Gong means that if anyone disobeys military orders in the future, as long as he was once a hero, I should let him make merits while at the same time as a hero and go to the front line to fight against the Japanese invaders?" Tang Dao's mouth curled slightly, and his eyes were sharp, but much deeper. "But for example, in the current situation of our army, where is not the front line?"

Damn, I was fooled.

The sweating cavalry major suddenly understood what Tang Dao had just said after being glanced at by Tang Dao's deep eyes.

Tang Dao was just as he thought. A small sergeant was not enough for him to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys. He, the major of the cavalry battalion of the special forces regiment directly under the military headquarters, was more important.

No wonder Deputy Director Tang stood there with a stern face and didn't give any orders! He was waiting for him, the cavalry battalion commander, to fall into the trap!

Perhaps even if he didn't take the initiative to jump out, there would be others who would plead for Lv Sanjiang, and that bastard would definitely not die.

But the cavalry major who had thought it through knew that Tang Dao, who had already planned all this, didn't worry that he wouldn't jump out, even if he had already figured it out.

The reason was very simple. They were his soldiers. If he didn't protect them, he might have no friends to "play" with him in the future. It was almost a naked conspiracy.

No wonder the Japanese were repeatedly defeated by him. In addition to his bravery in combat and tenacity, his scheming was something few people could match!

The bitter cavalry major could only salute again: "I, Gong Shaoxun, would like to assure you, Commander Tang, on behalf of the cavalry battalion that the cavalry battalion will absolutely obey orders in the future and will not make similar mistakes as today. Also, Lv Sanjiang is a soldier of my cavalry battalion. He committed the serious crime of disobeying military orders, and it was also because I, the battalion commander, Gong Shaoxun, did not rule strictly. I will take all his responsibilities for him. I also ask the commander to punish him. No matter what kind of punishment, I, Gong Shaoxun, will accept it and will never blame the commander."

'Good guy! When he knew he was tricked and accepted that he was about to be the chicken, he still played a trick to calm down. 'Looking at the tears in the eyes of the cavalrymen who were moved by their battalion commander's move to take responsibility for the soldiers, Tang Dao knew that this was also a small counterattack from the cavalry major in front of him in the pit he dug.

The old army is not like the future Chinese soldiers. It is normal for the superiors to rely on the blood of the soldiers and drive the soldiers to charge into battle. However, it is rare for the superiors to take responsibility for the soldiers with their own brains and future. It would be strange if the cavalrymen were not moved and cried.

Of course, it is more to prove that his brain is good enough and he knows Tang Dao's thoughts. Just don't kill the chicken too hard, but don't really chop off the head.

This is a smart man!

A smile flashed in Tang Dao's eyes.

"Very good! A cavalry battalion commander took the initiative to accept the punishment for his soldiers. This made me see the spirit of unity between the officers and soldiers of the cavalry battalion, and I was deeply touched! If my Chinese army has this temperament, how can the Japanese pirates not be destroyed?" Tang Dao nodded and praised.

"Well, seeing that you, Captain Gong, are so hard to take responsibility for your subordinates, I will make an exception! I will not enforce battlefield military law." Tang Dao glanced at Gong Shaoxun and cast his eyes on the other soldiers standing upright. "But, the death penalty can be exempted, but the living crime cannot be escaped!"

The faces of the soldiers who had just relaxed tightened again.

"Lv Sanjiang, twenty horse whips, are you convinced?"

"Yes!" Lv Sanjiang bowed his head obediently.

He was not stupid. The battalion commander had tried so hard to plead for him. If he was still stubborn, he would be sorry for him.

"But big guy..." Lv Sanjiang, who expressed his acceptance, could not let go of the warhorse that had died in the battle.

Tang Dao seemed to have heard nothing and turned to look at Gong Shaoxun, "As a direct superior, you did not manage your soldiers well. Ten horse whips, are you convinced, battalion commander Gong?"

"Yes!" Gong Shaoxun untied his belt and took off his military uniform, revealing his sturdy upper body.

He was relieved at this moment. Deputy Director Tang was quite measured in killing chickens. Although twenty horse whips and ten horse whips were cruel enough, they would not kill people, nor would they be injured so badly that they could not participate in the battle.

However, the shrewd cavalry major still misjudged Tang Dao after all.

Tang Dao wanted to kill a chicken to scare the monkey, to rectify military discipline before another war, so that his military orders could be enforced in this temporary unit.

However, the rank of cavalry major was not enough.

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