Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 400 Unaware

A little bit of arrogance makes you a ‘stink’!

Then, the eyes of the Japanese Army Major General who was watching the battle in the trench 400 meters away from the river bank were dazzled by the sudden machine gun fire.

Ushijima Mitsuru was stunned for at least ten seconds.

He didn’t understand why an abandoned army was equipped with such terrible heavy firepower.

At the crossing point in front of him alone, the Chinese had deployed at least 6 machine guns and 6 heavy machine guns.

If the two armies hiding in the trenches were shooting at each other, these machine guns and heavy machine guns would naturally not be considered so fierce. Even if they were charging, the infantrymen facing such flames could lie down on the spot and wait for the artillery behind to clear their exposed firepower points.

But now, for the unlucky people who were almost fixed targets on the river surface, whose wooden boats and kayaks would never move more than half a meter per second, these flying bullets were a disaster.

A 20mm machine gun bullet as thick as a cigar would make a hole in a steel plate, not to mention a wooden boat or kayak.

As long as the hit is made, the boat board will be penetrated. The sandbags at the bow can provide a certain degree of defense, but it cannot prevent the hull from being penetrated from below.

The shells that penetrated the hull and broke into the wooden boats and kayaks set off a bloody storm. The ferocious metal bullets often penetrated one person and jumped into another human body until they were stuck by the hard human bones.

The blood splashing scenes visible to the naked eye were displayed one by one on the river surface with the creepy "boom boom boom" of the machine gun.

The river surface was dyed red.

The Japanese infantry shouted at the top of their lungs and jumped off the boat that could not bring them a sense of security and entered the water.

But that undoubtedly aggravated their death.

The six heavy machine guns were not aimed at the wooden boats floating on the river, but at the water surface.

Just like the Japanese heavy machine guns, they used covering shooting and relied on probability. The Japanese soldiers hiding in the water had no choice but to rely on the blessing of Amaterasu.

What's worse is that, under such a blow, the Japanese troops on the river did not receive the signal to retreat. Due to the strict military law, they could only move forward.

And in front of them, there was a wide water surface of more than 100 meters. If they wanted to walk over with guns raised...

I'm afraid it would not be done in two minutes.

Two minutes was enough for a heavy machine gun that kept firing long bursts to pour out a thousand rounds of bullets.

And what they had to face were six heavy machine guns and six machine guns attacking from small boats.

The Japanese infantry guns and mountain guns that were ready for battle did not fail to make efforts to bombard the Chinese firepower points in the distance.

But the tragedy was that the Chinese firepower points were covered by trees and bushes, and were more than a thousand meters away from the artillery observers on the river bank.

What's worse is that at the beginning of the battle, the Chinese ignited countless piles of wet tree trunks. Looking around, there was thick smoke everywhere, which completely merged the smoke produced by machine guns and heavy machine guns, and they had no way to accurately locate them.

In the dense forest on the hills where they couldn't see the exact location, every machine gun and heavy machine gun was tightly surrounded by soldiers with sandbags and felled trees. The double-layer fortifications with a height of 1.7 meters might not be able to withstand the air waves of heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 100, but as long as they were not hit head-on, the 75mm caliber 41-type mountain cannon and the 70mm caliber infantry cannon could not pose much threat to it.

Tang Dao had already calculated the scale of the Japanese army's firepower. Under the equipment of non-mechanical troops, it was strong enough for the infantry to run so fast. If the artillery still ran so fast, then this battle would have been impossible to fight. How could it have held on until now?

The heaviest firepower that the Japanese army could invest in the early stage was only the 41-type mountain cannon.

Tang Dao's judgment was correct.

Not only was the caliber of the Japanese artillery small, but also because the number of artillery was limited, there was still an extremely long distance from the firepower coverage.

This kind of artillery bombardment, which could only rely on experience to judge the direction and fire a few times, naturally did not have much effect.

The Japanese soldiers at the crossing point in front of Ushijima Man were struggling to move forward in the rain of bullets, but the eyes of the Japanese Army Major General were cold, and the corners of his mouth were pursed coldly, looking at the other side of the river without saying a word.

Although the Chinese firepower at this crossing point was fierce, he still had a glimmer of luck. Maybe it was just that this crossing point was unlucky, and the Chinese just happened to concentrate all their heavy firepower here?

A minute later, his luck was shattered by the telegrams from the other three crossing points.

Almost every crossing point encountered terrible machine guns and heavy machine guns, and the infantry guns and heavy machine guns responsible for fire cover did not give the opponent enough blows.

The Chinese commander was really too cruel.

The horrified Ushijima Man finally determined at this moment that what he was facing was probably not an infantry regiment or an infantry brigade, but possibly a Chinese infantry division. Otherwise, why would they be equipped with so many 20mm machine guns that made him a little envious?

Just abandon an infantry division! The Chinese commander's courage made Ushijima Matsuto admire him.

The machine gun that Ushijima Matsuto wanted was actually in demand by the Japanese Army.

However, since this type of artillery is mainly used for air defense or flat shooting at armored targets, the Chinese have few planes and tanks.

So, the old bastards in the General Staff Department slapped their foreheads and said, what is the point of that? Is it a waste of the empire's precious resources? The machine gun disappeared from the Japanese Army's budget just like the submachine gun.

It was not until a year later that the Japanese Army was equipped with the Type 89 machine guns, because they suffered heavy losses from the machine guns imported by the Chinese in several major battles.

Now, the only weapon that the Japanese battalion-level troops can show off is the 70mm infantry gun. Although this thing is an excellent offensive weapon, it is good for fortifications and fixed targets, but it is far inferior to the machine gun in killing infantry.

Tang Dao concentrated all 21 machine guns under his command and fired wildly at the Japanese infantry who tried to cross the river in the water.

In just one minute, more than 60% of the ships were destroyed. Although the casualties were not large, the bullet holes left on the human body were close to the size of a bowl, and even half of the human body was directly torn apart. The terrible scene was enough to make the Japanese infantry who witnessed it all have nightmares for half a month.

Compared with machine guns, the power of heavy machine guns is smaller, but as long as they can kill people, it is enough.

On land, a bullet may not be enough to kill, but in water, if you can't keep your balance, you will die.

Because of panic, healthy people who can swim may drown, not to mention the wounded who have lost their ability to move.

Ushijima Mitsuru, who thought he had seen through the enemy's strength, finally ordered a retreat.

Not to mention the blows suffered in the river, if his four infantry squadrons rushed over, they would also be delivering food to the Chinese who had enough troops.

In the past, Ushijima Mitsuru still had the confidence that four infantry squadrons could withstand the attack of a Chinese infantry brigade for one hour, but after the battle of Songjiang, this confidence gradually disappeared.

However, I'm afraid that Ushijima Mitsuru himself has not realized this mentality.

Or even if he realizes it, the Japanese Army Major General will instinctively refuse to admit it!

But for the Japanese army at this moment, whether retreating or advancing, they have to cross a wide water surface of more than 100 meters.

Slowly moving, without cover, they can only allow machine guns and machine guns to slaughter.

Less than a quarter of the four infantry squadrons were able to return to the shore.

Nearly 600 Japanese soldiers died in Suzhou River.

After spending 600 men to finally know the approximate strength of the opponent, Ushijima Man completely stopped, stopped probing, and quietly waited for the main force to arrive.

The Japanese Army Major General was not frustrated by the defeat, but his ambition became stronger. He did not need a heavy artillery brigade, and only three artillery regiments could let the Chinese light infantry division know what firepower coverage was.

At that time, he would lead the army across the river and kill the Chinese light infantry who had completely lost their heavy firepower in the mountains and forests.

However, he did not see that after seeing the Japanese army being beaten up and becoming honest, Zhuang Shisan in the woods quickly got up and said, "Brothers, go help the brothers in the fire support company move things, retreat! Also, pay attention to me, don't let the devils on the opposite side find out."

Therefore, not only did Ushijima Man not have an infantry division as he imagined, but half an hour later, there was not even a hair of a Chinese infantryman along the river bank.

From the beginning, Tang Dao had never thought of fighting the Japanese to death on the river bank. Although he had the elite 67th and 43th armies under his command, they were only cannon fodder in front of the terrible heavy artillery.

At that time, all the heavy firepower was mobilized to attack the Japanese army, but it was just a feint to scare them.

If the Japanese army was scared, he would run away.

The advance group was not to stop the Japanese Tenth Army, but to delay time as much as possible until the night came.

Of course, that was also because Ushijima Mitsuru preconceived that the main force of the Songjiang defenders had crossed the Suzhou River and wanted to escape from the pursuit. The Suzhou River bank was the best blocking position.

However, the generals of the Japanese Tenth Army did not know that the target they were chasing was in the hills on the south bank of the Suzhou River, only ten kilometers away from them.

The advancing Japanese 18th Division and the heavy artillery brigade it protected were only five kilometers away from the mountain at the closest time.

Almost as long as the artillery was set up on the spot, the 20,000 people could be buried.

Unfortunately, Lieutenant General Yanagawa Heisuke's wrong intuition made them miss it.

They are now just an angry bull led by the Tang sword.

But they don't know it yet.

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