Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 408: Darkness before my eyes (Double monthly tickets at the beginning of the month, please s

The Japanese infantryman who rushed to the front had already stepped one step in front of the trench where the Tang Dao was.

Of course, not to kill the enemy but to entangle the enemy, so as to pave the way for the comrades behind to kill the opponent, may be the greatest wish of this brave Japanese infantryman.

Before that, he should have been prepared to die under the bullet.

Under the light of the flare, the strong and powerful Japanese infantryman's eyes were wide open, his facial muscles were tense, and he opened his mouth to roar "Kill"! The Type 38 rifle with a bayonet in his hand stretched forward very forcefully.

There was fear of facing death, and there was enough courage to meet the enemy. The contradictory but not complicated emotions were reflected on the face of this Japanese corporal.

But there is no doubt that the Japanese infantry who are prepared to face death are absolutely brave.

So, Amaterasu fulfilled the wish of the brave Japanese corporal.

He died.

But it was not shot to death as he imagined.

In other words, not only the dead who were there in person, but also the extremely brutal scene exceeded the imagination of everyone who could see it.

Even ‘Heizi’ was a little distracted at that moment and stopped shooting.

The Japanese corporal holding the rifle tightly was killed by a cannon, the Type 82 mortar of the Chinese army.

However, he did not die from the shells, but from the cannon itself.

Have you ever seen a man wielding a one-meter-long and seventy-kilogram mortar tube like a toothpick and using a thick base as a weapon?

Nearly a hundred people from the Chinese and Japanese armies saw it at this moment.

In the field of vision, the tall ‘straw man’ was holding the big guy and slapping it. The Japanese corporal, who was obviously a little stiff due to excessive shock, only had time to swing the gun head, and the whole broken Type 38 rifle and the whole person were slapped to the ground by the large ‘fly swatter’.

As for his ending, his heels can give people the answer.

The body may not be broken, but the head must be broken.

Facing such a ferocious beast, the Japanese infantrymen who rushed over were almost standing up.

Of course, they were not scared, and they also tried their best to fight their own resistance.

However, the stabbing technique that the Japanese Army is famous for is just a joke in front of this Chinese straw man who is beyond human imagination.

For the extremely fierce and vicious stabbing, he only needs to use the base to block, and the high-quality steel Type 38 bayonet will bend. Another smash will kill the sturdy human body.

There are only two actions back and forth, "block" and "smash", the actions are too concise, but the efficiency of killing is extremely high.

Guns block guns and guns break, people block people and people die, absolute power causes absolute death.

The Japanese army is not stupid, they are not here to engage in hand-to-hand combat to prove the bravery of the Imperial Army, they are here to kill people.

Without worrying about whether they will accidentally hurt their companions, the Japanese infantrymen following behind all opened fire.

Unfortunately, the Chinese who carried the heavy "fly swatter" weighing dozens of kilograms are not only strong and powerful, but also extremely flexible. They have a fox-like sense of smell for danger, and always turn around and dodge the moment before the Japanese infantrymen open fire.

Then, he took a few big steps forward and smashed the unlucky guy who was still pulling the bolt to reload the gun into a dwarf.

Tang Dao used facts to tell everyone present that single-shot rifles are best used as long guns at such a close combat distance.

The outcome of the battle was no suspense. The ten Japanese soldiers who rushed up the hill only lasted less than a minute before being killed by Tang Dao, who performed personal heroism to the extreme, in full view of the public.

Only one person was left, who roared and turned around and ran.

"Bang!" The gunshot rang out.

The Japanese infantry who had just run for more than ten meters turned over and fell.

Niu Er fired calmly.

This is a battlefield, not a competition field. His duty is to kill all enemies he can see in his field of vision.

And it was not until this time that the Japanese soldiers more than a hundred meters away woke up from their dreams.

Just as the Japanese Army second lieutenant who stood in the military court later stated in court: "What I want to confess to my comrades is not that I lost the honor of the Imperial Army by choosing to retreat with them, but that when I attacked the terrible enemy position and forced him to choose close hand-to-hand combat, I should have ordered everyone to shoot and bury him and the brave Imperial Infantry together.

Because only in that way can there be the only chance to kill the terrible Chinese."

Yes, if the Japanese Army second lieutenant had the determination to use his brave colleagues as cannon fodder, even if he was as strong as the Tang sword, the chance of retreating unscathed would never exceed 30%.

But unfortunately, the Japanese officers present knew in their hearts that there might be someone who could make such a cruel decision, but it was definitely not this one, including them.

Because, it was 10VS1 after all! Doing so would only throw the honor of the Imperial Japanese Army into the cesspool.

The Japanese army, waking up from a dream, covered the hill with firepower, but before that, the guy who was still "grown" with grass had already disappeared with his big club covered with blood and flesh.

One minute later, a cannon blasted away the three Japanese soldiers who were shouting "Kill the chicken!" the loudest.

I can kill people by swatting them or by blowing them up. The large "fly swatter" has proven its versatility.

As the highest commander, the Japanese Army second lieutenant had long stopped shouting slogans. He wisely gave this honor to another senior sergeant who was still alive. Then, the one who had just been promoted was blown away.

As the last rays of the flare fell, the Japanese infantrymen hiding in the bushes never launched a decent attack again.

They were not rescued until the reinforcements arrived half an hour later, feeling something was wrong.

Yes, an entire infantry squadron was pinned to the ground and beaten by a few Chinese who took advantage of the terrain. This was the biggest original sin of Lieutenant Lai Wei, who was sent to the military court when he returned home.

And if his uncle and the commander of the 13th Infantry Brigade, Major General Sakai Tokutaro, were not classmates, I believe he would not have waited to stand on the bench and died in this wasteland.

A 180-man infantry squadron chasing a Chinese, but 67 people were killed and 46 were injured. This incredible result is said to have made Major General Ushijima Mitsuru stand there for several minutes, which was more shocking than hearing that his confidant, the colonel of the army, was sniped and killed.

And this was because of the arrival of reinforcements.

If it weren't for the reinforcements, I'm afraid the number of casualties would have increased by another 20% on this basis.

The enemy, however, was only a few people.

The so-called "not much harm, but extremely insulting" is what it means!

After this battle, Lieutenant Lai Wei Qingquan, the highest commander of the infantry squadron, was sent to a military court and sentenced to five years in prison for command errors. The other two sergeants who were temporarily promoted to squad leaders were not punished for their deaths in battle, nor were they rewarded for their deaths in battle. They were still sergeants even after their death. All the others were ordered to retire from active service.

The major captain of the infantry battalion to which he belonged was also implicated. After the Battle of Nanjing, he retired with the rank of major. Sano Torata, who died in an attack, did not enjoy the treatment of a posthumous promotion.

A battle that could not be any smaller has always involved the punishment of an army colonel-level officer, which is extremely rare in the history of the Japanese army.

In fact, after the battlefield survey during the day, the conclusion that the number of Chinese participating in the battle would never exceed one squad made the Tenth Army and even the entire North China Expeditionary Force lose face. This was the result of the major captain who was responsible for surveying the battlefield and making up the numbers.

He also counted the cavalry who stayed hundreds of meters away.

Yes, before the reinforcements arrived, several Chinese who participated in the ambush of the infantry squadron carried their equipment, left the shells all over the ground and ran away on their horses.

The Japanese brave infantrymen who were trapped in the grass and were discouraged by the attack, with only 70 or 80 people left, did not make any decent tactical response. They were like a group of quails frightened by an eagle, hiding in the grass and shivering.

When did the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Japanese Army fall to this point? This is just one of the reasons why Lieutenant General Yanagawa Heisuke was almost sent away.

The morning of November 12 was sunny.

Adjusting his mood, Lieutenant General Yanagawa Heisuke, who rode his warhorse across the Suzhou River on the floating bridge built by the engineers overnight, received a report from the naval reconnaissance plane.

The Japanese Army Lieutenant General suddenly blacked out...

PS: Double monthly tickets for the first three days of the month! Brothers, don't be stingy, move your little hands and vote for Fengyue with a guaranteed monthly ticket! If there is a reward, it is naturally better. From 8pm to 12am, a reward of 1,500 book coins is 4 monthly tickets! If you reward 10,000 book coins, it is 24 tickets. Fengyue still wants it very much. Please support it. How can I rank it in the top six in military? It is only the tenth now.

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